Rumor Mill

TLK News
This page is for any user of the TLK WWW Archive to post what they've heard about Simba's Pride (the sequel to TLK) or anything else that's happening in the Lion King universe. Make sure to post only info you are sure is correct, and read all existing info before adding your own. Remember, this page will be around to read over after the sequel comes out!
Simba's Pride Multimedia Section

Post your own info

Posted Rumors:


Location: Hiding beneath a rock in hopes someone will find her

Toys R Us? Now where could that be in my town? Oh yes I remember, the distribution center's down the street! Ha!

Got a question for some who has the songs: Who wrote Upendi and the others? I know the score was Nick Glennie-Smith (Hans Zimmer's pal) but I'd like to know who wrote the songs?

Saturday, September 12, Hans Zimmer turned 41. Since some idiot deleted my email card so I never got to send it, I decided to send Hans an email from myself. I put down (Happy Brithday from all of us at the Lion King WWW Archive ) I put down the web address. I hope he likes it.

Emmys suck. I didn't watch them and besides one month ago the LA Times had the winners so it wasn't anything new.

And so that's all I have.

"Timmy, you're hiding something!"
"I tell you Adina, it's all true! Timon just wants to rule the colony! He wants to dethrone you!"
Adina swung her fist and hit Timmy.
"Liar! I swear Timmy! You're no longer a part of our colony!"
"But Adina!!!"
"Leave you no account pondo pygmy!"
Timmy ran away crying.

Later on that evening:
"Timon, whatever happened to your great spunk and jokes?"
"I don't feel like it anymore Pumbaa."
"Timon, you can't say that! You're my best friend! C'mon Timon, don't let this get you down."
"Oh just go away! I don't want to see you again Pumbaa!! You stink and I hate you!! I've hated you from the first day I met you! Just go away! And never return!
--excerpt from The Courtship of Timon and Pumbaa


PS: The first week of school sucked for me.

Sep 13 - 22:04


Location: Canada

Hi all! Beerit - ya I'm gonna read your fic! Kor's a pretty good name, is Scar gonna be in the fic? And are Nuka and Vitani going to be in it and will they be Kovu's siblings?

Sabrea - Yeah, plushies of Scar and Zira would be to DIE FOR! I don't think they'll make them though, at least not of Scar. *sob*
And could you e-mail me a copy of your story? I really would like to read it.

I always thought Scar was up among the stars with Mufasa, sorta like TCoTPL story. I know that TLK says that only the great kings of the past watch down from the stars, but think about it, where would Sarabi go when she died? I'm sure Mufasa wouldn't want to spend the afterlife with out his wife.(hey that rhimed!)


Sorry about the yelling but I just had to get that out of my system. Add all of the above to the beanie babies of Kovu and Kiara that a friend of mine picked up on her vacation in the States and you have my intire SP collection.
Yeah, I think that should be enough to tie me over till I get to see the movie, especially after hearing about the book. =P

That's all the venting I have to do today, bye!

Sep 13 - 20:52

Kara again


Tootles- could you post the lyrics to Upendi or any of the new songs? I don't think anyone would mind, I mean you don't have to, but if you could I would apprieciate it! I WISH I COULD HAVE SEEN THAT PREVIEW!!! I changed the channel for ONE minute and my brother rushes up telling me it came on, now he's rubbing it in. Oh well, that's all.
Kara (We Are One)
Quote: Oh no, look at us! Look at what we have become!-Brak
Sigh, Brak's right. We're acting as grouchy as we do on that other show.-Space Ghost

Sep 13 - 19:40

Headphoned hooked and jamming!

Dam! My TV's busted! I had no idea the emmies were on! Well, I'm in Vermont, are you guys in that time zone??? I'm out of it, but I'm listening to me SP tape right now! On Upendi!

Sep 13 - 19:30

Little old for SP, but doesn't give a dam what other's think! :)

Yaya! I got the soundtrack to SP!!!!! I wanted it on CD, but I dam don't care! I love it! Sorry for those who can't find it. I wish I had a scanner so I can scan in the lyrics, but I don't so well.

The DS has some new stuff:

-A Simba & Kiara plush set from Mattel (surprise, surprise, it looks just like the old Mattel Mufasa & Simba set . . .).
-A sticker set with Simba, Kiara, Kovu, ZIRA (!), Nala, and some others from the movie.
-I finally saw that little treasure keeper thing. Kinda ugly if you ask me!
-Some other Applause stuff, but I had no money! :(
So I'll have to go next weekend.

Kiara, We Are One! Kovu, We Are One!
Zira, You Have Bad Breath!

Sep 13 - 19:26



I heard about that commercial from my parents, I am taping the remainder of the Emmies... ::drooldrool::

Sep 13 - 19:26


Location: Philadelphia

NEW PREVIEW ALERT!!! It was on NBC right now during the Emmy awards. It was basically a combination of all the others but it had several new scenes. One was where Timon was on Pumbaa's back holding his tail up and saying "Don't anyone move...this thing is loaded". They showed a short snip where Simba is standing on a cliff (Pride Rock?) and shouting Kiara's name. The last thing I can remember is just scenes of adult Kiara, adult Kovu, and Timon and Pumbaa running together, and Kovu yelling "This is great!"
Man, I hope it's on again. I was so excited about seeing it I can't even remember what was on it any more. Darn. Oh well, it was worth seeing it that once.
Argh! I can't wait for the video any longer!

Sep 13 - 19:25



Hey guys, my brother, Steven just saw a Simba's Pride preview on the Emmy Awards. Unfortunetly I was watching a different channel. He says it had all new pictures. Simba yells on Pride Rock:Kiara!
It had Kovu running, Zira was with him. He says they had Nuka and Vitani, he thinks. I WANT TO SEE IT!!!!! Timon and Pumbaa were also there, yelling something. Well, that's it, hope you guys saw it!
Kara + Steven (We Are One)
Quote: Guest-How are you?
No, the question is, how are you?-Space Ghost

Sep 13 - 19:24

Blue Lion


Checked on the Cd & it just dawned on me like a big idiot that someone already said it was coming out the 29th (can't remmeber who) duh..

Just gotta say about the Kovu and Nuka thing, is it just me or through the whole Mouse works book doesn't Kovu look so arrogant? I hate the looks he's giving everyone like a self absorbed brat! Sorry, but that's what I think

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 13 - 18:54

Blue Lion


Now we have THREE Nuka-holics! cool... I never thought about the dam being natural, for some reason I assumed they meant the lions built it.

I went to my local Toys R Us and they didn't have the soundtrack.. (and I almost wretched at all the !@$%&*# Telletubbies crap there! I hate those stupid things!)I'm going to check, as if i don't already have enough of an account there.. I just bought a bunch of PoE books (pre-ordered actually) and got a lot of my Egyptology books there..

When he was a young man, he never thought he'd see
People satnd in line just to see the boy king
(should be 'lion' king!!????)

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 13 - 18:48



Nothing new, just thought i'd mention my fan fic that i mentioned before.

Like i said, it's the story of how Scar survived the heyena attack and ran from the pride lands. I have 6 new charactors, including Sabrea, [myself], and Askia and Akaiza [who you might know from the chat room]. e mail me if you're intersted in the story.


Sep 13 - 18:38

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

Big Timon, we already know that!!!! READ ALL EXISTING INFO BEFORE ADDING YOUR OWN! And please from now on, indicate a head of time if there will be a plot spoiler in your post because there are some people who want to be surprised for when the movie comes out. Okay, I'm done with my lecture, so welcome to Rumor Mill!

I went to the Disney Store today, and the same person who scanned in my SP book at the cash register was there and she scanned in my stuff! and I bought the coloring set with the markers and stickers (the one where Kiara and Kovu's colors are all wrong) and I love it! Can anyone tell me if there is more merchandise that has to do with coloring at the DS?

Sep 13 - 18:18

Location: MD

I went to my Disney store & they HAD THE BIG HARDCOVER BOOK ON SIMBA'S pride! I how the whole plot now! I know everything, except the songs but here it goes:Nuka(I don't like him, he looks dumb with the frizzy mane.), Vintani(I love her bangs!), & Kovu are the kids of Zira, but THEY ARE NOT RELATED TO SCAR! Scar has named Kovu his pride & Zira makes sure that he will marry Kiara & he wil be the king. Instead they become friends & Simba clearly understands the threat. When they grow up, Kiara is on her first solo hunt & they bad guys make fire & it seems that Kovu rescued her so Simba has to let her join the pride. But Kovu desides that he doesn't want to be bad & Zira & the evil lionesses attack , but Zira messes up & hangs over a cliff & Kiara rescues her & they live happily ever after! That's all I know!

Sep 13 - 17:39

Location: MD

I went to my Disney store & they HAD THE BIG HARDCOVER BOOK ON SIMBA'S pride! I how the whole plot now! I know everything, except the songs but here it goes:
Nuka(I don't like him, he looks dumb with the frizzy mane.), Vintani(I love her bangs!), & Kovu are the kids of Zira, but THEY ARE NOT RELATED TO SCAR! Scar has named Kovu his pride & Zira makes sure that he will marry Kiara & he wil be the king. Instead they become friends & Simba clearly understands the threat. When they grow up, Kiara is on her first solo hunt & they bad guys make fire & it seems that Kovu rescued her so Simba has to let her join the pride. But Kovu desides that he doesn't want to be bad & Zira & the evil lionesses attack , but Zira messes up & hangs over a cliff & Kiara rescues her & they live happily ever after! That's all I know!

Sep 13 - 17:38

Location: MD

I went to my Disney store & they HAD THE BIG HARDCOVER BOOK ON SIMBA'S pride! I how the whole plot now! I know everything, except the songs but here it goes:
Nuka(I don't like him, he looks dumb with the frizzy mane.), Vintani(I love her bangs!), & Kovu are the kids of Zira, but THEY ARE NOT RELATED TO SCAR! Scar has named Kovu his pride & Zira makes sure that he will marry Kiara & he wil be the king. Instead they become friends & Simba clearly understands the threat. When they grow up, Kiara is on her first solo hunt & they bad guys make fire & it seems that Kovu rescued her so Simba has to let her join the pride. But Kovu desides that he doesn't want to be bad & Zira & the evil lionesses attack , but Zira messes up & hangs over a cliff & Kiara rescues her & they live happily ever after! That's all I know!

Sep 13 - 17:38



one more thing, dont base info on what people at the disney store say! this summer i went and i asked one of the ladies working there(she had to be in her early 20's) if they still had these aladdin stickers sets, i needed to get a pack for my cousin. the lady looked at me strange and goes "whos aladdin?" i was beyond mad! how can you not know who aladdin!!! its only like one of the best disney movies ever!(not including the sequels) this isnt the first or last time stuff like that has happened. i dont know who works at other peoples disney stores, but just because they work there doesnt mean they know anything about disney.!

Sep 13 - 16:12




thanx alexander! i relized that today after leah emailed me the sotry of his death. i havent read most of the posts so i just peiced together what had happened

"nuka did something bad, kovu killed him, or the got in some fight, and zira hit kovu for it"

see, this is how confused i get!!!! thats really all i know about the story line. i emailed disney about the list of songs for the SP soundtrack and what characters sing each song. there probubly sick of me cause i email them all the time about the soundtrack:P its not my fault they have to be difficult!!!!

Sep 13 - 16:07


Location: pride lands

Haven't been here in 3 days and, jeez..., did i have a lot of catching up to do. If Kovu, Nuka, and Vitani aren't Scar's children, why are the people at my disney store still saying so? OK, i've gotten very confused [what a suprise].

So, where are you people finding that Scar makes some kind of apperence in SP? I like to think he didn'd die in the end of TLK. Wern't the heyenas kinda beat up from the fight? Look at the possibilities. He was never shown dead, only shadows of heyenas jumping on him. I wrote a whole fan fic about him surviving, and running away cause he thought Simba would kill him [he was hurt by the heyenas in the story, and could easily be killed at this point]. i'd hate to think that all that wrighting is going to waste.

I don't have this story anywhere that you could read it, it's still in a notebook and is a real fixer-upper at this point.

Uh... I don't think Nuka is growing on me, at least not the way Scar did [Scar is my favorite charactor, of corse]. I havent found any of the SP story books, yet, and haven't seen a lot of pics of Nuka yet either. I like Vitani and Zira though. Yes, and Kovu, Kiara, Simba........ect.

I'm going to the disney store soon, and I think everyone is really getting to know me there. I'm gonna buy everything SP that they have and ask about Nuka and Vitani.

I would like to see plushies of Scar and Zira too. I'd buy them in an instant. Even little plushies of Kovu, Nuka and Vitani to go with them. THAT would be SO cool!!!

*spills a Coke in excitement, thinking about when SP comes out*


Sep 13 - 14:59


E-mail: Nuka311

kay, Toys R Us also has the Simba's Pride Readalong story book thingiee....ya know, the tape tells the story, you turn the page of the lil book.....

and the SP soundtrack IS available at Toys R Us, at least at the Toys R Us on east Colonial Drive in Orlando, Fl ::sheepish grin::

I do not remember all the songs offhand, just a few...Upendi, He Lives In You, My Lullaby, We Are One, Outcast <----(i THINK that was the name...)

By the way, because i recall that we had this discussion on the Mill months ago, Cam Clarke DOES in fact sing for Simba, not Matthew Broderick. And Vitani and Nuka have singing parts in My Lullaby as well.

quote inspired by Raksha's name : "the mancub is MINE Lungri, mine to me! He shall hunt with the pack and eat with the pack...and when he comes of age, I swear he shall hunt YOU" or something like that...been a long time since i have seen Mowgli's Brothers :-)

Sep 13 - 14:53



Oh, 2 more things...
1. The title "The Grasslands sob" is from last time.
This scene's title will be... *thinking*
"All over again"
and 2. I loved Kovu's pics SOOOO much, that I have decided that after I finish this fic I'll start a whole new one about Kor!
Kor is basiclly Scar's son, and he IS Kovu, they look the smae and talk the smae and stuff, only he's named Kor and his life are totally differant from Kovu's...
Not much of a Kovu, but whatever... (:

See ya.....

Sep 13 - 14:19



Brian, I'm sorry about that blooper before...
You'd think that a person with a site like mine's would know HTML by now... (;

Mouse, I see you're gonna read my fic for sure... *S*
No, I'm not gonna give ya the tiniest of hints... (Which is very unlike me).
The surprise will be ENORMOUS! No one will guess it, no one! Hehe...
Wow... Those adult Kovu pics are amazing... *mesmerized*
He's... he's... Beautiful...
He's almost as handsome... as SIMBA! That's REALLY handsome!!
That book is da-bomb! Everyone looks great! And the plot rules...
*still looking at Kovu* But they really hit the jackpot with Kovu...
This book made me TWICE the Kovu fan as I used to be!
I'm gonna make a "Books" section now! The button will have Kovu's image, in
his honor... (:

I think if Simba really said something about Scar being lost in his life or in his
destiny or whatever, then that probebly means that in SP Scar will be a good
guy, who chose the wrong path. And Zira will start telling great things about him too...
I suppose he'll be in SP, in a flashback, and if Simba's dream will happen,
there too. Yes, I'm pretty sure he'll be there, one way or another.

Scar comes down from the stars and tells Zira she must make up with Simba,
and they ALL (Even Zira) live happily ever after.
Mufasa and Scar look down at the two prides and smile like idiots.

Zinou, that lady in the store sounded really weird.
Did you try to ask her something that she CAN'T reply with a "Cool" and see what happenes? (:<

Nuka dies thing: I think it'll be a pretty high point in SP when Nuka dies. Kinda like
Mufasa's death, everything will change! I want to see that movie SOOO bad!
If they skip Israel in the release I'll surely die!!!

I didn't see any scar on Kovu in any of the scanns!!! Wh is this so?!

Raksha, my fic WILL be posted about a week from now...
I'll put up a link in the mill...

Kichebo, waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait, SOUNDTRACK?! *fainting*
Aww, I landed on my nose... *rubbing my nose*
A soundtrack?! Millers, do ALL Toys R Us have the same merch world wide?!
PLEASE tell me, we actually HAVE TRU here!!!!

Sorry for all the CAPS in my post, the book and soundtrack really got me fires up!

Me: "Mom, where are my shoes?"
Mom: "Arizona?"

"...Tumai and Makara were laughing and giggling. Tumai pinned her down for the fifth time today.
"You just GOTTA teach me how to do that!" She smiled.
"If I will, you promise to always let me win?" Tumai joked.
"NO!" Tumai charged at her again, and pinned her once more. "Pinned ya again..."
Makara touched his cheek gently. "I think you bruised yourself..."
Tumai touched his cheek. "Hmm, so I did..."
Makara leaned up and licked his wound.
"That tickles!" Tumai squirmed.

- The Grasslands sob

To The K Lands

Sep 13 - 14:12

Pridelands Rebel
Location: Rafiki's Tree
E-mail: Just waking up@still

Try they have lotsa music, and a few SP listings, sadly, no pictures. (Havent been there in a few days)
I cant wait to get the soundtrack either.


Sep 13 - 13:29


Location: Phildelphia

Ducky, I'm exactly the same way. I like not knowing what's going to happen next when I watch a movie for the first time, so I'm careful about reading what's been posted about the plot.

As for the soundtrack, all I know is that the release date is sometime during the last week of September. I think it's the 29th. I don't think the songs from it are listed anywhere on the web. Guess we just have to wait. It's a shame, but that's life.

Sep 13 - 11:59



Ducky, Kovu doesn't kill Nuka-----(SPOILER--IF YOU DON'T ALREADY KNOW, DON'T READ): Nuka is crushed by logs as he is chasing after Simba.

I have been wondering just how the lions start a fire? I'm guessing maybe that since the Outlanders live in a desolate place, maybe they are aware of brushfires.

Then again----these are cartoon characters, and the lions in The Lion King sometimes move their front paws as if they were hands.

Sep 13 - 11:58



hI ALL, this is my 1st day on the net since like phone's messing up. I'm getting Dr. Martins tomorrow probably!! Yay!! Gotta go, bye..

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 13 - 11:54



im soooooooo angry!! ive looked everywhere on the net to find out sutff about the soundtrack and i havent found one thing!!! if anone knows anythig, could you email me please so i get outa this deppression? thank you

Sep 13 - 11:41



does anyone know how confused i am? i try not to read much anymore cause im afriad of the story being spoiled, but im so confused i dont care!! ok, what i do know is nuka dies from kovu killing him and zira gets pissed and scratched him and gives him a scar. that sux. other than that and some miner knowledge to the rest of it, im in the dust. like krazy kats asked and id like to ask too, please post a warning for spoils cause id like to be surprised myself! the only thing i must know is about the soundtrack! ill die if i dont hear stuff about it soon!

Sep 13 - 10:31

3rd Nukaholic???

You know, I am writing a fan fic soon that will be out this January about Nuka, and how he's really alive! I've missed a lot since yesterday! The SP soudtrx is out?? What's the title??

Sep 13 - 09:13

Krazy Kat

Location: Here.

Hi all,
I noticed none of you missed me. =P

Anyway, I tried not to read everyone's posts because they were mostly MouseWorks spoilers...can I suggest something? When our post contains a spoiler could you put "WARNING: SPOILER" or something? We do this on TLK-L and it helps a lot. =) Oh, I know this is an SP Rumor Mill, but some of us don't want the story spoiled. I come here because I like talking to y'all, yer so nice. =) And I also come here to see any news on merchandise, etc.

Yeesh, I accidentally read a spoiler about

Nuka dying!

ergh, after I read it I nearly went ballistic and started ranting, "I can't believe it! I read a spoiler! Noooooo!!"
"Carissa, what are you doing in there?"
"It's Krazy Kat, mom...And I'm just ripping all my hair out."
"Oh, well, don't pull too much, dear, it's not good for your roots."

Well, Aaaaaaaanyway,
I started my Mailing List, OK, so I've only got seven people but I guess it's a start. ;-)

I rented Kiki's Delivery Service, I thought it was really good! Yee, I'm getting ready to tape it now. =) Phil Hartman is great as Jiji the cat. ;-)

About the preview on kiki, the little bit of new footage we see looks all right, except the part where Timon says, "Scar? Scar..heck of a guy--a little moody..." the animation looks weird to me, a little blurry or muttled..I dunno. Ah well...

OK, enuff from me.,,
~Krazy Kat~
I'm not a "Simba's Pride" fan, I've not even seen the movie.

Sep 13 - 08:01


Location: Ngorongoro, with a lamp, reading my SP Book. :)

I got my SP book! HOOOOOOOORAY!
Its much better than that crappy ol' goldenbook.
But they did make a few mistakes.

On the page where Zira is carrying Kovu away form Kiara and Simba, her nick is on her right ear again. But, the next time we see her ( and all the times before) its on her left one.

Kovu has his Scar, in the ambush scene, BEFORE Nuka gets killed and Zira gives it to him.

They never colored Timon's face right!

In the scene where Simba's growling at Zira ( and you can see a lioness, supposed-to-be Nala, approching in the background) Nala's colored like Sarabi. ( Darker fur, and reddish eyes.)

Thats all I found. I'm not complaining or anything -- what I see was great!
( excpet the point about the fire .. I'll bet that they try to smash rocks together.)
The dam was probably naturally there. That happens.

And, get this:
Y'know, if you look at the TLK Mouseworks book,
and then at TLK -- see how bland that the book makes TLk seem at times? ( They only highlight the main points and nothing else?) Well, that SP book looked so EXCITING in itself -- imagine what the MOVIE IS LIKE!!!! :D

Oh, here's my report:
Toys R Us had a little talking bank with Kiara and Simba.
Disnet store had all the same stuff, excpet that they had put it all nice and neat in a spot. :)
( Instead of crammed all over the store in different nooks.)
Y'know, the Disney Store employee ( a woman )
was into SP! Listen to what she said:

I walked in, went to the book section on the right wall, and saw the SP Book. *drool* I ran over and grabbed it, lest my siblings start to drool at other items, of which they could not get. ;p
I went to the counter, really excited, and plopped the book on the counter. My mother paid the lady for it, and the lady said:
" Hey! The Simba's Pride Book. Cool, yeah, y'know, this just came out. You need to get the video!"
My mom: " We alreday have. The little voucher."
Lady: " Oh -- cool! Y'know, I havent read this book, because I dont want to spoil the surprise -- like, .. like, IS Kovu Scar's son? I'm gunna be surprised."
I didnt say anything , just shoved my book in the bag as my sister started to bawl.
Me: " Y'know, we have a discussion group on the Internet, all about this... s'pretty cool. We've been waiting for this book, for, like, months."
Lady: "!"
( I was gunna give her the address, just for fun, but my mom called me and we had to go..)
And that was that.

Thats -- about all I can say. :)
****Busa Netscape and Chuki MSIE!****
" .. hmm, I'm not quite sure. Does she look dead to you?" -- Zinou, ATMuck, looking crazily at her dead daughter. ( Zinou on ATMuck's prone to lapses from sanity.)

Sep 13 - 06:27

in Africa
Location: In my cave.

(ouch)One problem.MY DAD WONT TAKE ME TO GIT THE BOOK RIGHT NOW AND PROBABLY WONT FOR A MONTH!( throught)I wanna se all the pretty pictures and read the story.The pic's on this site's sp page were nice but i crave more pictures!About Nuka's bad hair day-maby simba rippes all his hair out(joking).Nuka is kinda cute tough.Is their a new preview out?I believe the theory of Scar and some other lion going "uh,oo" with zira.Where did the frames go?they were here the other day.I always have the frames on.
now I'll bug dad to take me to the DS.
Oh i just rememberd.One of the malls in GA just got a new ds!I think it is South Point mall,but i aint shur.
*Walks to a sleeping lion with a thin ,Simba style mane*WAKE UP DAD!DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD DAD!*pauses for a moment to see results.No progres*DDAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDD!*still,no progres.Gose back to computer*Now i wont be able to roar for a week.Bye bye

Sep 13 - 05:59

Pridelands Rebel
Location: Rafiki's Tree
E-mail: (getting ready to be beaten with a stick so she will go to sleep)

Good night, Pridelands! Its midnight here, and Im going to try to go to sleep. Spending the night in Rafiki's tree.......

*Rafiki slams his stick down over Shazi's head*
"Sleep well, Shazi" rafiki laughs, then goes off to the jungle.

Sep 12 - 21:58

Bule Lion
2nd Nuka-holic?

FINALLY got my copy of the mouseworks book. It was Better than the goldenbooks one, I'm not as dissapounted anymore.. although it still dosen't explain how lions can start fires ar build dams...
And what happens to Vitani? she dosen't seem to die or anything, but they don't show her in the end!

I think they should make TLK 3, some ideas maybe:

Years after SP when Kovu is king a rouge lion comes in to take over. Kiara and Kovu have a cub, and if the challenger wins he/she will be killed. Kovu tries to decide waht to do: should he stay with his new pride and risk the battle or leave to save the cub? Maybe they decide to leave together and must raise the cub alone outside the pridelands (pretty weak, but it could be built on)

Maybe Rafiki should be training an apprentice, he'd be getting pretty old by this time.

A rouge lioness enters and comes between Kovu and
Kiara, after they have cubs, and Kiara is forced to face the possibility that she might have made the wrong decision

Also years after SP simba succumbs to weakness or age, and Kiara must come to terms with his slow and impending death. (This ties in with the Rafiki apprentice thing) the new mandrill has to complete his Spirit Quest by helping Kiara face the truth and see that her father will live on in her and her cubs

just some ideas...

havne't put some of my Egyptology stuff online for a long time... Tutankhamun's mother most likely died giving birth to him, scholars believe she was Akhenaton's secondary wife Kiya and that a depiction in Akhenaton's tomb of a woman dying as a royal infant (indicated by a midwife holding a fan over it) is carried away, assumed to be Tutankhamun.

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 12 - 19:57



This is my first time leaving a message in a
Guestbook in quite a while,so all I wanted to
say was that Have'nt you noticed that the villans
always have bigger brains and think alot more
than the good guys?I mean you know when Scar died
his Gruesome death?well he had a backup plan that
would work nomatter what happened and the good guys thought it would all be over.WRONG!!

Sep 12 - 19:11


Location: Philadelphia

Hi everyone. Let me just say that you people post too much. I'm trying to read only bits and pieces of posts so as not to learn TOO much about the movie. I DO want it to be somewhat of a surprise.

Very interesting question, Mouse. I never bothered wondering where Scar might end up. I'd hate to think that he's up in the stars with all the other kings. I'd like to think that his spirit is just out there somewhere, wondering aimlessly as punishment for what he had done during his life. I mean aren't only the "great kings of the past" supposed to be up in the stars? I know that sounds stupid, but hey, that's life.

As for Sarabi, I'll have to go against what Mouse and Raksha say. I personally hope they leave her out of the film. A little something from Simba to Kiara like "your grandparents are watching you from the stars" would be nice just to let everyone know where she is, but an appearance would be too much. At least that's my view on it.

Finally, I MUST have that that new SP book. The pictures look great (not excellent, but great). Even if I don't read the book until after I've seen the video, I still want to be able to say that I own it. And if the soundtrack is out, I think I'll buy that too.

Well, that's it for now. Only 3,808,800 seconds left until October 27 (in the east coast of the US at least).

Sep 12 - 18:56

Kichebo, the very first Nukaholic

Location: away at cheetah college :-(

hey guys, i know its been awhile but here i am....

the SP soundtrack is out at Toys R Us, but only on cassette for some reason (i am not the type to buy something that isnt a CD, so I didnt get it).
Side one is all songs from SP, side 2 is Lebo M songs inspired by TLK/SP. Just thought i would share.

and let's not turn Nuka into a "tragic character" just yet, at least not until we have actually seen the seems we are supposed to laugh at him, not feel pity for him. Just my .02 speculation.

Sep 12 - 18:31

Wolves of the Pridelands (there ain't many of us;)
Location: Swamp, teasing crocodiles. Not wise at all..

Mouse - yeah, where is SCAR supposed to be??! I've often wondered:(

Somebody - can ya pleeze tell us if Sarabi makes any appearance at all in SP, even if she doesn't speak??

Tabi - glad ya liked my lil "Ro-mane" ad. I almost feel like reading it to my writing class and convince them all I'm insane;)..

Leah - I like your theory about maybe Scar being the father after all and him and Zira just thinking it was a differnt lion. I was pondering the same thing today, because it makes me sad that Scar's not the father:( Of course it would also make me sad if Zira cheated on him but oh well...

Hey now I'm confused! It now sounds like Scar and Zira were "just friends" or something (so I guess she wouldn't've been cheating anyhow), but didn't it actually say somewhere that Zira was Scar's mate?? I am soo confused:(
I like to think they loved each other. Probably no one ever loved Scar before, which would explain why he got ideas to go around killing folks...::cry:: "Nooobody loved me..."

Beerit - I think yer fanart section's pretty cool myself. In fact, I have this Vitani pic I think I'll send you:)
Hey, do you actually have any of your fanfic posted somewhere yet?

AOL member - who are you?? Well, there's my adress up there if ya ever want to send me an instant message..whoever you are

Ok I think my finished here for now (heheee, why are my posts getting longer while many people seem to be not posting as often? Perhaps I'm scaring them off?? Hahahahaa..)

Sep 12 - 17:52


Location: Canada

Hi all! Beerit - The character that dies is one from TLK right? Not a fic character, or is it someone from SP? Just trying to narrow down to who it might be. How about a hint, pretty please? *big smile*

About SP, at this point the fact that Kovu, Nuka, and Vitani aren't Scars biological children doesn't really bother me, the story seems pretty good either way.

What I really want to know is where is Scar? What I mean is, is he up among the stars with Mufasa and the rest of his family? We all know that the great Kings of the past look down from the stars but what happens to the bad kings, where do they go? This has been bugging me eversince the end of TLK, after Scar dies.

And does the movie explane, however briefly, what happened to Sarabi or where she is? Do we get to see her even if she doesn't speak?

Stick a fork in me I'm done.

Sep 12 - 16:26



somebody, who are you?! How do you know these stuff?!
How could you see SP if it's still in progress?!
Please, you don't have to tell us who you are or something, just
how you were allowed to watch what Disney already made?!

Kese, is it possible for me to love you more?! *big wet kiss*
Where did ya get the words to ML, and are they the real thing?!
Christian and Jenna and all of you guys:
My fan art section is cool!
I love it cuz it's so big!! (:
You know I'm not the one to brag, but I'm pretty proud of it... (#(:>
serene... I am now at peace...

Tootles, I used to have a Kovu site, but I don't update it no more... ):
shenzi, The Beast Within is a computer game, a quest.
The wolves roam!!!! And the plot is unbelievable!!!
Who can come up with something SOOOO sofusticated?!
I love it! And they keep saying "Vervolves" in an austrien accent,
which rules! (:
If you decide to buy it (please, do...), I have finished it and I can
give you a few pointers... *wink* *nudge*

Mouse, you're entire post was dedicated to my fic... *feeling good*
yes, there are 46 chapters in part one!
I wrote it all summer, and i had a lot of free time on my hands... (:
Ok, 10 more chapters handed to the grammerer. Still wating for a response.
***, please send me an email soon and tell me what you think!
Oh, and I'll bet you $300000000000000000 that you wouldn't guess who dies... (#(:<
Yhea, maybe it's not as bad as I think... But remember, folks, this is my FIRST
fic! It may, and it will probably, suck! *beeing too harsh on myself*
I can't wait to start writing part 2, though I think you might be a little disapointed from the begining...
Hmm, it won't matter, I can't change it...
Raksha, thanks for the tip! I'll try it...
I know what you mean, I can just picture the Rumormillers twitching their noses
as they read my fic and feel sick! *egh* ):>
jicin, can I take that Nuka pic to my site please?

**Sneak preview of a character from LotGL - part two!!**
"Pevu, the lone leopard"

"...The stars didn't shine. Only dark clouds up in the heavens, hiding them from sight.
They were ashamed for caring. They were ashamed of their own sadness.
And what sadness it was, for a star's sadness if the purest of all...
The moon looked fade, and far far away. Out of reach...
His bright colors, who shined above the lion king's head so many nights before, were hidden now.
They will not shine upon the Grasslands tonight."

- The Grasslands sob

"Dad, what's wrong with the sun?"

- Tumai in one of his sweeter moments...

p.s. In my fic, the Pride Lanads are referred to as "The grasslands"...
Go fig... (;

To The K Lands

Sep 12 - 15:54

Crystal (Zazuholic)

Boooooohooooooooo! I've got SO MUCH homework to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! :PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

Anway, here's 10 reasons you might be a ZazuHolic, put together by moi:

1.) You recite a Morning Report to you family at the breakfast table.

2.) You are very, very, very loyal

3.) You strangle the cashier when there is no Zazu merchandise at your local Disney Store

4.) You stand up and cheer when Zazu is the first character to appear in TLK

5.) For Halloween? Zazu of course!

6.) You have never touched turkey, chicken, or other sandwiches made out of cousins of Zazu

7.) You made a HUGE Paper Mache Zazu and hung it on your satelite dish on your roof

8.) You punch someone in the gut when they favor Winnie thePooh over Zazu

9.) You think Zazu should run for president!

10.) You find yoursely speaking Pig-latin often


1-3: Hmmmm . . . you like Zazu, but you think he's just to cool for you! ;)

4-6: You think Zazu's pretty neat, even if he's not you favorite . . .

7-9: You are definetly a fan of Zazu! You might think about renaming you pet cockatoo to Zazu!

10: WOW!!!!! You're as crazy over Zazu as I am! Sorry, there's no help for you, so go ahead and live the good life of a Zazuholic! :)

Well, I guess I don't have much to say about SP right now! :)

Sep 12 - 15:27



There's going to be a Lion King 3: Outlander's Revenge, and it has Warthog Rhapsody on it. Timon and Pumbaa teach their children about Hakuna Matata, and Kiara comes across some long lost Outlanders that hid during the Pride Lands battle between Scar's followers, and have come to fight. The former Outlanders, who months earlier had made peace with the PrideLanders, believe a story about Kiara that says she killed Zira.....

This is only a little joke =). There isn't going to be a Lion King 3: Outlander's revenge, I just felt like typing. I hope you all enjoyed my little rambling...let's hope Disney does make a trilogy to TLK, cause they did that with Alladin and B&tB; three seems like a good number of chapters to end a story in a movie

Sep 12 - 15:04



Okay, I am a person who posts here a lot, and I have aol. If you're an aol person, post your e mail address and I will put you on my buddy list. I am going to reveal my name soon, and keep in mind that I have been posting here for a loong while!

A tip: If you are ever mad at someone or something, give yourself an Instant Message and talk it over with yourself!

Sep 12 - 13:21



I have a story about The Lion King 3! It's called The Lion King 3: The Circle of Life

It tells about what happens where the Lion King 2 left off. It tells about every character, and Nuka shows up, alive and well. He only passed out for a half an hour, and after Zira left, he regained conciousness. It tells about how Kiara and Vitani become the best of friends (like Sarafina and Sarabi) and their plan is that their cubs will be betrothed to each other. About two years post SP, Simba dies, Kiara and Kovu take their place as rulers, and have a cub named Simba, after her dad. Later on, she has two other cubs named after her grandfather, and mother..


Sep 12 - 13:16



Ok, whoever posted the song order for sp, where did you find that out? i dont remember much and its too far back to find!!! and do you know which characters sings them?? please email me the answer, i need to know!!!

i havent seen the book yet cause i havent been to the store, but im gonna wait, i have alot of questions in my mind about it and i know some stuff about the plot but i dont know when it all happens or anything like that, im still gonna be surprised!!!

Sep 12 - 13:10



I have an idea! Maybe Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu are Scar's cubs! Maybe at the time Scar was king, Zira mated with a rougue lion, and then mated with Scar, and then she had Nuka and Vitani, and she and Scar just assumed that they weren't his cubs, but they really were. The same goes with Kovu, and everyone assumed that at the time he was born, Scar wasn't his father, but he really was. Since they all assumed, and Scar believed that he would never sire any cubs, he adopted Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu as his own, never knowing that he was their dad..............

Sep 12 - 13:00


Location: U.K

Raksha - Great ' advert ' !!!!!!
Alexander - Jennefer Lien is on the cartoon of men in black , but if you want to SEE her , she is in the ( Old . Some people say she isn't in it anymore - ) Old seiries of Startrek Voyager as Kes ( Neelix's girlfriend )


( For anyone who wants to know , as well as the Kubieye fanfic I am writing a story about 3 eco-warriors )

Sep 12 - 11:32



Chris - I agree w/ your theory about why Scar chose Kovu over Nuka

Alexander - I don't know if you recall a little conversation on the mill quite some time back, but it stuck out in my mind because it is a big issue to me:) I said would say I was wrong if SP proved me wrong, and according to Somebody..well I was wrong:( I WAS WRONG!!!!
Ok so Scar isn't the father ::cry:: However it is my opinion that the dialogue was put in there just to make clear that they were not related, so that no one could accuse Disney of having cousins marry or anything like that. I doubt they would've bothered if they hadn't been worried about the cousins issue. After all the dialogue does sound a bit forced, like they threw it in close to the end of production or something

But does it say for sure that Scar's isn't Nuka or Vitani's father?

Mouse - I also love that line about Scar:) And Nuka does look a bit like him, or at least he has one of the same expressions, that kinda insane look Scar gets when he says, "stick with me and you'll never go hungry again!"

Ok now I'm leaving, but I'LL BE BACK
"Look - mud!"

Sep 12 - 11:13



Chris, I understand why you've been gone for a while. The Rumor Mill has been getting way off-topic lately.

If you guys want to hear what Jennifer Lien (Vitani) sounds like, she provides a voice on the "Men in Black" animated series on Kid's WB. She voices the woman in black (can't remember her name----I've seen the movie, I just can'r remember her name).

Sep 12 - 10:49

Chris Boyce

Location: Isle of Wight, UK

Hello All,

I've no posted for a while - remember me? All this off-topic triviality isn't my scene I'm afraid :-( never mind, I 'm here again.
Now then, this 'Why did Scar chose Kovu?' thing. I can't see the problem. It's absolutely now that Kovu , Nuka and Vitani are Zira's cubs and *not* Scar's. That said they are his cubs in a sense as he adopted them, they are his stepcubs. Who their father was is anybodies guess, and I think, like Nala's, we'll never know. As they are not Scar's biological offspring (if such a concept can reasonably be applied to a Disney film) there is no clear order of succession. Scar had to chose which of them was to succeed him. Scar, whatever else he may or may not have been, was *not* stupid. Kings need to have some brains, and frankly, from what I've heard that kinda disqualifies Nuka. It's simple - Kovu was intelligent, Nuka was... not, I see Scar had little choice. As far as SP goes, Scar fathered *no* cubs - listen to 'Somebody'... they know the truth :-)
Let's get this straight once and for all. Kovu, Nuka and Vitani are siblings - brothers and sisters, but not all the same age. Zira is their mother; Scar was their *step*father. It look to me as though this was one of the last major script changes, i.e. They were originally going to be Scar's cubs, and were designed that way, but later the script was changed so that Scar became their step father and not their father. Their designs stayed much the same however....


Sep 12 - 10:19


Location: Canada

Hi all! Well it looks like most of us(myself included) were right in saying that Disney would be ambiguous about the whole Kovu being Scars son thing. I like the way they handled it, they don't directly say he's Scars son but they sorta imply it. And I like the idea of Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu being siblings and Scars children.

Raksha - I AM glad that they actually talk about him, I was worried about the same thing. I like it when Simba says, "I'll never understand it, Scar was trapped in a darkness he couldn't escape." And I agree with you, Nuka does start to grow on you. I find he looks a bit like Scar, and Vitani looks like Zira(at least to me).

As for the Zira eye thing, the colorist was probably mistakingly told that Zira's eyes were blue and that's why there's a discrepency with the colors.

By the way, I'm basing all of this on the posts and pictures I saw on the net because there are no Disney stores where I live and so I can't get the book, or any plushies either. AHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

And to whoever mentioned it, a Zira plushy with a matching Scar one would be too cool!

Jicin - That picture was really great! Looked just like the book. I see Nuka is going to be inspirering a lot of fan art. :)

That's all from me for now, bye!

Sep 12 - 10:11

Location: Needing a life...;)

Rakifi: (dark screen, voice over) And now a word from Ro-mane, the proven hair growth formula for lions:

Timon: Hakuna Matata!

Rakifi: (standing in the Pridelands with a picturesque view of Pride Rock behind him) Dat's what you'll be saying when you try Ro-mane, de ONLY hair growth formula for lions proven to work!

Kovu: (struts onscreen with a big, splenderous mane) Hi, Rafiki! (turns to face camera) Believe it or not, I was once afraid to leave my cave because of my mane problem. (cut to a "before" shot of a miserable-looking Kovu with a scraggly mane) Yes, that was me. And look at me now! I have a full head of hair, and a newfound confidence to match! (smiles toothily right into camera) And it's all thanks to RO-MANE. I went to Rafiki and asked...

(Cheesy reinactment, Rafiki's tree on a rainy night)
Kovu: Rafiki, what can I do to grow a full, healthy mane?

Rafiki: Just use Ro-mane! Mufasa and Simba used Ro-mane. (points to his painting of Simba) And you can too!

Kovu: Are you sure it works?

Rafiki: Kovu, would I lie to you? I am de shaman of de Pridelands, of course it works! But you don't have to take my word for it. Try it yourself.

Kovu: (looking at camera) And I did! (smiles at Rafiki) Thanks, Rafiki! (looks back at camera, solemnly) You know, some lions think those cheaper imitations will do the trick

(Shot of Nuka looking frustrated)

Kovu: But they DON'T GROW HAIR. Only Ro-mane is proven to grow a full, healthy, youthful-looking mane. Look at me, you can see the results! So try the only hair growth product endorsed by King Mufasa..

Mufasa's ghost: Remember...

Kovu: ..and you'll see results fast!

(shot of animals cheering at Simba's presentation)

Kovu: (grins at camera. The scene freezes on this frame and an 800 number begins to flash in red letter at the bottom)

Rafiki: (voice over) Call dis number today for a free trial of Ro-mane. You'll also recieve a free copy of de Simba's Pride video if you're one of de first twenty callers. So call dis number at de bottom of your screen now. It may be de best call you ever make.

(fade to black)

Sep 12 - 09:53


Location: U.K
E-mail: You shold know !

Whoops - some of my story got mucked up . I thought it deleted everything after '' Yes - He was handsome ! '' ( When Nuka looks in the pool ) But obviously not - But i thought it deleted so started that little bit again and it has now merged with the two making it look and sound weird - < cringe > Here it is again , .....

One day a handsome teenage lion was walking through the outlands , with his sister . This was Nuka , and his sister Vitani . Then it started to rain . '' Aww man ! '' Vitani moaned . '' I'm going back to our cave to keep dry . I hate being wet , it spoils my good looks ! '' Nuka rolled his eyes . The vanity of some lionesses ! Not like him , he WAS lovely . He strutted past some other lionesses . '' Hiya Nooka !! < kisskiss > '' Those lionesses couldn't get enough of him . Yes , he was soo handsome . He paused at a pool to look at himself . He groomed his mane . He was no cub now ! The rain was really coming down now . Some thunder and lightning came . Mayby Vitani's suggestion was good . Nuthin' worse than a wet mane ! A lightning bolt struck a tree in front of him . He walked back , and with the afterburn of the shot, a tall slender human with a short fat one appered . '' Hello ! I'm Jafar . This is my STYLIST - Abraham . '' Nuka walked back . Jafar waved his stick . The lightning struck Nuka . Then Abraham was on him , cutting and curling . Abraham stepped back . '' Eeez good , noh ? '' Jafar stroked his beard . '' A good reward for one so VAIN ! HAHAHAHAHA ! '' And with a poof of smoke , Jafar and Abraham were gone . Nuka went to stroke his mane . It felt spiky , unnatrel . He could hardly bring himself to look in the pool , and when he did he roared in greif and disbelef . '' ROOOAAARR ''
Back at the cave , Vitani heard the roar . '' That sounded like Nuka . Can I go and see ? '' Zira nodded . Vitani gathered together the two lionesses who had marveled at Nuka earler . They came up to the pool , Nuka's favorite place . They saw a straggely lion , sat on his haunches , eys staring like a one forbid . One of the lionesses narrowed her eys down to '' Stranger , WHERE IS - '' Vitani put a restraining paw onto the lioness . '' Stop . Stranger , who are you ? We are looking for a lion called Nuka . '' Nuka sat and twitched . A tear came to his eye . The other lioness came to Nuka . '' Nuka - Is that you ?? ''
**************** THE END ****************

Cos it now says both about Nuka not seeing a human before , and Jafar seeming familiar ! Oy !


Sep 12 - 09:51



Spoiler Warning........

None of Zira's kids belong to Scar. In fact at the very beginning of the film when Zira is talking to Kovu about Scar she says "Scar took you in and treated you like his own son" and Kovu says "But he's not my father" So, if Kovu wasn't born when Scar took Zira in(which is implied during the Simba/Zira confrontation) and Nuka is older then him it means he's not his son either. So no, Scar had no children, just adopted Kovu when Zira gave birth to him

The apperances of Scar in the film include: When Simba is dreaming of Mufasa and Scar and Scar morphs into Kovu. Again when Kovu is exiled he sees Scar's reflection looking back at him and we see Scar in his reflection as he runs from the Pride Lands

Sep 12 - 09:47

I love Names! and I am an evil associate of BugBuhg!
Location: @@#&*(^*&^&*^%@&()#&)($&) (aka Pride Rock)
E-mail: www.names&

I am either bugbuhg or his evil associate, but more likely the associate. I only mention BB, so y'all know who I came from. I am the one playing the practical joke, and I'm getting a huge laugh!

The mouseworks book is outstanding, and I have the golden book one too. I hear there is a lion King 3 that's going to be out if Disney ever decides to make one!

Sep 12 - 09:30



hey, wait a minute, Leah! That post wasn't mine! I think we have an imposter on our hands. Vulture would be able to solve this weird "problem" in a minute, she loooves Nancy Drew, but too bad she's skiing in Colorado, while visiting her Grandma, or something like that.

Sep 12 - 09:24

the REAL Leah


nandi, could you stop with all those mistakes pleasee? and yes, the big post under my name is MINE, Nandi is just posting all of that for a big practical joke- a weird practical joke or something like that....

Sep 12 - 09:22



Tabi - don't worry we won't kill you;) I got a good laugh out of that little fic

Jicin - cool pic:)

Leah - I didn't even notice the Kovu's scar booboo on p. 75! And on p. 54, that looks like Mufasa to me, but the lion on p. 55 looks more like Simba..I'm confused:(

About Simba's grey nose stripe - Zira has a similar one and Kovu and Nala have lighter ones. I think it's just a case of them not taking time to blend the color. They do have different colors on their noses in the movies, but they're more blended with the normal color of their fur, so it doesn't look so much like a "stripe".

I'll repeat my QUESTION - Zira has BLUE EYES in the book, but she DOES NOT have blue eyes in the PREVIEW...anyone else care to commnt?:)

Nuka talk - I would agree that Nuka is kinda like a "teenager", but I don't think that explains his scrawny mane. After all, his mane doesn't seem to have grown any more even after Kovu has a full head o' hair.

Vitani seems a bit younger than Nuka, at least in the pictures on p. 8 and 30.

Know what Nuka's mane reminds me of? Hades' "flaming" hair in Herc;)

Anyone notice something 'bout Mufasa's voice at the end?
"well DONE,
my SON.
we are ONE."
It rhymes..

Sep 12 - 09:21

Nandi (again!)


I also in my last post (the big last post!) said that I didn't mean to critisize. I didn't mean to put that down, cause I thought I posted something about being critical about the book and its flaws...

Sep 12 - 09:20



OOOPS! Sorry everyone! I was thinking of Leah, and I accidentally posted under her name.... so the last post is mine

Sep 12 - 09:18



I don't mean to critizise the book, but I just thought that it would be nice to post some stuff that I noticed in the book. All that waiting paid off! :)

I think that there are as many outlanders as there is PrideLanders, because they're not outnumbered! They probably had more lionesses, but the picture was cut off at Nala...

"Zira ran a gentle paw over her son as he drew his last breath. Then she turned twoards Kovu. In her anger, she struck him, creating a slash over his eye exactly like the one Scar once had..."


Sep 12 - 09:16


Location: U.K

My computer has been kooky for the last few days , and I only just saw the - the - whatever book that REALLY REALLY REALLY stoopid Nuka is in . But after u get used to him he's OK . What am I saying ? I know !

********* Short FanFic *****************

One day a handsome teenage lion was walking through the outlands , with his sister . This was Nuka , and his sister Vitani . Then it started to rain . '' Aww man ! '' Vitani moaned . '' I'm going back to our cave to keep dry . I hate being wet , it spoils my good looks ! '' Nuka rolled his eyes . The vanity of some lionesses ! Not like him , he WAS lovely . He strutted past some other lionesses . '' Hiya Nooka !! < kisskiss > '' Those lionesses couldn't get enough of him ! Yes , he was soo handsome . He paused at a pool to look at himself . He groomed his mane . He was no cub now ! The rain was really coming down now . Some thunder and lightning came . Mayby Vitani's suggestion was good . Nuthin' worse than a wet mane ! Some lightning struck a tree in front of him . He lost his nerve and ran . Something stopped him . Nuka didn't know what a human was , letalone seen one . But this one was familiar ........... '' J Yes , he was soo handsome . He paused at a pool to look at himself . He groomed his mane . He was no cub now ! The rain was really coming down now . Some thunder and lightning came . Mayby Vitani's suggestion was good . Nuthin' worse than a wet mane ! A lightning bolt struck a tree in front of him . He walked back , and with the afterburn of the shot, a tall slender human with a short fat one appered . '' Hello ! I'm Jafar . This is my STYLIST - Abraham . '' Nuka walked back . Jafar waved his stick . The lightning struck Nuka . Then Abraham was on him , cutting and curling . Abraham stepped back . '' Eeez good , noh ? '' Jafar stroked his beard . '' A good reward for one so VAIN ! HAHAHAHAHA ! '' And with a poof of smoke , Jafar and Abraham were gone . Nuka went to stroke his mane . It felt spiky , unnatrel . He could hardly bring himself to look in the pool , and when he did he roared in greif and disbelef . '' ROOOAAARR ''
Back at the cave , Vitani heard the roar . '' That sounded like Nuka . Can I go and see ? '' Zira nodded . Vitani gathered together the two lionesses who had marveled at Nuka earler . They came up to the pool , Nuka's favorite place . They saw a straggely lion , sat on his haunches , eys staring like a one forbid . One of the lionesses narrowed her eys down to slits .
'' Stranger , WHERE IS - '' Vitani put a restraining paw onto the lioness . '' Stop . Stranger , who are you ? We are looking for a lion called Nuka . '' Nuka sat and twitched . A tear came to his eye . The other lioness came to Nuka . '' Nuka - Is that you ?? ''
**************** THE END ****************
That is just off the top of my head , so you can kill me now .
< Cringe > It has nuthin' to do with my Kubieye fanfic , it is just , as I said , off my head . OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD , rather ! Its not bad for an improvization though .


Zira : These lands belong , to , SCAR !
Simba : Get out !

Sep 12 - 07:44

Location: Pride Rock

Hey! I just saw the pics from the new book and the plot of the story! One word to sum up the story: WOW! It sounds like an awesome movie!! Some are complaining, people on the list especially :P, that it sounds like Pocahontas! WHO CARES?! Titanic was a little like Lady and the Tramp if you really think about it! I hate how people on the list are complaining about all the nit picky things about SP!!!! That's why I unsubscribed because most of the ppl on there complain about the stupidest things!! :PPPPP And what's worse is taht some people on that list are following OTHER people's opinions on SP and not their own!!! :PP I am real excited about SP, and hope to get the book real soon!! :)

It's real sad about Nuka... :( I guess Scar felt that Kovu should be his heir because he didn't want him to go through being second born just as he did.


Sep 12 - 07:07



Ok, im still alittle echy on the story cause i really didnt read the sinario, i just read what else people are talking about. i just wanted to know if nuka is supposed to be scares son, and how kovu gets in there. this has probubly been posted a biggilion times, but i need to know!!

Sep 12 - 06:42

Pridelands Rebel
Location: waterhole

Jicin - that pic looks great! exactly like the picture!

I wish I could have told everyone how Kovu got his scar first. Oh well. Im always too slow to be the first.

Vitani, YOU GET A LIFE! Im not going to fight you! So it was all a mistake, I diddnt EVER see you post anything.
But im glad your feeling better.......maybe.

Shazi - Sorry if I said any of this before, I diddnt see my last post!

Rajah lunged for Nuka, since he was the closest, and the two tumbled off the edge of Pride Rock

Sep 12 - 05:43

Leah (again)

Location: Clutching my beloved Mouseworks Book in my hand

How do you know that Scar is in SP??? Tell me! Is there a new preview or something?

I'm going to be leaving for a while, just untill tomorrow, so Bye 4 Now if I don't post untill then


To my Mouseworks book: I'm really glad you came to me! I guess all that patience is worth it!
I'm patient, so come when you come, I have the Mouseworks book to soothe my SP cravings (but you'll be #1 when you come home with me!)

The Mouseworks book doesn't give much of anything away, but trust me, It doesn't spoil the story of the movie! The inner beauty of a movie can't be captured into a book (but Mouseworks believes the opposite) The Lion King Mouseworks is a book that I read before I saw the Lion King, and since I've never seen it before, the story wasn't spoiled by the book. The movie is always better than the book! TRUST ME! =)

Sep 12 - 05:11



Okay, time for the mistakes and other stuff that I've found!
1. Througout the book, Simba has a gray stripe on his nose, and the stripe doesn't appear in the animation, so do you think that John and Andrea Alvin (the illustrators) made a boo boo?
2. I don't think that Nuka was a full grown lion that was butt ugly, but rather he and his sister were dingy-looking (but cute and sweet in one way) adolesents, explaining why Nuka doesn't have the full mane (thank goodness Simba didn't look that ugly in the HM log scene as a teen, but no offense to Nuka!)
3. I think on page 30, Zira lashed out at Nuka, I bet she just growled, yelled, and maybe swiped him.....
4. on page 36, Kovu's mane looks like young Mufasa's hairline(sorta) in the book Friends in Need only more Scar-like.
5. Nala isn't seen and she doesn't have any dialogue, except page 68, if you could call it dialouge *all Nalaholics start to cry*
6.On page 75, Kovu has a scar over his left eye, but page 78 tells that he got the scar after Nuka's death, but on pg. 75, Nuka is alive and well. Another artist booboo.
7. Why do the outlanders outnumber the pridelanders? The most logical reason probably is that the origional followers had female cubs over the period of time that Kovu was still a cub, and they are grown now (their fathers were probably rouge lions)
8. On page 54, below Simba, is that Mufasa? I think so.......


Sep 12 - 05:02


Location: heartland


I didn't know this was possibel. I don't use any other tags anymore because i'm afraid i'd make a mistake.

Well, i don't think anyone would notice. Here i'll try again
Nuka pic

Sep 12 - 03:31


Location: heartland

hi all

Thanks for thanking me Dara ;) I fell so loved ;))

Anyway, doesn't anyone wanna see my drawing?
Sep 12 - 02:46


Location: Boston

Just a few more thoughts on the mouseworks book...near the end of the book, how on earth did the Outsiders ever manage to outnumber the Pridelanders?? Um, where were these hordes of Scar-loyal lionesses at the end of TLK? Look at the lineup in the SP book!! Were 15-18 lionesses (and the 2 boys of course) asleep at the waterhole at the end of TLK? I can't wait to see how Disney explains this!!!

I think Nuka is more of a teenager than a young that goatee and half-grown mane, as sinfully ugly as he is. His character is really interesting, almost noble. (Yes, it does suck to be the oldest child!)

Sep 11 - 22:49



oops, and one more thing--

Mouse!! New Scar footage! Yay! Even one brief glimpse of Scar in SP will make my day. Aren't you glad they actually talk about him in SP too? I was worried that they would say nothing about him, aside from "These lands..." "I will avenge Scar" and stuff.

well NOW I'm leaving...really
"Oh dear I've said too much!"

Sep 11 - 21:56

Proud owner of a brand new Mouseworks Book!!
Location: In chair in front o' computer, w/ me Mouseworks Book close at hand:)

Mouseworks rulz!!
Well, I could nitpick and point out Nuka's right paw on p. 8, or Nala's eyes on p.21, but who wants to hear that?!!! The fact is, it's a masterpiece compared w/ Goldencrap;) The Mouseworks illustrators gave it a lot of character. Vitani is like the cuuuutest thing I've ever seen!!


And Nuka...poor Nuka. To everyone who's starting to like Nuka more, I am too. He actually grows on you, starts to look kinda cute after a while, dontcha think?
Here is my theory on Scar choosing Kovu over Nuka:
We don't know how old Nuka is (Vitani seems a bit younger, yes?) but he's old enough to have been at least a young adult when Scar met his demise ::moment of silence:: Scar must've seen Nuka grow up, and perhaps seen that he was foolish/rash or whatever and wouldn't make a good ruler. And Vitani...hmm, maybe she was ruled out simply because lion queens aren't too common (maybe Kiara was a first?), although I hate to accuse Scar of being sexist:(
I feel sorry for Nuka. I think I'll write a Nuka fic in a couple months, after I've seen SP a billion times and feel I know the character well enough;)

Who was it who asked 'bout the book's price? Well, I was 7.99 at my DS, less than I thought it would be:D

And who said the book wasn't at their DS?? O cruel world...ask 'em about it, maybe they sold out or didn't recieve their shipment yet..

Leah -well since ya asked here is how my Acquisition of my Sacred Mouseworks Book went:
approx. 1:00, went to mill and beheld the posts regard the book then tried to see those pics at geocities, managed only to see the one w/ Zira, Kovu, and the Outsiders, before the crappy school comp decided it didn't have enough memory and booted me off
approx. 4:30, after waiting around at school for my parents to be done with that interminable open house (Note: I spent much of this time trying to draw Nuka and Vitani:), we drove to Broadway Pizza to eat and over the yummy pepperoni I suggested that we stop by a DS on the way back
Approx 6:00, FINALLY was dropped off at the mall after being dragged along to stupid Office Max, headed for DS, managed to lose my way even though I've been there before, and sauntered around looking smugly at the beanies and such before making my way to the book section (important note: We R 1 began to play prophetically on the screen as I approached the bookshelf:) and picked up my shiny new book.
I grabbed a Disney Magazine too and went to the counter and asked the person if she'd gotten to see any special SP previews. She looked at me blankly and said something about Mulan and Herc previews and seemed confused. "No Simba's Pride?" "no."
Skimmed through book on way home, read it throughly a couple times once I got home, and was not able to get to the mill til now (my father almost erased everything on the hard drive again)
And now here I am, comrades

Hey - question! Zira's eyes are BLUE in the Mouseworks book... eerrr, weren't they kinda NOT blue in the previews?

well I think that's it.
Heheee, I love my mouseworks book! I'm gonna write my name in that little "this book belongs to" space and everything;)
Life is good
(will I regret knowing so much about the plot when SP comes out? maybe, maybe not. that's one of them deep philisophical questions I will probably never know the answer too)

OY, that's a long post!
I don't wanna leave, no one else understands it...they all think I'm crazy!:*( Guys, tell me I'm not crazy!!
Busa everybody except SP-haters!

Sep 11 - 21:47



Kovu doesn't kill Nuka...Nuka dies in an accident when the logs he is running over slip and he's crushed beneath them. Kovu had nothing to do with it.

Sep 11 - 21:27



Just one thing neither Nuka, Vitani or Kovu are Scar's children.

Sep 11 - 21:26


Location: Canada

Hi all! With everyone posting their theories on why Scar chose Kovu over Nuka, here's mine.

Now everyone knows Scar was the younger brother and always resented Mufasa for being king and getting everything Scar wanted and never had.

So what if he chose Kovu over Nuka because he didn't want Kovu to go through what he went through as a cub and end up all bitter and resentful towards the world. Maybe he thought that Nuka, being the oldest could handle it. Not knowing what it's like to be the oldest he really didn't consider that it might have such a devastating effect on his eldest son. In his attempt to spare his familly the same pain he felt he acctually caused them to go through it all over again.

Or it could have been based souly on looks. ;p

One more thing, I always pictured Scar having at least one daughter.

MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! SCAR IS IN SP!!! Even if it's only for two scenes, at least they're all new. :)

Sep 11 - 21:05



Hiya people. Um..Nuka dies? Awww....that's too bad. :o( Great. I'm probably gunna cry at this movie! Errrr! Anyhoo....I was also gunna ask....WHERE ON EARTH DO YOU GET THE SP BOOKS??? I've looked at the Disney Store where I live and they don't sell anything SP besides the little toys and the bennies! I wanna see the book! :o(
No! I wanna see the movie! Aaaack! You guys....I am going to go crazy. It sounds like such a great movie!

:o) Sorry....I had to let that out. :o) Thanx for listening. (For the ones who will accaully read my post....)


Sep 11 - 21:02



Blue LIon, i agree w/ you, im starting not to like kovu, i mean,, how can you kill the character that andy dick gave his hilarious voice too??

Sep 11 - 20:48


Location: Boston

I read the Mouseworks book and the Rumor Mill before bothering to check out the Kenneth Starr report posted on AOL.....Yikes, what does that say about me ;) ?

Anyone know if there will be a sericel for SP?

Sep 11 - 20:25



I gotta go get that book! How much is it at the Disney Store? With my luck, it'll be really expensive at Disney, I'll buy it, and a week later I'll find it really cheap somewhere.

I'm very excited about the movie, and knowing the story and characters now, I think the movie should be called "Scar's Pride." Those are the characters that go through the major changes and have the most problems. I'm so happy that we're getting some complex characterizations. In this case, you can actually sympathize with the "villains" and Simba and his friends are the ones who seem to be to blame.

Lets compare the problems and conflicts of the characters:

Zira and her crew have been banished by Simba to a barren wasteland and their lives have been harsh all because they had some association to Scar. Kovu is torn between two prides----he has been ordered to kill Simba, loves Kiara, and (I'm guessing) at least likes his mom and siblings. Nuka is not chosen to be Scar's heir, and Nuka dies trying to impress his mother Zira.

Kiara: Doesn't want to be queen, and she likes Kovu.

Kiara sounds like the least interesting character in the whole movie. She doesn't really have much of a conflict, except that she likes the wrong guy and wants to leave home.

Zira on the other hand, sounds like a very interesting character: she wants what is best for her pride of lions, she hates Simba, but loves her cubs (she seems to be a caring mother).

The Nuka situation makes me sad, but it does add a big punch to the story, especially since he is supposed to be a comic character.

Vitani is really cute----I guess she's "the informant" as it sounds like she spies on Simba's pride.

Why is Disney marketing the movie the way they are? Why aren't there McDonald's toys of Nuka and Vitani? I guess maybe the feeling is that the familiar stuff will be easier to sell.

Sep 11 - 20:21

Blue Lion


Ducky: that's Ok.. sorry I mentioned it, i knoe a lot of peoolle don't like spoilers but the plot was already up so I assumed everyone knew by the time I mentioned it.

I'm really starting to like the outlanders, and I don't like Kovu as much anymore. I forgot who posted it but yeah it does seem like Kovu was chosen for looks alone! If that was the case I can see what would make Nuka so angry and almost insane. I know what it's like to be 'second best' and it's the most angering and frustrating thing in the world, hearing how great your brothers and sisters are.. seeign them get everything by just existing and working your A** off for little gain.. it's enoguh to drive you nuts! I'm probably going to end up crying at SP even though I didn't think I would. Sorry to anyone who likes Kovu but knowing more about him now I'm liking him less and Nuka and Vitani more. I still like Kiara, she had nothing to do with it. My 'likes are getting like TLK... my favorite TLK characters were Scar, Adult Simba, and Rafiki, And in SP I like (so far) Nuka Kiara, Simab and Rafiki. BTW.. the outlanders on the picture here are lookig at Rafiki on pride rock.. I hope they don't do anything to him:(!

On a side note, I'm working on an animation site, I HOPE to find a way to put it up as a seperate site... I can only afford my one domain name and that's going commercial.. does anyone know if I set up a new site in the same domain, would it be commercial too? By that I mean my big cats site is going to be commercially promoted, is that considered the whole domain or just the one site on the domain? I really want to set up the second one!

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 11 - 20:01



Today is an important day for all of us. The Mouseworks book finally came out (much to our relief, after two months) I am treasuring my book, and it's in my lap right now (Everyone say hello to my book!) It's good to know that the book is within the reach of everyone. What?? You say you don't have the book yet? Well get your butt down to the Disney Store and into the SP section, and pick up a copy, and when you get home, READ IT!

Here is my story:
I got back home from school, I had a snack, and went on the Internet, and the first place I went to is.. HERE! I was excited and I told my grandpa that we had to drive to the Disney store to get the book. But first my grandparents and I had to go pick up my shoes for my dancing class which starts next week, and to pick up a new sleeping bag at Wal Mart for a party I'm going to tomorrow evening. Then at last we all went to the mall, and first I had to pick out a gift for a friend, and then I trekked halfway through the mall and back to get to the DS. I made a beeline towards the SP section (thank goodness it was in the front) and then I had to find my grandma in the crowd outside of the store. She was sitting at a bench a few feet away from the store's entrance, and I signaled to her, while waving with my hand to come over here. I whispered "Bingo!" as I showed her the book. We payed for it, and my grandfather came into the store, relieved that at last we found the book (I've been buggin' him about SP lately.) We came home,I read the book, and we all think that SP is better than I thought...

How did you find out about the book? Tell me your story!

Sep 11 - 19:51



I'm sorry, I should have put a warning on my post. Sorry everyone! If any of you who don't have the book yet, and want to know the story, I will e mail it to u, WORD 4 WORD!

You know, I think I like the Outlanders as my fave characters. Nuka's story is a sad one, so here I am going to explain it:
Scar and Zira had two cubs, Nuka and Vitani. Scar found that Nuka was an unsuitable heir, and his sister was too lazy, even though he loved them with all the love he had in his evil heart. So Scar lost all hope for an heir, so he turned to his firstborn, Nala, and knowing that he seceretly killed her betrothed and his father, she would never be queen. To give his grown cub a chance, he asked his firstborn, nearly an adult, if she wanted to be queen, and Nala, unaware that Scar was her dad, turned him down, and she ran away. Scar couldn't bear the pain that his eldest refused to be his queen, and that his newborn cubs wouldn't be able to be heirs. Hours later, Zira and Scar had Kovu, and Scar immediatly appointed him as the future king of the PrideLands. The story ends here, but after a while, Nuka wanted to be the leader, but it was too late to change Scar's mind, since he was already dead. Nuka's life ends tragically, trying to be the best in his father's eyes. Once he got to Lion Heaven, he greeted his father, and Scar understood....................

Sep 11 - 19:26

Full time Zazu lover (Zazuholic)


My godness! I must calm down! The art in the new one looks great, even if Zazu isn't in it very much :P Kovu looks alot like Simba and I'm glad he's Scar's son! Oghhhhh!!!! There's still so much waiting to do!!!! :P I stare at my voucher every morning and before I go to bed at night. I cry myself to sleep . . . waiting . . . OH I MUST HAVE THAT VIDEO!!!!!!!! I put an X on my calendar every night to mark how many days are left, I am losing my appetite . . . I need help!!! Only this Rumor Mill can soothe my longing . . . and why is the the computer lab always full during school so I can't get on and see my dearest friends! My TLK buddies! "We are all connected in the great Circle of Rumors."

BTW, I heard Clinton might get kicked out. Maybe Zazu would make a good president! ;)

"Zazu you know I love you, but life is short, so you must go on . . . without me."
Zazu looked down at his feet and kicked some wet dirt around. "I know, I know . . . but if life is short, why must it be bad?"

--Arguto & Zazu from The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird
(c) Crystal Stewart

Sep 11 - 19:26
Location: Boston

WOW--- I see everyone has beaten me to the punch with the mouseworks plot LOL!!!! I have the book too and it is a relief that it is much, much more intense than that lousy golden book.

Nuka is such a sad character--- He tries so hard to please his mom that he loses his own life to not only impress Zira, but the long-dead Scar. I wonder if he is going to be portrayed as a complete fool or just a young lion who is never given a chance to shine. Good question- Why did Scar choose Kovu over Nuka? Looks alone??
When Zira is said to have "lashed out" at Nuka for not watching Kovu, does this mean that she hits him? :(
So when Nuka and Zira are no more, does Vitani just up and change sides??? After losing her mom and brother to death and another brother to the enemy's side, why on earth would she want to join the Pridelanders? Does she run away? I do not see her pictured in the Circle of Life ceremony on the last page.
I have a new-found liking for Vitani....She is getting more interesting...After seeing the book, I like her scruffy hair and perked ears. So, does Kovu persuade her to stay with the Pridelanders?

At least I guessed one thing right...Zira gives Kovu a scar over a loyalty issue- close enough!

"The last cub before Scar died"....Hmmmm...IS Kovu Scar's son? Seems more likely because why else would scar choose a younger more vunerable cub as an heir? Maybe Nuka and Vitani are only 1/2 siblings....

At the DS--- this book, magnet playset, and sort of cute Kovu and Kiara finger puppets

Sep 11 - 18:43




Sep 11 - 18:06



Dang it! The rumor mill is not updating on my stupid computer! Anyway, I'm just going to share some of my preliminary thoughts on SP taken from a personal e-mail I just wrote to someone:

I think the story actually sounds better from this new book. The whole thing with Nuka is kind of weird but thought provoking. He has a lot of potential as a character because he's not easily defined. Apparently Scar rejected him as heir to the throne. I think it will be even more Shakespearean in tone with a lot of tragedy. One review posted on the rumor mill said there's not a lot of black and white in the movie, which is what Americans tend to like in their drama. They typically want to know exactly who the good guys and the bad guys are. But SP seems to really upset that and appears to be very thought-provoking and qualifies it as a work of art. If you can figure something out too easily then it takes the appealing intrigue away. Even with Simba we've got someone who used to be a fun-loving cub who turns into a jerk all of a sudden and the viewer is forced to deal with the ambiguity of it. One of the VERY first things I noticed about TLK when I saw the very first showing of it right when the theater opened on June 24, 1994 is that Mufasa and Simba and all the other Pridelanders were completely oblivious to the fact that Scar was experiencing some personal pain. If they were more in tune to that they may have been able to avert some tragedy. But as with any good Shakespearean tragedy, the reader or viewer can tell ahead of time that something bad is going to happen but none of the characters in the play are really cluing into it. This is what makes Shakespeare Shakespeare and Disney following his formula is good in my book. I liked the picture with Kiara looking up at the stars. It reminded me of "The Look" by Nala. And Kovu really did seem like Simba when he was stargazing. I can't wait to see how Rafiki draws Kiara on his tree. That's gonna be cool.

Kiara-holic #1

Rafiki - "Correction, I know your father."
Sep 11 - 18:05

Student Dude



Sep 11 - 17:55


Location: Africa

sup wit dis vitani crap?
i was da first i registered my name so you twos can change your names or fight me on tlk chat
i just got over the flu and i can kick anyones but anytime any where so if u wanan mess come in get me

Sep 11 - 17:50



The Simba's Pride Mouseworks book is out at the Disney Store, so go pick up your copy today!
Here is a breif synopsis by me that u can put on your site if u want, or if u just want to know the story:

After Kiara's presentation, Rafiki says to Mufasa, "Another circle is complete!" And he makes a drawing of Kiara next to his drawing of Simba in his tree. Mufasa makes the wind blow, but as a sign of trouble brewing nearby. The trouble is in the Outlands. Nuka and Vitani come back from the PrideLands, and announce that Simba's cub is a girl. It states Nuka and Vitani as Kovu's older brother and sister, that Zira is his mother, and that Kovu was chosen by Scar to be the heir to his throne, which Nuka is resentful for. He and Vitani were merely in charge of protecting him. Months later, Kiara grew into a young cub, and was ready to play in the PrideLands by herself. Simba warns her not to go into the Outlands, and Kiara promises not to. Just to keep his daughter safe, Simba asks Timon and Pumbaa to follow her, but Kiara wasn't expecting two babysitters on her tail, so when she stumbled upon Timon and Pumbaa she was startled -and a bit angry. When her two babysitters started to argue over lunch, she saw the chance and made her escape. She walked along for awhile, but then she meets Kovu. She flees the stranger, and jumps on some rocks, but they turn out to be crocodiles! They both run and run untill they're safe, and this is when that introduction from the Poca/Magoo trailer sets in when the two cubs introduce themselves, but neither cub knew that Zira was spying on them! They start to play tag, but Kovu hasn't the slightest clue how to play! =) Simba approaches, and seeing the Outlanders, he rushes to protect Kiara. Zira's plan was to fight, but she saw she was outnumbered, so she coyly introduced the heir to Scar's throne- and next leader of Pride Rock. They pick up their cubs and leave. Simba then tells Kiara she needs to be careful, and We Are One takes cue from here. In the outlands, Nuka asks Vitani where Kovu is, and Vitani replies after saying no, "Mother gonna be mad!"
Zira tells Kovu that he and Kiara can't be friends, but Kovu doesn't understand. Zira's lullaby comes next.
Years later, Kovu and Kiara grow up, and it's time for Kiara's first hunt! (Whoopee! ;) )
Kovu and Zira talk, and this is the "I will avenge Scar" scene. Simba promises Kiara that she will be by herself the entire time she hunts, but quickly breaks that promise, and like he did years before, sends T&P after her. Kiara is mad, and the Outlanders start a fire, which Kovu saves her from. At first Kiara doesn't recognize him, but then she remembers. Simba, Nala, and Rafki come after her, seeing the fire from Pride Rock. Kovu asks to join the pride, and Simba accepts, but still doesn't trust him, leaving him to sleep outside. The outlanders think that Kovu betrayed him, and Simba has a dream about Scar killing Mufasa, only him and Kovu instead. The next morning Kovu was planning to kill Simba, but is interrupted by Kiara, who doesn't have a clue to what he's doing. Timon and Pumbaa want lunch, but birds are hogging the twosome's "hunting grounds", so the two lions scare them with their roaring. But a rinoceros stampede interrupts everything, and they find a cave. Kiara and Kovu are close together, and this is where they start falling in love. They gaze at the stars, and Kovu realizes that PrideLanders aren't that bad. Simba was having his doubts, so Nala told him to give Kovu a chance. Rafiki shows Kiara and Kovu a place called Upendi, and then they REALLY fall in love, hard. =) The next day, the Outlanders ambush.... To BE CONTINUED (I'm outta internet time)

Sep 11 - 17:42



oops, how could i spell banzai wrong ?!

Sep 11 - 17:35


Location: long island

Amphriss, thanx, i can't wait to read the golden one. just the title sounds cool. Raksha, i want to get the internet at home. at the library your time is limited and nosey people always look at what your doing ! Koviara, i will send you the books soon along with a letter. you still wanted me to get simba's pride for you right ? guessing from your qoute you watch frasier. i just started watching the show. i love it, its so funny. daphne is my favorite character. i think its cool how zira gives kovu a scar, but i hope mufasa's ghost isn't in the sequel too much. i think it would be cool if scars ghost talked to zira ! i don't have much else to say. i would like to write some new tlk fan fic but i have no ideas. i started writting a tlk sequel about scar but i think it sucks. one day i 'll type some of it on here so i can get some advice and opinions from all of you. when i was 13 i wrote a tlk sequel. in my sequel simba and nala have a son, but simba sorta neglects his son because he doesn't know how to be a father since he was practicaly raised by a warthog and meercat. his son wanders away from home and comes across an alive and well scar. scar makes up this story about simba killing mufasa. simba's son, named mufasa after his grandpa, beleives it. slowly mufasa turns against simba and scar plans to use him to reclaim the pridelands. then mufasa's girlfriend and her mother discover that scar is trying to tearn all the lion cubs against simba. along mufasa doesn't know scars identity. in the end scar dies and simba becomes a better father. i know it sounds sucky but i might re-write it and change the ending and give scar a mate. its worth a try and you guys have really inspired me with all of your fan fic ! " ooh i like that ! He ain't king but he's still so propper ! " - shenzi " I'm chomping at the bit baby " - shenzi " my stomachs on the growl son "-banai " CHOW DOWN ! "

Sep 11 - 17:33



Nope the lyrics come from an unnamed source. Zira seems like a really cool lioness. They better make a plush toy of her(preferably a matching Scar too, I know, I know, but hey..)
She seems less like a villain and certainly not evil incarnate.

Sep 11 - 16:18



Thanks for posting the lyrics to "My Lullaby" Kese! I like the song! Is it in the book? Where did you find it?

Isn't it odd-----The Ken Starr report and Simba's Pride story on the same day?!

Sep 11 - 16:16



My God!!! A REAL SP Book!!! Oh, I have to thank everyone who put up the images and info! ASANTE SANA!

Anway, here's what Disney better make for SP:

-Fighting Action ADULT Kovu
-Fighting Action ADULT Kiara
-Fighting Action Zira

MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My, my, aren't I greedy today? ;)

"Tootles!" --Banzai

Sep 11 - 15:52



KOVU KILLS NUKA!!! that really sux, i like andy dick!!!! in any of those songs listed, does timon sing one? i love nathan lanes voice and id like to hear it in a song!!!

i spoiled the movie for my i know it but i just had to know!! it was killing me!! and im sorry blue lion for yelling at you! i dont like "my luluby" it sounds like evil! its gross! i dont think ill enjoy that song!!!

Sep 11 - 15:41

Kara again


Sorry Zinou, I must have been typing while you posted that last rumor! Sorry about that!
Kara (Kiara)
Quote: We're going to be bigger than the Lion King.-Space Ghost

Sep 11 - 15:33



Hey everybuddy! I got my October Disney Adventures magazine today, but it didn't have anything on Simba's Pride, except for the calender thing. But next month it says it will dedicate the magazine to it. Here's what it said exactly:Lion King 2 Mania: the inside scoop on the new movie sequal, the musical and the original movie PLUS a new Lion King comic featuring Simba's daughter Kiara. It comes out on October 13, and that's all my new news. Kese-is that song the real one?
I need to find that book, the plot sounds so interesting now! I just can't wait til it comes out!
Kara (We Are One)
*New Space Ghost Coast to Coast episodes tonight after Cartoon Planet on Cartoon Network starting at 10:00. Don't miss it!!!
Quote: My butt's on fire!!-Brak

Sep 11 - 15:31


Location: Ngorongoro ( Lost in its immesenness.)

Heya, peeps.
DA ( Disney Adventures ) advertises in October's Edition to have an SP sections next month! I have a subscription, and I usually always get the DA a wekk before it hits newstands. So, mid-Oct, look to me for your SP report! ( Also, they said: next Month, look to the new comic, featuring Kiara, of Simba's pride)
But thats next month.
" Wow, mom, I had news, for once."

Sep 11 - 15:30



Hey Kese! Where'd ya get them lyrics? Did they have any of the other songs, too?

Sep 11 - 15:27



Lyrics: "My Lullaby"

Sleep my little Kovu
Let your dreams take wing
one day when you're big and strong
you will be a king

I've been exiled, persucuted, left alone with no defense
When I think of what that brute did I get a little tense
But I dream a dream so pretty that I don't feel so
Cause it soothes my inner kitty and it helps me get some rest.
The sound of simba's dying gasp,
his daughter squealing in my grasp, his lionesses mournful cry
That's my lullaby
In the past I've tried forgetting and my beaus I could forgive
I knows it's a little petty but I hate to let them live
(Nuka) So you finally found somebody to chase Simba up a tree
Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me.
The melody of angry growls
A counter-point of painful howls
A symphony of death, o my
That's my lullaby
Scar is gone..but Zira's still around
To love this little lad
Until he learns to be a killer with a lust for being bad
The pounding of the drums of war, the thrill of Kovu's mighty roar
(Nuka)Joyus vengance
That's my lullaby
I can hear the cheering
Pay back time is nearing
Once again our flag will fly
Up against a blood red sky
That's my lullaby

Sep 11 - 14:48


Location: Heartland

Cold dragon.

Yes finally someone responded, and actually thanked my effords;) Thanks Dragon=) But actually it was copied from Roxanne, but i'm always willing to lend a helping hand;)

And i imidiatly picked up my pencils, and made this drawing.

Too bad it is scanned really awful :( He's supposed too be totaly in grey, but only the darkest parts appear. Comments are very welcome, good or bad. I have already made a lot of drawing including some in inkt. Anyone wanna see?

Well, i'll be off now.


Sep 11 - 14:34

Cold Dragon

Location: Maryland, USA.... Visiting my parents house just to use their internet access ; )

YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally the offical plot from a decent book. I am thrilled and much releaved about the plot.


ok ok I'll stop yelling I am just so juiced ( as in excited, not drunk)

I have said since we seen the origonal We Are 1 preview that SP would be based on Romeo and Juliet, if you don't believe me go read the back issues of the Rumor mill.

Can't wait to buy the vid. I should get it about a week earler then the rest of the US. I work at Target and they let their employees buy vids early.

Oh well that's all untill I visit my parents again, or till I get internet access at college.

Oh ya one last thing

just a few mad ravings ;)

Sep 11 - 14:08



WOW!! So many wonderful updates, pictures, and information!!! I'm very excited now-----the Simba's Pride book looks great------wonderful artwork. "Simba's Pride" looks pretty dark--I LOVE IT!!! Too bad that Nuka dies, but it does make a great impact. Nuka looks MUCH better than that awful depiction in the Golden Book story(Golden Books even gave him the wrong color!!). I like the fact that Nuka is a bit disgruntled because he wasn't chosen by Scar to be the next ruler. Just one question----why is Nuka shown as a cub for the Mattel bean bag? That is just odd.

Oh, does anyone else think that Nuka bears a resemblance to Icarus (the human) on the new "Disney's Hercules" TV series? The hairdo in particular is similar on both loony characters.

It seems all our questions have now been answered (except for the cub Nuka one).

Sep 11 - 14:00



Okay, I saw where the URL for the images was posted earlier in the mill but I made a link to it. KH#1 It seems like the LGB got a couple things in the storyline a little messed up.

Sep 11 - 12:24



BLUE LION!! y did you have to talk about nuka dieing!!!! i didnt wanna know untill the movie came out!!!! ACHHH!!!

i dont mean to be pushy, but if your gonna talk about the movie plot, could you please say so so i dont read your post cause id like to be surprised at then end. if you could do that id very much apreciate it:)

anyway, about my report for english. im gonna do the part when simba and nala meet when they are older and they fight, that nala never pins him so they dont ever know who each other is. im gonna get into more detail w/ it later but this is what i have now.

thanx for everyone helping me!!!

Sep 11 - 12:11



Justn wanted to add that I see everyone talking about how SP seems like Romeo and Juliet. Well, that's no mystery because Disney has admitted it openly. Its in the Disney Magazine article. If its not anywhere else on the net I'll be adding it to my site soon. I haven't read all the new posts yet, but just in case it hasn't been listed here's an URL to scans made by Chandra of the new SP book:


Sep 11 - 12:10


Location: Ngorongoro's base

That book -- awe inspiring! Amazing! Great!
Much better than that GoldenBook peice of CRAP.
I am a happt person, now. I'm going to get that book... ( that is, if I can get to the /store/...)
Everyone, be prepared for a new fanfic. With this new info, I believe I can compile something else. >:)
**Beerit! Thanks for posting my stuff to your site. :) But, one thing I thought i'd mention, is that the link to the lullaby goes to the story, aswell as the link thats supposed to. ^.^
I'm glad you understand. I'm trying to get permission to upload my art to the fan art thing , on this site. :) I hope, I hope!!! ( I hope, I can, possibly..)

Off the subject:
Does anyone here like Babylon 5?
I do. Delenn and Sheridan. :>~~

All I have to say -- expcet I have about 20 pieces of art waiting to be shown!!
****Busa Netscape and Chuki MSIE!****
"... I .. I /told/ you I'd kill her!!" -- Zinou, aftre murdering her hated daughter , Sashona, on ATM. ~.~

Sep 11 - 11:51

Blue Lion


Poor Nuka! I'm beginging to like him more and more.. first he's rejected by Scar (who by the way should understand about rejection>:( )and then he has to die!Poor thing! But he does look a little better than I thought.. he can't help it if his mane is thin! The Tsavo lions had even less of a mane.. almost mone except for two little tufts in the front!
Are Kovu Nuka and Vitani full or half brothers and sister? I Scar Nuka and Vitani's father but not Kovu's?
About the Romeo and Juliet thing, SP does seem a lot like it... not only because of the love thing but somke other parts. Nuka seems like a Tybalt character.. didn't his death at the hands of Romeo's friend cause the biggest problems between the families(for anyone who's read it)? It's been a long time since I've read that.

Raksha: this is a really 'unprecidented theory', I really have no proof but assumption, but I think the real Ramses and Nefertari were so much in love because they were 'soul mates', both wanted to do their best and then top that. It kind of sucks that Nefertari isnt't in PoE (as far as I know)They'd probably make her close to her real self (I think), at least everyone's the right color... but Seti is a little scrawny and scraggly looking like he went weeks without food or something.. wierd..
And all her children died before Ramses, so she didn't have an heir.. although she had from what I've read at least 6 sons and one daughter. She should've been the mother of the heir but real life dosen't work out as well as the movies.

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 11 - 10:43

going insane!!!!!!!
Location: Insane world!!!!!!!

Yyyyyaaaagggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I wanna see SP sooo bad!! Must go get mouseworks book, must GET BOOK!!!! NNnnnoooowwwwww!!!!

So that's what Upendi is....aww that is ssoo sweet!

Scarscarscar heheheheeee!!

Aww poor Nuka!!:*(

Kovu's scar - interesting. I was kinda hoping Simba gave it to 'im, that would've been nice n' dramatic...well, not to say the real scenario isn't but...

well movin right along...

Yes that does sound like a leonine version of Poca at the end...kinda disappointing
...sounds like a bit too much of Mufasa's ghost too, yes there can be too much of a good thing;)
But I'll stop complaining now, there's plently to be happy about!

as soon as mommy picks me up I'm gonna whine about going to the nearest DS, hehee!!

Lemme see...
Koviara, yay, my AOL email must be working after all:) I was worried it was messed up

Um, about Jennifer Lien, she can only be seen on older Voyager reuruns which they never seem to show...cuz her character Kes left the show at the beginning of last season:(

Hrrrmmm, I think that'll be all
"Give me!" (that's actually a line from Romeo+Juliet!)
"Look -mud!"

Sep 11 - 10:37

Pridelands Rebel
Location: Snooping

Has anybody looked there? It tells how Kovu got his scar! Look at the pic called Zira finds her son dead, here's what it says:

When the logs stopped rolling, Nuka lay beneath the pile. Zira ran a gentle paw over her son as he took his last breath. Then she turned towards Kovu. In her anger, she struck him, creating a slash over one eye, exactly like the one Scar once had. Kovu turned from Zira, and headed back tuwards the Pirdelands. He now knew where his loyalties belonged, with Simba.... and with Kiara.

So Nuka is Zira's son.

Sep 11 - 06:12

Stumbling Across the Grasslands
Location: I'm from Liverpool but got lost in Africa...

Hey, everyone!

I don't have much time, but first off;

Raksha- Yep, I've answered your e-mail. I had to leave for a day to finish some business...

Dara- Aw, sorry. But feel for me, sitting here trembling as the Artic winds go by!

Ducky- um... Jennifer Lien is part of the "Star Trek:Voyager" cast- but that's all I know. Why couldn't you have asked about someone I know all about?! Sob. Oh well, go watch Voyager and try and spot her...

Tigerwolf- Personally, I like the "Romeo and Juliet" twist, it's such a beautiful concept, I don't really care about plaguriasm...

Why do us english have to wait until Spring '99?! (I dread to think how long the dutch have to wait, Dara!)

"Wait! Don't make me leave, I like England! I even spell 'colour' with a 'U'!"

Hakuna Matata!

Sep 11 - 06:10



song order: "He Lives in You", "We Are One", "My Lullaby", "Upendi", "Exile", "Love will find a way" and a bit of "Circle of Life" at the end.
Leah, I really can't tell you where Kovu gets his scar, but it's not from Simba(It's a cool part of the movie and I don't want to spoil it) Also Scar himself appears twice(new animation)

Sep 11 - 06:05


Location: Haertland

Hi everyone.

Roxanne mailed this to the mailing list.
Since nobody else has posted it, i will.

Ok basically the "He Lives in you" beginning is explained,.....then we find
rafiki is painting kiara in his tree, and says to himself "Oh Mufasa, another
circle of life is complete!" but in response, Mufasa makes the wind blow
warning rafiki that trouble is nearby.

We then see the outsiders....Nuka is NOT a cub like on the tag but instead he
is kinda mangy like in the other simba's pride book....Vitani is exactly like
she is on the tag and absolutely adorable.We find out that Kovu IS Zira's son
along with Nuka and Vitani.They are siblings.,,,,it says the following in the
Before his death, Scar had named Zira's son Kovu as his heir. Now Zira was
training Kovu to overthrow Simba and take his place as king.....It also goes
on to tell that Kovu's brother and sister, Nuka and Vitani, show up.

Later, Vitani reports that Simba's cub is a girl....Basically this makes Zira
even more eager to make her cub can tell that Nuka is the Ed
hyena-type.....hes just a silly character in the story who kinda makes the
jokes and whatnot.....and as said before somewhere, Vitani is very sly..

So months later, Simba is telling kiara to stay near pride rock, that timon
and pumbaa are her babysitters.....the same basically as we have already
heard.....well while timon and pumbaa are arguing over lunch, kiara sneaks
away, and runs into Kovu.Then the crocodile scene comes where they are talking
and such, and they escape.....After they reach the shore, they introduce
eachother, like in the preview....."my names Kovu" "I'm Kiara"......while they
are talking, Zira is spying on them.....

Then Simba shows up cause he was looking all over for kiara after she sneaked
off.When he sees kovu with her he leaps in to protect her.At the same time,
Zira comes into the picture and starts growling and whatnot....Nala comes in
behind Simba, so Zira backs down from fighting and instead coyly introduces
kovu to Simba as the next leader of the pridelands.....Simba realizes its a
threat....After some harsh words between the two, Simba grabs kiara, zira
grabs kovu and they leave.

Then the whole "we are one" song happens.....

In the outlands vitani asks nuka where kiara is..when nuka doesnt know, vitani
tells him that "mother is gonna be mad" because they were supposed to watch
him.Soon, Zira returns with Kovu and Zira gets mad at nuka for not watching
him.....Kovu then explains that its his own fault and he wandered off on his
own.He tells her that he thought kiara and him would be friends....Zira
naturally gets angry then realizes that kovu might have a good idea.

The book explains that around this point Zira sings "Viscious Lullaby" to her
son, explaining how he will overthrow Simba.....

Then it tells how after seasons pass, Kiara and Kovu grow to be young
adults.....Rafiki draws kovu next to kiara in his tree, because the wind
(mufasa) is telling him they are gonna be together somehow....

In the outlands, zira tells kovu he is ready.....this is the "I will avenge
Scar" scene in the trailer....

At the same time, Kiara leaves for her first solo hunt.Everyone watches her
leave.Soon however, Simba cant stand the fact that kiara might be in danger,
so he asks timon and pumbaa to follow her.Of course, Kiara finds out they are
keeping an eye on her.She feels betrayed and she runs off.

Meanwhile, Zira had sent Nuka and Vitani to start a fire near Kiara in the
Pride Lands.Kiara cant escape and is overcome with smoke. Kovu ends up finding
her then dragging her to a nearby swamp for safety.
When she wakes up, she is furious with him for bringing her away.She obviously
doesnt know its him until they end up falling in some water (hence the
crocodile scene) and she realizes who he is.

Soon after, Simba, Nala and Rafiki arrive.They saw the fire from Pride Rock.
Kovu asks to join Simba's pride, like in Ziras plan I guess.Simba reluctantly
agrees because he saved Kiara's life. He still doesnt trust Kovu however, and
wouldnt let him sleep in the cave with the rest of the pride.

Not far from pride rock at the same time, Zira and Nuka watch Kovu and Kiara
speaking, hoping that soon Kovu gets rid of Kiara and Simba.

That night, Simba has a nightmare about Scar when he betrayed Mufasa and let
him fall to the stampeding wildebeest.But instead of mufasa and scar, in
Simba's Dream it was him and Kovu. Simba awoke and wondered if he should trust
Kovu at all.

It seems simba does have a reason to worry because Kovu had been trained his
whole life to believe Simba was his enemy.While Simba is making his rounds of
the Pride Lands the next morning, Kovu watches and readies himself to
attack.But before he can, Kiara comes into the picture and wishes him a good
morning.They go out into the plains together because Kovu promised Kiara he
would teach her how to stalk.Anyways the whole thing is a failiar and it ends
up being just a funny little part where Kiara really cant pounce Kovu without
him noticing.

Timon and Pumbaa show up saying they couldnt find any bugs cause there were
too many birds in the way. Kiara and Kovu chase the birds away for them.I'm
assuming this is the scene we see in the trailer where Kiara roars and all
those birds go flying.
While they are chasing birds, they run into a herd of rhinoceros. Quickly they
run from the stampede....

After they find shelter.Kovu and Kiara get real close in the cave and
basically start to like with eachother.
Later they go outside in the grass and start stargazing like zimba did with
Timon and Pumbaa in the original TLK.Kiara tells Kovu how she and her dad
watched stars when she was little all the time and how he had told her that
the kings of the past are up there.Kovu begins doubting everything Zira had
taught him about the Pridelands being evil.

Simba at the same time, on a nearby hill is looking up at the stars asking
Mufasa for guidance on whether or not to trust Kovu.Instead of an answer from
the stars, Nala goes to Simba and tells him to get to know Kovu better and
that maybe he would choose a different path than the one Zira and Scar chose
for him.

Rafiki shows up where Kiara and Kovu are and asks them to follow him.He tells
them "We are going to a special place in your heart.It is called Upendi"
(hence the song).Then it tells that Kiara and Kovu have fallen in love.

When Kovu returns to Pride rock with Kiara, Simba lets Kovu stay inside the
cave now with the rest of his pride. Vitani watches him from a safe distance
then runs back to the Outlands to tell Zira.Zira realizes that Kovu is
betraying them. Nuka then tells that he knows how to stop him.

The next morning, Simba and Kovu go out for a walk together.Simba tells Kovu
how Scar had been unable to let go of the hatred in his heart and that it
eventually ended up destroying him. Kovu realizes that Simba was right.While
they are walking, Zira and the rest of the outsiders ambush them.Thinking that
Kovu had set up the ambush, Simba, starts attacking them.Quickly, he jumps
into a ravine.With nowhere else to go, Simba starts scramling up a pile of
logs, which start falling everywhere..Nuka goes after him, but ends up getting
crushed by the logs :(

Zira finds Nuka and runs a gentle paw over him as he takes his last breath.She
then turns to Kovu and slashes him across the face, leaving a slash across his
eye just like Scar's.....(That means the lithograph envelope isnt a
mistake.)Kovu runs off toward the Pride Lands realizing his loyalties belong
with Simba and Kiara.

However, when Kovu reaches Pride Rock, all the animals were there scorning
him.They all believed that the ambush was caused by Kovu.Simba exiles Kovu
from the Pride Lands forever.Kiara tries to defend Kovu, but Simba does not
back down from his decision.

Kiara makes up her mind that evening to follow Kovu.When she finds him, he is
overjoyed to see her and to know she believed him.Together then go take a
drink from the waterhole and when they see their reflections blend together
Kovu says "Look!We are One"....Then they decide to return to the PrideLands
and bring peace between their prides.

As Kiara and Kovu race home, Zazu spots the Outlandsers getting ready to
attack the Pride Landers and warns Simba.Simba orders his pride to prepare for
battle.(and it is of course raining when this happens).....The fight starts
and Kovu and Kiara reach pride rock.....Kiara pleads for Simba to stop.she
says "A wise king once told me that we are one".....Simba hesitates a moment
then calls for peace.....Furious at this, Zira lunges at Simba (Does this
remind anyone else of Pocahontas?).....Kiara blocks her attack.Together the
two lionesses roll over a small cliff at the edge of the gorge.Clinging to the
side of the gorge, Kiara reaches out to help Zira, but Zira only lashes at
Kiara.Moments later, a dam of logs break apart causing a massve wall of water
to fill the gorge. Kiara manages to climb to safety, but Zira falls and is
lost forever :(

Days later, the Pride Landers and Outsiders gather together in a circle at
Pride Rock. Rafiki performs a ceremony to celebrate their union.
Mufasa's voice is heard in the wind by Simba saying "Well Done my son, we are

The End!

Well, that about covers a lot of the mysteries we wondered about.Especially
about Nuka and Vitani.Sorry about any spelling errors everyone I kinda rushed
through this cause I wanna scan some images from this book.I will post a link
to them later:)

-Chandra/Shasa 'kat

Oke, thats it for now;)

Sep 11 - 06:05



Hey guys, the Mouseworks book is at the Disney Store and it looks great, pics can be seen at:

Sep 11 - 05:49



SOMEBODY, thanks for the tidbits. Could you tell me in which order are all the songs and everything, and PLEEEEEEASE tell me how Kovu got his scar!

Sep 11 - 05:30

Pridelands Rebel

Wow. Those were pretty good reviews. I cant wait to see SP. Only a little over a month left! WAHOOOOOO!

I can send Kiara's Pride to anyone for their website.
If they want the pictures, you can link to my site.
Im planning a sequel to Kiara's Pride, called Kiara's Pride 2: True Friends. Its when Nuka finds the Pridelands and tries to force Kiara, Wamase, and Shazi back to his Pride.

Everyone get the Fall 1998 Marquee Movie Mob. It has a picture of SP on the back and a short description. It also says the Suggested Retail Price is $26.99


"If you would stop being such a sissy, we could work together and save my parents!" Simba shouted at Nala.
"Well if you would stop and think of something besides hiding behind that bush, maybe we could do something." Nala laughed. Umah and Sarabi dragged
Simba from the spot where he was hiding. "Cowardly
Lion." Nala said as she turned and walked towards Pride Rock.
-"Kiara's Pride 2: True Friends"

Sep 11 - 05:05



If the Zira plushie looks wolflike in real life than I want two of her!Do ya ever wonder what the plushies would look like if they were from burger king?I dont recal BK ever making small kidmeal sized plushes.I have the plush doger that mcdonalds made along time ago two.Only i got him at a thrift type shop and he's a little burnt on his right side and hes ben smushed so much that he lies down a little.I think burgur king had made the vinle finger puppets but i dunno.I had the bulldog,the poodle,and oliver.I wanted oliver,doger,and rita.How come BK didnt make any toy ritas when Oliver and company was re-released?
Gotta go.

Sep 11 - 04:54



Thanx for all your suggestions guys!!! but im not having nala eat pumbaa!!!! i think im gonna have the hyenas not kill scar and then scar come back and try to win back the pridelands, even though everyone hates him. and have him get caught or something. i donno, i need to go to school now, but im gonna think all day about this!!

Sep 11 - 03:51



Just an intresting question here; Kiara and Kovu, two children loving eachother across feuding lines. Do I smell Romeo&Juliet here? Honestly, that plot has been made and remade so many times I'm almost sick of it. But Disney twists it enough it should be intresting. Tell me what you think.

Sep 10 - 22:37

Rialto High School Seinor c/o 99!!
Location: By Kube!

Hello again,

I see amany of you are inquring about Adina. Well I'm not Hebrew and my characters names come from all over. The names Sen and Natara are not African and as for Shento, well I made that name up.

To describe Adina's character you'd have to know a bit of her past. I have that in a story which i simply can't send you all because I plan to send it to Disney. My animation teacher says it's real good and that I should become a screen writer.

A bit on Adina's past is as follows:
Her father, Eden, used to be a Hakuna Matata bum (In my story it doesn't specify that he believes in Hakuna Matata but you sort of figure it out)
Her mother, Edna, was always yelling and nagging at her.
That's basically all I have right now.

About Kube, it is fictional. It was written by Caiphus Semanya and was originally recorded by Letta Bulu. Check out and go into the Lebo M section and scroll down till you see Rhythm of the Pride Lands Song Inspirations, there you will know about most of the songs in RotPL.

More fanfic:

Sen sat in his fathers tree. He thought about how he had treated Rafiki and he knew that he had shamed his father. "Sen?" Called a voice.
"Yes, Adina."
"There you are. Why are you so sad?"
"I've done something terrible to my uncle."
"Oh. It's ok Sen. You can let it all out on me. After all, I've let my feelings all out on you since the day I was able to walk and talk."
Sen laughed. "Adina, you really are something and one day you will become the greatest ruler the South Side of Kube has ever seen. However I do have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Timmy staged you and Timon's breakup."
"What!?" Adina's voice was getting angered.
"Timmy is Timon's younger sibling."
"Are you for real?"
"Yep. He wants you bad Adina but I know the real truth. Come here."
Adina came towards Sen as he climbed down from his tree. He went over and wispered in her ear; "Timon is your soul mate and nothing will ever change that."
"Is that why I felt so guilty when I yelled at him?"
"Yes. That is why."
"I knew it. I've got to find Timon and apologize!"

Elsewhere in the fanfic:

"I've let my family down. Oh why couldn't i have saved Nefu!" Rafiki yelled and fell to the ground crying and sobbing.
"Reggie?" Rafiki looked up to the sky as his older brother came into form.
"Yes. It is I, Rafiki. Look at how you've changed. You're not the Rafiki who once told my son Woza that he would be ugly, rude and selfish when he grew up. You're not the Rafiki who told Nefu a lie to make him feel worthless. You've changed so much brother."
"Oh, Reggie, you're son, Nefu, is dead and it's all my fault!"
"No. It wasn't. It was Nefu's time. The cirle of life took it's course with him I knew he wouldn't live long."
"But what about Sen? Why didn't you tell me about him, why did you keep him from me?"
"Because I was waiting for the right moment. Sen doen't need any more wisdom. He is as wise as he's going to be. I kept him from you so that he could find out for himself what a great mandrill you are. he will get over it and realize that it wasn't your fault Nefu died, and he will get over Vernon's death. Leave it all up to me."

To be Continued!


PS: The Zimmer card is off!

Sep 10 - 22:21



I found this out by watching the movie. As for spoilers, well here's a couple but don't say I didn't warn you.....

Kovu was taken in by Scar(or rather Zira was taken in by Scar, she tells Simba that Kovu was the last cub born before Scar died)and he chose him over Zira's other cubs to be the next king(Nuka, Vitani and Kovu are siblings)
Kovu does get a scar(but I ain't telling how)
Nuka is Zira's first son and resents Kovu's posistion as the "chosen one"
And they all lived happily ever after.....
As for lyrics, I can't really provide them, they aren't written down anywhere.

Sep 10 - 21:22


Location: Boston

Somebody -- THANK YOU!!! Where did you get that from??? Great review...I'm exited now...sounds like SP is a winner!

Shenzi---about feline Sci fi--- A MUST READ: Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicals: THE GOLDEN ONE....sequel due out is THE CRIMSON CLAW---one web site said that Lucasfilm has already sold the toy rights to a toy manufacturer in the event that this book is turned into the next Lucas movie/ Non-star wars trilogy ..I LOVED THIS BOOK I RECOMMEND IT-- FIVE STARS!!!!

Sep 10 - 21:14


Location: hmm....

Hey there, SOMEBODY - uhm, what's that review from?
That still didn't explain much of the plot, just went more in depth about Nuka or Vitani:(...I wouldn't call that a spoiler

Errr, that sounded like a cool line bout Scar. (major scar fan here, aaany mention of the name is a big deal to me;)

Krazy Kat - have you found any Noble Heart Horse pics? He was my favorite character in care bears II, but I hardly recall what he looked like:( he was lavender, I think?

Beerit - that sounds like a major fic! I would advise not to read it for a while, to just set it aside for at least a couple days then come back and read it more objectively...It usually helps to get away from it for a time, easier to see that either some things are better or worse than you thought... I know how it is, worrying about what people will think. Makes me so nervous sometimes I feel sick to my stomach..ok that was encouraging, ha.

Blue Lion - Nefertari was cool!! the more I hear, the more peeved I get about her character in 'commandments:(

Shenzi - hope you can get internet at home, it's such a nice thing to be able to waste all those hours in the comfort of your own home:)

hmmm...can't recall who mentioned "Jungle Emperor". That was Kimba the White Lion as an adult or something wasn't it?...From the few pics of Kimba I've seen, I'd say he's the ugliest lion cub in history:(
well anyway, I read somewhere that the folks who produced JE and Kimba thought the resemblence mere coicidence themselves

errr...Antz. Scary. Not gonna bother. Bugs Life, maybe. Antz is just...uh, unattractive, might I say REPELLENT??

Ok, I think that's about it here
"i'd lost my appetite anyway"
"Look - mud!"

Sep 10 - 21:12

kiara again


hi again somebody how did you find this out and where can i here the songs and what are the lyrecs
also the book should be out soon at barnes and noble it is suppost to be in

"i like indiana, we named the dog indiana"

Sep 10 - 20:58



hi all awile ago on the rumor mill someone put a future mcdonalds toy page on but i don't know what it is so if any one knows what it is please tell post it and how it get there on the rumor mill. also if anyone has or knows of good oliver and com. pages please post them too.
in the new disney advenchures magazine it said in the nov. issue they will have a ton of sp info and a comic. i can't wait

Sep 10 - 20:52




Review: Simba's Pride:The Lion King 2 1998
Songs: "Upendi" "He Lives in You" "My Lullaby"
"We Are One" "Love Will Find a Way" "Exile"

It's been over four years since the Lion King came along. Four years, and in that time a considerable fan base has grown up around the movie. And those fans have been waiting impatiently for the sequel. The wait's almost over and everyone is now wondering if the film will be a worthy successor to the original or an over hyped piece of hyena dung.
Breath a sigh of relief TLK fans, you're in for a treat! Disney TV animation have done a wonderful job of continuing the Lion King story(hey Eisener give these guys a raise)
That's not to say the film is completely without it's flaws, but these are balanced out with some strong work.

The technical stuff: The animation is first rate(especially on Zira, her animator gives her a flair and flambouance to match or even out do Scar)One wonders how the studio managed such beautiful work on a reportedly small budget.
The songs, pretty much on par with the original's expect for WAO, which is the weakest entry.(Rafiki's calypso number for "Upendi" is interesting, if not a tiny bit jarring, but it works)"Exile" is a strong song and IMO the strongest of all the numbers included. One thing though, the characters themselves sing a bit more than I would like, but for some reason it's not as distracting as I thought it would be.

The Story: If you're looking for formula characters, undeveloped personalities and by the numbers story telling look elsewhere. There are no clear villians or heroes here, everything is painted in shades of grey. Unusual for a "kids movie" and refreshing.
Zira, unlike many Disney villians, is a very ambiguous character. The story tellers make you both hate her and feel terrible for her. She's an intriguing mix of obessive she-devil and tragic heroine wanting a better life for her people. Where some may have been justified in saying Scar was evil through and through(although as Simba says in SP"I'll never understand it, Scar was caught in a darkness he couldn't escape)the same can not be said for his widow.
Simba meanwhile, has grown up into a good hearted, but equally obsessive King. His portrayl in the film is wonderful, the filmmakers actually give the audience reason to be angry with the hero(a first for Disney) and shows Simba as a three dimensional character, with flaws of his own. It makes for a very interesting story.
Kiara the young queen unfortunately is not quite so developed and remains somewhat like young Simba was in the first TLK. That's not to say she's not a good character, she is. But she's a heroine plain and simple.
The same can not be said for Kovu, who goes through a full range of personality traits and actually "grows" as the story progresses.
The only major problem I have with the story is the ending which is fairly abrupt and seems a little forced. As if the story writers were having a hard time coming up with something. On the upside, Disney foregoes the usual way of getting rid of the bad guy, in fact it's rather surprising.
There are some wonderful out and out fight scenes and some really powerful moments. Yes, there are some silly things as well(In fact, Timon and Pumbaa are nothing but a distraction for the most part) with some overly cute animals. But if you can overlook those moments you'll find some great stuff.

Sep 10 - 20:47

dodger lover


Well Ducky, what if pumbaa and timon didn't help simba when he was in the desert? this would be a very broad topic because you would have to ask if simba would survive or die, would he meet nala?

Or what if nala decided to stay in the jungle with simba and not return to pride rock?(they wouldn't have the fight and simba will have not met rafiki)

What if mufasa survived the fall? the story would sound like the fanfic chronilcals of the pride lands but it would be intresting.

What if simba went to the elephant graveyard without nala and zazu?

what if simba lost the battle with scar?

what would happen if sarabi married scar?(hence TLK and hamlet connection)

feel free to use any of these suggestion and post your essay when your finished so we can tell you to change anything so you can get a 100 and get into college.

dodger lover

Sep 10 - 20:38


Location: Canada

Hi all! Thanks for the info Blue Lion!

Hey Ducky, how about if after Mufasa dies Scar can't got through murdering Simba and adopts him as his own son? How would Simba turn out and how would he react if he found out his 'loving' uncle(/serogate father) killed Mufasa? How would Sarabi and the rest of the pride react? I mean they think he is loving and caring, treating Simba like his own son and preparing him for the throne and all, what would THEY do if they found out?

Or what if Simba returns to confront his uncle only to find out that his mother, Sarabi, is now married to him and deeply in love with him? (I know that's kinda like Hamlet but so was most of the movie.)

Timon and Pumbaa, lets see... what if Nala ate Pumbaa before Simba had time to save him and convince her that her that he was her old play mate? Would he kill her before they had a chance to realize who they were? Would he forgive her and return with her to PrideRock?

Okay, so maybe killing off Pumbaa wasn't what you had in mind(I suppose Timon is out of the question too ;P). What if Simba told Timon and Pumbaa why he ran away and they were shocked and disgusted by him? Would he have survived without them and what kinda lion would he have become?

Or maybe Timon and Pumbaa would convince Simba to go back and face his past while he was still a cub. Would anyone believe him? And if the pride did depose of Scar, who would rule? Simba is obviously too young and with influences like Timon and Pumbaa around who knows what kind of discisions he'd make. Sarabi might rule but every pride needs a male to protect them since females are equiped to hunt, not to fight. Who would protect them if they were suddenly faced with the threat of another male? And if one of the lionesses, say Sarabi or even Sarafina, got hurt or even died would Simba ever forgive himself for not being able to protect them?

Well, that's all the sugestions I have. Hope that helps ya, bye!

Sep 10 - 20:35


Ducky I think I can help you. Ok, how about what if Scar told Simba what his problem was, I mean, if he told him about being king, maybe young Simba would understand his plea and help him out. But I dont' know that's not real good hehe. :)

What would have happened if Scar was the king of Pride Rock and not Mufasa? Would he be a differen't of a king and have a different attitude?

What if there was no Nala? (hears the Nala Fans gasp) Hehe don't worry ppl, LK wouldn't be anything w/out Nala.

What if Scar started the stampede all by himself? Would be able to do it?

What if Mufasa had a FEMALE lion cub?

What if Simba suspected his uncle killed Mufasa and ran back to PR to tell the Pride what really happened?

WHat if Meetoo and the bat eared fox mentioned in AOTLK WERE put into the movie?

Well that's all I can think of for now. :)


Sep 10 - 19:58

Blue Lion


Raksha: Antz is coming out Oct. 2nd I beleive... I really don't want to see the ugly little buggers. Not sure about a Bug's Life, but I think it's later in October.. if I rememebr right around the same time as SP. Bug's Life is Pixar (w/Disney) and Antz is PDI (w/dreamworks). I also hated the 'Ohhhh Mooosesss' crap, it bugged me! I liked Nefertari from what I've read about her, why did they do that to her!?? Besdies the statue thing, she went everywhere that Ramses did, had her own wing dedicated to her in the Rammaseum and played a major part in the peace treaty with the Hittites (she wrote back and forth with the Hittite queen to start negotiations on the treaty before it went into effect) I don't think she was that ditzy and annoying!

Back to (well kind of) the PDI/Pixar thing, Disney is planning on releaseing (or so I've heard.. we all know how that can go) B&tB again with a direstors cut or new footage or something like that opposite PoE. Personally, I didn't like B&tB. If they really wnated to eclipse PoE.. HOW ABOUT A TLK DIRECTORS CUT!!!????HUH!!??? THINK PEOPLE!!!! Sorry, but they made one for Poca and now from what I've heard they're going to for B&tB.. it's not fair!! BTW, I think SP may have had something to do with the PoE push back... PoE was supposed to be released in November, then the SP release date was announced to be in October... strangely shorty after that (or so it seemed to me, may have been before) PoE was pushed back to December...hmmmmm... somehting toi think about.

Mouse: my novel is called 'Forest Tribe', it's basically about a war and power politics between two neighnboring groups of Chimps.

Ducky: was it you who wanted an idea about a character action? what if Nala found a new love, say a thrid lion that enters (or is intruducing a character against the assignment?) how would it come out if she wasn't in love with Simba anymore.. like would she convince him to come back or just want the new lion to become king? Or (and this may be too morbid) waht if Scar killed Rafiki, would Nala be able to get Simba to come back on her own?

Moltar from SGCtC : "Hey guys, all that bedlam around us, it's not a storm after all! It's a carnival!"

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 10 - 19:21


Location: Philadelphia

Hi everyone, it's been a few days since my last post so I decided to finally put something up.

Ducky, for your question about Jennifer Lien, well, she played Kes on the Star Trek Voyager show. Other than that, I don't think she's done much with her life (at least not that I'm aware of).
Also, your English assignment sounds interesting. If you need suggestions, how about what would have happened if Nala told Simba what Scar told the pride after the stampede. If you want something with Timon and Pumbaa, how about if Pumbaa would not have gone off on his own in the scene before he's hunted by Nala.

Those coloring book pictures look great (compared to the Golden Books ones), but unfortunately I can't find any book anywhere. Guess I'll just have to keep looking. Bye the way, Zinou, that's a pretty good theory about the flipping the negatives thing. I mean they HAVE shown things flipped before, so why not this.

Lastly, Blue Lion, I just had to say that I've learned more about ancient Egypt reading your posts than in any history class I've ever taken. And even though it's not SP related, thanks for taking the time to post it.

Ok, that's enough babble for one post.

Sep 10 - 19:19



LOL,Leah....but its one of those things that are hard to get rid of......

Sep 10 - 19:02



Prescribe me some Anti Evil and Rumor Mill Mischief Pills!!!! LOL :) Where is the coloring book?? I need to know, and also where can you find the Goldenbooks thing?

Sep 10 - 18:46



Well, Ducky, I don't think it would be called cheating; more like brainstorming. How about if T&P didn't give Simba & Nala a few minutes alone? Or if Mufasa hadn't appeared as a spectral image in the sky, but came down & appeared like most ghosts on the ground to talk to Simba face to face (who knows maybe he shows up to get back at his brother himself)? Just some loose thoughts. Hope it helps. If ya need more, just post and I'll see what I can do if I catch ya in time.
On another note, I noticed that there wasn't much going on in the world of TLK so everyone was gettin off topic. So, I was just thinking, what about an intellectual debate over that whole TLK/Jungle Emperor controversy, huh? Kinda wonderin what's ya'll think & see just what kind of info we can dig up on our own about it.
Well, enough of me. Hakuna Matata everyone.

Sep 10 - 18:41

Akela's Mate/PrideLands Doctor

Okay! Does anyone need a doctor in the house?

Zira: I think that I will perscribe some Change-Be-Gone pills so your coat will be the same.

Kovu: Keep taking your vitamins and you will be a stronger cub

Kiara: Take some "we are one" pills untill SP comes out and you'll be OK

Simba and Nala: You're perfect, keep taking the Circle of Life mane and fur enhancer and vitamin and you'll still be perfect!

Timon: Some "we are one" vitamins that has a built in blood pressure pills for your hyperactiveness

Pumbaa: I suggest that you take some TUMS after eating a mass quantity of bugs, or eating anything!

Sep 10 - 18:39



DOES ANYNE KNOW WHO JENNIFER LEIN IS??? i need to know! its killing me! i tried yahoo, but they suck!!!

anyways, beerit, its ok if you dont have tears in your story, i cant stand sad stuff!!! in school last year, we did a divition on shakspere, and i almost sried in every class(pothetic huh?) thats y i need a happy movie(story) so i dont want ANYONE to die in sp, not even zira, i know shes bad but she should have to die!!!(if someone does die, please dont say anything cause i want to be surprized!)

This really cool assignment came up in english today. ok we need to take a movie, and change one characters action, and than say what would happen in the outake of the movie. i want to do tlk, but i dont know what action i should do. i wanna do scars action of killing mufasa, but thats too ovious!!! i wanna do something w/ timon and pumbaa, but i cant think of anything. writing is my weakness so im not the best at it!!! could some PLEASE help me?! anyones opinion is fine, and i wont copy your suggestion, cause thats cheating, but i will sorta us it to see if it works out. i want it to be really not expected, but i want it to be a happy ending, to someone at least. please post an suggestion or email me, PLEASE!!!! i need you to help me pass cause if i dont, i fail and ill never go to college!!!

Sep 10 - 18:33


Location: The Great, not so white at the moment North, Canada

Hi all! Looks like your novels coming along pretty nicely Blue Lion, I hope you get it published when it's done. What's the title of it by the way?

Beerit - Now you've REALLY got me wondering who dies. 30 MORE CHAPTERS?! And you've already handed over the first 20 to the grammar checker? That's like 50 chapters in all, your fingers must be falling off from all the writing/typing.

Oh, and don't worry about the end of your fic so much. People who post things for others to see like stories and art(like I did) often worry to much about what others will think and automaticly think no one will like it. Although the ending didn't come out exactly how you wanted it I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is.

And maybe some people will have some helpfull insights on how you could better achieve the effect you wanted, then it'll be easier for you to write your next fic(if you plan on writing one) because you'll have learned from your experience with this fic. Really emotional scenes are always hard to write but I'm sure you'll get those tear jerkers down pat in no time.

When will you be able to post it by the way?

I don't mind any changes you've made to the format or whatever of my pictures, they still look the same to me. :)

Bye for now!

Ninja son...he, he, he, he.

Sep 10 - 18:06


Location: long island

Beerit, is " the beast within " a computer game ? if anyone else out there is a wolf fan you should read " Blood and Choclete ". its about a 15 year old wherewolf. krazy kat, i never got to read your calypso chronicals, but i still want to read them. could you e-mail them to
if you don't mind that is. Jenna, i love the Gap and Old Navy. i also hate math. at least you don't have to do logic and truth tables.i'll probably fail math this year and chemistry too, since it involves lots of math. my math teacher is stupid. she never shuts up and sometimes i feel like barney the purple dino is teaching my class ! we are not allowed to say the word "hot " or we get an automatic zero ! Leah, your plot for All Dogs Go to Heaven 3 sounds cool. i can't wait to read it. Raksha, i want to buy the ratha books too so i can read them again. i guess i'll buy them on amazon com when i get the internet which will hopefully be soon. does anyone else know if there is any feline sci-fi fiction out there besides the ratha books ? i think someone mentioned one book before but i forgot the title. please tell me.

Sep 10 - 17:41



Ummmm . . . lets see . . . ah yes! This is clearly a misunderstanding!

Christian-- We're pals right??? :) After all, I was one of the first to sign your guestbook . . .

Beerit-- Coo! Your site looks official, do you happen to have another site???

Krazy Kat-- Could you post all the addresses to your webpage, so I don't have to dig through the mill?? Thanx!

McDonalds-- PUHLEASE LET BK DO ALL THE WORK!!!!! Oh well, I'll probably collect them all anyways . . .

Zira-- I think you need to see a Doctor!!! Your coat just can't stay one color!!!!!!

TLK 3: IT!

And Kiara saw him. "NONONO! GET AWAY!" He lumbered toward her, the ground rumbling and Kiara was flung into the air.
"Don't run little girl, I want to be your friend!"
Kiara dug her claws into the guts of the strange THING. "Oh, are you giving me a hug?" The THING asked all to politely. But they were the last words the THING said. Simba came to her side, "Kiara you will be the BEST Queen!" Winnie the Pooh laid lifeless, triumph!

"Tootles!" --Banzai

Sep 10 - 17:13



You know when Zira says, "These lands belong to SCAR!" I think that's when Simba and Zira separate Kiara and Kovu...
and in the may 10th trailer Timon,Pumbaa, and Kiara and Kovu are at the edge of the screen for a split second, and in the Magoo trailer Kiara roars, and Kovu looks at her nervously, and Timon says "RRR! Roar! Work with me!" I think that's all the same scene, if you ask me!

"Oh boss! Come see the uh.. FRICTION goin'on here between Charlie, Flo, and Sasha!"
-Killer, spying on Charlie
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c) 1998

Sep 10 - 17:09




The word you're thinking of is "serene."

Sep 10 - 16:49



To Jenna,

Beerit has a pretty good SP fan art section you can submit to. Find her site in the SP section here. :-)

Sep 10 - 16:48



I just dropped in to say HI!!!!!! And...go to my webpage :



NE1 know where I could maybe E-amil someone my fanart so I could get it on the web?

I hate math!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we're learning to divide, add, multiply and subtract negatives and, our teacher is a bast*rd. Also, my Bestfriend called me, he loves Daria, and thinks Jane is da'bomb. He mafe up this 2hr long story about how they were dating, and it was just hilarious!! Not approriate for some ppl though, talk about a good use of Chocolate syrup..LOL Ignore that. I love the Gap, old Navy, Daria, South Park, TLK, SP, and Stressed Eric.. later!!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 10 - 16:20



I just thought of something, who is jennifer lien? i have no idea but id like to know who she is!!!

Sep 10 - 14:58



BugBuhg's right. The book will be out when it's out. I too am losing patience, and I hope I can get my paws on any SP book SOON! And yes, I am a real person!

"Charlie, it's either her, or what's her name! Let's go back to San Francisco please!" Sasha was getting sick of Charlie's love predicament. She was afraid that even though Charlie had to be there in order to go back to Heaven, Sasha wished that they weren't. She hated Anne Marie, and hated Flo even more. She and David were better than those "strays" he was with in his previous life.

Sep 10 - 14:48



BugBuhg's right. The book will be out when it's out. I too am losing patience, and I hope I can get my paws on any SP book SOON!

Sep 10 - 14:43



Helter Skelter! GREETINGS, my fellow SP fans! I have come bearing hopeful news: The Mouseworks book will be out when it comes out, so that might be soon...... I am loosing my patience, so it better be soon!

Sep 10 - 14:41

Simba (formally I can't say yet)


Hello peoples!Sorry I've been annoying!The reason
why I couldn't say yet was because I could not think of any names!I'm not aloud to post my e-mail
address!Sorry!I would!I absoulutly can't wait till
Simba's Pride!There is alot of stuff at my disney
store!When is that mouseworks book commin?We it comes out,disney well proply put it on its site!They already have the lion king,mulan,hunchback,and more!If I find out that they well put it on the site,I'll be sure to tell you guys first!Oh ya 1 more thing,im a girl,and no,I'm real,not made up.0k?OK!BYE!

Sep 10 - 14:30

Beerit (Been gone for 2 days, so this is a mega post, please read it!!)


Anyone, PLEASE, tell me how to spell sareem correctly!
sareem - as in calm, or relaxed. HOW DO YOU SPELL IT?!
PLEASE tell me, I've been erasing this word off my fic too many times!
I checked everywhere, but can't find it!!! ):>
But I know its a word!! *fall on my knees and break into tears*

shenzi, if you like wolves, you should definately buy "The Beast Within", (1996 game of the year, and all)
You'll LOVE it!!!!!!
Shazi, PLEASE send me your fic and let me put it in my site!!!!!
Zinou, oh, man, I forgot about your fics!!!!
I put them online now!! I'm real sorry! I was sure I already put them!
Hey, good thought about thoes Zira's nicks theory...
Kese, you rule!! thanks a boundle! Mind if I put the coloring scans in my site?
I don't mean to complain, of course, but can't you scan some more, please?
I hear Kiara and Kovu meet mufasa's spirit and I would really like to see that! (:
Dara, yes, that Nuka is cute, but I was talking about the Kiara image, and now the Soulmates image too... (:
An annonymous person here, you're wrong, I'm not a real person...
I'm a messenger of the devil, remember? (;
Just kidding, whoever enjoys these kinda things needs to hand over his
"Official TLK fan" badge untill he grows up!!
*Brian comes over and snatches the bad guys's badge*

Zakiya, Adina... Adina, Adina... *thinking*
Do you speak hebrew?
Adina is "Gentle" in hebrew...

Mouse, you'll REALLY be surprised to see who dies in my fic!! hehe...

***"My fic" bulletin***
I did my best but the last part isn't sad enough!! I need tears...
I need sobbs... I NEED A DRINK!
*sigh* Well, I did my best, I suppose. And the last part is pretty well written, just not sad...
It's all written out, I just need to spell check it, go over it one more time, then give it to the grammerer, and I'm done...
I already spell checked and handed over chapters 1-20...
Wow, spell checking is a long, BORING, job... I can only do as much as 10
chapters a day... So I have about 30 more chapters to go...
Do the math, paople, it should be over with in 3 days!! If the grammerer does his job... (:
*stomach turns* Egh, fic fright! What if you don't like it?! What if it stinks!?!?!??!?!?
Give me strength, my people!
Hope you like it, friends and neighbors!

Made 4 new link images in my site. AWW, I'm good!!! (kissing my own butt)
I was talking to The Panther the other day, and I came across a rather amusing discovery
"...TLK is definitely a movie for the seekers of the meaning in their lives.
That's why TLK fans are such happy campers!"
Nice, uh?

"Oh no, the toilet is talking to me again..."
"Talking toilet, you can call me Jane..." (Jane, Daria)

"I just thought... If he was another lion's cub... Why is he going to be the king?"
Tumai didn't have an answer to that question.
"I mean... YOU have the blood of the great lions of the past... He has it too, in a way... But not as much as you do..."
Makano stopped talking and looked at Tumai strangly. "You wanna talk about it?"
"Look, there's nothing to talk about..." Tumai forced a smile upon his face.
"Oh, don't be offended... Maybe he's just the better lion or something..."
Kibaya put his paw over his mouth. "Oh... That's not very helpfull, is it?"

- Kibaya and Makano mock Tumai

p.s. Mouse, I made some tiny changes in your pics so they load a bit faster.
Nothing much, though, don't worry! Just thought you should know, I do it to everyone!
p.s.s. I know there's no word like "grammerer"... (:

To The K Lands

To the SP section!

Sep 10 - 14:18

Krazy Kat
The Kraziest Kitty
Location: Here, Silly.
E-mail: KrzyKatMer@AOL.COM

Heyla all, hey I noticed you're all starting to ignore me 'xcept Raksha. But that's ok, I'm just gonna keep bugging you!!

One word to sum up the one preview I saw for Antz: Ahhhh!!!!
A Bug's Life seems kinda weird to me, too. Maybe it's just the style it's made in? (Totally computerized..)?? I dunno...

::pencils in one vote for the Noble Heart and Rita Shrines::: vote...i think that's enough! ::gets ready to make them:::

I'm thinking about Starting an Animation Mailing List, about..umm...animation... It'll just be a weekly thingie that I send out with Polls Quizzes, Downloads and the like...If youre interested or think I should go on ahead with it drop me a line at the above address, and if you wanna join, tell me whut kind of stuff you like (very particular, tell me what cartoons/movies specifically so i know what to post and send about!!!) and if you have any suggestions. =)

To anyone that cant post fics cuz they'll hafta give out their E Mail addy:

I'm gonna try to extend my Text Archive (when it's all up) and put other people's stuff up. If you cant have yer stuff on cuz of the Email thing, you can send it to me and I pwomise I wont give out your E Mail!!! Really!!

Umm...that's all I have to say 'bout that. ;-)


~Krazy Kat~
The Kraziest Kitty

Sep 10 - 13:51

living in the Outlands at present
Location: playing tag with Nuka and Vitani

Laurie- good point. It's fun speculating, and of course there is always the chance that we'll be let down or disillusioned when SP comes out...gods forbid, but it might happen...Though I don't think it will happen, since SP is looking awesome, but one never knows..

Kovara - strange dream. I've only had one draem about SP, back in August.

Blue Lion - that's cool about the statue or whatever of Nefertari... makes me slightly more annoyed about what they did to her in Ten Commandments. I just hated the way she would say, "Moooses!" yeesh.
And what's with all those pasty people anyway?!

Koviara, if you're out there - did you get my long email from my AOL address? Cause I sent one from there, but I don't know if it worked...AOL and Yahoo are both being terribly evil to me lately:(

About this Bug's Life vs. Antz thing -- Two computer animated bug-related films..yup, sounds a leetle bit suspicious to me;) Can someone tell me the release dates for those, I don't know much about either or them.

well aideu peoples, I will be back SOON ::evil chuckle::

"Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare..was ME!" (hey I didn't like Anastasia too much, but that there song is pretty catchy:)
"Look - mud!"

Sep 10 - 13:50

Location: Pride Rock

I had another SP Dream!!!!!!!!!! This one was cool! :) The scene was in the OUtlands, and all the outlanders lived in a rock tower with all sorts of caves going into it, and Zira, Nuka and Vitani as well as some other lionesses lived at the top cave. An Adult Kovu entered the cave sadly and met with Nuka and Vitani who walked past him saying "Well well well.." they said something else, but I forgot what they said. Nuka looked much better than he did in the Goldenbooks, he had a full mane and he was light brown, not grey. And Vitani looked like a cross between Adult Kiara and Nala except with the bowl cut fur on the top of her head of course :) Zira came into the cave and scolded Kovu for not killing Simba and Kiara. SHe orders him to go back to Pride Rock to kill both of them, he tells ZIra he doesn't want to hurt Kiara, but he will kill Simba. He runs to the Pridelands and meets up with Simba who is for some reason at the border of the two lands. SImba and Kovu fight, and the fight ends with Simba scratching Kovu's left eye, leaving a scar. A scarred Kovu returns to the OUtlands after, but this time with Kiara and they stay there with Zira, and the other outsiders, and the dream ended there. :)


Sep 10 - 13:34



As of now, I'm starting to think companies other than Disney should back off from computer animated movies. That Small Soldiers movie creeped me out, though I never saw it, and the Antz previews creep me out too. It's like got a generic look to it or something, and the ants don't look like ants!
Just out of curiosity, how many people here are X-files fans? I am a big fan and I only ask because it seems to keep being mentioned.
SP is getting close! I hope we are not disappointed. In a way, I think these last months in the wait are best because we are still hopeful and don't really know yet what it will be like. After Oct. 27, it could all be different, and our opinions will all be different. Enjoy this time of not knowing!
BTW, what does that PVC action figures or whatever stand for??

Sep 10 - 12:32



Today was my first day of school, and it was confusing! fun though, any way i dont think ill like Ants too much, it doesnt look very good and im not that big of a fan of dreamworks(achually, i hate them) but whatever. doesnt it seem "weird" that disney made A bugs life around the same time dreamworks made ants? its just a pondering but i think thats a weird cowincidence.

Sep 10 - 12:11

Blue Lion


Come to think of it the Antz ARE kind of creepy! I thought they were just ugly but the more people talk about it the more are realize they are!
(imagine Timon and Pumbaa screaming.. the part right after Nala wakes them up... 'AAAHHHHHHHHHH! AH! AH! AHHHHHHHHHHH!) I think the Bug's Life bugs are kind of cute but.. eughhh on the 'antz'! And all the dreamworks sites are obsessed with the hideous things now! Can't they get back to PoE?

And yes I think the Ten Commnadments was pretty bad. It especially bothered me about Nefertair.. from all the evidence she was a pretty strong woman (one thing is at Abu Simbel she's portrayed the same size as her husband while most women are shown only coming up to their husband's knee.. this could be a representation of her personal strength) nad they made her hate Rmases.. they had about 7 kids together! Plus in all those old movies the Egyptians are always so pasty white.. they were kind of reddish! Wasn't Vincent Price in that too? And that annoying guy they characterized in Bugs Bunny? forgot his name.. the 'nyeah nyeah' guy... sorry, I'm bad with old movies and actors:P

Christmas!!??? Where'd that come from???
Still looking for a coloring book... I'm starting to like Nuka and Vitani.. and Zira! Man.. Scar, Nuka, Zira, Vitani, Rmases... am I turinging into a villain person here??? (probably spelled it wrong too...)

What did the Pink Panth say when he steeped on an ant?
Dead ant, dead ant... or is it 'antz'?

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 10 - 10:02

Christian (KH#1)


if its any consolation, the Barnes and Noble site now says that the SP Mouseworks book will be shipped in 2-3 days whereas it used to say 2-3 weeks. Maybe I'll actually call the one here in Hawaii today.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Timon - "Why do I always have to save your aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!"
Sep 10 - 06:30



If and when the Mouseworks book comes out, I will gladly post either the whole thing, or a synopsis for all who want to know....

"Flo, I do love you. I'm staying here for awhile so we can catch up to where we left off..."
-Charles "Charlie" B. Barkin

All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c) 1998 by Leah

Sep 10 - 05:30



I beg to differ with you because my voucher to pick up SP says that the first day of sale is OCTOBER 27TH! I don't know where you got this Christmas thing, but all of the previews say October 27th, and so does the voucher, so the date probably is correct. I think it might be released for Christmas in a different country other than the US (where I live) and Canada (our close neighbor only a state border away)..........

Sep 10 - 05:22

Pridelands Rebel
Location: Taking a morning bath at the waterhole.

Wow. I just created a large webpage in 20 minutes.
Dontya just LUV tripod!?!?

Here is the address everyone. The SP pictures i used are my own screen captures, too!


now i can plan to write a sequel, with TLK names in it!
maybe it will go something like this:

Kiara looked down at her son, Simba, then over at her best friend, Shazi. Simba would soon have a playmate, because Shazi was due to have her cub any day now.

(another part in the fan fic)
"But mom! Nala is a girl!" Simba cried. "Yuck!" Nala
thought. "Ive got to play with a whiny boy?" Nala asked
her mother. "Im going to see if there are any female
cubs around here." Nala said, then walked off.

(and another part)
"Sisy lioness!" Simba shouted. "Whiny lion!" Nala snarled as she pushed Simba down in the mud. "You
are gonna pay for that!" Simba roared as he chased after Nala. "What got into those two?" Kiara asked Shazi as they watched the cubs chasing eachother from Pride Rock.

Sep 10 - 04:28

If you want to read it.
Location: email me

There is my email address, right now, All i have is a text file. I should have it up on my web page, with pictures SOON.

The "Tito, pee thing" was easy to think up, cause I could picture Dodger saying something like that.

I'll let everyone know where the address to my page is!

Sep 10 - 03:17

Bianca O`Neill

Location: George Town Tas
E-mail: www.Bianca`s

The Lion King 2 Simba`s` pride is out in christmas not 27 /10/98.

Sep 9 - 22:44



i noticed that a few folks have been metioning
the river Kube!

I named my parrot Kube! Its an african parrot too, a Senegal parrot. :) Cool name for a parrot huh?

Does anyone know if there is a real river named Kube? or does Kube MEAN river or something tricky like that? I would like to know... :)

Sep 9 - 22:23



I thought the ANTZ looked very unattractive and creepy myself. I could hardly sit through the preview. Some online CD store such as Music Blvd should have sound clips of the SP soundtrack before Disney does (if Disney ever does). Everything I've seen so far says that it will be released on Sep. 29 so I hope this ends the discussion on it. Its been mentioned here before. Of course I'm still wondering if its going to be called "Simba's Favorites" or "Return to Pride Rock" or if there's two separate CDs.


Sarabi - "If you were half the king Mufasa was . . . "
Scar - "I'm TEN times the king Mufasa was!"
Sep 9 - 22:02



Blue Lion - nice 10 Commandments "review", hehee. What a bunch of ignoramuses, ha! they could've at least done their research...novel still soundin cool, even if it is stuff that's not officially 'written' yet...Yeah I think Antz looks scary myself. There's something about the design that just gives me the creeps

Shenzi - I hope to read any/all of Clare Bell's books if I could just FIND them. Ratha's Creature is the only one I've been able to get my greedy little paws on so far...I think a nice big box of out-of-print books will be coming to my house from 'round Christmas time:)

Ratha - have you tried there's a few very nice LK fics (and then there's my LK fic, I don't know what adjective people would use to describe that;) There's about a billion X-files there, I haven't read any of those myself.
Uhm, once I ran across a TLK site with a lovely fanfic section, but I forgot to bookmark it and now I've no idea where it is ::Cry:::

Zinou - oh, now I get it. No giving out email addy = no posting a Now I seeee....well, hope you get yer own email soon

Krazy Kat - Noble Heart Horse was awesome! And yes, do a Rita shrine!

'K, think I am done here

Sep 9 - 21:42

Blue Lion


Those new coloring book pictures look MUCH better than the golden book ones.. I think maybe Nuka will look better too! I really want that book now!

The Ten Comandments was always on at my great uncle's house, it was like an 'Easter Tradition' there was much more wrong with it than Nefertari being an annoying piece of fluff.. Seti was WAY too pasty to be an Egyptian (he also had Tutanhkamun's throne.. when he gets up from it, I can't remeber where , there's the famouse picture of Ankhesenamun annointing Tutankhamun's shoulder on it) the clothing styles were also too greco-roman, they're supposed to be in the 19th dynasty. TNT made a newer version of it that was pretty acurate to Egyptian culture just called 'Moses'. Ramses wasn't the pharoah in that one (he was in the begining as the father) they used the theory that Ramses's son Merneptah was the pharoah of the exodus. This is based on a stele of Merneptah with an inscription that says 'Isreal is laid waste, it's seed is no more'. Since there's no evidence of other things mentioned in the Bible such as the city being built some scholars think that Merneptah was writing about what his father Ramses had done.

Speaking of all this, I'm kind of peeved that they're releasing Antz beofre PoE, I want to see PoE more!! Antz dosen't really appeal to me and I don't know why... I think it's because the characters are too 'human' looking.. they're bugs with human faces and arms & legs on them.. they're ugly! At least in a Bug's Life they look like bugs! Hey, since dreamworks pushed Antz up... maybe Disney could push SP up??? doubt it :P

Anyway... Thanks for the comments about my novel, i hope to have it finnished by December and send it to some publishers.

from the end of my novel, still not written down yet..

Ikhubalo felt as if he were drunk... Ishiphepho had finally met an end, and his own soul had been purged of it's evil. Saved by the golden king, the messanger of the Gods. His head still spinning he noticed several figures moving foward through the grass. Lionesses. His only hope was to run as quickly as his legs would allow, but he would not. He must accept the inevitable, his own sacrifice for his tribe. He sat in the dry grass and waited for the golden queens to do as they must.

(BTW, this is the only parts the lions play... long astory short it's a kind of 'dare' he makes to the other chimp, one that murders chimps. It's kind of a sucicide mission that turns into self scarifice)

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 9 - 19:42



Hey, did you guys know that there's a character named Zira in "The Planet of the Apes?" Just go to Ebay and search for "Zira" and you can find a picture of her. She's one of the good apes, I think (maybe not).

I can't remember who was asking about the McDonald's toys of SP, but I'll answer your question:

Some people have made it clear that they don't like these plush toys that McDonald's will be offering in Happy Meals. I think they look OK, especially for freebie stuffed toys given out by McDonald's. But I guess people were expecting PVC action figures-----and maybe they are disappointed. Just be glad that McDonald's isn't doing what Mattel is doing (re-releasing old stuff). I will be getting all 8 stuffed toys. I'm willing to bet that they will be very hard to get.

Sep 9 - 19:28



i start school tomorrow! yippy!

anyhow, i just got my email back from disney records and they said the soundtx would be in stores in early october:) i asked more about like when the musical clips would be on the site, but i guess they didnt feel like answering that:(

Sep 9 - 18:52



Shenzi and anyone else that wants to know; this is the synopsis of All Dogs Go To Heaven 3

After living with David and his family, Annabelle speaks to Charlie, and says that in order to get into Heaven once he dies (for the third time) he has to straighten up his past in New Orleans. Itchy is sent back down from Heaven to help him, and Annabelle whisks Sasha, David, Charlie, and Itchy back fifty years, to 1942. There, Charlie finds Anne Marie, and the Wallet Family (Kate and Harold). Then he stumbles upon the old Church, and Flo is still the caretaker of the orphaned puppies, although most of the pups are nearly grown, compared to the last time Charlie saw them. Flo has been in love with Charlie for a long time, and she is hurt that Charlie is with another dog. Sasha is furious that Charlie never told her about his past, and feels bad that Charlie was so disloyal to Anne Marie, and wasn't HER guardian angel. The two loves of Charlie's life (or shall we say LIVES) are not on good terms with each other, and vie for Charlie's love. In the end, Charlie must make a decision that will affect him for all eternity: Should he stay with Flo and Anne Marie, the two he most cared about in his first(and second, possibly) life, or should he stay with David and Sasha, his attractions in his second life? To find out, ask for a copy when it's done!

NOTE: Charlie's first life his his puppyhood, and up to the point when Carface hits him with the car on the pier. Charlie's second life is when he teams up with Anne Marie,and up to the point where he gives his life for her, but the second life could also be part of the first, so tell me what you think, please! His third life is with David and Sasha.

Sep 9 - 18:03

shenzi (again)


oh my aiheu ! mom just checked her e-mail. i got your adress Koviara, thanx !dara, thank you but i can't put them on a disk since i'm at the library. please don't be mad at me. i'm new to computers and they confuse me my moms mad at me cause she says i screwed up her e-mail. i don't get it. in the words of timon, " whats going on here ? ". leah, DOWN WITH DAVID ! i like anne marie much better. she was cute, david was dumb. i think charlie should get together with sasha in your fan fic, or you could make up a new love intrest for him.i love wolves too. infact i write stories about wolves. zakiya, i liked your exerpts from your fan fic. are you gonna post your fan fic on this site when its done ?so far it sounds as good as the chronicals. maybe it will be better. Ratha, if your a clare bell fan read The Jaguer Princess. its cool. my moms mad and the libraries closing soon. i gotta go. I MISSED YOU GUYS ! Love ya ! " I like that. he ain't king but he's still so propper ! ".

Sep 9 - 17:46


Location: long island

Dara, and koviara, sorry i didn't respond to eighter of you but since i work i didn't get to the library untill today. I WANT AOL ON MY COMPUTER !!! excuse me, had to vent out my anger. i won't know if i recieved the chronicals or koviaras adress untill my mom checks her e-mail. i wish she would hurry up ! again i am so sorry. snowy, since you used a ren and stimpy quote a few days ago i'm asumming you like them. i miss ren and stimpy. i have all the marvel ren and stimpy comics.

Sep 9 - 17:34



I need to know for sure where to find the goldenbook and that dang coloring book!

"Charlie's MY dog! If it wasn't for you, he would've still be alive! Charlie's my best friend!" David yelled at Anne Marie.
"I'm not your angel David! Anne Marie needs me more than you do. I hate to say this, but I don't love you! I love her." Charlie said, trying to get rid of the skinny brat that made him forget about his past in New Orleans.

-All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c) 1998 by Leah

Sep 9 - 16:11


E-mail: Animani609

Hey Shezi! I'll read your fan-fic! More than happy to! I love fan-fic! It's fun! :o) So please send me your fan-Fic to me!

BTW...guys! You never answered me! How come you all are so upset over McDonalds toys? Please! Someone tell me! I'm missing out! Please! :o(


Sep 9 - 16:01



Busa le lizwe
Busa le lizwe
Busa ngo thando
Busa Simba iyo!

When is the mouseworks book going to be out?? Ive been waiting for a half a month

Sep 9 - 16:00



Hey guys, I just got my Sears Wishbook and they had some Simba's Pride stuff in there. They had the usual stuffed animal, but instead of Loving Licks Nala and Kiara, it's Loving Licks Nola and Simba. That just gets me mad. Anyway, they had new stuff in there too.
Interactive Talking Alarm Clock Set:Kiara and Timon
Kiara and Timon clock unit interct and talk with each other to set and trigger alarm. Cuddly Kiara has wake up shaking motion and optional talking hour alarm. Squeeze paws for talking and time telling, or squeeze ears to recieve infared data form Timon. Timon unit has LCD display screen. Original voices. Includes 6 AA batteries each. Ages 4 and up------$49.99
Kiara electronic Talking Room Guard
Motion sensor activates talking security alarm. Comes with secret pass code. Memory detects if correct code is entered and gives friendly greetings or intruder alert. Original voice with moving head motion, plus additional phrases for regular play. Includes 3 AA batteries, Ages 4 and up-----------------------$29.99
Interactive Talking Kiara and Kovu
Both talk and sing to each other as a pair or each reacts to your voices on stand alone mode. Squeeze paws to activate true interactive behavior. Original voices with moving mouth motion. Poseable limbs deluxe quality plush. Includes 3 AA batteries each. Ages 4 and up. Imported --$Set59.99
I think I'll ask for all three at Christmas time. Anyway, no new news here besides that.
Kara (We Are One)
Quote:Can you feel the love in this room? It's just dreamy.-Space Ghost

Sep 9 - 14:56



Nice "Tito, you have to pee?" thing..LOL..umm, whoever said this, I'd like to read "Kiara's Pride"

ALso, it owuld be funny if in the CareBears, grumpy said "Whats up with this sticking out our stomaches? Couldn't we get guns or something?"


"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 9 - 14:54


Location: I am here

Shazi- Where is your fan fic Kiara's Pride? I'd like to read it.

Raksha- I hate biology. Yuck! Lure my mom/ Hmm....never thought of that..........

ANYBODY---Hey, I am looking for some TLK, SP and X-Files fan fic. Any one know where I can find some good ones??

Sep 9 - 14:45



What coloring book is it? The sturdy shape book? Please can someone tell me where I can get it ASAP!!

"Charlie, don't you love me anymore? All because of what's her name and that skinny little brat, you've forgotten me! I love you, Charlie Barkin."
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c) 1998 by Leah

Sep 9 - 14:43


Location: Ngorongoro's outside parameter -- I fell off!

( My brain just went *KA-CHING* )
I looked at those Coloring Book pics ( where the heck does one GET that coloring book?!)
And look -- like in the golden book and McD's toys -- Zira's nick is NOT on her left ear, like in the preview. Either they've got everything else wrong, of the previews are flipped negatives?!
What does everyone else think? Hmm? Hmm?

Sep 9 - 14:38



Zbootitahhhhhhhtopkapi! I am a cheetah sent from the river Kube! I come bearing news that SP is never going to be released, but a Lion King 3 instead......

Sep 9 - 14:37



What's this about a coloring book? FOR THAT NAMELESS POSTER, I AM A REAL PERSON!

Sep 9 - 14:33


Location: Ngorongoro Rim

Hmm ..
I looked summore at those McDonald's toys, and they arent half bad -- they look about like those beanie-bags that they sell for money.
My dad doesn't let me put my stuff ther ebecause it requires an email address and he wont let me give it out. And, as much as you would love to see my pictures, I'd love to SHOW THEM! My scanner works, now, and I'm so happy -- so I'm trying with all my heart and soul to GET a @hotmail or @yahoo address -- I'll tell you guys first, if I get one, y'know what-I-mean?!
****Busa Netscape and Chuki MSIE!****

Sep 9 - 14:29



Good news----Margaret sent some colored Simba's Pride Coloring book pictures to the Multimedia page----and they really look good!! Either the coloring book artist is talented, or they just used model sheets from the movie for this book. I've been looking for this book for a long time now, and haven't had any luck finding it. I guess I really need to be on the lookout now.

Margaret, how about a pic or two of Nuka and Vitani?

Sep 9 - 14:18

Krazy Kat


Toni Braxton? As...Belle? ::Hmms::

Shazi (formerly Vitani)
I'd like to see yer fanfic!!
BTW all, my page should be re-put-up soon, with spiffy-y0 new stuff liiiike:

The Sarabi Shrine (well, that's still up)
The Hyena Shrine
The Noble Heart Shrine (I can only do this if somebody has ANY ANY ANY Noble Heart pics WHATSOEVER!!!! He's so hard to find! BTW, Noble Haert is the head Care Bear Cousin in Care Bears Movie 2...he's kinda like the father er sumthin.)
I'm taking a little vote...I want to do an SP character shrine..who should I do? Or should I wait till after the movie to see if i can do a Nuka or Vitani shrine or something?
Text Archive- I'd like to have other people's stuff up here as well, it doesnt matter what kind of stuff you wrote...anything you'd like put up but dont have a webpage, or whatever.
80's 80's and more 80's- Hmm..can you tell which decade I'm stuck in?
I'm also thinking about doing a Rita Shrine (Oliver and Co), there's already a massive Dodger Shrine run by a guy named Steward. It's pretty nifty! ;-) So anyway, should I do a Rita Shrine?

Again, this all depends on YOU people, I'm not gonna do it if no one wants to see it. That'd be pretty dumb, huh?

Well, that's all I've got 4 today! Ta Ta!
~Krazy Kat~

Let us compare and contrast:

Dodger lowered his head and sighed, studying his reflection in the water. He couldn't understand what he'd done wrong to make her so angry. He looked back up, his bandanna rustling lightly in the breeze, to meet her face. Dodger smiled slightly, as their eyes met....

--The Revised "Dodger's Gang" (c) 1998 Carissa Smolko--

The same scene from the original version...(1995)
Dodger looked up with sad eyes, which slowly turned to a glimmer of happiness, seeing her again. can see how extended and *ahem* better the revised version is, huh? (Don't usually compliment my own work but I thought I've been able to work out scenes much better this time 'round. ;-)

PS- The Sarabi Shrine at the moment, is the only page still in existance. You can access it with the URL:

New pics! woo!!
I'll soon add:

--Character voice
--Character Info (Animators and such)
--Other Spiffy Stuff

OK, I'm really done now! Bye!

Sep 9 - 13:46


Location: Trying to type on evil school computer

Shazi - cool name! Too bad about that whole Vitani conflict.. Did you say you were done with your fanfic?...I can't keep track, there's so many folks posting about fics

Leah - your ADGTH fic sounds hilarious!

Zinou - I know it's none of my business, but would you mind me asking why your dad doesn't want you putting your fanfics at By the way, I'd love to see your art too

Blue Lion - I wasn't too fond of Ten Commandments had its moments, but it just didn't seem -well, worth spending four hrs watching;) Your novel is sounding so cool...there are so few talking animal books out's like some people don't /like/ talking animals or somethin

Zakiya - I want to know more about Adina (spelled right?), she's an intriguing character

Hmmm, anything else....I think that's about it

:::casts nervous glance around for evil librarian...ergh, she's here somewhere...:::

Raksha "Look - mud!"

Sep 9 - 13:01


Location: pridelands

no new news but I really want to see Vitani and Nuka in action soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when is that mouseworks book coming out I can't wait anylonger!!!!!!!!


Sep 9 - 12:37

Pridelands Rebel
Location: (ex Vitani)

Doesnt anybody want to read my story?
I will have my fan page up soooooooooon.
It is all about my fan fics, and my fav. fan fics.


"You cant stop us from taking Kiara home!"
--Shazi, "Kiara's Pride"

Sep 9 - 12:18



Beerit, you've sooo many fan art! Is it the cute one with Nuka? If so, it's really good! I like Vitani too.

Ducky, I don't mind if other people talk about other movies, it keeps conversations alife. That's what I like about the mill. If there's no news of SP (and there IS no news!) this place would be dead!. But of course, it's a mill for TLK and SP, so we should talk mainly about SP. For the rest, I don't mind at all.

Zakiya, were can I find your fan fic? It sounds kewel!

Koviara, NO my weather didn't impove, DANG!
Awww man!! I hate it! It's even getting worse
with thunderstorms, wind, cold, etc.!! Thank God I still have my holiday to come! Sunnnnnnn!
*The sun rules!*
pfff, at the time I'll come back it's also Autumn here... sigh...

*I wanna get out of here!!!!


Sep 9 - 10:37

Still at the Local Library
Location: I'm so sick of writing where I all know I'm a Scouser...

I've just read on another SP Rumor Mill that Scar is not supposed to have been killed by the hyenas, but run away with Zira, hence Kovu's young age.
Don't believe it myself, but, oh well...

"Peace? I hate word! As I hate Hell, all Montagues."
- Tybalt, "Romeo and Juliet"

Sep 9 - 06:54


Location: Ngorongoro's Rim

Heya, Beerit!
Went to your site, and peered at the SP-book pictures. Nice job on your part (posting) but they shuld shoot whoever illustrated that. They couldve asked any one of us ( the fan art illustrators, that is) and we'da done a much better job. What, were they not paying that person enough? Did he halfway go on STRIKE?
**Beerit only: When're y'gunna put my stuff in your fanfic section? *pout*...

BTW, everyone, MY SCANNER IS NOT BROKEN ANYMORE! I can scan and color and fancy-up my SP fan art, now. Probelm? No way to get it to any of you. I'm trying to work out something with me dad, via @hotmail, @yahoo, or something of the like.
I'd really LOVE to show you guys what I've done -- including pics of Zira that correspond with my fanfic ( the one thats either way down there or's been archived) I also hope to get my stuff all posted on, but, fat chance, the way my dad is. :/

I've been practicing my HTML ( Not here, by gosh)
And I CANT SEEM TO DO IT! I go crazy sometimes.

WEll, I salute. ^.^
****Busa Netscape and Chuki MSIE!****
"...I am Zinou of the Zaai,
I only 'ave one eye,
I'll never ever tell a lie,
And .. I'm a secret spy.
Oh! Whoops! I wasn't supposed to *tell* you that..." --Zinou's little jig , taken form TLKMUCK. :)

Sep 9 - 06:04



I think I will begin my TRrent/TLKstory but I've already begun my Trent as a woman story...

Sep 9 - 05:25



My fanfic will be done in October. When is that stupid soundtrack coming out?????? When?

"David, he's my dog! You took him away from me!"
-Anne Marie
All Dogs Go to Heaven 3 (c)1998 by Leah

the story will be about how Annabelle sends Charlie and Itchy, Sasha, and David back to the 1940's, and Charlie and Anne Marie become the team they once were. Flo and Sasha vie for Charlie's love, which ends up in a sticky mess.

Sep 9 - 05:20



Okay, I think I am a real person, but I can't remember if my brain was shipped from a brain plant on Jupiter, instead from a brain plant in Seattle.


Sep 9 - 05:15

Pridelands Rebel
Location: (ex Vitani)

I finished my SP fan fic, Kiara's Pride. Anyone want to read it? I made it as long as possible, and its really good.

Im definately not posting pranks. Im a real fan. a really
BIG fan! (taking 2 weeks and getting grounded for being on the computer too long so I could get it done, proves it.) Anyone want to read it?

"I think running away is a good idea!"
--Shazi, "Kiara's Pride"

For ADGTH fans (like me)
"You've got to pee Tito? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."

Sep 9 - 04:58

Still no UK news
Location: Liverpool, England

Alexander- Although I did like the first ADGTH movie, I did not like the second one and I knew I wouldn't. The first movie reminds me of my first dog, you see. I named him Charlie after the hero of the story, but he was killed a year later, so it has a kind of sentimental value. I bought the second one because when I got "Ransom" at Christmas, there was an offer on that if you bought a full-price video, you could get that for only Ј2.99. Being a big fan of animation, I did. So please don't judge me. I have to agree with you about the second one.
Oh, and I don't literally mean "shout". I meant that you left me feeling quite low. Oh well, friends?

Leah- I think that Charlie should go back with Anne-Marie. i liked her much better, and ADGTH2 never explained where she went. Yeah! Put her in your fanfic! She ws cool.
Oh, and I didn't get one of those little introductory speeches when I first began writing on the mill a few weeks ago...sob.
And I can't wait to read your fanfic!

"I can't say yet" - Will you just give yourself a name?!

Jenna- Oh! They'd have to have Trent as a lion, I loovvee Trent! he's so cynical! But then I like Sandi, too. Maybe they could have used their voices for Nuka/Vitani!

Dara- has your weather improved yet? ours can't seem to make up it's mind and now Autumn's crept in...

Oh, and about the "Is Scar Kovu's father or not?" It's legal and above board for second cousins to, ahem...propagate. Although most people frown on the idea.

Hakuna Matata!

Sep 9 - 04:39

Hmm, should I tell 'em? No they should know by now.
Location: The Kube lands with Adina, Natara, Sen, and all my other imanginary friends.

Well, my economics teacher likes Disney. He has a Timon stuffed animal on his desk. He is a very strange man. He despises freshmen, sophmores, and juinors but man does he love the seinors!!!!!

Well, I am able to email chapter 1 of my story to anyone who wants to read it. I do have a strict disclaimer though so if anyone copys my characters (the original ones) well they might not be happy campers.

And now more from TCoT&P:

Adina wispered in Shento's ear. She told him how they were going to freak Timmy out. She heard his approch. She poised and prepared. Timmy came into view and Shento leaped. He picked her up into his jaws, she screamed. He shook her about back and forth. Timmy screamed. "Oh my gosh! Adina's gonna die! She gonna get eaten by a hyena!"

Elsewhere in the fic:

"It's good seeing you again Fred."
"Any time Timon, anytime."
"Hakuna Matata."
"What did you say?"
"I said Hakuna Matata Adina. It means..."
"You said the forbidden word! It is entirely verboten! How can you say such words."
"I didn't know Adina."
"Timon, you are banished from the Kube lands! Go back to where you came from! You-you uncivilized pondo!"
"But Adina!"
"I hate you Timon! Get away from me!"
Timmy watched Adina storm away. His plan worked. Adina would be his. Timon was hurt and left Kube. He headed to the Pride Lands.

Simba saw Timon return. They tried everything to cheer him up. Eventually, Timon stopped eating and began to get skinnier than ever. He was depressed.

More to come!


PS: McD's had a young Nala figurine way back when TLK first came out. She looked very funky and I didn't like it. I still have it though.

Sep 8 - 21:32

Blue Lion


I too want to see the coloring book pics.. any new of Nuka?

Thanks for the comments on my story .. and my Egyptology facts... I just post them because I like when people are interested in it.. I just love the culture and everything about it. (why I like PoE so much too) I didn't like Ten commandments too much though.. Nefertari was too oozy and all spineless fainting over anything with a Y chromosome..:P

Well.. didn't write about the battle of Kadesh.. the supposed 'biggest battle' of Ramses reign (scroll past this paragraph if you want) It was actually a big act of stupidity. Ramses was so sure of winning a battle against the Hittites that he made stupid mistakes. First they found some nomads and interrogated them and they said in more words or less everyone ran away because they were so scared of Ramses.. the nomads were actually put there by the Hittites to decieve him and it worked. The Egyptians camped out by Kadesh (hittite city/fortress) near the river Orontes and were attacked in the mornign by the Hittite forces catching them unaware.. they tore through the army and Ramses would've died if a mercenary force didn't come & save him forcing the Hittites to a draw... of course when you read Ramses version he makes it sound like he single handedly rode out in his charriot and drove the whole hittite army away alone. But who'd really say 'I made an idiot of myself and almost got killed.. OOPS!' for all history to read?

The Hittites were from a country called Hatti... does anyone remember 'Pinwheel' on Niclekodeon? Wasn't Hatti the place where all those giant talking hats lived in one of the little shorts from Pinwheel???
Pinwheel pinwheel spinning around
Look in my pinwheel and see what I found
Pinwheel pinwheel shiny and bright
Spining by morning and spinning by night

What a SPAM! :P

here's more from my story.. I part I have in my head but didn't write out yet so it'll probably change...

Ukhingi delighted in the chimp's bravery, this Ikhubalo had a nerve to come before the king of the baboons as it was, and now he claimed to posses the powers of the lost tribe.
"Show me this 'tool of the tall ones!" he cried, displaying his most regal and smarmy grin.
Angered by this arrogance, Ikhubalo slowly and deliberately pulled a stone object from the bushbuck skin pouch he had fashioned, keeping his narrowed eyes fixed on the baboon. This seemingly unimportant stone had been strangely fashioned at one end to a rugged tapering point. The other end was wrapped in a tattered hide and held tightly in Ikhubalo's strangely scarred hand.
Holding to point outward yet close to his chest, he then snapped his hate filled eyes to Isibindi... sending a gaze that made the otherwise brash chimp feel cold as a winter dawn.

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 8 - 21:19

dodger lover


hey here is some help for the person making the All Dogs Go To Heaven 3
david's(or whatever his name is)dad was transferred to NYC. Charlie and Sasha of course went along also. One day Charlie and Sasha snuck out of their apartment. They walked down to the harbor and suddenly they heared a voice say, "Hey weren't you in some some crappy movie back in '96.
charlie turned around and saw 5 dogs with glowing red eyes looking at them. "yes i was have a prob with that?" said charlie. "as a matter a fact we do"growled a white dog with a red bandana on. "we spent $22 on that movie which turned out to be a cheap rip-off of Oliver & Company" "enough of this foolish talk" said the afgan hound "ATTACK". and the gang mauled charlie and sasha to death. Then after that the white dog said" i'm hungry whose up for some pooh bear."
Charlie and Sasha went to heaven but st. peter said they couldn't get in because the movie they made was a sin because it really sucked. so instead he sent them back in time to the 1940's to hopefully find a way to fix their mistake. Now ADGTH3 begin.
:) Dodger lover

Sep 8 - 21:01



Im getting very recless about not knowing about the soundtrack so i took the liberty of emailing disney records. they probubly wont give a straite answer but if i keep bugging them they might release some info

Sep 8 - 20:52

Carl Oldenburg
Media Play Inc.
Location: Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, i got alittle more info:

Disney, (or beunavista, whatever it is) sent its
september/october preview laser disc to my Media Play
Inc. i work for. it plays on some of the 9-banks (9 tv's acting as one big one) and a not before seen preview of tlk2 was on it. Not much new, execpt for 2 parts.. one timon speaks to Simba, and i qoute
timon to simba on pride rock: " I've got good news and bad news.. the good is that we found your daughter, the bad news is that we dropped a warthog on her" then it goes to simba with a really funny look on his face, it made me laugh. all 7 times i saw it.. wonderful 8 hour shifts i do. Anyway the other part was when they showed the sun rising, then the sun faded out to simbas eyes, it was really cool. it looked awesome on laser disc, and i really hope Disney will put this on dvd.

Sep 8 - 20:24

Christian (KH#1)


Yeah, why don't they have a Nala McDs toy?!?!?! And, yes, I am a real person. I'm going to try to put links to pics of me here as soon as I can. And, Kese, when you do those scans can you post the black and white ones as well as coloring them? Kind of strange that two posts after I mention the SP multimedia section that someone asks where they can find the pics of the McDonalds toys. I'm not even going to put a link to my site in this post because there's a link to it in the same place as the McDs toys pics.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Sep 8 - 20:13


Location: Canada

Hi all!
First off, Beerit & Raksha - thanks for your compliments! It's always nice to get feed back on my art. And I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on it. :P
And Beerit, sure you can post my pics on your webpage, knock yourself out! Great job on the little story excerpts so far, now you got me wondering who's gonna die.

Blue Lion - Your novel sounds interesting, I hope your going to post it on the net when your done for all to read.

Crystal (Zazuholic #1) - Not bad, your story's pretty good and it's got me interested even though I'm not a Zazu fan(I don't hate him, he's just okay). I have a figurine of him, plus I like Rowan Atkinson (sp?).

That's all I have to say, I have to leave now to tend to my cold.

"The sooner we get there the sooner we can leave."

Sep 8 - 20:08



Just checked out the McD toy pics. They aren't great in terms of looking exactly like the characters- none really do except maybe Rafiki. But actually some are kind of cute setting that aside. Think of them as characatures of the characters and maybe they won't bother you so much! :) By the way, I don't think Zira looks that much like a wolf, I think it's just that angle myself.
Kese, I gotta agree with ya 'bout the SP merchandise so far. I just went to Target the other day and was sorta disapointed. Nothing I've seen yet that looks worth buying.
Kovara, I remember that BK commercial! Every time I'd hear the music I'd go flying into the living room to catch a glimpse of the toys and footage from the movie! :)

"Yoohoo, Monkey Boy!" -Genie from "Aladdin"

Sep 8 - 19:36


Location: pridelands

hi haven't posted in a while just wanted to say on August 15th (a week from today) Lady and the Tramp is coming out I hope that theres a new SP preview I am getting (to fill my disney classics) I will try to be the first one to tell u if theres a new preview!

future queen,

Sep 8 - 18:56



Ratha - I would've liked Biology if my teacher hadn't been insane:) Maybe lure your mom to by suggesting she read some customer reviews of some of her favorite books...worked quite well for me

Crystal - I love your fanfic exerpts

Beerit - your exerpts are quite intriguing too. Are you done w/ whatever fanfic that is, or is it a work in progress?

Mouse!!! - nice drawings:D Personally I love black and white drawings. Your character expressions are really great, especially Scars;)

I think that's all, bye fer now
Raksha "Look - mud!"

Sep 8 - 18:40



Wow Kese, you got the coloring book!? When are you going to post some of the pictures? I'm really interested in seeing some new images!

And no, I'm not opposed to discussions about non-SP stuff, it is just that there's been SO much non-SP discussion lately(with the exception of the McDonald's toys) that I just had to say something.

I was thinking about the Lion King on Broadway and just remembered something I saw today----Toni Braxton is playing Belle in "Beauty and the Beast": the Broadway show. Is she a good choice for that role?

Sep 8 - 18:39



I found it at the local grocery while I was out pickingup dinner.

Sep 8 - 18:11



Leah, i have cramps in my head and nose too, my mom says its allergies, but i dont know!!! i saw a Sp story coloring book too, but i dont think its the same one as your specifiying. it didnt have words, it was just the sequence of events, i didnt look at it much cause i didnt want it to give the story away to me! i want to be surprised!

Sep 8 - 18:08

Location: HelterSkelter!

I feel like I need a listening ear. My law of gravity teacher gave me an F+ today because he wanted me to drop a coffee pot out of our ninth floor building to demonstrate how things fall. I told him no, I'd rather be with my SP buddies, hangin' out at the Mill. He replied back that I could take that buisiness up with my Lion King teacher.
I got the SP figurine set today, and I know that it's been mentioned a long time ago but how can Kiara join Kovu "in the wild"? Are they in some animal sanctuary in Kenya or something, or did Disney make a booboo? Cause I don't understand it. Don't click on my e mail, it's a fake

Sep 8 - 18:08



Where can you find the coloring book???? I need to know!

On a non-SP related basis, The ADGTH3 fic will be finished around October. I think I am getting sick. I have a cramp in my nose and head (if there is such a thing) but the good thing is that I got a good grade in Geography and French today. Sorry for my spam, I just felt like typing.

Sep 8 - 18:01



Why is it wrong to talk about stuff other than sp? im not gonna name names but some people have and personally, i dont see anything wrong w/ it. i hate all dogs go to heaven, it scared me when i was a kid(you know, when charlie comes back up from hell?) and i never really liked it, but if people wanna talk about it, its ok! i dont like don blunth that much either. hes really not that good, and most of the songs in his movies suck, and my favorite parts in movies are the music parts!! well whaterver. i was woundering, why didnt they make a nala MCD toy? isnt she important?

Sep 8 - 17:47



Just got my paws on a new SP coloring/storybook and the art here is much better(some great pics of Zira) not much new info. except, Upendi is apparently a place that Rafiki shows to Kovu and Kiara(it seems to be a jungle and that's where they fall in love, sound familiar?),Kovu tries to help Simba when the Outlanders attack and Simba won't let him and Kiara and Kovu see Mufasa's ghost together. That's it for now. I'll try to scan and digitally color some pics tonight.

Sep 8 - 17:46

Crystal (Zazuholic #1)


Hello! I just wanted to say: stop pickin' on the MD toys!!! I think they're kinda cute and the Teenie Beanies were worse! Although I wish they WERE PVC's! I still have my lil' laughing Ed from the BK promotion. You pull his legs and he squeaks!

Zazu glided with a warm air current. He looked down and although the day was humid, an icy chill blew down his back. These woods were all to familiar. He flew to the ground, landing in a pile of soft, dead leaves. Taka reached him and breathed hard, cathing his breath. Suddenly Zazu caught a glimpse of something. He waddled quickly over to an old baboab tree, covered in dark ashes. He dug his tallons in to the bark and climbed a short distance to a hole in the tree. The floor was covered in blue feathers and in the corner sat a large nest. "The Birth Nest," Zazu whispered, a lump in his throat.
"Zazu!" Zazu looked down the tree. Taka sat at the bottom, unpatiently.
"You go on home. Do you know the way?"
Taka nodded. "Yes. But Dad wanted you back when the shawdows were much shorter than this."
"Don't worry about me! I'll be back in the morning."
Taka nodded again and gave Zazu a strange look, wondering if his bird-friend would really do what he had promised.

--Zazu and Taka from The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird

Sep 8 - 17:45

Krazy Kat


Oh, Alexander, that's ok if you don't like Bluth, I wasnt trying to be nasty or to tell you not to say anything more about it, I was just saying I wouldnt like to see any hurt feelings, like Leah, since she seems to be writing that ADGTH fanfic. Writing is someone's pride and glory and I know what it's like to feel put down, that's all.Besides, I thought this was a place of free speech, and there's no SP news, so why not occupy ourselves with something else until there is? It keeps us together, at least. No hard feelings? :::Holds out a paw:::

Wow, how can ya forget about the rest of Brian's site! Two years ago when this place first opened, that was my doorway back into the TLK fandom..before that, i was just an average fan, I..umm..didnt know Nala's mom's name.. ::does a bunch of Hail Sarabis::: Thanks for leading me to where I belong, Brian! ;-)

Well, that's all i hafta say fer now. Oh, Leah, your fic looks ok from the few quotes I've seen!

~Krazy Kat~
Ranting raving kitty here...
Sleepy sophomore there...

Sep 8 - 17:37



You know, anononymous, I do the same thing. But I have been checking other areas, but I haven't been to the SP multimedia in about four days.

I can't wait untill SP comes out (that's a unanimous statement) because the only reason I'm even on the computer is because of TLK, and I think I need a rest. But I'm not sacrificing a day's worth of posts just for telivision! No sir!

"You know, Charlie, you're right. Heaven's not so great. I miss having my short legs!"
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c)1998 by Leah

Sep 8 - 16:50



Where can I find pics of the Mc Donalds SP toys? I gotta know if the're worth the money and all the burgers that end up in the fridge that don't go away.bye!

Sep 8 - 16:47

An annonymous person here


Christian, I just come here all the time. I type in, and I get Rumor Mill without the frame on the left side. I've been doing this for a long time, I sometimes forget about the main page and the other areas.

I think the reason that we've been having so many weirdo posters is because someone is playing a trick! Like there could be a person with the name KovuHolic, and he or she could post a rumor or something else, but go under a different name, and pretend that the new alias is a buddy of theirs. This probably ISN'T TRUE, because I know that Beerit, Krazy Kat, Leah, Christian, Vulture, Dara, Kasi, Shenzi, the two Vitanis, Ducky,and Nandi and the others who post here are ALL REAL PEOPLE, at least that's what I think. You guys would never do a thing like that. And I know no one will probably never will. =)

Sep 8 - 16:31

Christian (KH#1)
Location: Oahu

It seems like the only section anybody knows about at this site is the rumor mill. Brian has a ton of stuff here and I keep seeing people ask where certain TLK/SP things are as though they're in some remote corner of cyberspace when they're really right under our noses. One of the most overlooked sections is the Simba's Pride Multimedia section which has a link to it at the top of this page and at the top of the front page.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Pumbaa: "Your majesty, I gravel at your feet."

Timon: "Wait a minute. Its not 'gravel,' its 'grovel,' and don't. He's not the king. Are you?

Simba: "Maybe I used to be but that was a long time ago."
Sep 8 - 16:18


Location: In her den, fending off UN-Named younger cousin

HEY ALL! I in GOOD mood 2day.I got a good grade in Biology. :)
Maybe I should introduce my mom (Or Grandma, me SPOILED!) to


Sep 8 - 15:24



Krazy, I understand you are a ADGTH fan, but I'm sorry, I absolutley hate Don Bluth stuff. This site has nothing to do with Don Bluth, but if you guys want to go start a Don Bluth site, feel free to do so. I for one cannot stand his stuff. And I'm sorry, but you won't get any sympathy from me---there are people on this Rumor Mill who slam stuff that I like all the time.

This is the Simba's Pride Rumor Mill, not the All Dogs Go to Heaven Fan Fiction Website. I come here to see the latest info on Simba's Pride and end up scrolling through stories about Charlie and Itchy. Can you understand my frustration? I guess it might be easier to take if you guys were discussing another Disney movie---but please, enough of Don Bluth.

"Coming in 1999: All Dogs Go to Hell---Charlie and Itchy burn for making bad movies."

Sep 8 - 15:15

I Love Names!

I am a person who posts here. This is a weird practical joke. HAHAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA!

Sep 8 - 14:47



Jenna, I typed in the address from your last post, but the screen says that the address is wrong. Could you post a hyperlink for me, or e mail it?

Sep 8 - 14:38

Krazy Kat


I respect your opinion of ADGTH, but please don't flaunt it around in ours-and especially Leah's-- faces...there are fans of the movie and I don't really think it's appropiate at all to be like that. Thanks.

One word to describe the SP McDonald's toys: Oy!

Even though they are plush, they couldve done a MUCH better job, even if it IS McDonald's. I still have my little "plush" Dodger ornament from McDonald's in 1988 and he looks pretty good, to me. (I had Oliver too but he kinda dissapeared...oh, and they used to play music when you squeezed 'em and Dodger's kinda died..give him a break, he's10 years old now!)

Blue Lion, yup, Lenny and Squiggy were L&S's annoyers, but they were also their friends...sort of....oh, and your novel's looking good! Keep it up!

~Krazy Kat~
The odd cat that lurks during the day... =\

Sep 8 - 14:35



Hey all you ADGTH fans, go here :

Sep 8 - 14:24



Dang.I havent visited for a week and now its flooded here.I cant posibly read all the posts.
The McDonald toys look cute to me.Kovu's coloring is a little off though,but their cute.I dont understand why some people think their horible.
The reason I havent ben here in a while is that my mom thinks if i go to here right after school that my brain will over load.But the internet is how my brain has fun!I better go b-4 my mom finishes her bath and gets pissed at me.
"Oh,you cant let a good dog down"

Sep 8 - 14:23

The Grasslands
Location: Out there...

Dara, the pic I mentions is in my site... fan art archive.
Mouse, those pics you made ruled. Kovu looked like some commando man (:
Mind if I put them in my site?
No interesting messages today... M S sent me ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL pic...
I my site tomorrow, so is the scan of the SP toys from McDonalds...

"Oh no, the toilet is talking to me again..." (Jane, Daria)

He looked down at the rocks beneath him, realizing what faith Aiheu's world holds for him. His only regret was his own death.
And a broken promise, that was made on a summery night, and that lasted less then a lifetime...

- *'s death....

To The K Lands

Sep 8 - 14:05



Ducky, yeah, I guess Trent is coote for a cartoon Character. I still love Jesse though! Leah, when do you think your ADGTH3 will be finished..?

To everyone who likes DAria---I'm writing a fanfic, where Tren's band becomes poplular, and some producer need s a gullable guy to be in a movie. (Mrs. Doubtfire--the remake) They can't decide between Trent and Jesse, so they make them both dress up like women for 2 weeks, and thn they make them audition again..problem is, Guys keep hitting on them..It gets..umm...intresting. Thoughts NE1?

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 8 - 13:53



By the Great Circle Itself, those McDonald's thingies are funky looking. Yet somehow, I'm not all that surprised...those types of things tend to be like that. I agree with however said Zira looks like some sorta canine

Hey Kovara, I remember those commercials..

Sep 8 - 13:24


Location: At school library again, keeping eye out for evil librarian...

Richard Simmons mocking TLKoB....uhm that's a scary thought

what's all this bout the MickyD's toys....must go see for myeslf...

Zinou -long time no see:) Love your poem, and you know, I've often wondered the same thing myself

hmm...I know the librarian is just waiting to jump out of the shadows at me.... ::tremble::

"Look - mud!"

Sep 8 - 13:13

Location: Pride Rock

I saw those MCD's toys, they look ok..:) ANyway, I was wondering what LK commercials you guys remember from when TLK was in theaters? :) The ones I remember are the BK ones where everyone starts singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" even the BK employees. I remember the one for the Tiger electronic game where a little African girl is sitting on a rock playing the game, when a little boy comes up to her and asks "What are you playing?" and she replies "Jambo" he says "I don't understand." "Jambo...Simba" then he says "Ohhh, Simba!" The girl gives the boy the game and he starts playing, and the announcer talks about the game and stuff, he says things like "Help Simba defeat the hyenas." and the boy says "Man are they uuuuuugly!" and when the announcer says "Help Simba meet Nala" the boy smiles at the little girl. :) I also remember the commercial for the talking Simba, how they pressed different parts of his body. I have that plushie BTW :) And the Roaring Adult Simba, this kid says "Simba! You learned to roar!" they showed scenes from TLK, and the kids made Simba roar. And finally I remember those commercials for those Jungle Babies. :) That's all I can remember. Oh...I didn't get the job at the DS..:( Oh well, I'll try again next time.. :)


Sep 8 - 13:11



OOPS!!! in my last post, "stuffed about" should be "stuffed abu" i love Abu!!! him and timon are my favorite disney characters of all time. abus adorible and timons hilarious:P

Sep 8 - 12:52



Alexanders right, those toys are not the under 3 toys. they wouldnt make eight toys for kids under 3! sometimes they do have special ones from a movie for little kids(the had a stuffed about when the king of theives came out) but those are not it!

Sep 8 - 12:48



Elyse, I agree with you---I kind of like the Simba's Pride McDonald's toys also. I think they look better than some of the things Mattel has released lately. Oh well, to each his own. With so many people around here announcing they won't get these toys, it should be a bit easier for me to get them!

Sep 8 - 12:29



If that's the case all I have to say is that Disney is really screwing up when it comes to merchandise for this film. So far everything I've seen looks horrible and if these are the only toys they are doing for it, yuck, they look like crap.

Sep 8 - 12:26



hi guys,,,i'm going to have to go against the grain and say......i kinda' like the mcd's toys, at least they're better than mattel and not just reissuing figures from the original, and i also think they look better than mattell's beanies. cya later, elyse

Sep 8 - 12:19



Kese, what I am trying to say is that the Plush Simba's Pride toys are NOT the Under 3 toys!!! The under 3 toys that McDonalds currently uses are either generic or are of McDonald's characters. These plush toys are NOT Under 3 toys. And yes, you do have to ask for the under 3 toys. The poster says "Fisher Price Under 3 toys" NOT "Lion King under 3 toys!"

If you don't believe me, fine. Just wait until October.

Sep 8 - 12:11



No they don't, they had seperate under 3 and over 3 toys for Mulan, they'll do so for SP. McDonalds toys are collectors things, they know this. Also look at the poster again it says "Offer your guests Fisher Price Under 3 toys" Which means they are not the ones that go automatically in the Happy Meal, you have to ask for them....

Sep 8 - 12:03



Thanks for the help Alexander.
I have one word for the plushies: disgusting!

But they're funny for the happy mails that's for sure. I liked the plastic Simba (I saw once) in the happy meal. That was neat!

See ya!


Sep 8 - 11:56



Dara, and everyone else who keeps asking, go to the Simba's Pride Multimedia section of this page. The McDonald's picture is there.

The toys don't look wonderful, but remember they are McDonald's Happy Meal stuffed toys, so it isn't a big surprise.

Despite the shortcomings of these toys, I bet they'll be a big hit.

Sep 8 - 11:37


E-mail: Animani609

Um...I have a little question for ya'll. Why are you guys getting so upset over the idea that McDonalds is having SP toys? I thought it was cool! Sorry....I guess I'm still getting used to this.... I dunno. But can someone please fill me in? :o) Thanx!

Sep 8 - 11:35



Beerit, you need therapy....
(but tell me about this pic first!!)

Ducky, thunderstorms, man I hate them!!

Shenzi- if ya read this, did you receive the mails with the chronicles I send to your mothers' adres?? I would like to know, so I can send the other 3 (fan fics related to the Chronicle series).

Oh, has someone the adres were I can see the plushies of mcDonalds??? Please?



Sep 8 - 10:53



Im not pissed at mcdonalds cause they used felt, i like the felt:) its just that they look nothing like the characters! ALL the lions heads are deforemed, you can bearly see timons eyes, and im not even gonna start w/ pumbaa!!! thats why i was mad!! they babe toys kicked ass! why cant these?

Jenna, i watched daria last night, i love that episode! trent is soooo cute!

Leah, those people at your disney stores are liars! the sondtracks to movies ALWAYS come out atleast a week before the movie does! i cant proove them wrong but i asked more than one place around my town and they all said late september, early october. this isnt even a disney thing! i got the soundtx to "54'(neve cambell!) a week before the movie came out! i need to get a job at the disney store!!! they dont alow 16 year olds though(they suck) so i guess ill have to get one of my older friends too:P

Sep 8 - 07:55

Hong Kong Phooey


Guys, I don't think Disney is trying to cheap out with the McDonald's toys by making them plush or felt. I think maybe they just want to try something new. Burger King in the USA and McDonald's in Europe have already done PVC toys for the first movie, plus Simba was in 2 additional McDonald's Promotions (Disneyland's 40th Birthday and the Disney Masterpiece collection). Not to mention the sets of Timon and Pumbaa at Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I seriously doubt that they are saving a ton of cash by not making pvc figures----I think they are just trying to do something new. Remember when McDonald's did "Babe" plush toys? I don't believe they were trying to save money by making plush---I think they were putting a twist on the Happy Meal toys. I think they look OK for McDonald's plush toys. If you don't like them, great, don't buy them! That will make it much easier for me to get them.

Think of it this way: If McDonald's wanted to be REALLY cheap, they COULD have just re-issued the toys from their Lion King Promotion (which in Europe consisted of Simba, Zazu, Timon and Pumbaa and Scar.------Burger King had more characters, but since those were done by Burger King, McDonald's probably couldn't use those).

Sep 8 - 07:29



Kese, no , actually the ad at the bottom of the McDonald's Lion King poster is for Fisher Price Under 3 toys. McDonald's gives out the Under 3 Fisher Price toys with ALL promotions.

I guess some people haven't realized that this poster is on Brian's site at the Simba's Pride multimedia section. Just go there if you want to see it.

"Coming in 1999: All Dogs Go To Hell: Itchy and Charlie burn for making bad movies."

Sep 8 - 07:17


Location: Uh, Ngorongoro

Sorry I haven't posted in so long;
Been busy busy busy! I see there's not been much news, however. I still wonder where I can see ALL the pages from the SP Goldeb book, and I looked -- where's the addy for the McDonalds' poster?!
I'm trying to start another fanfic, but I like factual fanfics, so I'm sortof puttering.
I havent seen any new merchandise. ( Where *IS* that Mouseworks book?!!!)
I have written this short poem. Hope ya'll like it. ;) ( Its not SP, but TLK related.)

Mufasa said "Respect all the Creatures"
Well, he forgot one tiny feature,

In the Circle, we hyenas have our place,
So why is he, like, always in our face?

S'mine -- dont copy it.

Sep 8 - 06:34



I do have to agree with what Amphriss says about the quality of merchandise that Disney is putting out for SP. Just look at the litho that comes with the video. Complete junk in MO, bad artwork, pose ect. The stuff by Mattel is all repeats of TLK merchandise.
I don't think it has to do with not having confidence in the sequel though, rather I think it has to do with overconfidence in the TLK name to sell anything regardless of bad quality.
Personally, I'm not buying any of the junk I've seen so far. Maybe if they come out with a nice sericel(if I actually like the film, I'll find that out really soon;)or something. But they can keep their nasty looking toys:P

Sep 8 - 06:07



Alezander, the reason there's ADFTH talk is cuz someone brought it up and people like it. besides' there's nothing reallly new with SP except the toys.

Leah, I think in the fanfic, Charlie should be 'married to Sasha' then go and meet Flo, and find he loves her too..that could get intresting.

NE1 see Daria last night>?

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 8 - 05:30

Pridelands Rebel

I think Charlie should marry Sasha! He never even looked like he was attracted to Flo in the first movie, and especially not the way he fell for Sasha!

I will change my name, But not because you asked me!
You are the Pridelands reject! your mother was a hyena! And your father was a dog!

Anybody have the names SARAFINA, SARABI, SCAR<
or KIARA? I dont want to change my name to a name someone else has.

"I was first, intill that little hairball imposter was born"

Sep 8 - 05:28



Oh goodie! I haven't missed any promos! Whew! It starts when the movie comes out?? OH I wish it would come sooner. COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE GIVING AWAY??? I NEED TO KNOW ASAP!!!! NOW! Sorry for my screaming.

"Charlie, you can't leave! I need you."
"Well, you have Sasha, and I belong with Anne Marie. "

Sep 8 - 05:13



Before anyone gets too dissapointed about how those Micky D's toys look. take a look at the bottom of the poster. Those are toys for the 3 and under crowd. They can't give the plastic ones to little kids so they make cheap little felt ones for them.

Sep 8 - 05:10



ACTUALLY I'm not laughing at the fact that he mocked tlkob.. I JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKED dumb doin it... HE LOOKED RIDICULOUS..... iN IS ANNOYING VOICE...


I feel sorry for those who had to go through that... POOR JUlie Taymor.. She must be Losin her lunch... WELL thats one way to make people lose weight, hAVE richard Simmons come to the door personally and have him mock every song you love by listening to him to sing it in his version..

Sep 8 - 01:25

Christian (KH#1)
Location: Laie, HI

Is it safe to come back? What gives Richard Simmons the right to mock The Lion King. I thought the McDs toys looked okayish. It looks like Zira has the notch in the wrong ear again. I wonder if Mike Tyson bit it.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Winner of the 1st Annual BrerJon Laughing Place Award: Kiara's Sahifa

Sep 7 - 23:42




Sep 7 - 22:40


E-mail: Animani609

Simba's Pride McDonalds toys??!! Is this for real? Ohmigosh!! That's my opinion that's great! I mean...yeah they don't look as good when you buy them at a toy store but still! I think it's awsome! I also think it proves how excited Disney is about this movie! They didn't really care about the Pocahantas movie. But they are raving about Simba's Pride! So...this is good news! :oD Yay!!

Have a Yummy Sunny Day! <---chetch phrase. Like it?

Sep 7 - 21:47


Location: Boston

I saw the McDonald's toy preview poster- YUCK!!! How cheap can you get??? They look like they are made out of felt, not even plush......Now I see why Tau thought she looked like a wolf---look at what they did to Zira's head!!!

Disney and McDonalds are both being VERY cheap...Know why? Well, as a product development person myself by profession, I know that the injected molded plastic MOLDS can cost as much as $5,000 US dollars---per character figure--- while paying a seamstress (or seam-person/whatever) in China to fudge a few paper patterns cost almost nothing.

This makes it seem like McDonalds does not have the same confidence in the sequel as it did for the original, I hate to say.....Injection molded anything is a big investment (so my boss says--she won't let me design anything molded except resin)

Sorry for the tech-y production info....Are any quality products being made for this movie?????

(to be fair, I do like some of the ceramic figures--- but nothing has blown me away so far--- I have a Kovu beanie but even he seems warped and scary looking!)

Sep 7 - 21:38

trembling with fear...
Location: huddled in front of computer, chills going down my spine...

Yyyyuck!! blegh! there was a /centipede/ crawling around on the wall! yeck! Mommy had to come kill it for me... :::shudders::: I'm so scared of those things, yaaagh

Ratha - my mom was rather leery about ordering things online too, but I introduced her to the joy of and she couldn't resist:)

Leah - gotta your speeches. So you're starting your ADGTH 3 fic? Hehee!! well I say Charlie should marry Flo and he should obviously return to Annemarie.

Sabrea - Nuka and Vitani are members of Zira's pride, we don't know if they're related or not. Have you seen the beanie tag scans? I think they're at Beerit's site I remember correctly. I would say that the best pics are those done by some inventive fan artists

Blue Lion - I'M not sick of your Egypt info either. Hey, your novel sounds great! You have a very polished writing style (which one can also tell from your posts). I love talking animal novels...I was trying to write one myself a long time ago, but it didn't work out:(

I think I'm missing something again, but I'm tired now...forgive me if I missed somethin important here, I'm about to fall asleep typing...
bye now
"Look - mud!"

Sep 7 - 21:38


Location: Boston

Tau, now that you mention it, Zira could pass for a Great Dane (Her legs are almost too long and spindly to be a lioness' ) Hmmmm.....Marmaduke and Zira....That opens up new possibilities for fan art!!

I haven't seen the Mickey D's toys yet (I only heard about the release date, which I thought was in October!) I am dissapointed that they are not making PVC toys either (I wonder if that has to do with the studies around how toxic PVC is?? Just wondering!) If it is true that they aren't as good as the REAL merchandise, then we are all in trouble....I haven't been impressed too much with what is out there right now.

I need to see what they look like now!!

Sep 7 - 20:59



EWW!!! the mcdonalds toys suck! there ugly!!! mcdonalda can do better than that! im very disapointed!

Sep 7 - 20:23



We had a big storm last night and we lost electricity till 8:30 pm!!!! a whole day w/ no electricity sux!!! i was afriad i was gonna miss daria! anyway, what is this about mcdonalds toys??? i strolled down to see who said it but i couldnt find it!!! does anyone know the url cause i wanna see them!!! i collect mcdonalds toys!!! i have every single mcdonalds toy there is since 1992!!! this is cause 1, my uncle owns one, and 2, my cousin from the other side of the family works at one:P(im spoiled) i havent asked them about sp toys, you think i should?

Sep 7 - 20:18



Wow! You guys act fast! I had just found out what the Simba's Pride Happy Meal toys would be on another site (with no pictures) and someone found a picture already and put it on this site!

Someone asked when this promotion will be. It is October 30th----November 26th. The plush toys double as Christmas ornaments, as they will have cords.

I think the toys look OK----but I'm disappointed that McDonald's isn't doing PVC figures.

No, I don't think the Zira toy looks like "a canine" as someone mentioned. She does look odd though.

Why, may I ask, is there so much discussion of "All Dogs Go to Heaven" on this site? I can't stand that movie and it has nothing to do with Simba's Pride or The Lion King.

Sep 7 - 20:08


Location: Philadelphia

Ok, I don't have much to say, but after seeing the SP toys that are going to be given out at McDonald's, I just had to comment. Well, at first glance, I have to admit that the toys look almost decent. They're obviously not nearly as good as the real figurines or beanies, but they're alright for McDonald's toys. One thing DOES bother me though. Is it me or does anyone else think that Zira looks more like a wolf or a canine of some sort?

Well, that's all. Just wanted to voice (or write, in this case) my opinion.

Sep 7 - 19:40



Okay, I am going to type my previous message again, only I will type more sanely.
What is this about McDonalds and SP? Are they issuing books out? When is this taking place Are they doing Happy Meal toys? Are they doing plushies that you get with the purchase of a meal?? I NEED TO KNOW NOWW! E Mail me with the answer, ASAP, or post it here ASAP

"Charlie! I thought you were dead! I've missed you!"
-Anne Marie
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3(c)1998 by Leah

Sep 7 - 19:12




Sep 7 - 19:06

Blue Lion


Krazy Kat: Ok, Lenny and Squiggy weren't that annoying:) I think that's they way they were supposed to be portrayed.. if I remember right L&S were annoyed by them? Haven't seen that in a while... and yes, I'm drawn in to reading you Dodger story!

Mouse: thanks! I thought everyone was sick of hearing it. The only real exposure I had to it in school (before college) was in the 6th grade when we did Egypt reports, most of what I learned I read or saw on my own. A good journal I subscribed to (and probably the only one) is KMT (pronouinced 'khemet') they have a web site but I forgot it... almost any egyptology page has a link to it somewhere.

About Burger King vs. McDonalds toys... I think Burger King isn't selling any because they have a deal with dreamworks... I'll be more sure of it if they make Antz toys... they did make Small Soilders and I've read in places that since Disney has a deal with McDonald's, "Burger King gets the rest" meaning probably WB and Dreamworks... now I think they have some Nickelodeon stuff there... i'm kind of hoping they have Poe toys.. although from what I read of Ramses he's not really the plastic happy meal toy type:) And yes, what IS Zira's real color?? She's light in the previews but dark in the plush McDonald's toy & books!

My novel is more fantasy.. the chimps talk and everything.. here's a little excerpt:
Umbheki smiled and slowly nodded. "Yes, you noe understand. Your trials are with individuals not communities." He leaned foward, "And yes I do see your point, one who gives himself titiles without earning them such as Isibindi does can cause headaches with their arrogance." He added with a smile.

(from later in the same part)

"No... I couldn't" Ingonyama said with tangible regret, "Something inside me wouldn't let it happen. I have to let them know, but I don't know why."
Umbheki gazed straight into Ingonyama's eyes. "Because you have discovered the truth of a matter, and the truth must be known. You are free of guilt my friend, and the Gods will see it. They will not allow harm to come to the innocent."

well, that's part..

to end my long post, Ramses's son Merneptah was succeeded by a man names Amenmeses, nobody really knows who he is but it is speculated that he may be one of the other hundred or so children of Rmases that took the throne upsetting the natural succession from Merneptah to his own son.

Blue Lion
"Secon born, second place!"

Sep 7 - 18:31



I'm starting my story TONIGHT!! =)

"Charlie's coming back with me, David!"
"Aw come on, you're just a stupid girl! I need him more than you do!"
"STUPID GIRL??? Well excuuuuuse me, Mr. Hothead!"
Anne Marie and David, NO, 1943.

Sep 7 - 17:45

Krazy Kat


Jenna, Flo was the Collie/Sheltie (not sure which, pretty sure sh'e s a Collie) in the first one, who takes care of all those puppies.

Leah, I vote for Flo!!!!

~Krazy Kat~

Sep 7 - 17:41



Who was Flo?

Sep 7 - 17:33



Okay I need your opinions ADGTH fans!

1. Who should Charlie marry in the story?
A. Sasha
B. Flo
2. Should Sasha stay with David, or go to Anne Marie, and should Flo and Sash argue over who Charlie loves the most?

Sep 7 - 17:16



Jenna, All Dogs Go to Heaven 3 is my idea, and the fan fic hasn't been written yet, it's just that I am posting quotes that look cool and probably be in the story. If you've seen the first two movies (there is only 2) the story is about how Itchy comes back to Earth, and he, Charlie, and possibly Sasha ditch David, and go back to Anne Marie. The story takes place in 1943, five years after the origional ADGTH. I need a lot more ideas, so post them here!

Sep 7 - 17:00



Is it just me or is Zira always changing colours??? In the MM preview she is a light tanish colour, but in the book and the image in the D Magazine she is dark brown??? Hmmmm . . . I think she's one of those colour-changing Lions ;)!

Tootles is the 1 for SP Fans on the Run!

"Tootles!" --Banzai

Sep 7 - 16:53

Crystal (ZH #1)


oooohhhhhh!!!!!!!!! McDonalds SP toys!!!!! They're pretty cute (for McDonalds that is!) Last time I went to McD's and got food-poisoning and threw up everywhere! hmmmmmm . . . But if' they're SP toys, I'll go any day! I especially want Zazu! I think it's cool that they're not copying the TLK ones back in 1994 and thinking of something new. The only thing that bothers my is that Burger King isn't selling the SP toys. They sold the TLK ones and their food is sooooooo much better! Anway, I can't wait for the new toys! Where can you find that poster????

"My, my, look at the sun! It's time to go!" --Zazu

HTML is not so cool so stop using it and messin everything up! Ok, ok, it is useful . . .

Sep 7 - 16:42



Me again.
I should mention that the pictures I mentioned in my last post are Black & White.
That's all.

Sep 7 - 16:28


Location: Canada

Hi all! He, he, he! Good thing Brian doesn't know where all of us live or I'm sure he'd be showing up at our houses to throttle some of us over this whole HTML thing!

Blue Lion - You're writing a novel on chimpanzes? Cool! Is it informative or more of a realistic story?

And your Egyptian facts are far from boring and crappy. I wish they offered courses on Egytptian history or mythology where I go to school. The closest thing I ever took to history or mythology of any kind was a course called "Monuments of Human Action" which was soooo boring! My prof spent more time going into in-depth discussions about the definition of words, such as 'monument' and 'action', then the actual history and mythology of the Mechica Aztecs(which was the culture the course centered on).

NalanKiara - Hey, pretty good story! I hope you post more or it real soon! I don't think I've ever read a story from the first person view of Sarafina, pretty original.

Yesterday I said that I would post the URL of the LK & SP pictures I drew and as promised here it is:

I only drew two so far, one is of Scar and his emidiate family, the other of Scar and his extended family. Please note that I haven't drawn a TLK picture in a reaaaally long time.

And please let me know what you think, thanks!

P.S. - Did anyone see the preview of "Ants" set to be released in theaters in October, it has the voice of Sylvester Stalone in it? Looks like DreamWorks is giving Disney a run for its money.

Sep 7 - 16:16


Location: the pride lands

OK, thanks for telling me what you know about the 'Kovu being Scar's son' issue. They probably won't tell us for the same reason they won't tell us who Nala's father was. I'll ask the guy at my local Disney store next weekend, when I go to get all the SP stuff that I don't have already. I'll report on what he says.

Yeah, I'm new to this place, and to the 'net all together, for those who want to know. I'm a lioness, and I also use the name Akaiza, who is a lion cub and the son of Sabrea, (myself). Maybe you've met me in the chat room. I go there a lot.

Does anyone know anything about Nuka and Vitani? I'm kinda' in the dark about those two and I'm not even sure what they look like. Well I did see the pics in the SP section and read the summary. Uh..... no comment. I just pray that the story is worse than the movie. Well, I've taken up enough space already, but if you know anything about Nuka and Vitani, let me know, so I'm not so clueless. Bye!

Sep 7 - 15:52

the Grasslands
Location: Out there...

Ektzivablelablumbe... *Light chuckle*
I got an email yestardey... *giggle*
A fan art image... *Psychotic laughter*
It's so amazingly BEAUTIFUL it aches from inside...
*cry* So beautiful... So beautiful...

Updated my sire EXTENSIVELY! MANY new stuff! Mostly images and info!
And some graphic changes...
Oh, addes zillions (well, 9) new fan art images. (Including the BEAUTIFUL image)

Thought about making a "Fan of the week" section in my site. One a week I pick someone who did something significant in the SP world and
make him Fan of the week. It's a nice way of saying "Thank you", don't you think?
Maybe Kubo and Kese should be fan of this week's for scanning images from the SP book?
Anyone know where Candy went??? She hasn't been here in over a month!
Guys, you pissed Brian off!! *mad*

Whenever an SP fan is dipressed, an angel looses his wings...

Kiara looked back at her lands. She would miss the calmness in which the grasses
waved in the evening's wind, and the silent howling on the white moon above her
head. She often wondered which color it will be in other lands. She was about to find
out. The sight of her sleeping parents remained fresh in her head, just as they were a
few minutes ago, when she padded her way out of the cave quietly. Now her
childhood memories were behind her, and a new life with her love ahead.
The young lioness nuzzled Kovu gently and purred. He was the only thing she had left...

- Just wrote it out of bordom one day

p.s. Good news, I AM a messnager of evil!!!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! *not kidding*

To The K Lands

Sep 7 - 15:47



BUY me. Not BUT me. Sorry. Can't type today. :)


Sep 7 - 15:46



I keep looking for Clan Ground (1 of my favs) at the local library, but it says the book doesn't exist. My mom doesn't believe in buying stuff off the 'Net. :( But maybe, if I'm REALLY good, she'll but me Clan Ground for X-Mas. :)

Sep 7 - 15:45

News Reporter

Location: The pride lnads

In other news the pridelands has been warned that a mojior flood warning is out for all residents in the western caves The case of the mysterious killing spree done my Gab/Cwandoya/zira has been solved noting that hecate is the one to look out for if u see her please notify the tlk chat residence in case of an emergancy as we all know only 50 more days untill the long anticapated movie simbas pride is released Vitani vs. Vitani who was here first? most people have seen vitani on tlk chat while one concers here
r they the same person wanting more attention or two differant people looking to beat each others heads in more on that story later. A mager virus alret goes out to every one that owns a computer today The virus is said to be called a pantuitean virus that can't get into your computer any way it wants the highly dangerous virus is said to to first make your computer slow and odd sounding for almost a year and then forceing it to crash the virus can be crigered by anything such as e-mail floopys cds to many down loads icq file transfers and more
more on these stories and more when we get the info

Sep 7 - 15:11



Leah, in your messages, you keep mentioning quiotes from ADGTH3 (C) you...did you write some fanfiction or something? if so, can I read it?

I frew some fanart for SP and I don't have a scanner. NE1 have a website where I could maybe mail it to the owner and have it posted?

ps---------everyone watch Daria tonight..It's a REALLY good episode..

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 7 - 15:07



Does anyone know when the soundtrack is out? I'd really like to know because when I went to the Disney Store yesterday, I asked at the counter when it would be out, and the lady said When the VIDEO IS!!!!! I don't know about all of this...

"Oh darn! I-I-I a-am i-itch-hing a-all o-o-ver! St-stupid flea-as!"
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3 (c) 1998 by Leah

Sep 7 - 14:22

Rumor Mill Veteran
Location: Council Rock

Sabrea, on behalf of all of us at Rumor Mill, I welcome you to the Circle of Life, and to here. As a frequent Rumor Mill poster, you must find the gift of Rumors inside yourself. Before, I used to give newcomers their gift. But now, any newcomer can discover it through other posters, and when you post. Find the magic of this place within (you too, regular posters) Allow me to introduce myself. I am Leah, mate to Akela from the Jungle Book (I'm a wolf). My job here is to welcome newcomers (I'm sorta like a Rafiki here) and to make speeches that benefit all who read these posts. Welcome and enjoy!

Sep 7 - 14:17

Location: ButterFlutterby

I have been a fan since the movie came out. I have been to the DisneyStore and I heard that the sound(railroad) track will be out in October or later this month.
"If you know our ways of the Cheetah, bring us your finest meat from the deepest middle of the Serengheti"

Sep 7 - 14:10



Swyft, I prenounce Kiara as Key-ER-AH. But then, where I live we prenounce an "A" as an "AH" and not as an "EH" as English speaking people do.

So, in my country it wil be: Ki-AHR-RAH.
Talking about considering therapy... I guess I need one now!
(to make it easy I prenounce all names in English! AAAAAH)

See ya!!


Sep 7 - 14:06


Location: Texas

Wow, haven't been here in awhile :-)
Um, this has probably already been answered, but how do you pronounce Kiara? I was just watching TV
and I heard this lady say hello to her neice Kiara (pronunced Key-ER-uh) is that right or is it pronounced Key-AR-uh?

Sep 7 - 13:43



I fergot--

Welcome to the mill...well, it seems Disney is not going to tell us who Kovu's father is. I'm not sure if they've officially denied the possibility of Scar as the father or not. Kovu was originally intended to be Scar's son when he (Kovu) was evil, but after they made him into a good character, complications arose. Since Kovu and Kiara presumably get married, it might be considered by some to be incest (they'd be 2nd cousins or something) I think Disney is just going to let people make their own judgements about it.

Sep 7 - 13:11



Blue Lion, you are writing a novel? Cool!

Krazy Kat, those teasers are working..I wanna read the whole fanfic:)

NalanKiara, I've never read any fanfic material written from Sarafina's first person viewpoint! Awesome!

BugBuhg, have you yet mentioned SP on this mill? Just, I will ask you a question: How long have you been a Lion King fan?

OK, I know someone who's starting a Lion King newsletter of sorts. I don't know much about it, but I was asked to spread the word about this, so if you are interested in joining or just more info you can email her at
(TimonMeerK, if you're out there, do you ever come to rumor mill?:)

I think that's about it...Oh yes since everyone is talking about fanfics, I too am working on a fanfic. I had the first part up at, but I took it down because the format was messed up...I'm going to try to post it again perhaps tomorrow.

Okey dokey, bye peoples

Sep 7 - 13:04



I forgot to add, are there any ADGTH sites? Id like to know.

"I never really liked David. I just helped him 'cause I pitied him."
All Dogs Go To Heaven 3(c)1998 by Leah

Sep 7 - 12:55


Location: the pride lands

Would somebody please tell me if Scar is Kovu's father or not?!! Before I go crazy please? The guy at my local Disney Store still says he is, but over the net, the word is he isn't. Oh, yes, this is my first time posting, so don't kill me if I do something wrong. bye!

Sep 7 - 12:52


Location: Pride Rock

Hey guys, I just went down to Barnes and Noble and the said they had five SP books on order! This made me mad! I have kissing Kovu and Kiara, and they are really cute, but those little mattel things don't even come close to the quality of the Disney Store, but the closest one is an hour away so I don't get there too often, so if anyone has pics of SP plushies there, send them to me! Pu-lease! I am going nuts! I have a (not finished)fan-fic about how Sarafina came to Pride-rock and if anyone wants it e-mail me! Here's just a taste. . .

"Guys! Look! She's gonna be my half sister! Cool huh?" They immediately stopped fighting and came over to give me the once over.
"What's your name?" asked a scrawny dark furred cub with a scar over one eye.
"Sarafina." I said holding my head up proudly
"Well Sarafina, I'm future king Mufasa." said the more well built cub. The one who I supposed was Taka, rolled his eyes.
"Yea not if I can help It." and they immediately lunged into another fight.
"Don't worry Sarafina. They're just showing off." said Sarabie
"We are not!" They said together stopping the fight.
"Do you guys have a water hole around here somewhere?" I asked changing the subject "I walked a million miles today and I'm thirsty!"
"I'll show you!" said Taka
"Hey Scar! I'll race you!" said Mufasa
"I thought you were Taka!" I said to the dark furred lion.
"He is but no one calls him that except the grown ups. He's Scar." said Sarabie.
"But you can call me Taka if you want." He said in a dignified voice.
"I like Scar better."
"Me too"
"Then I guess I do too!” I said
We raced down to the water hole, and played there for a little while, until the other lions started calling for us to come back to Pride Rock.
. . .Just the middle so far! Anyways, tell me whatcha think! More to come, Promise! (be fair on judging this, im only 13!)

We Are One

Sep 7 - 12:42



Bug Buhg, have you ever considered therapy?

For ADGTH fans, the first movie took place in NO in 1939, around Mardi Gras time, and the second movie, it takes place in San Fransisco in modern times.

"David, he's my dog! You took him away from me!"
-Anne Marie, New Orleans, 1946
From "All Dogs Go To Heaven 3" (c) 1998, Leah

Sep 7 - 12:38



Sorry that I came across the Kube, with the enemy cheetahs. They come bearing gifts of fruit and the rhubarb of the dandelion

Sep 7 - 12:33



My name is pronounced like Bug Bug, but I just added an H to the name for it to look kooky!

Sep 7 - 12:32



My name is pronounced like Bug Bug, but I just added an H to the name for it to look kooky!

Sep 7 - 12:31

Krazy Kat
Umm...Yeah...chasing her Tail...

Aw come on Blue Lion, they were annoying but you gotta luv em! "Shirl, I never told you this before..but..I've always thought of you as a..female Squiggy."

Vitani and..ehh...Vitani, please settle this amongst yourselves! Thank you.

Blue Lion, What caused Dodger and Einstein's emotional moment? Well..I can't tell just yet! Ha! I'm luring you all into reading my fanfic when it's finished! (Evil ain't I?) Oh yeh, when yer novel's all done I'd like to see it!!!

Mm...more teasers! (I've got nothing better to do..)

Rita looked at Oliver; a look of pain,torment and agony. She sighed deeply and a single tear fell from her eye and ran down her fur. "Don't worry, Rita...everything's gonna turn out all right. When we go back, it'll be okay," sympathized the cat.

--Rita and Oliver and The original Dodger's Gang (c) 1995--

~KrAzY kAt~
The Odd Cat that lurks during the day... =\

Sep 7 - 11:48

Brian Tiemann
Location: Cupertino


If you don't know how to use HTML, Don't try to learn it here! PLEASE! I'm getting so tired of having to clean up all the broken tags.

And for the last time (yeah right):


The slash goes BEFORE the tag name! BEFORE it!

Sep 7 - 11:37


Location: Pride LAnds

listen you pridelands reject i was here first so scram ya moreon

Sep 7 - 11:18

Blue Lion


yeah I remember.. schemizeil.. schmeizal.. hossneffefer incorpertated.. we're gonna do it!
Give us any chnace we'll take it
Give us any rule we'll break it
We're gonna make our dreams come ture..
yeah the buzzards from Jungle Cubs are Lenny and Squiggy from Laverene & Shirly.. those two annoying neighbors that kept coming over (at least as I rmemebr it they were L&S's neighbors.. they had a crush on them or something too.)

My 2 and three years of following include when I first heard the names.. I remember reading of SP here first when I was taking summer classes at MSU & living in a sublet (2 years ago, that's where I got the 2 from)
I first heard of PoE on TV... I think it wasd when they were announcing the 'upcoming' Dreamworks studio. The 'Egypt' thing got me on to that one. Other than that I just heard little bits and pieces off the internet... the real big news started coming recently. But before then it was little stuff I read while taking a study break at MSU on my old Aptiva (needed to buy an extra 1 gig hard drive to hold all my stuff... also had windows 3.1 still at the time.. 2x CD ROM) I didn't see any pics of characters from either movie until I got out to Ann Arbor last year. Now I'm seeing tons of stuff.... wish I had a tape of the Access Hollywood screening of the PoE trailer to make screengrabs.. oh well. I hope to get up enough money for a second site, then I can have my animation images on... mostly TLK SP O&C and Balto, only got PoE pictures I really shouldn't pirate >:(

Krazy Kat: now I wonder what happened between Dodger and Einstien to make them so emotional!

Well, sisnce everyone is writing fan fic
I'll admit I'm writing too but it's not a fan fic. It's a novel about chimpanzees I'm calling 'Forest Tribe'

Always have to close with my little boring Egypt crap... the lioness goddess Sekhemt was born when Ra threw his eye to earth to destroy mankind for plotting against him. The word 'Pharoah' is a direvitive of the Egyptian pr'h which meant
'Royal House" (probably spelled the trasnliteration wrong) there was no term for queen, what we'd call a queen held the title 'Great Royal Wife' and a dowager was called 'King's Mother'

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 7 - 11:17



Hmmmmmm . . . this Rumor Mill is messed up. Anyway, I thought I might as well say this:

Simba's Pride looks promiseing animation wise, but the story . . . well . . . it's not exactly what I expected. I read Margaret's little summary and I was not as pleased as I shoulda been. Well, let's just pray for the best! I really am kicking myself for not coming here more often . . .

"Can I call ya Al or just Din. Or how 'bout Laddy, sounds like 'here boy, here Laddy!'!"

--Genie from Aladdin

"Tootles!" --Banzai

Tootles is the 1 for SP info by the ton!

Sep 7 - 11:05



I Can't Say Yet - are you ever going to be able to say?:)

Everyone who's talking about ADGTH - original was good, sequel sucked, says I. It was stupid to get rid of Anne Marie...and then that what's-'is-name kid got carried over into the TV show (now THERE'S something horrible). Rrrrggghhh!

Zakiya - I love it, hehee! "makes you more boarish" Haha!

Vitani - oh poor Zazu! Well, I laughed anyway, I must admit;)

Hmmmm "Did I miss something?!"
I don't know, but I'm leaving now
"Look - Mud!"

Sep 7 - 10:53



Beerit, I was just HOPING people would laugh about my message! I only wanted them to see how weird they're reacting. I only used "you guys are so stupid!" to make you all listen. It was rather something like you call someone "Cow" and you don't mean it, 'cause they know you're their frieds.

We don't exactly need to be holy here! Please spare me!! I love a good argument, but not about
a stupid HTML thingie, alrighty? mmm, I dreamt of bolds and italics last night! Now I remember were it came from!!

Now, talking 'bout your fan fics: Cool!
Why don't everybody tell the adresses were I can get your fan fics?? I would love to read them all!

emm Beerit.... what did ya say about 'nothing happens to Brian's site'?? it's all bold/italic! *giggles*

Tau, that CD sounds cool! I'll go looking for it, but I don't know what it is.

Yeah Krazy Kat, I know what ya mean! You know what's awful?!? Having a serie (for instant Timon and Pumbaa or Aladdin) with the non-origional cast! Now THAT'S awful!! By the way, Schlemeil??

I've got to go now! I have a date with the sun! Well, a fake one that is... Man I hate this weather!

See ya later!!


Sep 7 - 10:31

i cant say yet


there is a sp talking bank at the disney store.

Sep 7 - 10:13



It's me AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Just here reminding Beerit(I think) to watch Daria tonight. 10:30/ if you want, you can go to MTV and see. Later!!!!!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 7 - 10:10



Koviara - You are soo right!! I can just imagine Sandi's voice as a lion. That would be funny..Daria/TLK..but then there couldn't be Trent, or Jesse..I think there are only supposed to be one male lion per pride or something. Well, Maybe Trent could stay..being Jane's bro, but no Jesse!!! My heart would be broken!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah..ok, I'm calm. Maybe I'll try and write that as fanfiction!

Sep 7 - 10:07



Krazy Kat, I love ADGTH1 tooo. I own the second one though. I think the only reason they had a sequal was to have Sasha in it. I mean, I thought she was cute, but the sequal's storyline sucked. AnneMarie was cute too. Was the 2nd one in New orleans too? It looks nothing like NO now..(I live in Louisiana) The 1st one does look like early NO. Ok, I'll shut up now.

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 7 - 10:03

Krazy Kat
Yes...Chasing her Tail...

Ah, yes, Krazy Kat here, bearing OFF TOPIC Stuff! Hmm..that's not so unusual now, is it?

First off, I'd just like to say: Schlemeil! Schlemeizel! (Umm...if ya watch L&S you'd know what that is...)

Ok, for any of you techies out there, I have a Procomm FTP Client and I have absolutely no idea how to use it. Got any advice? E-Mail me!

I Really love All Dogs Go To Heaven 1!! let me stress: ONE!!! The second was a God-awful disgrace to the original...

Ok, here's a Big All Dogs explanaton/complaint paragraph...

I think the reason Anne Marie isn't in the second one is because if you'll partake notice that the first one took place in New Orleans,1939. (Yes, it states it in very small letters on screen!) and the second one seems to take place modern day. (Looking at the setting)

Why THAT's Messed up:
Itchy dies and joins Charlie in heaven in the begginning of the second one, meaning Itchy was 50-some years old when he died?! I think not!
Rule: You ca'nt replace Burt Reynolds voice with CHARLIE SHEEN'S. It just doesn't work.
Carface: Now what on Earth happened to him? His coloring's a bit different and his voice sounds nothing like the original cigar-choked voice. ;-)
And whatever happened to Killer? Hmmm? (Carface's Glassses wearing assistent type dog)
In the first one, the pink Whippet that greets Charlie to Heaven, is very slim, has no wings, and (i think) wears a purple locket. In the second one she's wearinig this big dumb robe with giant yellow wings? I don't get it...
Well, as for the rest of that sucked. That's just my opinion though.
And that's why I have the sequel hidden beneath massive amounts of stuff in my Storage Room.
I really only like the First's one of my faves. (Ah, CHILDHOOD MOVIES RULE!! ;-)

Enuff of my babbling for today...

~Krazy Kat~
The odd cat that lurks during the day.. =\

Sep 7 - 08:54



All Dogs Go To Heaven fans, I will be writing a fic about how Charlie, Itchy, and Sasha ditch David, and go back to Anne Marie.
When I first saw the second movie, I was hoping that David's stepmom was Anne Marie, and that Charlie and her would have a happy reunuon. I was wrong. If there are any Anne Marie fans against David, tell me!

Sep 7 - 07:59



I remember "All Dogs Go To Heaven 1" and i bought it back in 1989, and that was all I would watch. My tape (the origional release) is melted now, and I was thrilled when they made All Dogs Go To Heaven 2, and I bought the tape. I DON'T LIKE ADAM WYLIE BECAUSE IN ADGTH2, HE REPLACED ANNE MARIE!!! SHE WAS MY FAVE CHARACTER, BESIDES CHARLIE (Why did his voice change &what happened to his pocketwatch?) THAT KID BETTER DO A GOOD JOB ON MY BELOVED KOVU!!!

Sep 7 - 07:53



Koviara, you bought "All Dogs Go to Heaven 2?" I thought both movies sucked.

Also I'd like to point out that Disney rarely hires voice actors that do an incompetent job. Have a little faith in their decision.

Also, I wasn't shouting in my last post.

Sep 7 - 07:42



Okay, you use HTML like this?:
testing testing.. SP is out in stores!

Sep 7 - 06:12



Sorry guys! =(

Sep 7 - 06:01




Sep 7 - 06:00



More news from Borders...

I looked up the CD "Return to Pride Rock" on the
computer and it said it is due out the END OF SEPTEMBER!

So whatever may be on it, we do not have that long to wait. :)


Disney store as a nice new adult size TLK T-Shirt.
Has Simba, Pumbaa, and T. in their Hakuna Matata pose with a caption "party animals."
Its not shabby, check it out.. :)

All for now, Over and out.

Sep 7 - 05:50

Pridelands Rebel
Location: top of Pride Rock

I see I have a problem. EVERYONE! The only posts i have made are the ones where i say im the Pridelands Rebel. The last 2 posts or so are not mine. Whoever says they were the first Vitani - On the chat, yes, here, NO! I surfed through at least 3 weeks of posts and i was the first Vitani here.

Anybody want to read parts of my 2 Fan fics?
here is one:

Scar looked up as Zazu flew in. "What do you want, Zazu?"
He sighed. "Im here to announce, that your brother, King
Mufasa is on his way, so you better have a good reason
for not showing up for the ceremony!" Zazu squaked.
The mouse Scar was holding between his paws jumped out
and ran in a hole. "Now look what you made me do?" Scar
whined. "Serves you right." Zazu snapped. "Now I'll have
to eat you." Scar smiled wickedly. "Your out of your
mind!" Zazu excalimed. "Stuff it, bird." Scar growled,
then clawed Zazu. The scrawney bird fell to the ground,
dead. "Scar!" Mufasa roared as he walked in the cave.
Scar quickly his Zazu's body behind a large rock in the
cave, where Mufasa wouldn't see it, and turned around.
"Have you seen Zazu?" Mufasa asked him. "Not today..."
Scar said innocently. "He was supposed to have come here
and told you I was coming." Mufasa said. "Sarabi and I
diddnt see you at the presentation of Simba. Why weren't
you there?" Mufasa demanded. "Sarabi? Sarabi who?" Scar
laughed. "Dont play stupid." Mufasa growled as he lifted
his paw to slap Scar's face. "Ok! Ok! I overslept!" Scar
admitted. "Besides, I thought that wasnt untill tomorrow."
Mufasa sighed and left the cave. Scar smiled and went
back to his breakfast.

Vitani --
"Its hard to see anything in the refrigerator when you got the door closed man!" - Tito

Sep 7 - 05:23

Groaning 'cos I hate Mondays
Location: Liverpool, England

Hong Kong phooey- DON'T SHOUT! If you had bothered to read my post properly, you would see that I was agreeing with Ducky. Neither of us mean we don't like Adam Wylie "Because he's not cute", even if it seems that way. he's just really annoying! And I don't care if you take offence at this, I don't think he's a very good actor, voice or otherwise.(I nearly threw my "All Dogs Go To Heaven II" tape out the window) Now, are you going to start on me for saying that?!
And I love Kovu, he's my favourite SP character. What I'm saying is that JTT did an excellent voice job with Young Simba, it was so emotive, I hope that Adam Wylie can pull it off.
I agree that the LITTLE bit we've heard is okay, but are you going to jump down my throat for daring to speculate? Talk about not being allowed freedom of speech...
And don't bother arguing, please. I'm too disillusioned today to even bother...

Dara- Oh, I see. I thought LOL stood for "Lion or lioness?" or maybe, "Liver on Lamps". Joke!
I keep going back to see the scans of the book, wondering if I had perhaps been too hasty in judgement...but i'm repulsed each time! Wow, they're so bad! And don't worry about your drawing of Simba looking bad, I'm sure you're guaranteed a place at that Goldenbook factory!
Ugghh! LOL. There, the first time I've used it in a posting!
Oh, and I agree about the "Being Friends" bit, although I did feel the need to reply to Hong Kong Phooey. I hate it when I'm quoted out of context...

Jenna- Thanks for telling me the name of the one from Daria. Don't you wish she voiced a lion? I'd be laughing my head off if she did! Imagine:
"Well, Kiara, maybe you should be president of Scar's Pride."...

Krazy Kat- One of the voice actors who plays the vultures in "jungle Cubs" is called David Lander- was he in "Laverne and Shirley"? I'm sure he was...

Leah- I have a Hotmail e-mail address. It's completely free and very easy to sign-up. Just go to and register there. (If you don't want your identity revealed, you can always use an alias.)

Krazykat- Don't go! everyone, stop it! Stop fighting! NOW!

Vulture- I was interested in your TLKIII story- but Alien Aduction?! You can just see it now, "Nooo! Bring him back!!!" LOL.

Nandi- No, I don't know about the rental tape thing, but be careful. I'm sure it's highly illegal...

Me, signing off because I have to go and get my college schedule...(groan)

Hakuna Matata!!

Sep 7 - 03:25

Groaning 'cos I hate Mondays
Location: Liverpool, England

Hong Kong phooey- DON'T SHOUT! If you had bothered to read my post properly, you would see that I was agreeing with Ducky. Neither of us mean we don't like Adam Wylie "Because he's not cute", even if it seems that way. he's just really annoying! And I don't care if you take offence at this, I don't think he's a very good actor, voice or otherwise.(I nearly threw my "All Dogs Go To Heaven II" tape out the window) Now, are you going to start on me for saying that?!
And I love Kovu, he's my favourite SP character. What I'm saying is that JTT did an excellent voice job with Young Simba, it was so emotive, I hope that Adam Wylie can pull it off.
I agree that the LITTLE bit we've heard is okay, but are you going to jump down my throat for daring to speculate? Talk about not being allowed freedom of speech...
And don't bother arguing, please. I'm too disillusioned today to even bother...

Dara- Oh, I see. I thought LOL stood for "Lion or lioness?" or maybe, "Liver on Lamps". Joke!
I keep going back to see the scans of the book, wondering if I had perhaps been too hasty in judgement...but i'm repulsed each time! Wow, they're so bad! And don't worry about your drawing of Simba looking bad, I'm sure you're guaranteed a place at that Goldenbook factory!
Ugghh! LOL. There, the first time I've used it in a posting!
Oh, and I agree about the "Being Friends" bit, although I did feel the need to reply to Hong Kong Phooey. I hate it when I'm quoted out of context...

Jenna- Thanks for telling me the name of the one from Daria. Don't you wish she voiced a lion? I'd be laughing my head off if she did! Imagine:
"Well, Kiara, maybe you should be president of Scar's Pride."...

Krazy Kat- One of the voice actors who plays the vultures in "jungle Cubs" is called David Lander- was he in "Laverne and Shirley"? I'm sure he was...

Leah- I have a Hotmail e-mail address. It's completely free and very easy to sign-up. Just go to and register there. (If you don't want your identity revealed, you can always use an alias.)

Krazykat- Don't go! everyone, stop it! Stop fighting! NOW!

Vulture- I was interested in your TLKIII story- but Alien Aduction?! You can just see it now, "Nooo! Bring him back!!!" LOL.

Nandi- No, I don't know about the rental tape thing, but be careful. I'm sure it's highly illegal...

Me, signing off because I have to go and get my college schedule...(groan)

Hakuna Matata!!

Sep 7 - 02:48

Lebo M Fan Club Pres. (Site will be linked to this one!)
Location: Ghetto Rialto California

Hello everyone.

I noticed that there was a fight. Lets not get ghetto people, it's unbecoming, we can do better. Don't make me bring in Yonghezulu.

So, no one likes my fanfic. I see how it is.

Well, Zimmer fans can email me to get to send a great message to Hans for his birthday. He will be 41 on the 12th. Horray! Or you can send him a message yourself, but one of his assistants will get it probably and they are quite mean. His email address is

I am nervous about a conference call next week, Lebo M may be there! I have no idea how I will react to the great man.

More from my fanfic:

Simba approached Rafiki who was crouched down crying.
"Rafiki, what's wrong?"
"Oh Simba! My nephew Nefu is dead and I'm to blame! I made a bad impression on my other nephew Sen and now he won't even look at me!"

Somewhere else in the fic:
"I'm not responsible for Vernon's death! He slipped out of my hands and fell!"
"Yeah right Sen!"
"You killed Nefu Rafiki, admit it!"
"I did no such thing!"
Sen lunged at Rafiki and began clawing and biting him. Rafiki fought back but knew he would loose.

And yet another place in the fanfic:
"I'm Natara."
"I'm Pumbaa."
"What's that smell?"
"It's me, I sort of have a problem."
"Oh, I don't mind. I rather like it."
"You do?"
"Yes, it makes you more boarish."

Ever notice how you seem to get hooked? It's all in the advertising. Hope you all like it.

President of the Lebo M fan club and proud of it!

Sep 6 - 22:30



LOOK I don't know why you guy's are bothering to reserve sp... Its not like your gonna get anytime sooner than those who can just go to the store and buy it THE DAY IT COMES OUT.. It's not like theIR going to disapear there's enough for everyone guy's..

Sep 6 - 22:03

Evil Messenger
Location: The nether regions of the soul!!

Hi all! Just started and finished a couple of pics of Scar and co. All in black and white though, I'll post the URL tomorrow when I get them up on the net if anyone wants to look at them.

Beerit - I know what you mean regarding your fanfic. I wrote one a while ago(not about TLK or SP though) and the ending just didn't seem to come together the way I had imagined. I knew how I wanted it too end but I just couldn't get it down right, it just seems to lack luster.

As for getting ideas all the time, I have the same problem and there's no way I can fit them all into one story, and how could I hope to write a new one when the ending of my last one was soo crappy.

About Disney ruining Scar in animation, they've done a pretty good job with the rest of the cast so far from what I've seen of the previews, so I don't think they'd do too bad a job with Scar either.

The only movie that has a prequel that I can think of at the moment(besides Star Wars) is the prequel to the live action movie of the Jungle Book(I can't remember the exact name of it right now either) which sucked really bad.

By the way, according to your test you should really stay away from me, being a satanic fiend and all(messenger of evil coming your way!) *LOL*

Well since it's alomost 1:00 AM where I live, I have some things to finish off before I turn in (I'm always the last to go to sleep in my house, and I'm not even an insomniac)so I'll be leaving now. Bye!

P.S. - Beerit, that 'stop thinking' note to your self shouldn't be such a strech for you. *LOL*
(Hey, I told you I was a messenger of evil!)

Sep 6 - 21:55


Location: Boston

Hi Tau-
I was being sarcastic about the green Simba -headed pens --- they are nice but not 10 dollars nice (I'm a sucker, I bought one anyways!)
It's definitely NOT real silver...the metal is comprable to the metal used for Matchbox cars (or the underside of a matchbox car!)
When is the more "adult" merchandise coming out??? Or even PVC loose figures? Anyone see the fighting action SP toys yet besides the re-released Shenzi?
It is strange how the Disney Channel isn't even hyping the movie yet....
Oh, and by the way, I think I know what that "stripe" of fur is on Zira's back.....It's like her fur grew over an old wound the wrong way so the fur grew in so it forms a "ridge" (Like on a Rhodesian Ridgeback type dog --- same idea)

Sep 6 - 20:49

Krazy Kat...(Still kinda weary)


Oy, are we done now? Is it safe to come back? ::Looks around suspiciously::: Ok...:::sits back down slowly::: now let us never speak of those four letters again! Please? Hmm..odd, as soon as this place settles down, so does TLK-L..::Cue Twilight Zone Music:: Hey, I don't think I did, but if i offended anyone, tell me please! I'm sorry if I said anything objectional..I'm not sure *why* I contributed to that li'l tiff but I know I'm not getting in that thing again...

Well, My day was total Hell...::oys::: I'm not even gonna MENTION *that* abomination...

Blue Lion,
I'm glad you're liking my Dodger stuff so far! I've got a hankerin' to set my pen to the paper...

Hey, I've got a question about Jungle Cubs..
I've only seen two eps (In Wildwood NJ at my Godmother's house) and I noticed instead of the four in the movie there's only two;and those two sound EXTREMELY familiar...anyone here watch/remember Laverne and Shirley? I swear those vultures sound JUST LIKE Lenny &Squiggy! (Umm..with all the voice changing I'm not sure if their voices got changed...)

Oh, about Kityana telling me my dad's dead etc. Kit adopted me on the TLK chat, I guess she knew I posted here...mph, maybe I'd better get over there. (Old enuff to fight...sort of..)

Well, if anyone wants to Flambe any of my opinions, please do!

~Krazy Kat~
The odd Cat that lurks during the day.. =\

--WARNING: Off-topic Dodger's Gang Content ahead!--

Dodger looked up at the Great Dane with pride and true honor; Einstein smiled upon him gratefully, without that erratic, out of whack look he usually wore...they stared at each other for a moment, and Dodger's words cut through the thick silence, "Thank you," he stated simply, his breath showing in the icy air, and Einstein embraced him fondly.
"No matter what, let's stay this way. Because if we stop, we'll never get it back," replied Einstein, shedding a tear.
"Okay, Einy," sighed Dodger over the great dog's shoulder. "Okay..." And slowly, he faded away....

--The Original "Dodger's Gang" (c) 1995 Carissa Smolko--

Dun dun dunnn.....

Sep 6 - 20:34



Tootles - those vultures from TJB are so funny, hehee:D

Ratha - you found Clan Ground in your school library?! Cool. Actually, I've only read Ratha's Creature, but I learned of the existence of other Bell books on the 'net not too long ago. My mom says she'll order them from for me for Christmas....something to actually look forward to during the holidays, yay!
I used to love the X-Files for the first few seasons, but since then it seems to have gone downhill...but that's just my freakish opinion, since most people say otherwise;)

Blue Lion - wow, 2 yrs of following SP and 3 for PoE... Hmm, I think I first heard of SP about a year ago and PoE maybe two years, and I knew absolutely nothing besides that about either of them until, say, July.

::sigh:: I wish I'd known about places like this sooner...what's funny is I refused to have anything to do w/ the internet until my debate teacher FORCED me to use it for research back in March, and then I was hooked. I nagged my parents about a computer constantly until July and well, here I am. Hehee:P

Ok that was deliciously irrelevant, which is a sign I'd better leave now...
"LOOK - MUD!!!"
(I think I've found my qoute, folks! Anyone ever seen "A Man For All Seasons"...hehee, that King Henry is a funny guy...well actually he was a horrible person but let's say he was funny in the movie, eheh...)

Sep 6 - 19:47



Almost forgot (even though it's kinda old) Congratulations Brian!!!!! 1,000,000!!!!

Sep 6 - 19:35



Ummmmm . . . yeah . . . sure . . . ahahhh . . . WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! I leave for a couple days and I come back and we're all havine HTML fits. "Can't we all just . . . get along?" --from Mars Attacks!

Anyway, was at the mall today and went to the DS. They finally moved the SP stuff up front. Nothing real good that I didn't have, but I bought a baby Simba for a friend. The lady behind the counter said "I remember you." Scary, I'm already being recognized at the DS. I saw some new SP stuff, though. A sticker set with Simba, Kiara, Kovu, ZIRA, Zazu, Nala, and Rafiki. I was about to buy it but I was in a hurry. DRAT! Now I wish I bought it. I also asked about the Zazu and Rafiki beanies and they said they got new shipments in on Wendsdays and Thursdays, but they didn't know exactly which ones they would get.

I also saw a quite beautiful TLKoB book there and it really interested me. You can see some scans from the book at Kublia's Site, but i forgot the address =(

"Frank, what do you wanna do?"
"I donno, what da you wanna do?"
"Oh, don't start THAT again!"

--The Buzzards from The Jungle Book

"Tootles!" --Banzai

Sep 6 - 19:30

Blue Lion


I'm glad we're all getting along again:) I don't think they'll release SP early just because they have all those pre-order tickets that say Oct. 27. But it isn't really that long anymore. I've been following SP for about 2 years now (along wiht many others) and it seems much shorter.

Ducky: like you said it depends on what Disney store you go to whether or not they want to talk to you.. when I was going to MSU the people at the Disney store out in East Lansing (this was a year ago) gave me this wierd and dare I say almost bratty look when I asked if they'd heard anything about SP , they told me "I never heard anything like THAT, I don't think they're making a Lion King sequal." and here we are a year later...

I look at it this way, I only have 50 days until SP but I still have over three months for PoE (the other movie I've been following for 3 years or so... this is what I do when I have free time, I'm just an animation frak I guess:)

At my parents house for labor day weekend, and they're watching a MASH marathon... it's been on in this house all day now... since 12:00 this afternoon & now it's TEN! rrghhh! talk about war I've had enough!!
"So! The enemy are hiding around old Kadesh and neither my officers nor my foriegn cheiftans with them knew anything about it!" -Ramses II

And yeah, what IS Return to Pride Rock?? Why don't they just call the SP soundtrack Simba's Pride???
Oh well...

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"
(sorry, just wanted to try HTML tags)

Sep 6 - 19:05



Yes, I am an avid fan of the Clare Bell series. I saw Caln Groun in the school library after I watched TLK. TLK got me hooked on Ratha books!!!!!!
PS-Also an avid X-Files fan. :)

Sep 6 - 18:58



YEAH!!!! it worked!

Sep 6 - 18:43



i just wanted to see if HTML worked for me cause i never knew what it was!

Sep 6 - 18:42



Leah, i highly doubt sp will beat tlk and/or titanic in video sales, its just not that likely, i thinkanyway

Sep 6 - 18:41

Brian Tiemann
Location: Cupertino


Look... I don't know what else I can do...

I removed the "If you'd like to use HTML tags, please do" thing because someone here suggested it and it seemed like a good idea. You can still use HTML, but now it's not like I'm asking you to.

And for the record... if you don't want to follow my earlier directions (go to View, then Page Source) to see how HTML works, here's the deal:


Okay? Sheesh.

Sep 6 - 18:31



Imbambeni najalo batkithi
Hold on my people

SP is coming soon. Don't lose patience, now that we've come this far in the countdown. SP might even dethrone TLK and Titanic combined as far as video sales!

Sep 6 - 17:43



I am soo sorry you guys! I have a bratty older brother, and I mistakenly let him post something here under my name. I left the room for a minute, and when I came back, he posted that. Don't beleive my last posT!

Sep 6 - 17:38

Me be evil BugBuhg!


I am bad! I think that Simba and Nala and Kiara and Kovu and Zira and Nuka and Vitani should all die!

Sep 6 - 17:36



Leah, about you question "why isnt sp out sooner, is it not done". well, it probubly is, but they cant put it on the market yet for certain resons.

1. if disney puts out a bunch of movies at a time, then not as many are gonna be sold cause there probubly only gonna buy one.

2. theres more than one video production place so other videos have to go out too, they need room to come out so that the stores arent full, and that all the movies have a turn to get out.

3. they need to notify the stores in advance so the store can get ready

or all that i just said was bull and there just trying to make us suffer and wait!!! but sp will be here in 50 days(not counting today) and that was less days than in june! so we all need to be patient!

"thats all i have to say about that" - forrest gump

Sep 6 - 16:47



Good news for those of us (like me) who are looking for The Brightest Star. I went to just recently & it's going to be reissued this year! :D I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that it was something of a christmas (or at least seasonal) book, so we probably won't see it until after SP. BTW for those waiting for SP in other countries, my parents & sister went to Hong Kong last week & saw some SP stuff at a Toys R Us there (the DS was hyped for PocaII) so maybe other countries aren't far behind.

"Happy happy joy joy Happy happy joy joy...."

Sep 6 - 16:21



Bug Buhg - do leave Leah alone now. Let us have peace on the mill.
And by the way Bug Buhg, have you anything to say about SP? I thought we'd decided to stop with the HTML talk.

Beerit- good news, I had none of those symptoms, I am not a messenger of evil! Yyyesss! (Mill: "eeerrhh, she's lying, we know she's lying")

Zira - I believe I have been to Zira's Lair and in fact have a bit of my deformed-looking fan art there;) Unless there's more than one Zira's lair...

Well folks, I'm off, but I WILL be back soon. Heheheh...
"Look - mud!!!!!!"
Haha, I love it! Heheheeheeeee...'scuse me while I go insane...

Sep 6 - 16:18



Oh great! Now someone else has screwed up the Mill. I still feel kinda guilty for screwing it up yesterday, and HOW DO YOU MAKE BOLD AND ITALLICS? I'd really like to know, without screwing everything up.

On a different note, I went to my local DS, and I asked the lady behind the counter when the CD will be out, and she said that "it's going to be out when the movie is out." Darn darn darn! I wish that SP would come out earlier.

Why can't they release SP sooner? They announce it in May, but don't release it untill October. Are they still working on it, or is our precious videos sitting in a warehouse waiting for October 27th?? I was pretty patient, but that patience is waning, and FAST!
And now we return to my personal messages to the others:
Why can't you be at Barnes and Noble or the DS? You just HAD to pick a store not in my town!! :P
Why can't you hurry up already? I've been waiting for you since 2 days after my birthday in early July FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
I know you are trying as fast as u can to get to me, but hurry fast! I can't wait untill I watch you!

Sep 6 - 16:15


Location: Philadelphia

Hey all, just a few comments.

Amphriss, the green pens that were a "steal" at $10, was the Simba head real silver, or just shiny chrome? It's probably just chrome, but I had to ask. Also, I don't think that Suncoast has a website.

Beerit, your latest test was very ...ahem... interesting. Luckily according to it, I'm not a messenger of the devil.

Lastly, I was browsing around the Borders website. When I searched for Lion King music, one of the results it showed (along with TLK and SP soundtracks) was Lion King 2:Return to Pride Rock. Does anyone know what this CD is? It's probably something like the ROTPL CD, but I've just never heard of it.

That's all. Glad to see that the mill is getting back to normal.

Sep 6 - 16:05



Oh drat! I am sorry! I didn't know that would happen! I'm so dreadfully sorry! :( I am really a nice person, and on my last post I thought that I love to make trouble. I don't and I am sorry! :( :( :(

Sep 6 - 16:01



Is it .... for bold, and .... for itallcs? Please tell me if I am right!

Sep 6 - 15:59

I Love to make trouble!

Hey, what happened to the below thing: "If you'd like to use HTML tags for formatting, please do"?
How are we going to make bold and itallcs? It's not fair! Just cause Leah screwed it up for all of us doesn't mean that we shouldn't use it!! :P I wanna use HTML TAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 6 - 15:54


Location: pridelands

last night on Disney Channel on the show Mad Libs people had to say there favorite movies and the second favorite movie was TLK well I guess there r alot of fans out there!!!

Sep 6 - 15:33


Location: Boston

I only have merchandise news--- At the DS, there are some sleek green pens with a tiny silver Simba head and a silver pocket hook with a very design-y "S" inscribed on it. It comes in a tube that has a Simba's Pride band around it which makes it almost look like a cigar container-- a "steal" at 10 dollars...ugh (Simba only, no other sp or tlk characters :( )
Lots of little kid clothes and back to school packs also.
I've noticed that some of the local grocery stores are carrying TLK cakes again in the bakery section but this time with a young simba PVC figure and a figure of Timon Surfing on Pumbaa (a very cute figurine!!! never saw this one before)

Someone mentioned Suncoast videos!!!! There is one in Boston, but they said they weren't carrying anything until one week before the release date!!!! Does anyone know if Suncoast sells anything online??? Please Please E-mail me if you have the URL for Suncoast!!!! I need an applause Zira mug!!!!

Sep 6 - 15:32



Koviara, i agree w/ you, i dont like adam wylie either, not because he doesnt have a pretty face, but because hes a little prick who cant act!!! i still like kovu though:)

Ok, now why is leah mad? im very very confused cause i wasnt reading this all and im very confused. how can you get mad at someone in this rumor mill? all we do is post rumors and talk about things that are ususally off topic! i dont think its anything to get upset about!

whoever told me the date of the release of the soundtx, thanx:) the stupid people at my disney store wont tell me cause there mean! they did say theyre not getting them before the other stores so im going to kmart to get it for 10.99!!!
SO, from now on, could we not fight! i hate confruntation! mufasa and scar fighted(well, sorta) and look what happened!

Sep 6 - 15:25


Location: Outlands

hey...i got an idea...what about a Zira website?
im working on one now,..and its called "Zira's Lair" so far, it looks really good. the bad part-there's not much any thing Zira out! oh well...i guess i can update it when more stuff comes out.....
"These lands belong to Scar!"

Sep 6 - 14:43

Beerit with a Mini-post


No more war posts above this line!!!

p.s. Sorry there were so many Typos in my last post. I was writing real quick...

Sep 6 - 14:11

Beerit with another Mega-post
The Grasslands
Location: Out there

HTML fight? How ungodly... (;
Oh, it wasn't that funny... But rather amusing...
But serioudly, Krazy Ket and Leah are right!
I do not see the love in the words as it was so many days ago...
Maybe we should bring Kiara to give us a good, stern lecture about the power of love... (:
This might sound stupid, but what did Leah do?
Don't mean to fire things up, but what did she do?!
And what's with Kityana?!
Dara, I see you went all th ay not to hurt anyone, uh?
"OU GUYS ARE ALL SOOO STUPID!... Don't be such idiots!"
But unlike some people, I laughed hearing this message.
Come on, some inocent joking is ok among friends.
I like to call my frinds "Cow"... It sounds horrible, but when I call someone
"cow", they know I'm their friend! LOL

ERG, I hate me... The last chapter in part one doesn't seem to be adding up...
It's not sad enough! Euh, what must I do?
"Oh, most venomous viper at my very bosom..."
(The Beast Within, Ludwig II's diary)
I like that sentence... (:
Anyway, I can't seem to make it sad enough!!
It sounds like some history book!! And it's a crucial part!!! >weep<
Made many changes in the fic. Removed some parts, added some others.
I keep having new ideas, and that is very bad!
I think I'll still be revising it years from now!! ((:
This will take a week to finish at least. And that's if I work my b**t off!
I have too many thoughts... (note to me: Stop thinking)

Whole damn county's striking...
I was supposed to go to school 6 days ago...
Nice nice, while it lasted, but let's get it over with!!

Mouse, don't wish what you might regret... Disney might RUIN Scar in the animation!!!!!
No there was no type o' involved in my last remark!!!
I know WHAT prequel is, I just never heard of a movie who had one...
Did any movie have one?! (except STAR WARS)

HTML tip:
Netscape - Click on view in the toolbar, then view source. That will show you the
whole HTML of the page you are currently in! It is a GREAT way to learn HTML!
One of my friends learned in ENTIRELY like this! Just by looking at the page and the HTML!
Explorer - "View" "source", this also allowes you to EDIT the HTML file (assuming it is on your pc, HTML files online can't be
edited, from reasons which I'm sure you understand)
An EXELANT way to work with HTML files is you have a site!
(and a terrible way to surf!!)
Nandi, chill! Brian can fix the page in a second!
Besides, nothing happened!!!
Jenna, yes, I remember they were picking flowers and talking like weirdos...

Test youself: Are you a messanger of devil, sent to the earth to bring misery and destruction?
1. You wake up in the morning and you see John Bluth's face in the mirror
2. You see a cow and suddenly you have the earge to hunt and gather
3. You don't like TLK
4. You think the mill is a snooze so you hack in and earases all the messages!!
5. You eat human flesh
6. You saw "interview with a vampire" and started looking at your friends's neck funny
7. You think Simba's daughter is named Shani
8. You enjoy seeing others suffer, or make them watch an "All you can eat" contest at Al Bundy's show store
9. You hated Baby Simba
10. You melt when exposed to the sun, not unlike my aut Bronhilda...

1-3 : You are not a messanger of evil. Slightly disturbed maybe...
4-8 : I recomend therapy
9-10 : Get away from me, you satananic fiend!!!!!!

His silent sobs echoed through the lands. More powerful then a roar, and far more meaningful.
His black hair slided down his neck, and the lost remainings of a lost life were fresh in his turtured mind. Regrets and meaningless words. And a god's broken promise.

- LotGL, The silent sobbing

"Don't, you're creeping me out..."
"Am I? I have a tendensy to do that..."
- Gabriel amd Von Glower, The Beast Within

p.s. I loaded this wav file to the space in ari right now.
LOAD IT! It is the most beautiful wav file there is!!
It's no band or something like that, just music... Soothing...
Ahhhhahehahgh... It reminds me of Simba's pain in TLK...

To The K Lands

Sep 6 - 14:04



Ratha - hello there:) You must be a fan of Clare Bell's Ratha series? I was thinking of being Ratha when I first posted here, but I chose Raksha instead.

Blue Lion - yup, Frollo did have a brother who was always asking him for money. I can't remember the fellow's name, but he was obnoxious and I think Quasi ended up bashing his head or something...
Frollo was left to take care of his brother at a young age and was very protective of him if I recall correctly. He wasn't really so bad in the book, just totally deluded;) He actually adopted Quasi out of pity, and he did /not/ kill Quasi's mother...

well, now I'm rambling. Guys, I'm chatting with someone who's never seen TLK! "Who is Scar?" says they. Rrrrgghhh:(

"Look - MUD!!!!!!"

Sep 6 - 13:47

Blue Lion


I also have to say please stop all the fighting. TLK muck is for role playing, th mill is for discussion. Leah don't go ... like the FBI and Pooh Lover things if we igonore it and go on it'll eventually stop.

Koviara: yea I agree a lot of people here are more mature, I was just curious how old you were.. I just wanted to know because you said you were older:)

Dara: that explains why the plushie was expensive. I pictured it to be this huge Simba based on the price:)

I too only like to buy the more quality stuff, although I have a ton of PVC figures and pictures... I don't buy just any junk that comes out.. I just like to collect the plushies is all

I think it was Ducky who asked about the soundtrack, from what I heard at the Disney Store it's coming out about the 27th of this month. They said about a month before but i don't know if they were just guessing.
If they do make a prequal not based on CoTPL, maybe they could give their own version of what happened , I just really liked CoTPL and think it'd make a great movie, especially Ahadi's Legacy. I can't remember who worte the idea about the drought but I think it's pretty cool.. they could complete the trilogy and then make prequals like Star Wars... well, that's pushing it a little:) I also think it'd be kind of neat to have something about Ahadi's life, maybe about him and Shaka... they seemed to get along better than Scar and Mufasa...

I also hope that the ending is a little different then in the books. It just seems like a drop off, the movie seems to go along real well and if the ending is like that is seesm to rushed, as if they just came up with it in a couple minutes and said, 'oh this'll do' without giving it any thought.

I didn't remember Frollo was the archdeacon. neat. I forgot his brother's name though... if I remember right he was a deadbeat that kept squandering his money & begging Frollo for more, and Frollo was too fatherly to him and gave in to his whims.. was that how it went?

Krazy Kat: more Dodger stuff, great!!! I like reading about him! he see Oliver as an adult? Cool! when I first saw the movie back in '88 I always thought they shuold show them together again, and see how Oliver grew up!

my little 'lessons'...:P
Ancient Egypt was actually named 'Khemet' meaning black land for the dark soil the river left after flooding, and the Nile was called 'Hapi' for the river God, a heavyset guy that sat in the mountians of Ethiopia pouring the river from an urn

just remember WE ARE ONE so stop arguing!
Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 6 - 13:11



BugBuhg, you're so weird. Get a life!

Sep 6 - 13:09



In case anyone doesn't know, at the Disney Store you can reserve your copy of SP for....21.99 I think. Or 22.99. You also get to pick a TLK puppet and something else.


Sep 6 - 13:08



Don't click on my e mail address! It's a fake! BugBuhg is the best! Me BugBuhg! Me be evil and mean!

Sep 6 - 13:07



You guys are funny! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!! What's this about plushies being held ransom? I am BugBuhg!

Sep 6 - 13:04


Location: Canada

Hi all! I don't know what's going on around here but it's pretty freaky.

Anyway, Leah - Hotmail is a free web bases e-mail service. That means that all you have to do is sign up (and as I've said before you can lie about yourself in the information form) and bam! You have your very own e-mail service that does everything a home e-mail service does, and no one can access it but you because it's password protected. And the best part about it is it's free! You can access it from ANY computer. Here is the address:

Just klick on the sign-up button and if you need more information klick on the info buttons.
Hope that helps ya!

Bye all!

Sep 6 - 13:01



LOL! I meant it as a joke for the bloodthirsty war thing. I told you all in a recent post that I forgive everyone! Now, can someone tell me the CORRECT way to make itallics, bolds, and hyperlinks?

Sep 6 - 13:01


Location: Outlands

muhahahaa...those arent MY plushies,Kintu...they must be Leah's...
"These lands belong to Scar!"

Sep 6 - 12:35



Guys, what's going on at the mill? One day everything's great and the next there's all these weird arguing one-line posts! What's up with that? Let's PLEASE keep our focus on our favorite two movies!

Sep 6 - 12:32



" Sniffs out the Plushies and takes them back from Zira...

The only thing that belongs to Scar is your face Zira..

Sep 6 - 12:30

you know who i am


I don't know what i did wrong, but i'll go.
Sorry everyone (=:::

Sep 6 - 12:14



Koviara --------The president is Sandi.

No new info here, later !!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 6 - 12:04


Location: Outlands

**hopes for more Zira merchandise;especially plushies**
**hides plushies from Kintu**

"These lands belong to Scar!"

Sep 6 - 11:35

Being very dissapointed....


Don't be so REDICULOUS!!!

I mean, Leah didn't do anything wrong and I loved to read her post! Hear that Leah?! Don't be so stupid again to leave us! I didn't care a bit of this HTML talk. Jeesh, I learned something from it!! Don't be such idiots!

And HOW can we possible mess up Brian's site when we only use the bolds and italics?? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I wanna know why?

Kovara, how in the world can people say such awfull things!? Are they out of their mind!?

Koviara, LOL means Lot's of Laughter or lauging out loud. I didn't know in the beginning. Alot of people here on the Rumor Mill used it. (guess I'm a fast learner he?) you use it when you mean something funny even tho it's written down serioulsy. So there are no mistakes of the funny meaning of your sentence. Those drawings in the book are indeed horrible. I'm still in shock!! I tried to draw with my minds eye... I tried to copy young Simba. He was awful.... well on the other hand, I could get a job at the factory who makes those golden books!!!

and now.....
can we be friens all, puleeeeezzzz?


p.s. hope you don't hate me because of my talk...

Sep 6 - 11:19



Leah - welcome back! I'm sick of the fighting too, like you and Krazy Kat said, and I don't quite even understand where all this is coming from. There was something besides HTML, wasn't there? Er, no, maybe I don't want that question answered. Apparently some hard feelings have carried over from the TLK-L? I wouldn't know, I don't do TLK-L.

I will add my voice to this matter:

there. i am done.

Oh and Alexander, thanks for clearing that up about Jungle Cubs. I think most of the episodes I've seen are second season, which might explain why I didn't like them too much. I think I saw one first season one, with Hathi and Winnifred, but that's all.

Leah - I'm no expert, but I think there's lots of places where you can get hotmail...there's one that's actually /called/ Hotmail, and then some others. I've got Yahoo mail myself, it's free and you just have to fill out a form with your name and stuff which you can easily lie about if you want. Umm, someone who knows what they're talking about would be able to explain it better.

Bye now mill, and P L E A S E let's have peace here
"I happened to be on the river. Look - mud!"

Sep 6 - 11:17




Sep 6 - 11:00


Location: pride lands

krazy kat your daddy is dead and your brotehrs and sisters might die

Sep 6 - 10:46


Location: pride lands

listen evil nasty boering stupid problem full vitani either get a majoir adittude change or take a hike

Sep 6 - 10:44


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.ORG

Here you go, One Million US dollors..

But their is one problem, I thought I had them on ransome at anouteher web page.....

Id do a link but I don't have time to do it right now, I'll be back late tonight....

Sep 6 - 10:42




Sep 6 - 10:29


Location: Heartland

Oke this is the last thing i'll say about this.

Where are we talking about??? Bloodthirsty war???
Come on Lea. I't just started as a joke. I already apologised for accidantly hurting your feelings.
But Bloodthisty?? Come on, i really think you've gone a little to far with this. If your really offended so fast, please stay away.
I'm sorry about this, but now I'M feeling offended.
I really like this mill, and there's not 1 person here i want too hurt!!! So please don't hurt ME ok?

So i'm willing to apologise (again)and to forgive and forget everything, and that includes Lea also.

Sorry about this post but i felt hurt and i don't like it when people are mad at me!!!

IT WAS JUST an innocent JOKE . Don't hate me everyone!!! by dragging something along that's really no big deal. Not one hard word was said.

Sorry, i feel better now.


Sep 6 - 10:24


Location: Outlands
E-mail: Xx Zira xX@

haha! i WAS right! the beanies are rafiki and zazu!! Now...i better call the DS and see if theyre in yet....
Anyways..i FINNALLY got my "loving licks" Nala!! Ive been looking for it for soooooo long!
New merch: a cool green SP pen with a metal simba head on the top,and an "S" on the clip.
the only bad thing is the price (10.00 for a PEN!!)

Sala Kahele,
"These lands belong to Scar!"

Sep 6 - 10:14



Can someone tell me more about free email at hotmail??

Sep 6 - 09:30

Back at Pride Rock! =)

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going back!"
Simba and Rafiki
I've changed my mind! I'm staying!

Let's drop this HTML thing! I have come to my senses, and now you are going to get a lecture on how childish we act here.

We are one! This bloodthirsty war over HTML tags has gotten way out of hand. It seems that we're no longer a big family of SP fans, it's like we're all bitter enemies. Krazy Kat, your words of wisdom are beyond your years. If there is to be more fighting here, it will not start with me. Let's just go back to the way we were before this HTML thing!

Sep 6 - 09:26

Mate to Akela
Location: Council Rock, with my fellow wolves, and I am not returning to Africa for awhile!

I have been lurking in here under a different screen name. I belong at Council Rock with the other wolves. I don't know if I will stay or leave, I've caused enough damage, turmoil, ruckus, booboos, scars here. I was a little mad, I forgive everyone, everyone's forgiven me, let's leave it at that.

Sep 6 - 09:20

Hong Kong Phooey


Koviara, why the hell should we care what Adam Wylie looks like?!? It is the voice acting that matters! As long as the acting is good, I wouldn't care if the voice actor had two heads and crossed eyes. So what if a voice actor is "not cute?" Adam Wylie is not going to appear on-screen in Simba's Pride. From the very little we've seen of Simba's Pride, Adam Wylie does a good job as Kovu.

Sep 6 - 09:18

Krazy Kat


I'm EXTREMELY sick of this HTML stuff, can we please drop it?

And JFT, Puuuhhlleeeasseee DO NOT put pictires up on here! I have a 56k modem and it took a long time, then after that it lagged, I can't even imagine what would happen with slow modems! Thank you.

This place is turning into a blood-thirsty war, just like TLK-L is getting. I don't know what it is, but it's some sort of chain reaction. And I Don't like how you all are acting towards one another (particularly Vitani vs. Vitani...hmm..) I thought at one time we were one big family? Now we're just breaking apart, here! Over what? Stupid little stuff you guys shouldn't be making a big deal over!

I'm really sorry, but there are only a few insightful posters left (you good guys know who you are) and frankly, I'm getting sick of these one-liners,weird nameless posters that have really nothing good to say, etc.

I'm gonna have to go with Leah on this one, long as it keeps up like this it's just wasting my (and probably a lot of you guys) time, and this "war" going on only makes me feel bad. So I'm off for a while, you'll most likely find me in the TLK Chat in the evenings, and I'll post occasionally on TLK-L (which is also going berserk..)

A very dissapointed
~Krazy Kat~
The odd Cat that lurks during the day... =\

PS- Oy, I'm so forgetful with names suddenly! To whoever asked, LOL means Laugh out Loud or Laughing Out Loud. Hope that Helps!

Farewell, Millers, I really like each and every one of you, but I can't stand it if it goes on like this for much longer.

Sep 6 - 09:17



No, VitaniHolic and I are not the same person!!!!

Here is a taste of Hanson:
Sow seeds of love and you'll grow friends
Some of your seeds will be gone in a MMMBOP!
But some of those seeds will grow into roses and become the best friends you'll ever have. Wich seeds? The seceret, the part that no one knows.

Sep 6 - 09:11



Raksha, you asked why some of the voices in "Jungle Cubs" are different:

Jungle Cubs has run for 2 seasons on ABC. For the second season of episodes, Disney revamped the series, changing character designs, voices, and the whole tone of the series. Only three cub voices (and the vultures) were kept and continued into the second season.

Second season episodes are easy to spot: Second season Bagheera is dark purple, with a shaded belly, and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker (a male actor---he was Daffy Duck in 'Space Jam"). First season Bagheera is black and voiced by E.G. Daily (an actress---she's the voice of Tommy on "Rugrats" and does lots of vocal work).

First Season King Louie has a high pitched voice provided by Jason Marsden, and King Louie has a big hairdo. Second season King Louie was voiced by Cree Summer (Elmyra on Tiny Toons) and Louie got a design change . Second season Louie looks more like a monkey that an orangutan.

First Season Hathi has a high-pitched southern accent (I have no idea why) and was voiced by Rob Paulsen. Second season Hathi has a deeper voice, and was voiced by someone I don't recognize.

Second season episodes were really weak, and the characters did un-animal like stuff like playing soccer, forming a band, and carrying baskets. I have no idea why they did this.

In the first season, Shere Khan was a bully friend to the other characters, but in the second season, he became a villain.

Hope that answers your questions

Sep 6 - 09:08

News Reporter

Location: The Pride Lands

Hi again it is me here I have more on the murder if nbowa on tlk chat. Their one cub quake is in critical condition we do not know if he will make it
In other news todays forecast for the pride lands is hot and humid in the after noon and it should begin to rain around this evening. McGwire hit number 60 in last nights game against the reds while sosa still has 58

Sep 6 - 08:41



Hey guys! I just got back from the Disney website, and you can see another picture of the Zazu and Rafiki beanies by going to the Beanie Baby Website. It says you can't order them by internet, but they ARE available at the Disney Store, at least that's what they said... In my opinion, the beanie babies are a bit scary, but oh well. No more information here...
Kara (We Are One)
Quote: Somebody stole my baloney, sandwich on the bus to school. Was it Bob or Billy or Fred? Oh, buddy them boys is cruel.
They're so...
Wait a minute, I was...
I'm sittin' on it!
Oh man!
I'm sorry sandwich!

Sep 6 - 07:43

News Reporter

Location: The Pride Lands

HI and todays top stroy is the murders on tlk chat The known suspects at this time are as followed: gab and hecate if you see these two out laws please post it on tlk rumor mill so.
the name of the one killed is nbowa mate father of 9 his mate kityana and there 9 cubs are all right at the timealthough in the acurance of last night all of the cubs were injurged and there are only three that have a chance for servival The mother Kityana is ofering a large amount of credits (999,999 to be exact) to any one that captures the two crooks dead or alive
I will update you more on this tragic event later

Sep 6 - 07:24

this is depressing....
Location: crying in the Outlands

Everyone is so down in the dumps...
"The weather! Very peculiar, don't you think?"

**LEAH** PLEASE DON'T LEAVE COME BACK!! You're an important and valuable member of this mill! Don't leave!!

I don't know just what happened here, but is it really enough to put a rift between people? It seems to be something more than the HTML and email issues.

To those who are saying they feel ignored on the mill, I know how that feels. When I first came here, I thought I'd stepped into some sort of closed community into which I could never gain entrance. My advice would be to make sure to address by name people you have something to say to, and if they still don't reply it's likely they just forgot. There's so much posting here it's not easy to remember who said what.

Kovara - I find it hard to imagine someone doing something like that because they wanted to help. Some people just don't stop to think...
And I like the music from Titanic too, or what I've heard of it. James Horner is awesome. Did you know some of his earlier works include American Tail (I think) and Land Before Time?

Raven - I agree with you there. SP better not be resolved with a mere speech. That would be intolerably annoying.

Koviara and Mouse - I noticed in the few Jungle Cubs I've seen that the voices are different in some. Notably Bagheera's. Sometimes he sounds more like a normal kid, and sometimes he sounds like someone trying to do a catlike sorta voice. Which one's supposed to be the second season? (I didn't know it had two whole seasons)
I've not been overly fond of the episodes I've seen, but I reeallly want to see that "coming of the wolves" one or whatever it's called. I'd had higher expectations of that show. After all, the characters are so cute:)

ok that's my say for now - Leah, again I really hope you're not leaving!
bye everybody
Raksha "Look - mud!"

Sep 6 - 07:20

Location: Pride Lands

pardon miss down about her self vitani SHUT UP AND GET A NAME sorry for that but she is so annoying plus i had the name vitani on tlk chat before her any way so get a life down vitani and get a name just because no ohne else will listen to you doesn't mean you have to boer us with your problems

Sep 6 - 07:07


Location: heartland

vitani, frequent poster and I can't say yet.
(I think you 2 are the same)

You say nobody listens or replies to you. When i got here, i was ignored also, and sometimed i still am. You know why? Because this is a sp rumor mill, and i don't think everyone gonna check whether he or she gets replie or not. It's NOT that your being ingnored or something. It's just that, well, thats not what we're here for and if nobody feels like replieing because it's not interesting, or they don't know the awnser, you shouldn't be offended. And certainly send don't send mails like 'pity me, please give me attention'.
If you really feel lonely, just go and take action. Like YOU should be sending emails to everyone. It's not so wierd you're lonely if the only thing you do is sit back in your chair, and pitie yourself on not getting emails.

SO TAKE ACTION=) You can start (if you want) by sending me an email. I would love to make more friends:)

PS: i've worked for weeks on my homepage, and i didn't get 1 email of someone who had something to say, or had a comment, or just liked it. SO WHAT!!!

Is it Lea you're talking about? Please tell her i'm sorry. We where just having fun. Not of her but with her!!! Please tell her i'm sorry and that i didn't intend to hurt her feelings.

Sep 6 - 06:14



I feel sorry for FREQUENT POSTER! And for all of you who are thinking that Leah is FREQUENT POSTER, she isn't. She hasn't been online since last night. I hope that cleared everything up. My idea for a TLK3 is Simba and Nala die, K&K take over as rulers and have a boy cub. The main story is that the boy cub gets kidnapped by hyenas, and then there is an alien abduction........

Sep 6 - 06:02



Leah's pretty mad at y'all! I don't think she will be coming here again, she says that they can get another one to do the speeches. She also left cause she felt no one was answering to her posts, or so she told me via e mail. She might be back in a little while

Sep 6 - 05:57



I know how you feel VitaniHolic. no one listens to me or gives me e mail or anything! I feel like an outsider. Please everyone! pay attention to what others have to say, and e mail them. I feel lonely, cause I haven't gotten any mail in a month!

Sep 6 - 05:49



I think you all drove my poor HTML crazed friend off the deep end here..... I think she's really mad at y'all (and at herself a little)...... It doesn't look like she's going to come back for a looong while. And yes, she's serious! :P

On a different note, does anyone know how to copy a movie from a rented tape onto a blank tape??

Sep 6 - 05:46

Pridelands Rebel
Location: nobody listens to me

Good morning Pridelands!

Noone replies or listens to me, therefor i have nothing else to say.................

Sep 6 - 05:40


Location: heartland

Oke everyone.

Please stop joking with those html tags. It was funny ONCE. But please STOP ruening the mill. This is not a 'how to practice html' mill, and i think Brian and manny others really going to get mad.

(maby the smart once's here noticed i used the shift key to put some extra attention to some things)


Ps maby Brian needs to think over deleting the line 'if you'd like to use HTML tags, please do' in the contribute section =P

Sep 6 - 05:30


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.ORG

OOps, I'm sorry....
I forgot to end the center command.....

Sep 6 - 05:01

Watching the rain splatter on the windows
Location: Liverpool, England


Everyone, NO MORE html talk! Take a look back at the messages on the Rumor Mill, ther's too many about it...

Ducky- Haha! For a moment there, I thought I had a comrade in this city. I think just about every city in England has a place named after it in America, although I'd like to know where the inspiration for Hell came from... hey, Ducky, do you agree with me on that "Adam Wylie Being Unsuitable For Kovu Thing? (posted in my last message) Oh, and Andy Dick is cool! I saw him in the Cable Guy a couple of weeks ago.

Jenna- What's the name of that one in Daria who is president of the fashion club and there's a great rivalry between her and Quinn? Her voice is so funny!

"I can't say yet" - Will you just give yourself a name?! And what's with all the space in the messages?! And why can't you say yet? It's not like we're FBI investigators... Is this some kind of wind up?

Tabi- Hey, are you in the U.K? Which part do you come from? Cool, another U.K fan!

Tau- I doubt those pictures in the books could have been any worse. i mean, come on! This guy is supposed to be a professional artist!

Dara- Hey, what does LOL mean? I can't seem to figure it out! And aren't those drawings in the books awful?! They made me shudder! I almost gave in on the sequel in disgust, but thankfully the Mulan and pocahontas trailer convinced me otherwise...
It's not that hard to draw with your mind's eye, actually. Give it a try with a character you know well, say, young Simba. You might be surprised!
I sooooo want to be an animator...
And Adam Wylie is a kid from a US tv show called "picket Fences", but also appeared in "Boy Meets World" and did a voice for "All Dogs Go to Heaven 2". He is soooo annoying and not the cutest of kids. I'm sorry, everyone, but he's not. Go find a picture of him on the internet and you'll see what I mean. For now, I'm content to purr over Jason Marsden and Matthew Broderick, class actors extreme!

Raksha- Actually, Mouse(?) was right. The second series of "Jungle Cubs" was terrible- the animation lost it's flow and several of the voices were replaced. But even so, there were a couple of really good episodes, "The Wolves Come" being one of them. It's a bit like watching "Timon and Pumbaa" for the occasional appearances by Simba.

Leah- Just what was it that you did so wrong? And don't go, I think you're great!

And if Ducky's right, and Nuka and Vitani are portrayed as cubs, then who is voicing them as cubs? Not Andy Dick and Jennifer Lien, surely?!

Hakuna Matata!!

Sep 6 - 04:52


Location: Houston, TX

I lost my plushies and I cant find them.
If you find them please E-Mail me at

Ok, I'm sorry. Its 6:50am and I'm trying to show what a few simple HTML commands can do.
BTW, I believe its Hyper Text Markup Lanuguage

Sep 6 - 04:51


Yeah, I've only learned HTML by copying Brian (and a couple others).

Sep 6 - 03:11

Brian Tiemann
Location: Cupertino


Okay... guys: If you want to see how HTML works, do a View->Page Source.

Once upon a time, knowledge of HTML was how things were done... this sort of thing didn't happen.

Sep 6 - 01:12





Sep 5 - 23:09



The ending on the Golden Book thing just doesn't fit. Do you really think that a speech can settle what has happen to Simba? Nope the ending is different

Sep 5 - 22:58


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.ORG

I don't know much HTML, but I know two webpages that teach that kind of stuff.


I got my HTML from them, their cool...

BTW, someone forgot the command again....

Sep 5 - 22:44

Location: Pride Rock

Wow, I havent posted in a while...WOW, the text got BIG for a while back there. :) Oh, of the meanest things!!!!! SOMEONE called me on the phone and told me that my friend faked her death!!!! And then said they were onnly trying to make me feel better!!!! :PPP I know they didn't mean to, I know they wanted me to stop hurting, but still...that was mean....AND yes, Christian, hehe I took your advice and I'm working at the DS! I saw on the BIg DS screen the Mulan Sing along We Are One, and the new SP CD is gonna be called "Back to Pride Rock" Is that like "Back to Titanic"? :P Oh well, I'm sure it'll be pretty good :)

I got the Back to Titanic put downt those tomatoes, I liked the music from the movie, and I also got a SP magnet playset and a Simba glass figurrine from the DS...hehe I told the CD and my SP merchandise to behave and to get along..heheh :) Nope, no lion scratches on my CD, and my Simba's paws aren't broken off. ;)


Sep 5 - 22:07



Hi! :)

For anyone who'd like to see an image of the Zazu and Rafiki beanies, here's the URL for the picture on

Kristin :)

Sep 5 - 21:20


Location: Philadelphia

Ducky, I'm not exactly sure what HTML stands for, but it's the format of a web page. Tags are what you would use to put text attributes or links into a web page or whatever. An example is making bold text, or italic text, or bold and italic text. That's the REAL basics of it. I'm sure someone else could do a much better job at explaining this.

Sep 5 - 20:07



OK! what the hell is an HTML tag? im really confused on this!!! your all talking about this thing and im clueless on it!!

Sep 5 - 19:53



Oopsie, forgot the rest of my message!!!!

Beerit, if you can't remember when its on...Write it on your hand!! Or come here on monday nights and I'll remind you!! But before 9:15... You saw Road Worrier, thats one of my favorite ones! Jesse was in that episode, he was the guy with the long hait, and Jane slept with her head on his shoulder in the end. He was also in the writing one. He was the other gut with the brown hair in the section where Daria and Quinn were picking flowers or something. The stuck up Quinn's friend is Sandi, the one in pigtails is Stacy, the other one is Tiffany. The episode on this monday is my sure and watch it. Daria gets her bellybutton pierced. Yay for Trent and Jesse!!!!! God, I'm off topic. Oh well!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 5 - 18:23




Sep 5 - 18:20



Kara, yes I saw SGc2c and Cartoon Planet. I didn't like c2c, it got boring. Cartoon Planet was funny though. I got cartoon network in April, so I haven't seen everything. I liked "I love you baby" and "What day is it" and "The rapper thing" I liked the c2c where mike judge was on... here's a convestation

Mike : I'd like to hear Zorak do beavis
Zorak - I'd like to hear mike judge shut up!
Mike - Well, I'd like to tie the long hair on his head to the short hair on hisnoseand kick him down thhe stairs...
Zorak - Bring it on you son-of a carpentar....LOL you should go here for scripts :

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees?
You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 5 - 18:14



I'm sorry too. Boohoo. Oh well. Nandi, please! I don't want to talk about it anymore in our chatroom I made a mistake! Just don't tell Matt and I won't strangle you and Vulture in HTML

Sep 5 - 18:12



Leah, I still love you. You may not be the best in HTML, but sure good at speeches

Sep 5 - 18:07



Leah, I still love you. You may not be the best in HTML, but sure good at speeches

Sep 5 - 18:07

Timon's mate
Location: Leah's lawyer

I am soo sorry Leah! It's my fault! I never should have told you about HTML tags last week. I'm sorry if I got you in trouble! I should have never put that idea into your head, without me knowing how

I gave Leah the idea about HTML tags of itallics and bold and all that. It's my fault guys. I'm the one to blame. I TOLD HER TO USE HTML TAGS! I'M SO SORRY. BOOHOO! I AM CRYING FOR REAL NOW. I'm so sorry Brian! I'm sorry that I messed up your site! . * * *
. ***

Sep 5 - 18:03



SCARDEPRESSEDZIRAKOVUUNSURE I won't be here as often. I have to learn how to use HTML tags if it's the last thing I do. Sorry for messing everything up. I need a little practice........ NUKAVITANIDON'TKNOW, SIMBANALAPRIDE, TIMONPUMBAAHAKUNAMATATACUBSITTERSOFFICIAL
I am getting a little spacey here! I think I lost my sense of TLK on some Beanie Baby website..

Sep 5 - 17:55

Crystal (ZH #1)


Okayeeeeeee! Yay! It works!!!!! One question:


PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS IT AT THE DISNEY STORE????????????

Okay, good bye, and drive safely! =)

Sep 5 - 16:21

Crystal (ZH#1)


Hope this works!!!!

Is this working?????? This is only a test!!!

Sep 5 - 16:18



Something funny happened while I was gone. :::cry::: I always miss everything:(

Sep 5 - 15:45

Scared Tabi
Location: U.K

Ok . Now I'm Scared . KrazyKat , my apology should be in your mailbox , but the patten came out kooky . I have post -
Ok . < Deep , soothing breath > Who is the post from - wait

Lord how releved can you get ! It was from my redwall club .

But I am scared to go online for what I might find in my postbox , after ... what happened . < Phew . >

Sep 5 - 15:35



One more thing (well actually two)
A great place to learn HTML tags on the net is:

And for ANYONE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE THERE HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS, you can get one for free at
This way you can have an e-mail address and check it from ANY computer. All you have to do is fill out a form and pic a user name and password. But don't wory, you don't have to tell the turth, you can lie. I did. ;p

Hope that helps. Okay, NOW I'm done!

Sep 5 - 15:29

Embarrased Tabi

Location: U.K

This took alot of gut coming in here after my nasty TLK-L experiance . KrazyKat and Jicin will know what I'm on about . KK - Despite what happened - I think your site is one of the best !
So . Anybody know about wether u can order Etoys stuff here in U.K ? Pweeze respond this time .


Sep 5 - 15:29



Hi all! Does anyone know if Scar will make an apperance in SP? I mean, I know he won't talk(no one's voicing him on the voice list) but maybe they'll just show a very brief flashback with someone explaning what's happening, sorta like Zira telling a story with pictures(maybe to Kovu)? I'm so Scar crazed I'd settle for a two second screen appearace by him. I don't even care if the flashback/story would be a lie perpetraited by Zira to get Kovu to fight Simba!!!

Raksha - Jungle Cubs isn't that good in my opinion. Even though Shere Khan's my favorite and I've been waiting a long time to see a series about the Jungle Book I just cann't ignore the shabby writting and voices. The first season was okay but the second is really bad, it seems like alomst all the characters sound like balloo. However, there are some good episodes, "Coming of the Wolves" being one of them. I wouldn't mind getting figurines of the characters though.

Koviara - Yeah, that would be ironic. Instead of learning from the mistakes of the past the son/daughter of Kovu and Kiara go and repeat them. Or maybe they have two children and it's Scar & Mufasa all over again!

Beerit - Don't you mean 'always wrong'? I'm just going to assume you made a typo. ;p

Oh, and for whoever asked (sorry I don't remember the name) a prequel is a story/film that takes place before the first story/film came out. The most well known Prequels that are about to come out are the upcoming Star Wars prequels set to be released in theaters in March of 1999, I believe.

That's it! I'm outa here!!

Sep 5 - 15:18



You guys are weird, but that's okay cause I am too! I mainly got weird after Brak became my new idol,(I don't know if a spelled idol right...) Anyway, I was at the mall today and saw that Kiara and Kovu bank for 9.99 at Suncoast video. I didn't but it though, and they also had a whole section of my Disney store devoted to Simba's Pride merchandise. Anything from school supplies to clothes to some felt and magnetic pieces to move around on a backround. I didn't buy any Simba's Pride stuff though, my mom was shocked, I did buy the new Space Ghost Surf and Turf CD though! I think I'm becoming a major Space Ghost (Brak) fan. Oh well... Lion King will still be number one. Jenna, I watched Cartoon Planet this morning, it had one of my favorite Brak songs on there, Fight of the Power Bands-the one where Brak raps about Zorak (but my favorite song has to be Moo Kaluka) Did you watch last night's Space Ghost Coast to Coast? Man that was weird, 35 minutes long and repeating itself 3 times. It interuppted Cartoon Planet, but had new animation. Well, sorry to be so off topic here... I think the artwork in the book is good and bad. But what do you expect with GoldenBooks, remember the Lion King one? Simba's legs appear to be dirty brown in some of them. Well, that's about it...
Kara (We Are One)
P.S. Quote- Zorak's mean but you know what? I bet Space Ghost could kick his butt!!!-Fight of the Power Bands.
Check out
it has a neat song about Labor Day done by Brak (Be prepared, it's about a fish!)

Sep 5 - 15:10


Location: Philadelphia

Couldn't help noticing that the mill looks a little strange. It's for this reason that I don't use those tags. Leah, let me congratulate you on your HTML blunder. No shame though, better luck next time. Where are you leaving to? Hope you'll be back soon.

Beerit, I don't know what you see in Mighty Mouse. Superman and Batman are alright, but Might Mouse?!?! I mean he's just a mouse in tights. To tell you the truth I always thought he was a little weird. Actually, I always thought he was a lot weird.

And for one last note: I thought that even though the pictures in the Golden Book aren't great (in fact far from great), they are still decent enough for such a book. The lions at least look like lions and so on and so forth. I mean, it could have been much worse.

Well, that's all from me, but I'll be back. See ya.

Sep 5 - 14:54

the Panther


Leah,,, dont get depressed,, we still love you,,

Sep 5 - 14:45



Im leaving here for awhile! IM LEAVING IF ANYONE WANTS TO KNOW!

Sep 5 - 14:41



Don't worry leah.
Brian can fix anything.

And panter. You really could better buy a book.
It's cheaper, and html tags are harder then you think.

Sep 5 - 14:38

the Panther


search the net for html schools,, there are lots of em

Sep 5 - 14:34



I am soo sorry! I'd better get some practice at some other message board. I hope I haven't done any permanent damage.....
Vulture, thanks for sticking up for me. Madame assigned us pages 67 through 72. It has to do with words of classroom objects. And from now on don't be a stinkin' idiot! BRING HOME YOUR ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK! If Mr. Alcomed finds out that you forgot it, it would be detention. Don't worry, I won't tell. At least not this time... ;)

Sep 5 - 14:30

the Panther


anyone,, come to the chatroom,, i will be there

Sep 5 - 14:26



I'm kinda new at this HTML thing too. Please excuse us. Im soo embarrassed! :(

Sep 5 - 14:24



oke lea you're right.

But please promise me you

never ever

use html tags again.

Brian. I'll promise i won't do this again.
I hope you can fix our damage. (please remember i didn't start it;)
Sep 5 - 14:24


E-mail: My father won't let me have his.. :(

Whew! I've been prowling Rumor Mill for the past three hours, and nothing as funny as this has happened yet! Whoopee! And please don't be mad at Leah, she's sorta new at this HTML thing.
Speaking of you, Leah, what did Madame Berrson assign us for French? I forgot to bring home my assingnment notebook......

Sep 5 - 14:24



Okay! This place is for SP purposes! Let's get back to work! NOW!!!!! We are focusing on SP!

Sep 5 - 14:20

the Panther


dont forget to put the / in the ending tag,,

Sep 5 - 14:20



Sorry about that! But this was pretty dang hillarious! I think I've got it!

Sep 5 - 14:18

the Panther


this place is turning into a chat,,,

Sep 5 - 14:16



Just kidding everyone :)))))

I'm not mad at anyone, please don't me mad at me ;)

Sep 5 - 14:15



Two can play at this game!

A very embarrassed Leah


Okay, Okay, Jicin! I said I was sorry. If you read my last post, you will find that I did everything correctly!!

Sep 5 - 14:13

the Panther


im lying on the flor,, laughing

Sep 5 - 14:13



Oke everyone.

HTML fight

Sep 5 - 14:13



Sorry I turned everything itallic bold. I have to get the hang of everything.
I feel kinda stupid!
I hope I get the hang of this bold/itallic thing!

Sep 5 - 14:11



Thanks lea.
You just screwed up the whole rumor mill.
How can we see now what's supposed to be bold
and what not.



Sep 5 - 14:11

Akela's mate

Oh goodie! It works! =)

Sep 5 - 14:09



Okay, let me try:
Bold type

Sep 5 - 14:07

Pridelands Rebel


too late as usual

Sep 5 - 13:58

the Panther


how many helpfull people is here at the same time *smile*

the Panther

Sep 5 - 13:58


Location: heartland

<joke> %*$*@#!^% panter </joke>

All that typing for nothing ;P


Sep 5 - 13:57

Pridelands Rebel
Location: "must i do everything?"
E-mail: "Listen to me closely!"

Ok, here is what you should do. to get Bold or
Italicyou type hold the shift key, and press the comma button. then type b and then end it with holding the shift key and pressing the button above the period.

To end a bold or italic. you do the EXACT same thing, but put a / right before the end b or i


Sep 5 - 13:56


Location: heartland

The html tags things.

Hmmm, lets see if i can help
type < then type B for bold or I for italic
Then type >. Now type what you want, Then close with < / (slash) And the B or I letter and close again with >.

So if i type this < B > hello < / B >. It should appear like this:

Phew, i hope it workes.


Sep 5 - 13:53

the Panther
Location: Sweden


hopes that answers your question

the Panther

Sep 5 - 13:53

The Grasslands
Location: Tumai's last cliff

"Before silence may take over a soul, it must find the deepest
of secters, hidden within the shadows of the mind..."
Just made that up... I have no idea what it says... Sounds profound, though... (:

Wow, I'm in such a giving mood today!
I sat and made 2 new link images for sites (they turned out GREAT),
and 4 new postcards for, which turned out even better!
I made a "Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday",
a "For being my friend", a "just felt like sending someone a poscard", and a
"Couse your'e so specail"...
I forgot how usefull Photoshop is!
The images I made turned out great! by the way, do you have any ideas for
more postcards?
Krazy Ket, I still have my Mighty Mouse tape. If anyone here ever read any of my posts,
you should know how I feel about dubbing... Egh!
But MM's suit kept changing colors from yellow to blue...
Jenna, yes you are a regular poster.
I rarely watch Daria. I love it and all, but I can't remember when it's on!
(Yet I remember the way back home after my mom leaves me at the middle of th woods)
That quote it really cool, indeed. That helpful corn quote rules too.
"Helpful corn"... LOL... I saw that one...
By the way, I forogt who Jesse is?
I can't remember any of the names except Daria's...
I love quinn's girlfriends. Their voices rule!! LOL
I like the head stuck up, don't know her name, but boy, does her voice rules!!!
She puts the u in uh!
Hehehe, I can't seem to remember any cool quotes...
Dang... I'm not much of a fan... ((:
LotGL bulletin: I have finished LotGL - part one!
I spell checked the first 4 chapters (only 40 to go)
and all that is left is to give it to someone to fix the grammer...
I think the ending is a little lame, though... The idea rules, but
I wrote it kinda badly... I'll have to get a second opinion...
Really? The only TLK fans in the school? I know 3 LK lovers at least...
And that's just among MY frinds! In my school there bound to be more...
This girl in my former class had a TLK shirt (Nala looked like she was
playing in doo-doo) and no one laughed at her... Odd...
Mouse, what do you mean "on this one"?! I'm always right!! (:
Taka is the Disney name?! I didn't know, I though it was CotPL too...
Question: Which movies had prequels? I never heard of such a thing...
Vitani, Daria is a show that's on MTV. It rules!
Definatly one of the best!
Jessa, have you seen th one where Daria is given a special assignment,
to write a story, and she comes up with these weird scenarios?!
That ruled!!!

Super Heroes chart:
1. Superman (the #1 hero of the world!!)
2. Batman (Fighter of the legions of darkness... And candy...)
3. The unnamed hero (A little hero I whipped up in my head... Doesn't have a name yet...)
4. Mighty Mouse (Here I come to save the day, that means that mighty mouse, is on his waaaay...)

Daria for holloween? (That's Purim for me)
Good idea... I already have the attitude... (:/

"I mean what I mean, and I say what I mean..."
- LotGL, Rafiki

"Timon?! was that you screaming like some maniac?!" "Uh.... No, Pumba had a bad dream."
"Sure..." Nala responded suspiciously. Timon took a few steps closer to Nala and asked "Where's my favorite maned friend?" "I dont know, I was sleeping. He's probably in the corpses cave, chowing down on some antelope. Would you like to join him?"
"Simba or the antilope?"

- LotGL, Timon, wondering what will become of him

p.s. Is it me, or is the last paragraph in CotPL BRILLIANT?!
"Look Muffy, when she cries she is so beautiful. Isn't she beautiful, Muffy?"
That made me cry. Of all the story, that was the one thing that made me cry...
So Taka did have a happy ending...

To The K Lands

Sep 5 - 13:50

Krazy Kat


I tried to show the HTML Tags for Italics and Bold, but they just can't show up, sorry! It's accepting it as the command! I can't show you. =( Maybe i kin figure out some other way.

~Krazy Kat~

Sep 5 - 13:29

Stupid Dara again....
dumb and dumber

See? it doesn't work with the Italics and Bold types! What are Crystal and I doing wrong??


Sep 5 - 13:18



We've ALOT to discuss Krazy Kat! LOL! But now, prepare yourself to MY entry....
"I" I think this italic thingie doesn't work "I"
Guess you need to explain that again....

Told ya Beerit! The book looks awful! the cubs are the only ones who look a bit acceptable.... a bit I say, 'cause it just seems if Kovu got a punch on his face! And Nuka must have had a bad hair day, well at least that's what I hope!!! If this is how he's supposed to look he must have a VERY VERY hard life...... Poor Nuka.

Just one little thing... do you think WE are obsessed of TLK??? What do you think I read in a teen magazine (from my sister of course)... you have that page were the readers can tell there problems and one girl was totally in love with the Titanic! Even so badly that she can't think of anything else! She's always dreaming of having a affair with Leo etc. She's completely emotioanally destroyed by it! It really was a cry for help. mmmm, and no one thinks THAT's stupid????

Mouse, you're are (just a little bit!!) right about the CoTPL... Scar is a "frightened little cub" there. But I love the Chronicles because the hyena's seem to be sooo much meaner and far more intelligent then Disney portrayed them in TLK.
In fact, the hyena's WERE the real enemy!

Koviara, oh no, I don't draw THAT way! I wish I could!!! at school there were boys that could do that, draw a picture that they had in mind! They could easily draw cub Simba! It was sooo cool! No, I must have a illustration of TLK next to my drawing paper, my memory isn't THAT good. I also can copy a picture from TV for example (if ya put the video on "still") but no more than that. But anyways, people like it.

Adam Wylie who???????

Why don't get a name "I can't say, yet"? I mean, that's more easily talking to ya, don't you think so?? And don't command please! We don't know if Simba get's hurt really bad, Jeesh!

Maybe thety're will be flashbacks in SP, that could explain why Nuka and Vitani are kids. Maybe something happened when Kovu and Kiara weren't even born. That could explain why Nuka and Vitani are adults when Kovu and Kiara are still cubs.

Shenzi, I'll send ya the chronicle series(all stories). I'll send them to your mothers adres.
It's quite some memory so I've zipped them.
I hope you can unzipp them, if not, I'll send
them one by one, ok? Tell me if ya got them.
Have fun!


Dara *purrrrrr*

Sep 5 - 13:16

Crystal (ZH #1)


Hello everyone! I was wondering . . . can you purchase the Zazu beanie at the DS?????? I couldn't find any info on him on the Official Disney Store Online =(


Zazu looked out across the firey woods. A smokey haze loomed overhead. He squinted past the curtain of smoke and saw her. She laid cold and still, covered in midnight-black ashes. Zazu crept slowly over to her, fear in his voice as he asked, "Mommy?"
The hornbill's eyes slowly opened and she looked up at her child. "My boy, my baby boy, things will be alright. I'm . . . just . . . resting . . ." She coughed and inhaled harshly. A faint rattle was heard when she breathed. "Listen to me now . . . my son . . . long ago . . . I sensed this would happen . . . you must leave here . . . find someone very important . . . for me . . . find . . ." Silence.
I cry was heard through all the woods, mourning a death.

--Zazu & Birtanzi from "The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird."

Sep 5 - 12:52

Krazy Kat
Still Chasing her Tail..

Geez, do you people EVER shutup? Just kidding..just so many posts! ::puts eyedrops in her eyes::: Ok, ::rubs her paws together:: let's begin...

Leah: You need to use HTML Tags to format your text in Italics and Bold. For example, if I want ted put something in Italics like Krazy Kat you would type this: "" (geez i hope that shows up..) then whatever you w ant to say, then end it with "" I hope you can see that and I hope it helps! Oh, and to do Bold, just replace the I with B.

I remember Mighty Mouse! I used to love him to death! I think my Mighty Mouse tape broke, though. =*(

~Krazy Kat~
The clanging of the garbage cans grabbed Dodger's attention and his ears raised abruptly. He made his way back down the hot, cracked sidewalk and slinked quietly into the alleyway. Nothing. Sighing, he began to turn away, when the door to the Mexican Resturaunt opened and out flew a small brown blur, hurtling harshly into the trashcans. Dodger flinched at the commotion and backed away slightly. The brown blur stood up and growled at the slammed door before him, "Hey, I was getting ready to leave anyway, Man!"
Dodger had never seen such a creature before. Rough brown fur and a firey orange tuft of hair on his head; he resembled an oversized rat.

--Dodger and Tito, The Original Dodger's Gang, (c) 1995 Carissa Smolko

Sep 5 - 12:23



I can't say yet, I am Leah, mate to Akela, and I am the(un?)official TLK and SP spiritual poster here. It's my duty to welcome you to Rumor Mill.

On behalf of everyone here, I welcome you to Rumor Mill. As a poster, you need to understand the balance between TLK, SP, and your gift of Rumors. Your gift of Rumors is an official thing that tells you that you are a part of Rumor Mill. In order to officially become part, you must tell all about your Lion King history. I will bestow upon you the gift of Rumors: (SCROLL DOWN)
********** RU
****** RUMOR
********** RU
****** RUMOR
********** RU

*** KOVU


Sep 5 - 11:59

I cant say,yet


I think Im the only erson in my enter school that likes The Lion King!Everybody thnks I need help,but the all love Hercules,and Mulan(which was good)Im sorry I was being annoying!Its just,well
um,I need to get sp out of my head for a while!I really want that book,but we ont have a borders.Thats bad.Well bye
ps,I didnt do that!

Sep 5 - 11:40



I noticed that the site kind of screws up any formatting. I deleted and re-uploaded it with proper text formatting. It should be readable now.

Sep 5 - 11:10



Gotta love TLK!!!! Cannot WAIT till SP comes out! Comes out on my moms birthday, Oct. 27. I may be 15, but TLK rocks!

Sep 5 - 10:53



Me again!!

I forgot--

Ducky - nice school motto. The last time I was at a school that had a motto it was: "Violence: Don't Play that Game". Eeeesh.

Shenzi - about that London TLK tribute or something, from waaayyy back there - that was me that had it. I would tend to agree with you, that the vocals suck except for CYFtLT and CoL is ok. Isn't it frightening what they did to JCWtbK??

OK, NOW I am leaving:p

Sep 5 - 10:34



Read Zakiya's fanfic everybody:)

Koviara - I've watched Jungle Cubs several times, but I wasn't too fond of it. Maybe I just didn't see any of the better episodes. That one w/ Akela does sound cool. And yeah, Shardik is annoyingly slow at first, but I think it gets better around chaper 4 or so.

Kese - I noticed your fanfic at, but the format is really weird...having to scroll not only vertically, but horizontally -hard to manage. Does it just format longer fanfics like that to save space or something? It did the same thing to mine (I'm ignorant about anything concerning computers, this has me baffled)

I Can't Say Yet - hello, and welcome to Rumor Mill:) I'd like to answer your question about Simba in the golden book, but I don't know either. And don't feel lonely, we don't intentially ignore people - It's just there's so many posts, it's hard to keep track.

Ok I think that just about does it. Bye now
"I cannot name my shadow"

Sep 5 - 10:28


Location: heartland

I can't say yet

But i doubt Simba would be hurt 'really bad'.
It's disney where talking about.

PS: If you feel so lonely you can drop me an email. It's no good beggin for attention, just do something about it. This is a Simba's pride rumor mill, not a dating service:P


Sep 5 - 10:10

I cant say,yet



Sep 5 - 09:56



I don't like Quinn

Sep 5 - 09:47



Koviara, i live in Liverpool too!!! liverpool, new york that is! its a small town right near syracuse.

anyway, in my coloring book of characters for sp, theu have nuka and vitani portraid as kids, but in the golden book it shows them as adults when kovu is little. im confused! i think someone mentioned it before, but i dont remember an answer given.

does anyone know the exact date when the sp soundtx is comming out? im gonna check the disney records page every day(atleast, ill try) and see if they have the free music samples, they do that for about a week before the soundttx comes out.

Sep 5 - 09:01

Location: U.k - My computer - the dining room - thrapston - the universe - etcetcetcetc


Sorry for the outburst . My computer has to be wiped ( BOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO ) But - I have my all important fanfic on disk . It is reeeaaallllyyy progressing ! I have done BMPs of the charictuz but they don't look as good as the scetches I've done . Now thay REEAALLYY scream ! Can someone actully put the pix of Vitani and Nuka on the rumor mill or summat . My computer won't go to them . Apparently YERF is moving - ???
My Tapes arrived the other day , If you don't own ROTP get it now ! I love it . My Kovu and Kiara beanies should be arriving any day too ! But can you order things from E-toys if you live in the U.K ??? I really want those Kovu ViTani and Nuka beanies , and the purring plushies .

Seeya !


( Kubieye , Queen of Iamacal )

Sep 5 - 07:42

i cant say,yet


Why wont anyone type?Please!Im lonly!I want a speech like Sarahs Leah!Or however you are!Kovria
I no its spelled wrone sorry!Im really sorry about your friend!I kinda no how you feel,me and my best friend are really close.but she lives in well I cant say,but we dont live in the same states!Does Simba get hurt bad,really bad,or near death experiance?Also,I did like Tianic,not cause of leo,but because there really was A Titanic!Please dont hate me for this!My favrite movie will always be The lion king!I had some my little onys,but i lost them!I rember those 80s shows,but I was 4 or somthin!But I absoltly loved the Gummi Bears!Well I well stop rambeling,mybe I well get My messages answered!If dont Im gonna cry!WAH!

Sep 5 - 06:01

Sorry for posting twice
Location: Liverpool, England

Sorry for posting twice within about ten minutes,
but I;ve been reading through past mesages on the Rumor Mill and have answers to two things:

1. The episode "The Wolves Come" of Jungle Cubs... the leader of the wolf pack was called Cain, and at the end Akela (Yay, Akela!) defeated him and formed his own pack. I loved that episode, it explained the origins of my favourite character. Raksha, you should give some of the episodes a try. I was reading an interview with some of the animators, and they said that they were trying to keep it more to the book than the film did, i.e, Shere Khan being quite cowardly, Akela, etc...

2. I saw Adam Wylie (Young Kovu) in "Boy Meets World" in a guest role the other day. I'm sorry, but he is annoying and not exactly cute. (Now JTT was cute!) I too, like Ducky, base a lot of like/dislike for characters on the people who voice them, seeing as how they often carry the same traits as the actors (See Scar and Jeremy Irons). I just don't think Adam Wylie suits Kovu, he might have a good voice, I don't know, but whereas Kovu is dark, youthful and good-looking, a role I think Jason Marsden suits perfectly, he...isn't. I mean, I think neve Campbell/Lacey Chabert is a great piece of casting, but Adam/Jason? Does anyone else agree? And if you could cast anyone else, who would it be?
P.S/ Anyone who likes Adam Wylie, don't take offence. It's just my thoughts on it, that's all.

Hakuna Matata!!


Sep 5 - 06:00



I have really nothing to say, I just like posting something. How do you make your text bold or itallic on this posting thing here? I'd like to know. Also, how do you post clickable links here?

Sep 5 - 05:43

I cant say,yet

Location: everywhere

Does anybody no if you can find any NEW Simba's Pride pitures,or sounds?I don't have quicktime!
Well I do,but my computer won't down loud it!So if ya no about any new pics,sounds,or animated gifts
please tell!Also in the book,what happens to simba
during the fight.And why do they look so wierd in the golden book?I mean,the page were hes hannin from the cliff,why does he have a purple nose?

Sep 5 - 05:29

I cant say,yet


Um,well somebody type to me?I want a speech!Please
I no how body body ya all are!
SP Rulez

Sep 5 - 05:24

I cant say,yet


Um,well somebody type to me?I want a speech!Please
I no how body body ya all are!
SP Rulez

Sep 5 - 05:21

I cant say,yet!


Hello!Just thought I'd drop in!Ive been reading this page for a while!I can't post my e-mail though!I love Simba's Pride!Simba is my favrite charector!Well Bye!
(ps what happened to Nuka?It looks like he
got into a fight with a blender,and the blender won!PPs in the Sp storybook,does simba get hurt bad or really bad?
Well I well stop rambiling!Bye!

Sep 5 - 05:16

Scouse Simba Fan
Location: Liverpool, England

Hey, everyone!

I've just had a TINY SP sighting over here in sunny Liverpool... There was an interview with Jonathon Taylor Thomas in a teen magazine and they asked him if he would be voicing Simba again for the new film...doh! Of course, he replied no, explaining to them that he did the voice when he was only eleven!

Jenna- Aaggh! Don't you just think Quinn is excellent?! She's one of the biggest reasons my sister and I watch Daria! That's so horrible!!

Mouse- Hey, I'd never thought of that. Come to think of it, I would like to see how the rivalry and everything started out between Mufasa and Scar. Yeah... And, don't you think it would be ironic, if after Kovu and Kiara convince everyone to put the past behind them, their son/daughter started up another rivalry! It could go on forever!

Shenzi- I've e-mailed you with my address. Go check it out NOW! By the way, I LOVE Jungle Cubs. Shere Khan is my absolute favourite...

About that "Celebrity Deathmatch" thing... Is that the MTV show? I've seen a fight between the Spice Girls and Hanson... it was really funny. I think Marylin Manson killed them both at the end!

Beerit- I agree on those books! Aren't they the ugliest, stupidest drawings EVER! My lovely Kovu, so horribly drawn! It's an insult to any artist!

Dara- I share your feelings! Granted, there are quite a few bits of TLK merchandise in the Disney Stores over here, but it's not the same!
I can't wait for SP to come out over here...
"Please, can you draw Kovu for me...?" hehe!
I don't get any stick because first of, people LOVE my drawings. (Boastful but true), secondly, I'm too much of an individual to care, and thirdly, everyone else seems to like it too!
About copying it with your mind's eye, I do that too! People always wonder how I remember, but I think it's just that I'm fanatical about art and so take in every detail...

Krazykat- it was me, the mighty Koviara, who said I wasn't drowning in merchandise. I know what you mean about quality...I refuse to buy trashy stuff just wheeled of the production line to cash in on the current hype. I go for really artisitc, individual things. Wow, I really love my megadrive (It's Genesis over there, right?) game and my Simba cuddly toy though, It's so cute!
And you HAVE to see Backbeat! I felt so sorry for Sutcliffe...sniff. Does anyone else like Stephen Dorff here?!

Blue Lion- I'm eighteen. A very mature eighteen, I might add. And don't worry about feeling old, I'd be worried if everyone else was going on about something really childish or whatever, but i've found that quite a few people on this Mill seem very mature...

Can someone please make soundfiles of the SP soundtrack when they get it? It probably won't be out in england for months...

Raksha- Well, Shardik is starting of a bit slow, but, hey, i'm a literature student! I'll stick with it, I've read Thomas Hardy novels...groan.

"Creepy little monkey!"

Hakuna Matata!

Sep 5 - 05:14

Pridelands Rebel

Sorry if im acting stupid, but what is Daria? What are all these abbreviations here?

I HAVE SEEN SP MERCHANDISE! I told everyone that but noone listens to me. t-shirts, straws, purses, playsets, bigger playsets, everythink but plushies, color books, and action figures.

"But mommy! I dont wanna go to school! I wanna stay home and bake cookies with youuuuu!"


Sep 5 - 05:06

dodger lover


i can't believe their getting rid of mr. toad's wild ride. i mean it was part of the original park.don't people have respect for the things walt intended. he's probably turning over in his criogenics chamber after hearing that pooh is going to take over this classic ride. DAMNED THIS BEAR AND ALL HE STANDS FOR!!!!

Sep 5 - 01:38

Zakiya AKA Alicia Miller
Presides over Lebo M's Fan Club (Site is coming soon!)
Location: Rialto

Hello everyone,

Vacation is ending for me and on Tuesday I start 12th grade at my ghetto-whack school. Everyone here has probably heard of it in the news. Tragedy happens so quick.

The 1st chapter of my fanfic is done. I've sent it to Brian.

At my school, no one bags on my love for Lion King. I don't even have a bad rep. My advice to those who are getting picked on for having TLK stuff: ignore it. If you can't ignore it then bag on them. Tell them how ugly they are. Stand up for yourself! I may be a chicken but that's where good friends come in hand. Stick with a huge group. It works for me.

Crystal, take my advice, stick with a huge crowd of friends and no one will pick on you. Also, if you live in the Florida area, you may want to visit DisneyWorld to see their renovated Tiki room with hosts, yes indeed it surely can be, Zazu and Iago. I bet they make a great comedy duo.

For others, being a Lion King fan doesn't nessacerily mean you have to collect a bunch of plushies. I only have 2 plushies (A stuffed Simba and Pumbaa puppet) and my collection soars to over 4,000. The reason my collection is so big is because I collect pictures. Tons of them. From all over the place, from coloring books, to spending hours online printing movie pics. About 3,000 of my collection is pictures in all 4 of my scrapbooks. Yes, these are BIG binders, I mean I am talking 3 to 4 inches thick! And I'm barely starting on SP! So remember, it's not all about the products. BTW I have over 100 something in products ranging from figurines to stamps to my little Pumbaa flashlight.

And now another great moment in my fanfic:

"My name is Timon, what your name?"
"My name is Adina."
"Wow. Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
"Your green eyes sparkle like Kube in the sun and in the moon light. And you've only got three stripes, that makes you even more unique. And you are something i could just die for."
"Thank you Timon."
"Your quite welcome, Adina."
"So, what brings you out to Kube?"
"I don't recollect sending for you."
"Oh, I mean, I came here on my own."
"Well Timon, it's time for my daily lesson. I guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah. Uh, could we..."
"Could you go out with me?"
"That all depends on what my father thinks of you. He's the head meerkat." With that Adina left Timon. He was all touched. 'How beuatiful she is! So pretty and sexy and oh what I wouldn't give up for her!' Timon thought.

Somewhere else in the fanfic.

"You let my brother die!"
"I tried to save him! There was nothing else I could do! He was just too sick!"
"No Rafiki! You were too ignorant! You let Nefu die because my father didn't let you meet me."
"That's not true, Sen!"
"Oh, yes it is. You know it! I swear Rafiki, on my father's grave, you are of no relation to me!"
"You can't disown me!"
"To heck I can't! I just did!"
"Sen, don't you turn your back on me!"
"Oh no Rafiki, perhaps you should've listened to Reggie more closly!"

More to come from my fanfic titled:
"The Courtship of Timon and Pumbaa"



Alicia Miller

PS: Hans Zimmer turns 41 on Sept. 12th. I'm sending him a birthday email. If you'd like to take part email me!

Sep 4 - 22:36



I'm open to TLK III being either a prequel or about Kiara and Kovu as parents. Any TLK story will be about one of the segments in the Circle of Life; the first one doesn't necessarily have to be the best or most important one, just a period of time that we happened to catch a glimpse of. The Raiders of the Lost Ark had a prequel (The Temple of Doom) and then it had a sequel (The Last Crusade).

Kiara-holic #1

Sep 4 - 22:20



I saw part of that celebrity thing...I personally am a leo lover for looks and acting, but I still thought it was funny..besides it's just clay.

Ducky, I think I like Joey. Also, I've been watching Daria since like, March of last year..seen the very first episode. At first I liked Jane, then Brittany, then Trent, then Jane again, now Jesse. I think my friends and I were going to do that, but. none of us really looked like the characters. My friend was gonna be Daria...she is daria. *Quinn voice on* Except her hair has like, no bounciness...ugh *Quinn voice off* (Its too flat) I wanted to be Jane...but I'm semi-popular, and look nothing like her. I do like art though. Did you see the 1st episode where in the end, Jane is giving her speech, then she freaks out? Did she really mean that? If so, now that would be sooooo out of character. Yeah, I know this is a TLK rumor mill, but,uh, Daria is cool!!! Also, When I did go to the DAria message board. everyone was complaining about how Daria shouldn't have been on Seventeen's I made the mistake of saying I do read seventeen. Fashion and popularity is nice, but it doesn't have to run your life. In real life, I owuld be Jodie..except I hate extra-curricular activities. I'm a lazy person. Oh yeah, back to my point. So, like 3 people started telling me everything that was bad about the magazine. I'm like "Jeez, sorry for having an opinion" I also am a pooh-luvvr, but I don't come here and freak out about how ya'll diss him. You have the right of an opinion too. And I do disagree about making a pooh ride. I haven't been to disney world, I've been to Six Flags*btw, it was great* and from what I've heard that Mr. Toad thing is cool. And I do think they're over-merchandising him. I also love old cartoons, like Betty Boop and "I Love to Sing-A" Stressed Eric and South Park rule, I've been totally off subject..Later!!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 4 - 22:20



Does anyone watch celebraty death match? its a stupid show but last thursday they had jack nickleson beat the sh*t outa leonardo dicrapio, i thought it was funny:(

Jenna, i like jesse too, but i think trent is better! i dont like it when guys hair is longer than mine, but hes still funny, speaking of daria, im being her for halloween:) i have short brown hair and all i need is a green blazer, and my other friends are being some other characters.
whoever watches daria, who do you like better?

joey(brunette) jeffie(red head) or jamie(blond) i like jeffie the best:)

i know this isnt a daria rumor mill, but i like it:)

Sep 4 - 21:55



Just to let anyone who's interested know, I just added my fan fic to, it should be under the stories posted today section. It deals with Scar and what may have happened to him if he survived the hyena attack. Let me know how you like it.
On another note, I may soon have some really in depth info on SP, keep you posted:)

Sep 4 - 21:38



Hi all! In response to Koviara's question about a TLK III, I'm with Blue Lion and Tau, a prequell to TLK would be great! I for one would love to see how the relationship between Scar and Mufasa, as seen in TLK, came to be. I would also like to know if Scar was ever betrothed to someonel; since it's tradition to to choose the mate for a future King, why not a young Prince?

Which brings me to the question, does anyone think that Kiara might be betrothed to someone and her falling inlove with Kovu makes her familly relations even worse?

As for TCoTPL, Beerits right on this one. Disney would not base anything on and idea that was not developed in house, i.e from people that work at Disney. Though even if they could I would like to see something a little different.

CoTPL is a great series and shows another, softer side to Scar. However, while well written and very entertaining, I disagree a little with how exactly it portrays Scar. They make him seem like a cry baby and a sisy at times, especially at the end of the series where it seems he's talking and crying to himself all the time. I just can't picture Scar breaking down and weeping because of nightmares. He may be a little mad but babbling to himself incoherently and crying his eyes out just doesn't seem like him to me.

Anyway, I have a question for Beerit: you said that if there was a TLK III Disney wouldn't use the name Taka because of legalities. Isn't Taka an official Disney name for Scar before he got his scar? Why would they have problems using a name they created?

Stick a fork in me I'm done.

Sep 4 - 21:21



Ducky, I used to love Brittany. She used to be my favorite!! Her stupidity is hilarious! But still, I stand behind Jesse as my favorite. He's like a sad puppy dog. Does NE1 agree with me? If you like Daria, go here : this person;s got good fanfic. Its...well, just go here :

--------right now I'm having trouble getting in, but try later.


here :

---Lots of Trent/Daria/jane/Jesse fanfiction...

jeez, seems like I've linked like 4 Daria sites! I love Fanfiction...NE1 know of a big TLK fanfic site? Did Ne1 just watch Cartoon Planet? Well, bye.

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 4 - 20:17


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.ORG

Ok, here is the scoop for today. I was on lunch today when I stopped by the electronics department. My associate was talking about Titanic on DVD. So I asked him about Disney and DVD, he told me that Disney is going to the DVD format. So I asked him specifically about Lion King 2 Simba's Pride. He told me that he believes it will be released on DVD. He suggests asking the lady that controls what video's that we get. K-Mart contracts the movies and video's for the electronic departments.

Sep 4 - 20:15



I love Kiki's Delivery service! It's a cool movie! But I love the preveiw of SP even more! What's this about buying the movie next week? Someone posted something about that a while back, but I can't remember who. Oh well. I am the only one in the entire school that cares about TLK and SP, and not like a stupid first grader would. I just hold my head up high! In fact, I drew a little adult Nuka on my notebook, and the guy who sits in back of me said that he thought it was good! And that's only a little petty decoration that I did! =)

Sep 4 - 19:01


Location: long island

i didn't get to read all the messages but i got through some of them. it sucks when your dad wont let you get aol and your forced to use other peoples computers. koviara, i would be happy to return your favor and send you the sp video. my mom's library e-mail adress is : if that doesn't work you can send it to my aunt : Manitta100@AOL.COM if anyone else wants to e-mail me you can at those adresess. i would love to get e-mail. Beerit, i agree with you about leo Dicaprio. he is cute and he is a talented actor, but some people are way too obsessed with him. i heard that a bunch of his fans tried to tear his shirt off his back when he was at a film premire. that's sickening. i heard leo's going to be in a new woody allen film called " celebrity". Krazy Kat, i never got to read your calypso chronicals. are they on your web site ? dara, could you e-mail me the chronicals of the pridelands series. i still have trouble opening them. did anyone see that new hercules cartoon ? i like jungle cubs better, but it wasn't bad. herc's friend cassandra is cool. " i thought he said we were the enemy ? "

Sep 4 - 18:18



Hey! i forgot this, we just got back our school sceduals and we have a new motto. guess what it is!!!!

"we are many, we are one"

i thought that was neat!

Sep 4 - 18:17



Rashka, dont be sorry, i wasnt yelling at you! i was just pointing it out that cheech marin is mexican cause know1 else did!!

Jenna, Daria is the best cartoon ever!!! i like brittany and kevin, achually, i hate them, but there the funniest!

"hey mac daddy!" "dont call me that!"

Sep 4 - 18:11



Oh yeah, I forgot two things. I remember Mighty Mouse..I think I hated him..its vague. What are your other fav super hero's? I like SpaceGhost, at least whenever he's on Cartoon Planet or SGc2c. Ya know what else I like? Pringles!!! And my famouse quote--

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 4 - 18:01



The sites out? I haven't been there in a while..I'll check. I'm happy you like my quote..I like it too!! I think it's my favorite line from the show...or one of them, besides "Helpful Corn, thats a cool name for a band"!! Jesse has the coolest quotes!!

Hey, would ya'll call me a regular poster?

Sep 4 - 17:58

The Grasslands
Location: Who am I?! Where am I?! Oh, a computer!

Discovered one of my long lost childhood memory today...
Mighty Mouse! The 4th best super hero that ever walked the earth!
*salute* What a mouse...

What are you talking about? Disney taking the CotPL plot and make a movie,
right! Like they would really take someone alse's idea!!
And if they do make a prequel (which I doubt they will), Scar won't be named
Taka. (another legel thingie)
If and when TLK III embarks on our screens, I think it'll tell the story of
Kiara's and Kovu's kid. Don't you?
Or maybe a new and exciting adventure.
**The Lion King III: Kiara's alien abduction**
Coming November 34th

Is it me, or does the guy who drew the SP book needs to get a life?!
It looks HORRIBLE! Nuka stinks, Zira keeps changing colors faster then Timon after
eating a bad bug, cub Kovu and Kiara are ok, but they keep changing size,
adult Kiara looks just like Nala sometimes or just plain ugly, adult Kovu
is... Plain ugly, Simba is... Well, also ugly, and Nala is pukish-green!
Give us a break! You could have done a MUCH better job, people!

Jenna, thanks for the Draia tip. That site is closed, though...
That Jesse quote is cool! It makes me laugh every time I read it!
Raksha, I don't this the word morbid fits my story best...
Maybe psychotic.
**Screm 3: Librarian of doom**
Geez, I'm filled with triquels ideas today!

I've been having TLK madness...
I want to watch that movie soooo bad!
I loaded all the quick times, and the sounds, just to be as close to it as possible!
I can't wait till next week when I go buying it!!!

"What's happened to you?" Kor whispered angrily. "We said we won't let
this come between us, hell, you celebrated with me when dad told us of his choice!!"
"I was stupid! I thought we were equal, but we weren't! I deserved it more
then you! Your father was a murderer!"
Kor backed away. This accusation hurt him more then he could put in words.
Yes, it was true, but being rubbed in it, and by his own brother, whom he
loves so much... It was more then mean. It was evil. Kor's pain felt heavy
in his chest, and he looked at Tumai with shame, as he backed away to the direction of Pride Rock,
untill he finally turned around and ran twards it, with tears in his eyes.
Tumai looked at him with half tripmph, half self loathing. A part of him was slowly dying.
The part that gave pure and unconditional love.

- LotGL, Tumai and Kor, the rip

To The K Lands

Sep 4 - 17:01

Happy 1,000,000
Location: Troubled Lands

You guys write to much!
Man, I know how you all feel. If I even mention TLK at school it's all groans and "oh, not again," type of stuff. I seem to be the only one in my whole school who likes it! Well, there's only about 2,000 people that go there, so I am the only one.
Well, I've gone way over on my internet time so you won't hear from me for about 10 days. Bye!

"Shut up Mr. Burten. you were not brought upon this world to get it."


Sep 4 - 16:44



*Happy 1.000.000 Brian! Up to the 2.000.000!!*

Crystal, feel happy, 'cause TLKoB is far more populair than Grease is now!!

Blue Lion, I have a standing cub Simba plushie and he's about 60 cm long (mmm, guess you don't work with the centimeters) Well, take it from me, he's quite big. But I think your roaring Simba is bigger. Why he was so expensive? Because they import him from the US. And it depends on how the dollar stands. One dollar is 2 guilders (my valuta) so it's quite alot of money because the dollar is so high now.

Koviara, I've NOT seen any merchandise for SP in the stores here and I don't expect any. Not till next year at least!! But we do have some TLK merchandise, not very much, but still... tho there's little in the stores nowadays, I've to look very hard for it. He he, I know what ya mean 'bout people liking your drawings!! I used to make drawings (I copied it with the eye from a TLK picture) and when friends saw it they were astonished! Man! that felt good! They even love to give me TLK presents for my birthday for example.

Just imagine! When the CD of SP is released I'm on holiday!! Awww man!!!

Ahhh, Krazy Kat, you know how to say it well! Indeed, having tons of TLK merchandise doesn't make you a more devoted fan than someone who only wants to buy quility stuff for example (emmm like me for example) mmmm, paying a 180$ for a big plushie makes me quite a devoted fan I guess, but still it's only ONE plushie. (Geesh! If I buy more I'll be broke in no-time!!)

Anyways... I'm going to take a look at the Golden Book scans (thanks Kubo)......
Zira and the other bad guys are UGLY MAN!!!!! Not a little, but MEGA UGLY!!
That are NO LIONS anymore!!! That are fantasy animals or something! Who's the idiot who drew these pics?!?
I wanna have a good word with him/her... guess some drawing lessons will safe the next childbook that's going to be drawn by this person!!!
***** Geesh! I'm deeply shocked!! This is NO quility stuff I tell ya! ***** Faints.......

Bye all!


Sep 4 - 15:09


Location: stuck in Birdie Boiler

Ducky - you are absolutely right. Cheech Marin is indeed Mexican - I was merely qouting what someone else had said, and I didn't stop to think too much about it. Sorry

Beerit - what a nice little morbid librarian tale:) I'll remember that if ever I must face that scary woman again...

Koviara - yay, you got Shardik! It starts out kinda slow, but it does get better. I think you said something else, but now I can't remember...

Kovara - hehee, now rumor mill will have a spy! Hey, I hope you're doing all right.

Blue Lion - Yup, Frollo was quite messed up in the book. Poor fellow, he'd had a hard life and tried to be so pious, and he just cracked when the stuff with Esmeralda came up. Did you know in the book, Frollo's actually the archdeacon?

Now I'll end this post, but I still feel like I'm forgetting something...
Busa everybody (except mean people)

Sep 4 - 14:55



Caria sounds..hmm....I think here :

Its a sound archive. I like Trent Jesse and Jane..I think Daria nad Trent should get together, but it'll probably never happen. Jane and Jesse should..but who knows. Sandy and Quinn should fight or something, and there has to be a story about them before they were in highschool...maybe something about Trent in highschool and Jane in jr high or something. Or maybe GRADE SCHOOL..that could be intresting...especially if Jess is there!!! Yay for Jesse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll shut up about DAria now..bye!!

"You have to pee Daria? You can pee behind those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there."--Jesse

Sep 4 - 14:47

the unborn cub
Location: Pridelands, California listening to TLKoB

Just wanted to say that I saw the Nuka and Vitani beanies yesterday. Somebody said that they were not out yet. They are at Target and are sold in a three pack with Kovu.

And boy are they uuuuuuuuuuugly! (The beanies) The little picturesare so kewt^_-

Busa All Lions!
"My name's Kovu!" "Well, my name is Chaka so there!"

P.S. I'm singing "Endless Night" for an audition!

Sep 4 - 12:51



YEA!!!!! one million......congratulations brian!!!!!

Sep 4 - 12:43

Krazy Kat
Chasing her Tail...

Ah, i can tell by your name we've already got something in common! ;-) Yes, alas, Krazy Kat's Lair seems to be dying, somehow. I got an HTML book yesterday and I've been working drastically on a total site make-over, maybe even move to Geocities or something..anyway, "Dodger's Gang" Will be up on my site as soon as it's finished..oy..::Looks at the disk in which the new version is stored..all..*2* pages...::: Of course these things take time, but I'm hoping you'll still be around when it's all finished! I'm glad there's people out there that wanna read this!

You know, Dara and Kovara (I think!) said they werent "drowning" in TLK merchandise. I'm not either, I buy mostly hgh-quality stuff or things I can put on Display. I don't buy two bit cheapies. Yet having TONS of TLK merchandise doesn't make you any more of a fan than anyone me, it's a Devotion. Of course, I could go on for HOURS about my Beatles merchandise, but I don't have junky stuff, a lot of my Beatles stuff is posters, or authentic 1960's Original Beatles stuff, and my Beatles scrapbook, they mean a lot to me. That's just part of my devotion to them.

Blergh, now everyone's talking about "BackBeat" and I went to my Blockbuster, and for some reason unknown to ManKind, THEY DONT HAVE IT THERE!!! agghh!! And I hear it's real good, too!! >=( Same thing with Care Bears Movie 1.... ::sniffle:::

Hehe, I like driving y'all crazy with this's some MORE!! mwahaha!!! (In my siggy. "Look down dere".)

~Krazy Kat~
Dodger hadn't seen the cat in a long time, he was almost nervous about meeting him once more. He inhaled deeply and retained himself. "Dodger!" shouted someone from behind. Dodger jumped slightly and turned back to see who exactly the voice was. In his eyeview stood a strikingly handsome fire orange cat, with a blue collar and golden tags dangling fom his neck. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and his silky fur shone in the sunlight
"Hey, kid," answered Dodger with a grin.

--Dodger and Oliver in The Original "Dodger's Gang" (c) 1995 Carissa Smolko--

Sep 4 - 12:32


Location: Philadelphia

Hi everybody. First off, congratulations for reaching 1,000,000. If any Lion King website deserved it, it's yours, Brian. I have no doubt in my mind that this place will make it to 2,000,000!

Second, a Lion King III plot? Well, I agree with anyone else who said that they should make a prequel. A movie defining the relationship between a young Mufasa and Scar (or Taka) would really be interesting. If a prequel can't be done, then how about this: A while after Kovu and Kiara take over as rulers, there's a drought, and the movie is about how they lead their pride to a new home. Well, I guess it's an ok plot.

Finally, thanks for making the scans of the GoldenBook Kubo. Is it only me, or does the picture where Simba is climbing the cliff to get away from Zira's pride, look just a weeeee bit too much like the scene where Mufasa is climbing the gorge to get away from the stampede? Just a thought.

Sep 4 - 12:14

Blue Lion


Just got back from seeing the scans. Gotta love the expression on Kovu and Kiara's faces in the fight scene... looke like they're thinking something like:
"Oh my GAWD what are they DOING!!!??"
You know, the more I look at Nuka the BETTER he looks.... is that so crazy???

Koviara.. how old are you )out of curiosity) I'm 22 and yes I too am feeling like an old lady here:)

Blue Lion
"second born, second place!"

Sep 4 - 10:06

Blue Lion


I'm thinking that the 'fighting action' figures might be similar to the ones they had for TLK where you push a button in their mane and thier mouths and aroms move... except Mufasa who shhok his head back and forth and moved his arms for some unknown reason... he didn't even really look like Mufasa. But Scar and Simba looked cool.. i have them on my computer desk now. Were those all fighting figures or were they PVC? If mattel dosen't come out eith Nuka, Vitani, and Zira PVC's applause might. They had Scar befor Mattell did... also had adult Nala. Too bad there were no hyenas.

Hmmm... didn't add my little spam last time... oh well, I was kind of tired. Here's a little something I guess... the names of Ramses children that I know:
Amenhirkhoshep (m)
Seti (M)
Khaemwaset (m)
Ammenmeses? (m)
Bintanath (f)
Merneptah (m)
Meritamon (f)
Meryatum (m)
Prehirwonmef (m)
Meryre (m)
Horhirwomnef (m)
Ramses (m)
Ramses-Nebweben (m)
Ramses-Maatptah (m)
Takhat (f)
Nebttawy (f)
Istnofret (f)
also had two sisters Tia and Henutmire

Supposedly there's only about 20 days until the SP soundtrack is released, if what I heard about it from the Disney stroe is true. About the 'Simba's Favorites' thing.. the Disney Store had a CD called 'Ariel's Favorites' that had some Little Mermaid related songs or something on it (didn't read what was on it) is Simba's Favorites a similar thing? (sorry if this has already been cleared up, but I don't remember reading anyhting about it) Is it coming out on the time as the Sp soundtrack? If it's just songs from the T&P show don't thikn I'll buy it. Plus I think we should be seeing more SP merchandise now that it's September... we're getting down to the wire here!

TLK III.. I think they should make it, after all there were three B&tB movies and three Aladdins. I get my Disney investor's bulletin in December, maybe they'll mention something like that.. I hope so! Having a trilogy seems to 'complete' a story. At least many are released in trilogys... just look at Star Wars, both the original and the prequals are released in threes... which reminds me.. I've said it before but THEY SHOULD MAKE A PREQUAL BASED ON COTPL!!!!

Happy 1,000,000th!!!

Blue Lion
"second born, second place!"

Sep 4 - 09:52

Excited about SP!!
Location: Aboard the Yellow Submarine in Liverpool, England

Hey, everyone!

Kubo- Thanx very much for those scans, even if the book art is a bit..awful. (And that's putting it lightly). Your webiste is excellent, by the way. Did you do those clipart drawings? Whoever did them should be snapped up by Disney now!! They were excellent!

Crystal- does your friend in the UK have any idea when SP is getting released over here?
How long has the merchandise for SP been out in the US? I WANT MY FILM! And don't worry about bitchy highschool remarks...the ignorant fools!

Sarah- Hi! Welcome to the Rumor Mill!

Raksha- Aren't librarians SOOO annoying?! Next time she asks, just tell her that you're accessing FBI files and beg er not to tell anyone...hehehehe. Oh, and I like that Ozymandia thing. I've got a copy of Shardik, by the way. I'll start reading it once i get off this damn Rumor's taking over my life!!
P.S/ Do you know that pom by Kipling which ends "'ll be man, my son?" I'm trying desperatley hard to remember the words!!

Dara- I'm eighteen and I find that I don't get any stick about loving TLK...some teenagers can be so cruel. Mind you, like yourself, I'm not drowning in TLK mechandise, (apart from books, the game, the film, cuddly toys...) but I found that, being a bit of an artist, people were always begging me to draw Simba for them. Hehehe...It's a pretty popular phenomenon over here in England. And I'm glad that someone on this site is older than me...I was beginning to feel like Methusaleh...
Have you noticed any merchandise in stores in Holland, yet, Dara? I haven't seen a thing, but i'm hoping that we'll have the film by Christmas.

Dodger Lover- Yes, there is definteley going to be a sequel to A Goofy Movie, but I haven't heard of one to The Little Mermaid...
That'd be pretty stupid. Do they have to make sequels to EVERYTHING?!
Like you, I think only The Lion king, Pocahontas and Oliver and co can be continued...

Kovu- Yeah, you like John Lennon! Great! Have you seen the movie "backbeat" with Stephen Dorff? Oh, it was so sad...

Here's a thought...if Disney were to make a Lion King III, what would you suggest the storyline be? Anyone?

Wow, I am so HUNGRY! It's nearly six'o'clock and I haven't eaten all day!! Sigh. I'll have to go now. See you Monday or something...

"Inside my heart is breaking
My makeup may be flaking
...But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die"

-My thoughts on leaving the Rumor Mill.
Can anyone guess the song/singer?

Viva TLK!
Viva SP!
Viva KOVU!
And, yes...

Sep 4 - 09:43

Beerit (been comin' here a lot lately)
The Grasslands
Location: With Tumai in the Greenlands

This site has been visited

Ha-ha-ha, I am almost finished with LotGL - part one!
Just a few more chapters and then off to the spelling and grammer!
Shouldn't take more then a week or two...
God, I'm so excited. Remember when I had probs with putting my SP page up,
and everyone tried to help? (6 months ago)
I was soooo afraid you'll come to my site and find out it stinks!
I have the same feeling about this fic... Though I know it stinks...
I HATE MY WRITING! *Burning all the data files with the LotGL stuff*
Oh, no... What have I done?! *remembering I have backup*
Oh... Cool...
Note: This is NOT an SP fic!! It is a TLK fic!
It has a character named Kiara, but she is NOT Simba's daughter!! She is NOT Simba's daughter!!
(Just wanna make sure people get the message)

Anything wrong, Tom?" Kor pretended to be interested.
"No..." Tumai looked at the ground.
Kor was just about ready to say some pointless words of encouragement, when he saw a little golden cub from afar.
"Egh! The dreaded pestosizer!" Kor looked as the little lioness approached the two.
"What's ya doing?" She said in her squirmy voice.
"We're going to see Kiara..." Tumai and Kor walked pass her.
Kartzi looked at them for a while, then ran twards them.
"I hate her. She thinks she's so high and mighty just couse she's going to be a queen... And she's always picking on you, 'Tom, look this', 'Kor, do that', she is so annoying!"
Tumai could barely resist pounding her, but he held back. he did'nt want to get in trouble with his father.

*plot leap*

"Shut up, Kartzi!" Kor pawed her. It was'nt too strong, but it was enough for her to be insolted and walk away.
"Aww! I'm telling your pa!" She ran off.
Kor looked at her, his mouth wide open. "I barely touched her!"
Tumai looked at her go with a harsh gaze. "What a pity..."

- LotGL, Kartzi, the dreaded pestosizer

To The K Lands

Sep 4 - 08:11

J. Falk

Location: Utica, New York

As of right now it is only 53 days until the release of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride. The final countdown has begun. ::starts playing "The Final Countdown" by Europe:: Also, happy 1,000,000th Brian.

Sep 4 - 06:16

Pridelands Rebel

I diddnt have a problem with you sounding racist (cant remember your name, too lazy to go look it up, sorry)
I would like to read your O+C prequel if you dont mind, (When it is finished) It sounds really cool. I have decided to write, or re-write, a TLK fan fic i started around a year ago. I'll keep anyone who wants to read it updated on my progress. I should have it done by Christmas. Im a fast writer.

I wasnt the Vitani who came on the chat, Ive only been there once. so from now on, so you know its me, I will post "Pridelands Rebel" under my Company/Organization/Occupation, and use VItaniRebel as my chat name, if i ever go there again.


Sep 4 - 05:10

dodger lover

Location: pride rock and ny
E-mail: la

krazykat i can't get on your web site is it possible for you to e-mail the dodger's gang story when you're done editting it.
i'm a huge fan of O&Co i think disney should make a sequel or prequel (or both) of the movie, i mean it's almost the only disney film (aside from tlk and yes pocahontas) that really has a story that can be continued. it was also the highest grossing animated film of all time on its frist release.

if disney refuses to make a lion king III then we should harass them until they make oliver&co II.

i also have information that disney is going to produce the little mermaid II which invovles Ariel changing back into a mermaid to save the entire merpeople population.(as if the first one wasn't boring enough) and of course some 101 dalmation sequel I think it invovles a vacation or something weird like doubt there is going to be ANOTHER winnie the $hit movie coming out soon.there is also talk of another goofy movie and toy story2 is going to be released to the big screen(i think next year) snow white and pinnochio may also have sequels (even though most of the original cast is dead)

just thought you would like to know

Sep 4 - 03:06

Christian (KH#1)


Congratulations on one million visitors, Brian!

Thanks for the screen grabs, Kubo!

Sep 4 - 01:27

The Grasslands
Location: Kicking some psychotic pups

Someone else who loves the sun! I looooove it!
Why do everybody like the winter? I see no apeal in sitting in front of
a fire with a cup of tea or something you see in movies like that...
ERG! Let the summer last!
You are so lucky that your sister doesn't bug you. Sometimes I feel like choking them!
I hate it when we have a new computer game... *froun*
Teasers... LOL
I have a fic teaser... This must be how SP felt...

Ok, no Leonardo diCaprio dissing!
I'm not a crzed fan, TRUST ME! But he is a great actor.
People like him because his handsome, and that sucks!
They should like him because he's a GREAT GREAT actor! He is!
He's not just another pretty face! (like *some* actors)
Please respect his acting skills, and stop ragging on him just couse his fans
are all females... (:

JENNA, where can I get Daria SOUNDS?
I'd love to hear a cracker or two... LOL
I love that show...
Crystal, this school sounds sucky!
Laughed at you?! How terrible...
I'd go over there and kick their a**es!
Saw the Pocho preview. It was ok.
Yay, Kovara will tell us new stuff!
Kubo, thanks for thems scanns!

Raksha, your librarian experience sounded pretty... Creepy...

**librarian of the living dead**
Night had fallen over the dead lands, as the winds blew harder on
little Timmy's window. "Gee, I wonder what I'll do tomorrow at school?"
His mom crept from behind him. "Timmy... Why not bring your librarian a nice, little,
(and poisoned) apple?"

The next day, little Timmy was by the library pc, trying to post a nice, little
(and idiotic) message in the mill. He hummed his favorite toon quietly.
"In the joungle, the mighty joungle..." He hopped friskily in his squeaky chair.
But from the shadows of the shelves, learked an evil fiend.
A diabolic grin spread across it's scarred face, as a new prey stepped into his library.
"A boy?" it whispered. Her crooked legs crept from behind the humming child,
as he informed us that there is a new lionking movie, and that Scar's son will fall in love with
Simba's daughter. (to our much surprised selves)
The creature came from the back, dusty and smelly, as it waited for
centuries for a child to come in it's home.
Waiting, learking in the moldy corners (mold is bad for the pores) of it's
sheltering shrine of paper.
And right as the little boy leaned over to press the "post" button...
*showoing the shadows on the wall*
*monster creeping behind Timmy, and snatching him*
Timmy shrieked with fear.
*His feet kicking everywhere, but she swallows him with one gulp*
*Back to monster's face, and the empty chair in front of her*
*Licking her lips and belching*
Pardon me...

"With this holy pouder I bless you,
my king, my saviour, my blessing.
I swear by everything dear to me,
I will not betray you as long as I live,
I will guard you in every step of the way,
I will give my life for you,
and I will not sleep unless I know you're safe.
My life is your's now,
do with them as you please..."

Rafiki took his hand and placed it on Tumai's head.
"I speak the truth. I touch your head. be honored."
Simba shed a tear of joy. "So he is..."
- LotGL, Tumai's presentation

To The K Lands

Sep 4 - 00:55



I'm glad to see that someone took my advice and is getting a job at the Disney Store.

Kiara's Sahifa: The Kiara World Wide Web Archive

Sep 3 - 23:14

Kubo's Spot

Ooops.. correction: Zazu *doesn't* talk.. Looks like he's just a regular beanie. Sorry about that... :P

Sep 3 - 23:13

Kubo's Spot
Location: Dale City, VA

Just wanted to let everyone know that I finally
got most of the Golden Books Scans up at:

There are only a few pages that havn't been able to be scanned yet.. Otherwise most of them (the good-looking one's anyway ;) ) are there :)
I will try to get the remaining scans from that book as well as from another one called 'Kiara's Colors' sometime this weekend :)

Oh Yeah, one more thing to add before I go.. & this one's for the Zazu Lovers! =0)


Ok.. now that I've got your attention ;) Here's something interesting I found on Ebay's last night.. It's a *New* Zazu Beanie Babie made by Disney that talks! Looks pretty cool too! :)
Anyway, there's a picture of him up at:

If anyone would like to see. :)

Paw Wavies! :)


Sep 3 - 23:09


Location: Still in my burrow

Tau, its great to know that another fan of Anime is on the list. Anyfur, Since Kiki's Delivery Service is distubuted by disnet it is in the Disney section in video outlets everywere in the US and Canada for sale or rent.

About what i said about my guess about Timons last like in the Kiki preview. i'm not really sure who he is talking to. the shot has him shown from the wast up as a close-up shot and the background is the blue sky. one thing to Add, when he says "grrr" he has his arm arch down in a striking motion simulating a claw retraction.

Thats all for now.

Sep 3 - 20:55



Ijust think that the animation in Kiki's Delivery Serves has bad animation the way the people look the way there mouths move it is allful.

Sep 3 - 20:54

Crystal (ZH #1)
Full time Zazu lover

I talked to a friend from the UK and she said that she looked in a toy store and on a coming soon brochure is had a list of SP figurines:

-Adult Kovu (fighting action???)
-Adult Kiara
-Fighting Action Zira

I'm not sure about this so don't have high hopes. My friend doesn't really follow TLK info that much.

"Come Nala. Simba, ah, good luck!"

--Crystal: in LOVE with Zazu--

Sep 3 - 20:44



Me again, I meant tell you of any Nuka vitani, or Zira MERCHANDISE they haven't put out yet. Typos OY!

Kovara :)

Sep 3 - 19:58

Kovara working undercover
Working undercover as a DS employee. DOTLKASP
Location: Pride Rock, wearing her DS uniform and lap top under her paw. (so I can update you guys to any new SP news here at the Mill ;)

Ok, guys, I think I got that job at the DS...I have a feeling they know more than we do about SP... (looks around suspiciously)...I have a feeling they KNOW about Nuka and Vitani! They just won't tell us..when I start, I will tell you all the latest news about SP...even info if any, about Nuka and Vitani, and possible Nuka, Vitani, Zira, Adult Kovu and Kiara they're not putting out...after I start,I'll come on the Mill and tell you what I know...our questions will be answered...

Um hey, I post Here OFten, dude, I have a feeling you are that Pooh Lover :P Get a life. :PPP


Sep 3 - 19:56


Location: long island, ny

hi everyone. last week i brought that london symphony tribute to tlk cd. i remember someone else here saying they had it but i can't remember who it was. the circle of life song is good and the woman who sings cyftlt has a beautiful voice. i also like the instrumental songs but otherwise i think the cd sucked. the other singers are horrible. speaking of cd's, i went to the beach yesterday and my cd player was pulled into the ocean. i had to get a new one. when my mom finds out she'll be pissed. oh well. starting school on tuesday will be a lot worse. anyone else going into eleventh grade ? i didn't read any of the old messages yet. i probably have a lot of catching up to do. wish i could be here more offen ! last time i was here everyone was using new quoets from tlk, so for now on i'll quoet shenzi. " I like that. he ain't king but he's still so proper ! "

Sep 3 - 19:26

Blue Lion


Dara, which plushie was over $180??? just curious... i bought the large roaring Simba from the Disney Store a while ago and it was only $75, I'm just wondering which one cost more than that.

I thought Frollo was a pretty good villian, I guess in Victor Hugo's novel he was psychotic. He was losing his mind or something over Esmeralda because he wanted her but felt wrong about it and he took it all out on Quasimodo (being abusive and all) something like that... I never read the book but I friend of mine did and told me about it (she's a BIG HBoND fan!) and that's sort of how i remember it...
Both Frollo and Scar had cool voices IMHO, and Ramses in PoE does too from the previews... they all have these deep nasty sounding voices.. (I'm sure everyone knows this, but Frollo was Tony Jay and Ramses is Ralph Finnes(sp?)... we all know who Sacr is by now;))
Think I'll rent Kiki just to see the preview... may even watch the movie... I watched Magoo even though it wasn't very good.
Mike Myers is Shaggy? I thought it was going to be Kevin Bacon?.. oh well, dosen't matter either way.. if Scooby Doo is half as crappy as the Flintstones movie... ugh!

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 3 - 18:49

Kiara and Kovu


I am downloading the Pocahontas preview, even though I have seen it on video. I have nothing to do. I am at the part where Kiara and Kovu introduce themselves

Sep 3 - 18:14

I post frequently here


I shall never see SP! I don't want to! It will save me insanity! I AM NOT GOING TO SEE SIMBA'S PRIDE!! I WON'T RENT IT OR BUY THE MOVIE, AND I WON'T READ ANY OF THE SP BOOKS!

Sep 3 - 17:56




Sep 3 - 17:38

Crystal (ZH #1)
Full time Zazu lover who is hated at school =(

Thanks for all your sympathy everyone! Maybee i should send that girl here so she can see I'm not at all alone. }=(

That's not the worse that's happened . . . When I was in 6th Grade (last year) the school was holding a lip synch contest and I came up with a great idea for all the 6th graders to preform the TLKoB's CoL. This time I wanted to be Rafiki though because I would have the big part (Busa Zazu! I still love you with all my heart =) I had even drawn out some costumes, but when it came time to tell everyone, they all laughed and they wanted to do something from Grease instead! I remeber going home and crying =`(.

Anyway, I know I am special to love TLK and I'm proud to have som many friends on the TLK rumor mill!!!!! =)

"We are one
You and I
We are like
the earth and sky
One family
Under the sun!"

Zazu THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 3 - 17:37



I hope she doesn't give you "THE Look."

Another Beatles song I like: Dear Prudence.

Sep 3 - 17:06


Location: Stumbling around the Pridelands, looking for sanity:)

Ah, another inspiring speech from Leah;)

Dara - Scar's voice is definitely cooler than Frollo's. Almost all bad guys have cool voices, but Scar especially. Jeremy Irons is the best! "Of course, quid pro quo, you're take certain duties on board." Eeheeheee!

Krazy Kat - I don't think I was the one who asked about Dodger's sister...or maybe I did, I can't remember...But in any case your fanfic is sounding better and better:)

Heh heh, guess I'll be steering clear of the school library for a while. The librarian or whoever she is literally snuck up behind me and startled me by saying disapprovingly, "Is that safe?" just as I hit the button to post. "Y-yeah," I stammered in confusion, "it's not's a -a message board, sort of. It's safe...I always come here..." I mean, it says "Lion King WWW Archive" at the top of the screen, how bad can that be?! Guess I can't blame 'er for doing her job, but she made me feel stupid>:( She gives me the "look" whenever I come in... I think she suspects me of some sort of foul play. Uwahahahaaaaa...

'K, I'll leave now.
"I shall never be king...and you shall never see the light of another day."

Sep 3 - 16:12



I can't wait untill the weekend to see the Kiki thing. It sounds pretty good.
Today my friends and I were talking, and I brought up TLK and SP. My friends started to say something about how TLK is a kid's movie, but my best freind is 13 years old and is wearing a Pooh watch! Too bad I didn't think of saying something about Pooh. They said I was always talking about it, (not true) and I denied that. I said that I hated the movie, and I only liked it for the animation, the fact that it was a Disney movie, and that I liked Disney movies. Of course, I crossed my fingers behind my back.
For all of you who are teased at school about SP and TLK, proudly hold your head up high and ignore the teasing and say, "So what if I like the Lion King and Lion King 2? They're the best Disney movie ever!" Just ignore it. Be proud that you like TLK, and that you are a part of Rumor Mill. "Sometimes the best things go unnoticed." These are words to live by when Pooh seems to be the top of Disney Store retail, and when friends say the movie isn't the best.

Sep 3 - 15:33



to whoever said they keep forgetting hen Daria comes on....

10:30pm/9:30 on Mondays. Go here for al lot of Daria info!!!

Sep 3 - 14:50

Shivering 'cause 'Bonnie' went by...
Location: a very wet/dark/windy country

Geesh, I guess everybody is complaining 'bout the weahter... mmm, better 'hot and humid' that 'cold and rainshowers' I love the sun, but alas, I don't see it here very often...

Kubo, that would be great!!

Yeah Raksha, 'bout Frollo, I guess he hides his sexual needs behind religion. He can't get a female, so he just pretends he's so holy and that it's forbidden to have 'sex' for lust or something. EWWW! He indeed has a cool voice, but Scar's voice was cooler. I like villains with a proper language (like English from the UK) and yet with a tone in it which says: "don't you dare to make me mad, or you'll pay for it" I also like the way they speak, so neatly, but you're always afraid they suddenly will snarl at ya, because you said something wrong.

Oh Crystal, ignore that girl. She was probably CRAZY about TLK when it was released and now she's only in love with Leonardo diCaprio.... *sighhhh!*
Yug! Anyway, I'm not a teen anymore and I'm still a huge fan of TLK. It's simply the best animated movie I've ever seen. Ok, I don't drown in TLK stuff or something, but if something is really cool/beautiful and if it's worth the money, I'll buy it. I bought a real big young Simba plushie recently... it was alot of money, over 180$.
I just don't buy all the TLK stuff there is.
I select, and I just love plushies!! I also have a little cub Simba. I'll only buy plushies if they look like the movie exactly!! oh, I also have little stuff like window-stickers (I put them on my mirror), a pen, little china figurines, etc.
If people don't like it that I love TLK and have some stuff of it, then I even don't want to meet them. But most of the time they think it's cool or cute. If I use a TLK scene as image on my monitor at work, they all think it's cute! And if they don't, I simply say: I like it. It's cute isn't it?

Beerit, don't blame you brothers. In fact, my sister don't get it either why I'm so 'in love' with TLK (tho she also loved it)... at least she DOES respect my starting page... well.... she doesn't sit behind the computer very often, so that means no competition!
My mom doesn't even know how to START a computer!
My dad respects it.... ahhhh, finally! Respect!
Oh and keep is up-to-date when you finally finished your fan fic!! I want to read more than those teasers you're put down in the rumor mill aaaah!!! LOL

If ya guys have some pics of the Golden book, please TELL ME!! I wanna see them!!

Kovara, I hope you'll feel alot better now.



Sep 3 - 14:31

Beerit once more


"-I see this morning finds you well?
-I'm surprised it found me at all..."
- Gabriel and Ubergraw, The beast within

A strange and unexpected twist had occurred...
*putting my pipe in my mouth*
Egh, since when do I smoke?!
*throwing the pipe out the window, breaking it*
Should have opened it before I did that...

Oh, well. I visited the Disney SP page, and they had this quote on the top:
"A worthy successor to the throne
of the most successful animated film of all time!"
-Scott Hettrick, The Los Angeles Times Syndicate

What's they talking about?! He talked about SP, but no one saw SP yet! Please, I'm baffled!

"Imbeciles! Idiotic fools! Psychotic pups!!"
- Kell, leader of the hyenas, pissed off

To The K Lands

Sep 3 - 14:15

Krazy Kat


Sorry if I sounded threatenng about that Oand C fanfic in any way, it's just I've had A LOT of people rip off MY stuff before, and it makes me so dern angry! I'm looking forward to seeing yours! Is it done, yet? If you don't have anyplace to put it I'll be glad to put it up on your sight!

Yeah, in "Dodger's Gang" Dodger has only one surviving sister (Hey, it's hard to raise 7 puppies in a New York City alleyway in the middle of's a way of life. Ah, there are lessons to be taught in this book yet..) named Ruby. I've got what she looks like in my head, very tom-boyish, yet gracful at the same time..I just can't seem to get her down on paper very well... =\ Well anyway, Dodger and Ruby in their should I put it? Puppy-Hood, I suppose, are like an ordinary Fric n Frac, Abbot and Costello...Laverne and Shirley...Lucy and Ethel! ;-) Well, a lot of stuff happens between them and the gang, and towards the end you'll realize there is one thing that bonds us all together: Love. That's what makes us hold on. Woo-ha! That sounded proffessional! ;-)

I'm looking forward to your FanFic, too!! It's looking super spiffaliscious!

Welcome! I hope you'll come back often..and umm..I hope my posts don't give you nightmares. Mwahahaha!!! er-umm....

Timin, no prob on backing you up on KiKi! I may go out and take a look at it! ;-)

since you seem to be the only other Sailor Moon fan in here...I heard Disney might be making a live action Sailor Moon movie..ugh..can you just imagine Luna and Artemis? And Serena with that hair!

Bah! Now they're making a Scooby Doo movie! All i know about it is Mike Meyers is playing Shaggy..hmm....

~Krazy Kat~
"Man, Dodger, what'd you do that fer?" Hissed Ruby, rubbing her ear. "It feels like it's gonna bleed!"
"Sissy," taunted Dodger, sticking his rear in the air playfully.
--The original "Dodger's Gang" (c) 1995 Carissa Smolko--

"Woo-Ha!" --Me

Sep 3 - 14:04

I'm going to faint...
Location: Fainting off the edge of Pride Rock,wheeeee....cruch. Ow.

Beerit - your fanfic sounds cool. I know how it is when they get longer than expected. That always happens to me.

Vitani - just in case you (or anyone) thought I had a problem with black people doing voices, that is NOT at all what I meant. It was cuz this person I was talking to thought it was racist because the hyenas were voiced by black people, and she thought they were trying to stereotype or something...I REALLY hope I didn't come off sounding racist in that last post, because I did not intend to sound I hope I did not.

OK, now that I'm done sputtering foolishly, on to better things-
I uploaded the first part of my fanfic to Somehow, an anti-pooh comment got slipped in after the end of the story, and I have no clue how that came about...weird. Yet strangely's about Scar and it's what ya might call "angsty"...
eesh. the librerian is kicking me out now. BYE FOLKS! -Raksh

Sep 3 - 13:57

Beerit again
The Grasslands
Location: Dozing off in front of my PC

Ok, what I don't get is why people think TLK is a kiddy movie.
I know people that are "Closet LK lovers".
They are ashamed of liking TLK!
Can you believe that?!?!?
If I feel like wearing a TLK shirt, then by god, I'll do it! (not that I have a TLK shirt...)
I think the whole thing sucks! So kids like TLK TOO...
Erg, I feel so mad!

"I don't want to miss a thing" is a brilliant song! Just needed to say that...
Oh, I slept 5 hours last noght. Ususally that's enough, but I felt like a rag all day long...
I didn't get too far with the fic as I wanted, too couse I was so tired, and my writing sucked. Oh, by the way...
Change of plans. I'm making 2 fics, not one!
Couse this fic is turning out MUCH longer then I thought. I think it'll be a 100 pages before it's even half way done.
Anyway, it IS gonna be the story, only it'll be devided... (:

Now, then...

Tuami looked behind him and saw his father.
His mane was waving in the wind, and he stood motionless, as the sun lit his body up in a great aura.
He seemed like some distant, ghostly figure, like a star turned lion.
His eyes reflected years of life, and if you looked closely in them, you could see the great kings of the past, talking, pouncing, eating, hunting, all rolled into his red, intense gaze.
Tumai looked at him with awe. "I see now, father..." He whispered.
A strange smile spread across Simba's face, and he nodded majestically, making his mane slide gently over his soft features, shining so brightly in the light of a new dawn.
- LotGL, With the light of a new dawn

To The K Lands

Sep 3 - 13:42



high school people are mean!! luckly, people qualify me as an idivisual, which is fine by me!

Sep 3 - 13:10

Location: Pride Rock

Thank you all for your support! :``/ You all are great friends. I know she is living on inside my heart...I wish I had told her the things I wanted to tell her, but I feel she already knows what I wanted to say. The most important thing I told her was that I loved her.. and I know she's smiling down on me right now...she died from drinking while still on medication from a heart surgery she had. She thought the medication wore off so she drank. :``/ She was only 17... It's incredibly sad when people die that young...

Crystal: I hate when people tease others just because they like TLK. I hate how they think it's a 'children's movie!" :PPP THis girl saw my LK watch and yelled out to the class "Hey, she's wearing a LK watch!!" :P Just tell them, yeah, I like TLK, so what? And if they like Winnie the Crap, just tell them, "Well, what do you think Winnie the Crap is?"

I'd have to rend that Kiki movie. The preview sounds pretty funny. :)

"He lives in you..he lives in me..he watches over...everything we every every your reflection..he lives in you.."

Sep 3 - 10:07

Location: Pride Rock

Thank you all for your support! :``/ You all are great friends. I know she is living on inside my heart...I wish I had told her the things I wanted to tell her, but I feel she already knows what I wanted to say. The most important thing I told her was that I loved her.. and I know she's smiling down on me right now...she died from drinking while still on medication from a heart surgery she had. She thought the medication wore off so she drank. :``/ She was only 17... It's incredibly sad when people die that young...

Crystal: I hate when people tease others just because they like TLK. I hate how they think it's a 'children's movie!" :PPP THis girl saw my LK watch and yelled out to the class "Hey, she's wearing a LK watch!!" :P Just tell them, yeah, I like TLK, so what? And if they like Winnie the Crap, just tell them, "Well, what do you think Winnie the Crap is?"

I'd have to rend that Kiki movie. The preview sounds pretty funny. :)

"He lives in you..he lives in me..he watches over...everything we every every your reflection..he lives in you.."

Sep 3 - 10:06

The Grasslands
Location: Wrting my fic in my room

"I had a thought while I was in the dungeon..."
- Grace, "The beast within", computer game of the year, 1996
I just looove that game! If you ever want to buy a quest, this is
the one to take! It's creeeeepy, yet cool!

Krazy Kat, SP has no face. GET A LIFE!
just kidding...
SP looks like the sunrise and the sunset. It is summer and winter,
Sun and moon, Tom and Jerry, (?) it is the essence of our lives.
*lifts the newborn SP to the air, for all the rumormillers to see*
Millers: *yawn*
Me: Ok, I'll get the "Bee geez" to come next week...

By the way, that Dodger's Gang fic sounds really well written.
Too bad I never saw OaC or Balto or whatever movie that fic belongs to.

Crystal, TLoZ sound better and better every time you post... (:
Gosh, reading all thoes great fics of people makes me wanna bury my head in the sand...
I want to live up to them all... ):>
Hope LotGL manages to do that...
Ok, I'll say it ONE MORE TIME but then no more!
Jason Marsden rules!

Dara, I got 7 couse the mill isn't my starting page couse my brothers are SOOO
annoying, and they don't get why I like TLK and make fun of me... ):
Oh, and they always come and take over my computer right when I'm in the middle
of something important!
Zira, thoes 2 beanies sounded more like T&P to me...

Daria rules! But I keep forgetting when it's on!!
Crystal, egh, what a sucky school experience.
Sounds pretty awful... Then again, I'm very sensitive about those things...
I hate it when people make fun of me... )):
Not that they often do, but sometimes...

Kovara, I'm sorry about your friend. I'm happy TLK made a difference, even
for one person... (:>
"When someone dies, you shouldn't mourn of their death, but rejoice of their life!"
Kinda seems pointless for someone who lost his best friend, but it's more then

This post is depressing... )):
Time to cheer up!
"All the seas and deserts that might have been between them didn't matter that moment.
They were one, and their love didn't die, but grew." LotGL, The first sign of adulthood

p.s. Raksha, I can give speeches too!
When we first stumbled upon this little page, in the middle of nowhere (just
kidding, brian), our minds filled with glee to find others that share our
sequel point of view. In time, we found out we were wrong!
But it filles out 5 minures a day, so what the heck...

The deep breaths of the pride are echoing through Pride Rock,
and drifting away in silence.
The night's sky are bluish black, and the stars are
shining brighter then ever.
And a distance voice calling out for the spirits.
It was the shaman of these lands, the wise Rafiki.
Tonight was the night. Something big will happen tomorrow,
something more amazing then ever before. Something that will change
everybody's lives forever...
- LotGL, The hunch

"A feisty one? I see we're gonna have a BLAST with you, uh??"
A male hyena came from behind her, staring at the little cub.
"A blast alright... A real Cub-oom!"
"Don't mind Snife here... We hyenas have a... unique, sence of humor..."
- LotGL, Any good ideas?

To The K Lands

Sep 3 - 09:21


Location: Philadelphia

Hey everyone, been gone for a few days, but I'm back.

Koviara, sorry to hear about your friend. Though part of life, any death is a tragic thing, but as long as you remember her, she will never trully be gone.

That new preview on that Kiki video sounds interesting. I think I'll rent it and check it out. That is, if I can find it. Timin, since I've seen other anime movies in my lifetime, I'll take your word that this movie is good.

After reading Timin's post about Timon's three added lines, I began to wonder: Why would Timon be teaching Kiara how to roar? If Kiara was missing (as implied by his saying "we found your daughter"), why isn't Simba helping them look for her? I'm sure that there's a perfectly reasonable explanation, but this thought was just swimming around my mind all morning.

Ok, now I'm just rambling on about nothing. Bye All.

Sep 3 - 08:29


Location: my Burrow

Ok, The SP preview on the Kiki tape is like the Mr. Magoo preview but has new Timon dialog inserted in 3 spots.

The first insert is after the part where Pumbaa goes after Kiara who is in the water.

Timon (to Simba): The good news is we found your daughter, the bad news is we dropped a warthog on her.

The second is after Kovu says that he will avenge Scar. Then it goes to a shot where it looks like Kovu has his paws pushed firmly in the ground
and Timon is between them saying nervously:

Timon (to Kovu?) "Scar!.....Scar, heck of a guy. alittle moody........"

Its sound from this that Kovu was asking Timon and Pumbaa about Scar and really wanted the truth about him.

Lastly, between mufasa saying we are one and when Kiara roars Timon says:

Timon (to Kiara?) "Grrrrrr, roar. work with me."

It looks like this must be from the first part of the move when Timon is trying to teach Kiara to be ferice or something.

well that's all for now.

Sep 3 - 07:13

Pridelands Rebel (still)
Location: (maybe will be forever)
E-mail: I like tthe sound of that!

Goodmorning Everybody!

I dont have anything against the black people doing voices, they were great. Wasnt Young Nala's voice by a black person? I think it was too. and Rafiki?

*whispers like Scar* "I did It!"
I watched the Titanic last night. My mother is buying it.
I personally cant see HOW you can compare an animated film to one thats not. TLK is my favorite animated film, But I also like The Horse Whisperer, and
I sorta like the Titanic too. I really like Celene Dion and
"My Heart Will Go On" is a really great song! Im going to get the soundtrack, as well as this SP soundtrack.
I write fan fics too, just they are about horses. I plan to write a Lion King one. I had started one a while back....

"That was a stupid thing to do, Triumph."
~Midnight Dancer

"I can do whatever I want to, cause everyone will just blame you!" ~ Triumph

~From the 2nd version of Dancer's Story. By: me!

Sep 3 - 05:13



One speech for Sarah, comin' right up! =)

Sarah, on behalf of Rumor Mill, we would like to welcome you into our little group. In order to someday get a Rumor Mill veteran poster award, you must understand that balance between the Lion King, and Rumor Mill. You have to understand that the force of TLK (The Lion King) and the passion for SP (Simba's Pride) brought us all here. We are part of each other. Once you understand that balance, you may grow to be a lioness that knows the ways of Rumor Mill. We all have the gift of Rumor Mill, and now, you will recieve the gift of Rumors. I need u to scroll down really really fast, and think about TLK and SP while u r scrolling. Got it? Okay here we go!
*********START SCROLLING!!!**********
You now have the gift of Rumors bestowed upon you!

Sep 3 - 05:12



Koviara, im sooooo sorry!!! i know what its like to lose someone you love, ive lost alot in my life(incuding my dad, and uncle) "but the way i see it, you can run from it, or learn from it". its made me a stronger person, its gonna take time, but its gonna be ok

Sep 2 - 21:35


Location: In my borrow

yes, Kiara. i know the movie that i was talking about is Kiki's delivery service. I have mentioned the name in my posts. but worse Animation you have seen? um, can you be more specific?

Sep 2 - 21:24



Krazy Kat, i don't mean to affend you it's just you mentioning yours made me think of mentioning mine i am not trying to be mean or anything but i am not trying to copy you or anything i promes

Sep 2 - 20:57



Timin, the movie your talking about is Kiki's Delivery Serves. that is the worst animation i have ever seen. somebody introduce this girl to disney movies they have 100 times better animation that that old movie

Sep 2 - 20:49

Blue Lion


Quick post before I go to bed

Crystal: that was so MEAN of them! I'm 22 and I still like TLK! my aunt's in her 50's and likes it, so where do they get this CRAP stuff?? they're the crap if they can't accept that people have their own interests!

Dodger has a sister?? cool! This sounds great! Dodger is one of my favorites in Disney.. think I already said it but hey, what can I say?

hm... my spam for this post.. let's see....Hatchepsut was one of the first queen regents in history, taking the throne after the death of her husband Thutmosis II

off to bed...
Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 2 - 19:50

Foreign Immigrants to the Pridelands:)
Location: Top of pride rock, looking at the lovely stars in the heavens:)

Hi Sarah! Welcome! Rumor Mill is glad to serve you:) (where's Leah when you need her?? she's the one who's good at giving speeches;)

Crystal - you poor thing! What've those idiots got against Zazu, and Disney in general?! You have my deepest sympathy. I'm going to make a pro-TLK statement at school eventually once I get up the nerve, probably w/ a drawing of Scar at our "visual arts open show" sometime in spring. I'll be ridiculed, I know it...although my school is more accepting of many things, Disney isn't one of them:(

Speaking of which, I just made the mistake of spending an hour talking to an old acquaintance who spoke of hating TLK because it was "sexist" (well, does not SP prove there can be lion queens as well?!), and "racist" - the latter she said because "the evil hyenas were voiced by black people" *gasp* Guess she failed to notice that the wise Mufasa was also voiced by a black person, as was Sarabi. As James Earl Jones said himself,
"Lions have no nationality."
This person also asked what I'd been writing lately, and I made another grievous mistake, that is telling her about my Scar fanfic. "So it's not original?" says she. Hm. No comment.

O the hardship, the tribulation, the ridicule

~Raksh "We live on the land with our troubles"

Sep 2 - 19:30


Location: In my burrow

thank you for backing me up Krazy Kat! :) His name is Hayao Miyazaki. Kiki's Delivery Service is the first of many of Hayao Miyazaki works that disney is distubuting on video in North Amercia. now before you all sigh and think of all the other badly traslated Japan to US anime and movies in the past year i want to tell you that Studio Ghibi (Miyazaki's company) is being really picky about how the movies are translated. In the distubuion contrack it says that Disney can not cut the films in any way and cannot put the disney logo on the package. The movie is 2 hours long which is averge for a anime. The story and animation is some of the best i have seen and the backgrounds are really good. the dubbing is pretty good as well. oh, and the voice talents feature Kirsten Dunst, Puil Hartman and Matthew Lawrence. so please don't knock untill you watch it!

Sep 2 - 19:16


E-mail: Animani609

Hi...I have been reading the rumer mill for a few weeks now. And I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! You guys have given me alot of imfo abot SP! Like you guys I am just DYING to see it! But...what's all of this about a lion that looks like a hyena? I don't get it.

Oh. BTW...I just wanted to say that I am REALLY sorry about what happened to your friend Khaovo. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong.) I feel awful for you. :*( I just want you to know that I care.

c\Even thoughs who are gone are with us as we go on... c\

Sep 2 - 18:10



For anyone who is interested, I am working on a peice of fan fic that explains Timon and Pumbaa's past, but mostly Timon. I love that little meerkat wonder! ;) If you want it on your site or just want to read it, ask me and I will send it to you!

Sep 2 - 18:00



To whoever just came to my chat room as "Vitani" I was just getting back when I saw you signing off. I was on an extremely slow computer and I wrote "I'm here. Don't leave!!!!" and the next line said "Vitani signed off."

Sep 2 - 17:51

Zira (formerly Stacy)

Location: the Outlands

ok,since noone seems to be using this name,i might as well. any ways,i was just on the disney online, and they gave out a hint to thier next beanies: "These two characters watch out for the young prince of the pridelands with a bit of wisdom--and alot of humor!!"
hmmm...maybe zazu and rafiki? (hope hope!!!)
Sala kahele,
"These lands belong to Scar."

Sep 2 - 17:25

Crystal (ZH #1)


Uuuhhh! I went to school today. =( I hate it all ready. I was walking through the halls and I had a pic of Zazu on my notebook and I hear this kid pass me and whisper to her friend: "Did you see that CRAP that girl put on her notebook?"

I COULD'NT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!! How am I gonna survive!

For Kovara:

"Do you remember when we were young?
Nothing in life truly mattered
We had are loved ones
And that was all that we needed
We never thought the day could come
A loved one is gone
But we know, life will go on . . ."

-Arguto from "The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird"

Sep 2 - 16:55



I know what you mean, my best friends don't like me either, They're totally strict and my mom and me(parents are divorced) are more like sisters. We argue quite frequently, but forget it an hour later, it works out okay. WE're pretty close. She's supposed to be writing me a Daria fanfic all about Jesse :) but, she'll probably never do it.

``you have to pee daria? you can pee behind those trees. See those trees? you can pee behind there!!~~--Jesse

Sep 2 - 16:53



VitaniHolic -
Sorry, I forgot who mentioned what, these posts are getting very numerous and hard to keep track. I didn't deny that Steele could have emotional probs, because I think he very well could. His character just doesn't appeal to me. But I totally understand, everyone who has pain has some device to hide it. I was the sullen, antisocial type for a long time myself. I know about hard childhoods...

Sep 2 - 16:44

Krazy Kat Again


Additions and Corrections:

Kovara, I'm very sorry about your friend. I know a lot of people who's friends have died and it is a very tragic experience. But, in time, you'll learn to accept that what happened, happened. I'm sure where she is she doesn't want you to cry or to heavily greive over her is a part of life. May my sympathies, thoughts, and prayers be with you.

Quote Correction: That should be "fur" instead of "hair".... =\

~Krazy Kat~

Sep 2 - 16:34



Leah - I'm glad you like 7th grade. I hated it myself, poor old me:)

I feel so /old/ here...! My last yr. of high school ::sigh:: where has all the time gone?? It starts to go by like nothing... ::reminiscing:: was right at the end of my seventh grade yr. when I first saw TLK... ::sigh:: so many regrets..."You can't change the past" Don't ask, I'm insane today. No-more so than usual.

Blue Lion - that's just about the only poem I ever memorized. Me, a Literary Arts student, and I hardly know a thing about literature...such shameful ignorance. Poor me...
As always, your knowledge of Egypt-type stuff is impressive:)

Dara - I think what makes Frollo so creepy is he's trying to be all holy and religious and stuff, yet he's disgusting. I think he has a cool voice.

I feel like I overlooked something...eesh. Guess I'm going back to read the posts again..

Sep 2 - 16:32

Krazy Kat


My Oliver and Company FanFic is about 3 years old by now, and I've just been mentioning it recently..and now you're mentioning this some strange coincidence or are you trying to pull something here? (Not accusing you, just wondering.)

Someone directed a comment about Balto to me..and umm...I didn't say anything about Balto yet. Oh well, there's a LOT of people hanging around here now, so I guess it's just a wee mistake. ;-)

Oh, for those of you critisizing Kiki's Delivery Service ("I think I'll rent it for the preview even if I don't watch the movie") Kiki's Delivery Service was originally released in Japan 1989, by..ohh..I can't remember his name, but he was called "The Walt Disney of Japan", and Kiki's Delivery Service grossed more in the box Office than Titanic over there. Disney's bringing more of his movies over in the future, and by the reviews they all seem promising. So Remember: Watch before you judge!

~Krazy Kat~
And then there was Strawberry, mother of Dodger and Ruby, woven black hair, as dark and silky as the raven's wing, and more majestic than any other creature this Earth had ever seen. Eyes glowing in beautiful brown, she leaned over and gently kissed her children's heads.

--The Original "Dodger's Gang" (c) Carissa Smolko, 1995---

Sep 2 - 16:30

Skimming through 1000's of posts
Location: Wading through Mill spam

Awww.... poor Kovara... *sigh* I sorta know how you feel, my parents hate my best friend and won't let me talk to her at all... *sigh*

It was me that mentioned Steele's similarity to Scar, and his possible emotional problems. Alright, I sorta agree with you, maybe Steele doesn't have em. probs, maybe he is just thick skulled. But I think that he does...because, well... Scar hid his problems behind scorn and sarcasm. _I_ hide my emotional problems behind pessimism and cynsism. My best friend hides her problems behind unsocialness and sadism. So I just figure that Steele hides his behind arrogance and egotism. We all have our ways.

Oh, and let's just say that my friend and I have....had an unpleasant childhood. I really don't want to talk about it.

Well, now that I've probably darkened everyone's day, I'm off to go sleep.


Sep 2 - 16:13

Eating Crow INC.
Location: Boston

I CONCEDE THE THRONE OF PRIDE ROCK TO SAGOMA (sorry if I'm butchering your screen name)!!!!
All bow to the greatness of Sagoma, who was the first to bestow Goldenbook images unto us all. Sagoma has proven that these are authentic images from a real Goldenbook...I therefore now and allways apologize to Sagoma for any doubts I may have had....Shame on me and my pride for four generations and three sequels to come......I have been jaded by past pranksters on the Mill ..... As of this day, I step down from Pride Rock..

(but I'll be back to visit ;)


Sep 2 - 15:46



Yes! Hardly any homework! The bad thing is I get home at 4:30. =( That's kinda late, considering the old school schedule from the years before. It went well. I don't mind changing from room to room. I kinda like it. It feels good to be back, but *gasps* I forgot about SP for a few hours! But I guess that's good, I need to keep my mind on my studies. I love 7th grade!!!

Sep 2 - 15:30



Well.. if it's Poca(haunt us) II grabs you're
looking for, I have a bunch of em' up in
my Simba's Pride image archive.. Grabs from the couple seconds of new footage with Adult Kiara can be found on page six or at the shortcut addy below:'sPride/PageSix

For anyone that's interested, I will also (hopefully tonight) have a *bunch* of scans posted from The Simba's Pride Golden Story Book and from a new book I also picked up today called 'Kiara's Colors!' :)

Sep 2 - 15:30



anyone know of any other disney messageboards?

Sep 2 - 15:26

Blue Lion


First off.. I think I'll rent that Kiki thing (even if I never watch the movie) for new footage. I'm trying to grab some images from the new Poca II footage (Hollywood Video lets you have it 5 fun filled screen grabbin days) only problem is there's something wrong with my image grabber, so I'll se if I can fix it when I get bakc up to Ann Arbor and put up a few new Kiara pics.

Saw the toon Disney We Are One, sang along.. disapointed that it wasen't the whole thing.. supposedly the soundtrack is coming out in 25 days.

Raksha: you did better than me! (I'm gonna spam it up too here..) I only rememebred the last line. I think I'm going to like the animated Ramses too...I don't nkow how much like the real Ramses he'll be. It kind of sucks thought that Nefertari (his principle wife) won't be in it, or at least play a better role in it. The real Nefertari was pretty cool (name means 'the most beautiful') BTW the real Ramses had 8 principle wives and hundreds of lesser wives... and anywhere from 90 to 200 children, it depends on what source you read. here's more names:
Tutankhamun='living image of amon'
Akhenaton= 'it is well with Aton'
Horemheb='Horus in Festival'
Nefertiti= 'the beautiful woman has joined us'
Tutankhamun was the son of the 'heretic'pharoah Akhenaton who desposed all the origianl gods in favor of a single solar god the Aton. Little Egypt stuff there...

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 2 - 14:58



Kiara, yes there is a new SP preview on kiki's delivery service. it is the mr. Mafoo preview with some timon dialoge added. He says three things but i can only rember the first thing he said

Timon: The good news is we found your dauther, the bad news is we dropped a warthog on her.

BTW, unlike mr. magoo the movie that the preview is tacked to is really good!!

Sep 2 - 14:09


Location: Heartland

Oh.. would anyone please make a quicktime movie
of the new previeuw?

One other thing. In the Mulan previeuw, when Zira roars to Simba 'These lands belong to Scar' you can see cleary another lioness standing beside them. She doesn't have that 'claw' nose, and is certainly to dark to belong to Nala. Does anyone know who that lioness might be?
Yeah i know it not a really important thing, but this IS a SP rumor mill so i thought i'd go search for anything to discuss.

I come back when i really have something to say ;)


Sep 2 - 14:03



Beatles' songs: Let's see, I like "Norwegian Wood," "Here Comes the Sun," "Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight" and others. Is there really a new preview?


Sep 2 - 14:02



it sucks here!!! I'm in Louisisiana, its hot and humid. I wanna live in Tennessee..I love Mountains and snow. I wish someone would gimme their opinion of my art...but I have no scanner. My friend said it was good, but she's an artist too..ugh!! Then my other friend said it was great, but she can't draw worth a damn!! Ugh!!

Sep 2 - 13:06


Location: pridelands

Is that true there is a new preview in Kiki's Delivery Service because i need to know so i don't waste my money renting that! and what preview

Sep 2 - 13:00



mmmm.... I ment "sad" instead of said in my last post....

ok ok, Beerit! I'll respond! LOL
I think I like this place alot!! I had 5 of the 8 points! Indeed, this mill is my starting homepage! Sometimes I only put on my computer to check my mail AND the Rumor Mill. By the way, what's your score??? emmm... did ya take too much pills or something?

emmm Krazy Kat, my sister is 18 years old and she appears to be a so named drooling-over-Leo-hungry fan... Yes yes, you can shoot me now. Please don't blame me! Oh, we found a movie we both should like; "The man in the iron mask" My sis will go for Leo and I will go -OF COURSE- for Jeremy Irons!!
ok then, happy b-day Krazy Kat's mom! (happy now?)

Yeah Raksha! I mentioned Frollo! He gives me the creeps!! Especially when he holds Esmeralda in that church!!! EWWWWW!!!! (.... but he IS a great villain, I admit)

Oliver is so cute! Ya know, I adore cats!!! But Tito was my favorite too!!! Cheech Marin is really doing a cool job here!!!

Koviara, what about ME!!? I just took a hot hot shower, because I was freezing here inside!!! It's raining outside and it's also dark at 7!
Oh no worries, Bonnie is long gone by now. I guess it was indeed a refreshing breeze. See? You even didn't notice. And she came over England/Holland etc. By the way, Jeremy Irons is soooo cool!!
We also have actors in the US from Holland. Like Rutger Houwers and Famke Janssen (from the James Bond movie). You: "O Goody...."

I feel really sorry for you Kovara. Remember we'll always be there for you! Be safe!....



Sep 2 - 12:32



Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase...
Hello all. I do like the Beatles. Of coarse I like John Lennon. (how could you not?)
I hate country music!!! And I live in the country!
Isn't it ironic...
don't cha think?
I always thought it was weird that the "country" is in the west, but the headquarters for country singing is in the east? Anyone else wonder about that? Some things are just wierd like that.

I took a look at that Kovu roller thing and I didn't think it looks that bad! In fact, the next time I go to the mall, I'm gonna get it.=P

"My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea..."


Sep 2 - 12:14


Location: at school again..

Kovara - I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking of you.

Blue Lion - fascinating:) It's nice to learn something on the mill, I mean besides rumors.

Koviara - ok so it wasn't you who said that about Scar and Steele being similar. must've been Mouse?

All three of you had something to say about Steele, here's my say after much pondering:)
Steele could very well have had emotional probs and all that like we preffer to think Scar did. Fact is, I don't feel sorry for him. Maybe it's the open arrogance I don't like, but we all have to do something to mask the pain I suppose. He doesn't look at all similar to Scar in my opinion, except they both have nice eyes, but the eyes are different too.

'kay, Mouse and Blue Lion, ya both mentioned "Ozymandias" as being about Ramses. Wow, I did not know that! I know I'm going to like the PoE Ramses, and the real lie Ramses may not have been like that poem portrayed him, but I still like the poem anyway. It's just cool. It's by Percy Byshe Shelley (I know I spelled at least part of that wrong) I'll spam and post it, though this probably isn't quite right because I'm just tryin to do this from memory..
I met a traveler from an antique land who said
'Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
lie in the desert - near them on the sand,
half-sunk, a shattered visage lies
whose frown and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
tell that its author well these passions read,
which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
the hand that mocked them and the hearth that fed...
and on the pedestal these words appear:
nothing beside remains
Round the decay off that collossal wreck, boundless and bare
the lone and level sands strectch far away'

There. Ozymandias. Sort off. That's probably way off. Welll, I tried.

Now I must go

Sep 2 - 09:47


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.ORG

Toon Disney showed the We Are One Clip today. Its the same thing ut without the talking at the begining and they didn't show the Kiara and Kovu together. So no new scenes here. Sorry...

Sep 2 - 09:33

Blue Lion


Kovara, I'm very sorry about your loss. I understand what it's like. My grandmother was my best friend and I thought I was going to falol apart when I lost her 5 years ago. I too had plans to see her the next day, I was going to drop by and give her a birthday present not knowing she wouldn't be there. And like everyone says, it does get better with time, I still miss her but it dosen't hurt as much as it did at the time.

Ducky: Darn! I was hoping to see poor Nuka! and now I wonder what Vitani looks like in the book. I tried to get the books here in MI but they said it wouldn't come in until October! I did peek over the guy's shoulder when he was looking it up on the computer and saw about 4 or 5 books schedualed to be shipped to Borders, two were the golden books and mouse works, and then there was a look and find and a read along. Don't rememebr if there was more.
Wow! didn't nkow so many people were interested in ancient Egypt! cool...
Mouse, the guy that wrote Ozymandias was a British poet, last name was Shelly but I can't remember his first name (oops!) it was inspired by a toppeled statue of Ramses outside his mortuary temple the Rammaseum. The line I remember from it was,
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings! look upon my works ye mighty and despair!"
Ozymandias is the greek version of one of Ramses's throne names , Usermaatre (don't know where the greeks got 'Ozymandias' out of that) It portrays Ramses as really arrogant and self centered, it was supposed to show that through all his boasting now all his temples are falling apart & there's nothing he can do about it. Well, actually the Egyptian government spent millions to move his temple of Abu Simbel from flood waters, it's really a gret work, I forgot how tall but for anyone who's not seen it there's four huge statues of ramses outside a temple with a neat little trick with the sun inside:)
Other stuff... let's see, Tutanhkamun had two daughters, but both were born premature and died leaving him without an heir. He was succeeded by his vizier Ay.

On the villians discussion, I think it takes a good villian as well as a good hero to make a movie. Scar is one of my favorites from TLK (adult Simba the other) but I didn't think Steele was too much like Scar, he moved and looked like him but to me seemed to be just pig headed. I can't pinpoint what it was, but something about Scar made me feel he had emotional problems. From the detalied plot synopsis I read of PoE, Ramses is the same way, it said something like 'he has a contempt for life... and squashes anyone to prove in his own mind he's fit to be a ruler' or 'bera his father's crown', kind of like Scar, especially in CoTPL.
I didn't think the same way about Steele, don't know why. Balto was my favorite from that. And I think Boris helped Balto the most in that movie, Even though he was a little gruff, Boris helped Balto see who he really was.

Krazy Kat, good Dodger stuff! I'll be looking for the whole thing when it's online!

Whew! what a long post! probably my longest yet! Better go eat my lunch now, ch ch ch ch ch CHOW DOWN!
What Ed what is it?
Hey! Did we order this dinner to go?
No why?

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 2 - 08:57

Stereotypical Scouse Beatles Fan
Location: Liverpool, England

Hey, everyone.

Kovara- I am so, so sorry about your loss.
I lost my grandmother recently to cancer, she had been fading for a while, but we only found out that she had cancer of the brain when they did the autopsy. My mum still cries almost daily, even now. I know that words will not bring her back or anything, but please try to remember that now she is at peace. You may not have been able to tell her all you wanted, but she would have known that you loved her, and that is all that matters. Please make sure you talk to someone close about your grief, don't keep it all in or it will take longer to get over it.
My sincere condolences.

Dara- You've barely seen Summer?! What about us over here in England?! Aside from hideous dowpours of rain, darkness by 7'o clock, freezing cold temperatures, we've had a great Summer(!) I for one have had to go around in jeans and a sweater for the most part of the year. We too have had maybe two weeks of sunshine, and only a couple of days were scorchers! El Nino has a lot to answer for...
Coupled with the video thing and foxhunting, I'd say our country was worse! Hah! Wait, why am I pleased at that?!
Then again, our country gave TLK/SP Rowan Atkinson, Jeremy Irons and Edward Hibbert, although I for one wouldn't mind Americans like Jason Marsden and Matthew Broderick coming over here...
P.S/ What the hell do you mean about Bonnie coming to Europe?! AGGH! TAKE COVER!!
Joke- It'll probably be a refreshing breeze by that time. And yes, I agree, Minnesota surely has the worst weather. Anyone from Carolina want to disagree?

Vitaniholic- Yeah, I do feel slightly better about my weather, but I still think Holland got the better deal in terms of culture! Whoah, you must really hate Minnesota! My fave music is Simon and Garfunkel, Space (Heard of them?) Uh...the Beatles, (Nobody DARE ask me if I know them!)
and just anything that's good. I also like some of Leanne Rimes' music, as well as some of eric Clapton's music such as "Tears in Heaven" and "Change the World". By the way, I'm only eighteen!

Raksha- Balto fan here who didn't particuarly like Steele! I loved Balto the best, Kevin Bacon has a lovely voice. The music was excellent too, ironically by James Horner- musician for th emost hated film on the rumor mill, TITANIC! Hahaha!
Nope, it wasn't me who said about Steele being like Scar...they're like chalk and cheese!
I'm glad you like my plaguarized Sarabi poem...I think it's very touching.
No, I haven't heard about Ozymandias- what's the overall gist of it? I'll see if I can find a copy of it anywhere...

Krazykat- only Jenna and the two polar bears seemed to care about Balto in my opinion. That stupid little dog with the squeaky voice was really nasty, as was that long Afghan hound thing- "Jenna is running with BALTO"- so what?!
And wasn't that part where the Irish lady was putting her children to sleep in "Titanic" heartbreaking? Oh, I had a huge lump in my throat!
Note/ I'm not a Leo fan, I'm way past the 10-13 years old age mark. Being of Irish descent, it really touched me to see my people treated so badly.
About that VHS thing- so if I put one of your tapes in my PAL machine, it won't blow up, just play funny? What is the overall difference? My sister and I are good at dissecting tapes and transferring the film onto another good tape cover, so do you think I could try it with a US tape?

Kovu- So you like the Beatles. I love "Elanor Rigby" and "Hey Jude"- what are your favourites? Do you like John Lennon?

Leah- Aww! Bye! Miss You!

Tau- Yep, I know. Agree wholeheartledly on Titanic. You guys all seem to have your heads screwed on right. I just know that if I went to a "Titanic" website, I would be confronted by "Aaaggh! We love you, Leo!!"

Does anyone out there like "Eerie, Indiana" as well?! Does anyone agree with me that Jason Marsden is the cutest, most talented 23-year-old actor on the enitre planet?! Beerit, Kiararose? Anyone?!

"When you're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I'll comfort you
I'll take your part when darkness comes
And friends just can't be found
Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water
I will lay me down."

-Simon and Garfunkel, "Bridge over Troubled Water."

In tribute to my grandmother.

Viva Simba's Pride!
Viva Raksha, Dara, Vitaniholic et al!
Viva Kovu!
Viva Jason Marsden!

Hakuna Matata!

Sep 2 - 06:41



Kovara, I'm so sorry. I know how you're feeling cause I lost one of my parents at a young age.
Remember that there's light somewhere at the end of that dark tunnel you are in now.

Well, I'm off to school, and I've come to say goodbye. The first bell rings at 8:50, and HR (homeroom) starts at 9:00. I'll miss you guys, and if I get a chance, I tell you all about it. My two cousins and I live in the same town, so my oldest cousin's buisiness law teacher, is his younger brother's baseball coach, and my Geography teacher! Isn't that strange? :)

Even though I am gone from Rumor Mill, the doctor is still in! So please take my test and e mail me the results so I can cure you. =)

Sep 2 - 05:17

Pridelands Rebel
Location: STILL running free on the Pridelands

Crystal, There are no Big Brothers that have helicopters for their symbols. Does he have a turnable head?

Im still free! I will not start my homeschooling for at least a few more weeks! Ok, I wont rub my freedom into your fur anymore, Be back later!

*runs off behind Pride Rock*
*turns and comes back*

Sorry to hear about your friend's death. Sympathies from my fuzzy little self.

"We Are One.........."

Sep 2 - 05:13

Christian (KH#1)
Location: HI

Pointless time killer: Check out the new cover page at:
The Kiara World Wide Web Archive. A new browser window will open so you can come right back to the mill when you're done.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Sep 2 - 02:32

kiara,once again


my friend and i are desining a prequal to oliver and com. we have been working off and on for 2 years and we are still far from of now we are just drawing how all the chareters will look as puppies plus all the new charecters.the story covers how the gang met and gives background on all the old characters.

it's time to remember the magic

Sep 1 - 21:11



crystal. i just thought i would tell you that they are coming out with a zazu disney mini bean bag.

Sep 1 - 21:05



Kovara i am really sad about your friend.But you must be strong and brave and remember that life goes on and that now she is peaceful and very happy in heaven and she doesn't want you to cry for her. how did she die?how old was she?

"be brave little one"

Sep 1 - 21:03

Leader of the FLOCK
E-mail: DPelzel495

People we have some NEW FOOTAGE! But the
site wasn't upgraded in the site. It's on the Phocohauntis 2 preview, it's the same old crap with NEW FOOTAGE! IT'S THE SAME OLD CRAP WITH NEW FOOTAGE OF THE SAME THING HA HA HA HA HA. BUY IT!

Sep 1 - 20:02

A VERY sad Kovara...:`/
Location: Pride Rock

Guys, this morning my best friend died... :```/ I loved her very much, and yesterday when we both kissed and hugged each other goodbye, little did I realize that that was the last day we'd see each other... :```/ I loved her more than anything, she was not only a friend, but she was like a sister...:```/ I still didn't get to tell her allthe things I wanted to tell her, or talk to her about "girl stuff"...We deeply loved each other...and I don't know if I would have been able to go on if it weren't for TLK...
TLK has taught me that when a person dies, he or she is not really gone, but lives within you. He/she is in your heart and soul, and when you look up to the stars, he/she is there looking down on you and smiling from above. I know that my friend is in my heart, and I'll never forget her...and I'll always remember who I am for the sake of her...goodbye friend and sister...and thank you TLK...

"He lives in you...he lives in me...he watches over...everything we every every your reflection..he lives in you.."
"Even those who are gone, are with us as we go on.."

Sep 1 - 19:30



Hi all! Blue Lion, I enjoy the info you post about Egypt. Who'd a thought you could learn something from a TLK rumer mill?

To whoever posted about the poem "Ozymandias", I think it's about Rameses and it portrays him as an evil man. Please note that I am not sure about this, but I know there is a poem about Ramses that has a similar name to the one you mentioned. Maybe Blue Lion can clear this up, she's the resident expert on Egyptians.

Raksha - Steele is the best thing about Balto in my opinion. I whatched that movie about 40 times just because he was in it. Why do I like Steele you ask? Although he's not as sauve as Scar and is more of a bully, I like him because he's arogant
and bold, he's good looking too. But also because I don't think that what happended to him is all that fair.
At the begining of the movie when Steele wins the very first race, his owner says to his friend that Steele is loosing his touch and implies that he's thinking of getting a new lead dog. How would you feel after running a hard race and winning, you're proud of what you've done and then someone tells you you're loosing your touch and need to be replaced? What else are you going to do, the only thing for a dog to become in the Arctic is a sled dog, that or a lap dog and Steele ain't no lap dog.
Then to top it all off the girl he likes rejects him openly and makes him burn his butt when he offers her a sausage (not that kind of sausage,get your mind out of the gutter, yeesh!)
Plus, no one really cared that he came back alive from the trip, all they cared about was Balto. They seemed more upset by the news that he was dead than by the fact that the medicine was still undelivered.

Well that's my opinion and my rant. Bye for now!

Sep 1 - 19:16

Krazy Kat
A Kitten that has to go to Bed soon >=(
Location: Is that right?

Crystal (ZazuHolic #1),
I'd love to read your story when it's all done! Zazu's such a cutie! ;-)

I may be starting the revised "Dodger's Gang" tomorrow, maybe it'll be done by next year or so...I hope a few of you would like to read it!

~Krazy Kat~
"Dodger?" whispered Max in an unsure and frightened voice. Dodger turned over to face his friend in the darkness. Something was not right here. He could see the Retreiver stirring and his breaths were heavy and short.
"Yeah, Max?" He answered after much hesitation.
"I...don't feel so good. I feel..I feel like I can't breathe, Dodge..." He gasped and Dodger heard a choke, and Max began violently coughing. Dodger rolled onto his stomach and commenced to get up.
"Max?" The heavy breathing kept up, and Dodger's heart beat faster with each time he called his name. "MAX?!"

~The Original "Dodger's Gang"~

Sep 1 - 19:04

Crystal (ZH #1)


Thanks for all the complements on my Fanfic, it makes me feel so loved! :) As soon as I finnish it I might be able to e-mail to anyone who really wants to read the whole story.

Krazykat- Just like you about Dodger, I wonder where Zazu came from and how he came to be secretary, good friends with Mufasa, and who his true family is.

"Zazu, it would make me proud if you would be my majordomo, my secretary, my friend. Zazu I am majestic, kind, smart, and trusting, but I cannot be all this without you. It would make me so happy for you to be there when my son is born and my son's son is born and so on. You will be by my side when my child grows and becomes King. We will watch him grow, you and I. We shall grow old together and you will one day guide and help my own son. Take this offer or keep peace, the time passes much to quickly."

--Mufasa from "The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird"

Sep 1 - 18:05

Crystal (Zazuholic)


Zazu looked deep into the eyes of King Kwami. "I've come to live here . . . for awhile . . ." his voice cracked.
King Kwami smiled with such a warmth that you could almost see the little bird's glowing redness under his dark blue and ruffled feathers. "I'm not going to hurt you, don't be afraid. My bark is much worse than my bite, young one." Queen Kiasa leaned forward and gave Zazu a tender lick on the beak. "You can call me Mom, if you'd like."

--Zazu, King Kwami, and Queen Kiasa from The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird

Sep 1 - 17:55


Location: Kidsimba's Pridelands

The clip is now up at

Sep 1 - 17:51



I loved oliver and company, tito was my favorite( i love cheech marin) and i also looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove billy joel!!! im not really into that kinda music(im mostly alternative) but ill always love billy!

Sep 1 - 17:41

Krazy Kat
A Struggling Amateur Kitty Author

Thank you for the compliments! That's just the original version, too! I've always been a big fan of Dodger and the other dogs in Oliver and Company (never been a big fan of Fagin...he's a little too odd for my tastes..) and I wondered about their background. How did they come to be there? How did they all come to live with Fagin? And one of the greatest of all mysteries: Where did Dodger's bandanna come from? Oh, in the movie he's all tough, street smart, and cool, but what else is there, underneath all that? Does Dodger have a known family? That's what I answer in "Dodger's Gang" and I intend to make it better. I suppose I have written the very first Oliver and Company fanfic, and maybe if there are more O an Co. fans as the years go on, maybe my work will be respected--THAT is my goal. That's the only thing I want out of my work: Respect. I'd like to thank you again for even noticing it was there; now I know /someone/ is looking at this stuff that I call my literary pieces, my pride and joy, and it gives me faith to write more. (I'd probably write more anyway, I just love to write, I guess.)

~Krazy Kat~
"There's always light at the end of the tunnel, there's always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow--but kid, that's not New York. It just doesn't work here."
--Dodger, The Original "Dodger's Gang"--

Sep 1 - 17:07

I'm trying to pass as a hyena...
Location: Elephant Graveyand, being dunked in Birdie Boiler by angry hyenas
E-mail: Qouth Banzai: "You, man, you're too ugly to be a hyena."

This is to both KRAZY KAT and CRYSTAL, 'bout their fanfic exerpts:)
-guys, I'm impressed! You've both made me think twice about characters (namely, Zazu and Dodger) of which I have not always been too fond. I think (like I'm an expert, heehee:) that that's one important characteristic of good writing, that it makes readers think about where the character is coming see, I never /thought/ too much about Zazu or Dodger. Now you've got me thinking (uh oh, thinking, warning, warning, danger) Keep up the good work:)

Sep 1 - 16:43



Hey guys! If you want to see the cover of the Disney Magazine that has the Simba's Pride stuff in it, you can go to
Just in case you're interested... My mom bought me the magazine and I really enjoyed hearing those people saying how it's going to be a s good as the original! Well that's all the news for today. Also, to the girl sitting next to me in math (who I won't mention by name, but is supposed to be here) "Woof" Well that's all!
Kara (We Are One)
P.S. Quote: All Hail Brak!!!!!!!! -Brak
Brak's Scrapbook address:

Sep 1 - 15:35

Crystal (Zazuholic)


VitaniHolic-- I got my Zazu plushie in Disneyland about 3 or 4 years ago. He's very loved and he goes everywhere with me! :)

I hope to have my "Zazu's Nest" site up very soon. I'm going to probably take a class in webpage design. It will include my Fanfic and Zazu images, sounds, and some other stuff including a pic of my HUGE Zazu collection! :)

"These lands are not at all like I imagined, they are so peacful . . ." Zazu sighed and breathed in the fresh morning air.
"You're not like the others are you?" Taka asked with a strange, yet caring look on his face. "Maybe we are not so different, my friend."
Zazu smiled. He could no longer feel the sting of the cut, for love is so much stronger than any wound or sin.

--Zazu and Taka from "The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird."

Sep 1 - 15:05

Crystal (ZH #1)


"Rest my child. One day you will fly far beyond this hatred. Your wings will kiss the clouds. Your journey will begin. You will leave us all, my little one. I cannot go on, but you wil thrive and so will your children and your children's children. You will find heaven in the Pride Lands and start a new life. The Lion King will see to it. But rest now, with me, this last time . . ."

--Birtanzi speaking to her child, Zazu from The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird.

Zazu: "I was once a lonely bird, but now I have friends here."

Sep 1 - 14:49



VitaniHolic - I haven't seen Balto in a while. Steele didn't remind me too much of Scar (or was it Koviara who said that, or someone else? Ugh, I'm going insane!), but since I like to think Scar was emotionally in agony, the same could easily be assumed of Steele. It just manifested itself differently. I didn't like the way he was blatantly hitting on that cute little Jenna. Steele had cool eyes though. Cool eyes are good:) Hey I'm from Minnesota too. Isn't the whether insane?

Zakiya -Drew Palmer's 'Sweet Salvation' was the first fanfic I ever read:) I thought for a long time that Kiara's name was Shani, until the beanie tag told me otherwise..

Koviara - That poem worked really well with those couple words changed. I never heard it before. cool:)
One of my faves is called "Ozymandias" I don't recall it exactly and I don't want to spam too ever read it/heard of it?

ok, I still feel like I'm forgetting something...but I should leave now. Buh bye
~Raksh "Beneath this well-washed exterior there beats a heart as black as a cockroach and fully half as brave"- from 'Shardik' - it's by Richard Adams, the Watership Down fellow - it's good!

Sep 1 - 14:34

Let us Guess-Could it be...Krazy Kat?!!
Umm..yup. Me AGAIN.
Location: Here.

Ok, just a few more things I forgot.

Beerit, that little thing with you giving the award to SP is hilarious! Yet I wonder what SP would look like..maybe a giant video?

Oh, I don't know if any of you are on TLK-L (The Lion King Mailing List) but we have an ingenius TLK Parody writer that goes by the name Of Rindimo. He's hilarious and really good! Well, he has all 46 of his mind-boggling God-Help-Poor-Rindimo Parodies up on his own little site- Rindimo's Parody Place. Here's the URL:

I REALLY REALLY REALLY suggest you visit it! The parodies are not all that long, some are very short, infact, but they're very good! Three I suggest:

The Rindimo Zone (Cross between Twilight zone and TLK)

Dinner Theater (Hence the title)

"My first Parody"..he claims it's not all that great, but I thought it was nifty!!

Ok...I'm done. ::Shuts up:::

~Krazy Kat~
"I know, I know, my son," sighed Strawberry with a twinge of regret in her voice. She looked around, inhaling the sights and sounds. "This is not where..I intended to raise you. But you need to see, please try," she whispered gently. Slowly the puppy lifted his head and began to lift his eyelids. "Don't worry, my son. Your family is right here with you--for as long as you need us."

~Excerpt from the Original "Dodger's Gang"~
(c) Carissa Smolko

Sep 1 - 14:26

Krazy Kat..umm...again

E-mail: "Look down dere..."

PS- Today's my mom's B-Day! Yay! Wish her a Happy Birthday, Mill! ::No response:: Meanies.


Sep 1 - 14:16

Now proud to be a Pridelands citizen:)
Location: the Promontory, watching the great herds move across the land

Lookit all the posts! I can't visit in the morning now, I'm having a hard time keeping up. If you said anything to me that I don't reply to here, please repeat it. I can't keep track.. you mean you're leaving?? It sounded like it. You will be coming back to the mill when you can, won't you?:(

Beerit - I had most of those symptoms. Why am I not surprised?...

Blue Lion - I can honestly say I love hearing about egyptology and stuff. I'm big on history but never get around to researching anything myself.

Dara - yay, another villain fan! You were the one who mentioned Frollo, right? He may be disgusting, but he's a great villain nonetheless says I:)

Oh no my brain is melting...I need to go back and look at the posts again..

Sep 1 - 14:10

Krazy Kat
Constantly Trying to keep up now...

Hey guys!
I haven't posted in a while, but I've been watching you. Umm...that sounds kind of scary--but what am I supposed to say? I've been reading you? Hmm..

OK, here's this kitty's thoughts on Titanic. ::Everyone groans::: Aw, it'll only take a second!

I thought the movie was alright, but I personally didn't like Leo and umm...that girl that plays Rose. (Can't remember her name) I wasn't all that impressed with them, the parts that really moved me were when the lady was putting her children to sleep on the ship as it was sinking, 'cuz they knew they would never get out. Also, the part where the old couple are holding hands in their bed and you can see water all over the floor. Oh, and when the two boat guys are looking throught the floating dead bodies looking for people still alive, and a lot of their eyes were frozen open, and the one lady was holding her baby.

The special effects were nice, but I agree, they're more for the cinema, unless you have a Home Theatre. (Like a miniature movie theater, with a screen about 1/4 of the size of a movie screen, my neighbors have one in their basement..ooohh...TLK is super spiffy in there!)

To sum it up about the "People Care for the movie just because of Leo and not the tragedy that actually occured and the thousands of people that actually suffered that horrible fate", Keep in mind, THE WORLD IS RULED BY STEREOTYPES. Leo and..umm..that other girl are just big money-making stereotypes!! If Leo wasn't in that movie I'm sure it wouldn't have made as much money as it did. People only seem to care about hot guys and what's popular. If he wasnt in that movie, Titanic would've surely sunk. ( pun intended. ;-) I think that's sick, the Drooling-over-Leo-Hungry fans (sorry if you're the age I'm going to mention, don't take it personally if you're a Leo Hater, I'm talking about the Leo lovers!) are mostly 10-13 year old girls, who went to see the movie 12 or more times JUST BECAUSE OF HIM. I'm sure they could care less for what the intentions of the story really were, to show what happened to the PEOPLE ON THE TITANIC AND TITANIC ITSELF, not what happened to LEO IN THE MOVIE TITANIC. Big difference, and people just don't really care. And that's my essay on Titanic.

*****End Titanic Rambling*****

OK, about the different video formats:
I'm on TLK-L, and occasionally these technical talks come up. (Ok, more than occasionally..a lot.) Americans use a VCR (duh, I'm sure that's what it's called over there) that plays in VHS format. I know that in most other countries VCRs play in PAL format. The thing is, both look the same, but if you put a VHS tape into a VCR that plays PAL format, you'll see it, but most likely in black and white. Other countries DO sell VHS format VCRs, as far as I know. Umm..and that's all I can remember on that subject.

Beerit, according to your test, I am beyond Help. Yours too, Leah. ;-)

Wow! I've been TRYING really hard to work on my Web page (It really needs a makeover) but I've been real busy with school n such. Maybe this weekend. Oh, I'm gonna be featuring this stuff:

Sarabi Shrine
Hyena Shrine
80's! 80's! And more 80's! (Yeah, that's what the section's called...)
SP Page
Text Archive (I'm really trying to see if I still have my old stories stored on disks!!)
Links. (No Kidding.)

Jenna, a looooooong posts back, (I think it was you) you asked when I was gonna have more of "Dodger's Gang", My Oliver and Co. Fanfic up. Well, the script format wasnt working out too well (You can see by just reading it) here's what I'm thinking of doing. I did the original story two years ago, and it's not all that hot. It's 143 pages long and I've got pretty good character development, but I'm lacking in a LOT of places. I think during my spare time that I'll be re-writing it, but in Story form again, a revised Dodger's Gang, if you will. ;-) I don't know when it'll be finished, these things take good time. (Took me nearly a year to write the Original Dodger's Gang, and I'm not even happy with that version. ::frown::)

Oh, for all you going into 7th grade and think it may be hard...try 10th! (Hmm..I'm not sure I want to think about College..)

Whoa! Look at all that! I may have wrote too much...sorry guys, just have had a lot on my mind!

~Krazy Kat~
Umm...I still feel like typing. so here's an excerpt:

He could see her in the heavens, she was alive; in a sense. He could see her fur rustling in the wind, and the gleam in her eyes danced like a moonbeam's reflection off the bay. Yet down there, it was cold and eerie, like a part of him had just left to join her. But there was one thing in his heart that only he knew; she was happy. The suffering had ended.

~Excerpt from The Original "Dodger's Gang"~

"This means we'll just have to use our brains."

Busa Simba!
Busa Sarabi!
Busa Kiara!
Busa Kovu!
Busa Toonces! (woops, did that slip?)
Busa 80's!!!!
Busa TLK!
Busa SP!

Sep 1 - 14:09



Uh, VitaniHolic, it's nice you're responding to me, but the last two times you responded were about things I didn't write! Just wanted to let you know! :) (Simba's voice) I. . . think you're a little confused.
Whoa, those Goldenbooks pics are a bit funky looking, not that that's an original thought or anything.
"We shall not cease from exploring, and the end of all our exploring will be to return to where we began and to know the place for the first time"
-T.S. Elliot
(Just a quote I enjoy)

Sep 1 - 13:31

Beerit again


P.S. My friend's SP site is at

Pretty original, uh?
They are real life friends, so I wrote them this email:
Halo, I am a litel gerl from germeny.
I lov simbes pride and I like to see it.
Bay de way, your fly's open...

Eh, made ya look!

As you can see, I'm not alright...

Sep 1 - 13:22

Location: Pridelands,Africa

1.The email adress above is a not try and email me.

this is all I hear around priderock:

food,food,food,go hunt a buffalo,food,food,food,
hunt,hunt,hunt intil I finally go catch an antelope.
2hrs. later.....
fod,food,food,go get food,food,food,food.........

Sep 1 - 13:07



Egh, posted twice.
Ahem ...
I now pronounce SP *drums*
most expected movie of the year!
SP: Oh, thanks you! Thank you!
I want to thank my animators, for always having faith in me, ever when they spilled vile soft drinks on my footage, and my father, Walt Disney. I love ya, pa! And the wonderfull crew of the mill, for always stinking, uh, I mean, sticking by me in my hour of need!
Me: Yes, well... So tell me, where are you going to put this lovely trophy? *fake smile*
SP: T-trophy?
Me: Yes, this lovely trophy! *dusting the trophy*
SP: Wait, I sell 10000000 copied on my first week on the shelves and you your'e giving me is a stinkin' trophy???!!!???!!
Me: But, uh, well, I...
SP: NO BUTS! *smacks me with the trophy*
SP: How'd ya like them apples?!

Talk about you're "SP kicks a**"

Test yourself: Are you addictted to SP merch??

1. Yes
2. No

1 - You are addicted to SP merch!
2 - You are not!
(didn't have time to make a REAL one)

Sorry, I'm in a comic mood... *jumping around*
And I had too much coffee *Hugging the dog to extinction*

To The K Lands

Sep 1 - 13:06



Tau, that kovu riding thing is hidious!!! if i was 5 id be scared of it! achually, im scared of it now!

Sep 1 - 12:53



Blue Lion, i did buy the coloring book, but i dont have a scanner, sorry:( its a kid nuka pic, its alright, he lookes alot like kovu but except different colors and stuff, but thats all, no new info cause its just a book of characters. vitani looks funky in it though!

Sep 1 - 12:50


Location: Philadelphia


Don't know if anyone cares, but while "surfing" the net, I stumbled across the KB Toys website, where they have a picture of a Kovu soft ride-on. If anyone wants to check it out, it's at the address:

Well, I won't waste any more of anyone's precious time. Bye.

Sep 1 - 12:45

The Grasslands
Location: Pouncing Zazu in the park

No one ever replies to me anymore... ):
Please reply...

Crystal, your story sounds cool.
By the way, how did you like mine's?
Zakiya, you fic sounds cool too.

Test yourself: Are you addicted to the mill???
1. You visit it AT LEAST once a day
2. You can't stop thinking about what you're gonna write when you get in, even on
vacations and at night.
3. You often get out of bed in the middle of the night just couse you had something
cool to post
4. You know everybody here
5. If there is any shred of info on SP, you're the first one to know about it
6. If someone says "this place stinks", you stake it personally
7. The mill is your starting homepage (hmm, good idea!)
8. The mill is first in your bookmark

1-3 hits: You are a normal person with a normal life, that likes SP
4-6 hits: You like this place a lot!
7 hits: What's with you?!

VitaniHolic, the links to the pics are wrong!
Please fix 'em!

Kanagu walked up to them and said angrily "While you were so busy arguing who is
more stupid, Simba went to call Rafiki, so you just sit here and stop annoying us!"
Kanagu, LotGL

To The K Lands

Sep 1 - 12:28


Location: Kidsimba's Pridelands

Just to let everyone know..I will upload an mpeg video of the SP preview on Pocohantas 2 to my site this afternoon...(about 5PM MST)

Sep 1 - 11:30

Dripping wet
Location: Minnesota

*proudly holds aloft the trophy for worst weather*
"On behalf of the state of Minnesota, I proudly accept this trophy as a---Ooo! Is that a Zira plush??"

Crystal--A Zazu plushie???? OOOO! Where'dja get it? I made one out of felt, but an official one wouldn't be bad.... please tell me where I can find one!!!! kind of music do you guys like? I like Garth Brooks, Chumbawamba, Jonny Lang, and Eric Clapton. I like lots of other artists, but those are my absolute favorites. I mostly like Country/Western, too..... Yeah yeah, say what you want about it, I don't care.


Sep 1 - 11:11

Crystal (Zazuholic)


Oh, by the way, I'm so glad Zazu made it on the front cover of the SP book, even if he does look retarted and like Rowan himself! ;)

Sep 1 - 10:57

Crystal (Zazuholic)


Hello there such a happy morning isn't it? The birds are singing in the trees, the coffee is being freshly brewed, Mother is making pancakes and . . . and . . .


::::Breathing hard and squeezing my Zazu plushie:::::

Sorry about all that!

Thanks for all the compliments on my story! It is a h*** lot better than it sounds though. I hope to have it up when I get my own ver first Zazu site up.

Oh, I really do want to go to Disney World and see the new Tiki Tiki Room, but, alas, I have no money . . .

BTW, I haven't seen or heard any news about that new Zazu beanie yet. I went to the Disney Homepage, but they only showed Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Kiara and Kovu.

Oh, and I know that my little pony boy isn't a baby, at least I don't think . . .

Zazu: What are you doing Mufasa?
Muffy: Stand still I'm gonna pounce on you!
Zazu: Oh, all right, I'm ready when you are!

Sep 1 - 10:53

basking in the sun
Location: sunnyville

The weather where I am is pretty good right now. It hasn't rained for a whole week. That's a long time for around here.
I hate school, so I'm glad I don't have to go back for anouther week and a half.
Well, acourding to your tests, I'm a real freak over TLK and SP. Exept for one thing, the one about renaming your cat, well, instead of renaming one cat, I have 14 cats! So I just give them TLK/SP names as they're born (we get new litters all the time). My latest naming was Vitani to a little fuzzy grey kitten.

"I will avenge Scar"

"In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea,
and he told us of his life in the land of submarines.
So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea or green,
and we live beneath the waves in our yellow submarine."
The Beatles


Sep 1 - 10:40



I felt so said 'bout the story I didn't post for 2 days! No, just kidding, I was very busy.

One thing guys.... pleas, please, PLEASSSE, show me a pic of Nuka (it sounded awful, but I want to see with my own eyes). If Nuka looks so much like a hyena, why didn't they put the hyena's in the plot again! I don't want to see Nuka as a mis-brood of Scar and Shenzi or whatever you prefer to think of....

How much more can you kill a character!! I mean, why put amateurs on the job of such a book?!? Look, everybody will look at this book, 'cause it's the first thing people will see of the story! Good merchandising..... ahem.....

Raksha, I love villains too! Always!!(I only hated Frollo! He's disgusting!) Maybe it's because deep in our heart we want to be (maybe a tiny bit) exactly like those villains. Ya know, command your sidekicks, be really mean, make people fear you, do things illegal (like steeling, or cheating or whatever...) Or maybe because they're are always sooooo cooooool!!!!! Ya know, Steele was kinda cool too. (but then, he also remind me of Scar....)

Awww man! Titanic is awful! I mean, in cinema I can imagine one likes the special effects... but at home, believe me, all these effects will be gone...... and then, the whole movie will be empty! ('cause I only liked the special effects)
by the way, Leo is only 22 years old maybe 23 by now.

Koviara- speaking about bad weather! We haven't enjoyed summer this year! It's cold, it's wet, we have had sun for mabey 2 whole weeks!! The temp is far below 20єC for weeks now!!! Beat that!! LOL
mmmm about the video format.... ok ok you won, that really sucks.
I guess VitaniHolic won the first prize of bad weahter! Thank God we don't have hurricanes! well, we're going to be visit by Bonnie soon! ok ok with less force of course!

Bye all!!


Sep 1 - 10:23

Blue Lion


Ducky: did you buy the coloring book? If you did please send a scan of Nuka, I want to know the difference.

My thoughts on him, maybe Goldenbooks DID make a mistake and make him older, but maybe he's actually YOUNGER than Kovu. Maybe that's why his mane is so thin, it hasen't grown in yet when Kovu's already has? Sorry, trying to justify why the poor thing is so ugly!

Raksha.. hmmm more Egypt info? Ok.. well, Ramses proabably had Auburn hair, his son Merneptah was overweight, and his grandfather Ramses I was born a commoner and was named king by the childless pharoah Horemheb (who served in the army under Tutankhamun)
Ramses also had actually 5 names, I only know three... Usermaatre Ramses Setepenre (means 'strong with regard to ma'at, Ra has begot him, chosen of Ra) what if pride rock kings needed 5 names at coronation? what would Scar's be? Plus, I noticed Egyptian religion in CoTPL.. the concept of ma'at (divine order, justice and nature in harmony) was mentioned and Ahadi told on eof the hyenas his immortal Ka would not be in danger.. the ka was one of the three parts of the spirit in Egyptian religion.. pretty neat I think. Gotta get off to work now..:PP

PS... NO TITANIC..... TLK was 100000% better than that IMHO!

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Sep 1 - 10:11

Akela's mate,Rumor Mill veteran and philosipher
Location: Council Rock

I guess the 3 months I have been here have been the greatest SP and TLK expireince ever (except for the movies themselves.) I am noted for my Rumor Mill spiritual ramblings. I will be returning to school tomorrow, and it's my turn to say goodbye. You're my best SP friends ever, and I am glad we are all joined here because of the powerful emotional force of TLK. I have to say goodbye, only for a little bit. Our destiny here is to not ougross Titanic as far as video sales, just accept it; and know in your heart that TLK will always be the best. I'm looking on the positive side for 7th grade. The sooner we all go back to school, the sooner SP will be out, and it will take our SP crazed minds off SP for awhile. I must go.. Remember who you are, you are my fellow SP fans, and Titanic will never replace TLK here, and in our hearts. Remember.. Remember.. Remember...........................

Sep 1 - 10:00

Lion King and Simba's Pride doctor
Location: Sarabi Hospital

Here is my chart of obsession:
The top 10 signs that tell U R obsessed with SP:

1. You prowl Rumor Mill for hours, and your day revolves around checking here.
2.You sing along to We Are One on your singalong video
3.You bow down to Kiara when you watch the "He Lives in You" footage.
4. You rename your cat an SP character's name.
5.You've melted your May 10th taping of We Are One
6. You have so many websites for SP on the $5 a month plan on Geocities that your bill is over $25 a month.
7. The neighbors complain when you take your Baby Kiara plushie and hold it in the air at dawn.
8. You make Rafiki-style drawings of Simba and Kiara on the walls of your treehouse.
9. You roleplay the dialogue in every preview.
10. You make a huge statue of Pride Rock in your front yard.

Please E Mail me your results so I can perscribe you SP treatment (such as limiting your viewings of previews that u watch repititiously,etc.)The SP doctor (that would be me) is always in, and ready to analize your situation. =)

Sep 1 - 09:49


Location: Huddled under a bush in Minnesota, hiding from the thunderboomers

Koviara~Feel better about your weather now? :)

Hmm, appears that most of the people here are in 7th grade. Now I feel old....for once. Hurrah!

Hey, let's come up with another list like Laurie's...I have a few: ~You know more about SP than the employees at DS. ~There is a big empty space in Target's toy shelves due to you buying all the SP stuff. ~The Kovu & Kiara beanbags were finally retired because you'd buy all the beanbags before someone else could get any.
That first I got from an actual encounter with an SP employee...:)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH I HATE SCHOOL!!!!!!!! Jeez, I haven't even started yet and I hate it! :P

*cheers on Kovara* Yeah, sink Titanic!
I agree that when _Jack Dawson_ died, it was sad. But if it's from the point of view where _Leonardo DiCaprio_ died, then I think "Oh please!" I mean, c'mon people! He's what, 25 years old?
So if some "leo-groupie" (as I call 'em) marries him, he's gonna be an old fart when they're 55!
Sickening...the movie _was_ good, but not that good.

Hey, d'ya think that my seeing TLK 6 times in the theaters will help to upstage Titanic?


Sep 1 - 09:29

A Very OUTRAGED Kovara
DOTLKASP KOT(Killer of Titanic)
Location: In a cave constructing a concrete iceberg designed to DESTROY "Titanic"!!
E-mail: Me to Jack Dawson(in her evil ZIra voice): The best selling video of all time belongs to THE LION KING!!


TITANIC Already surpassed TLK!!!!!! I read this article and here's a piece from the article that P* me off!!!!

"'Titanic' Video Retail giant Blockbuster said the presale of Titanic surpassed that of its previous record holder THe Lion King"

Now that's just Blockbuster! I hope it doesn't mean it will be the top selling video of all time!!!

To the Mill: What is your destiny?!
Mill: We will maintain TLK's spot as top selling video of all time!

Ok, good news, there is a Target coming to my mall!!! That is where they have LK and SP stuff, right? :) AND I'm going for an interview at the Disney Store. I hope I get the job! :)


Sep 1 - 09:01


Location: Philadelphia

Hey everyone,

Well, after seeing the scans from the SP Golden Book, I decided that the lions didn't really look all that bad. Being from a book like that, they are obviously no where near the actual animation quality, which is why I really don't mind them. The only thing that does bother me is how incredibly gray Nuka is. I mean, they could have at least drawn him with a small tint of brown. Also, I guess this puts to rest the 'Nuka is betrothed to Kiara' theory. But, I was thinking, if Nuka and Vitani are indeed adults when Kovu is a cub, what if they are his older brother and sister? Well, it's a thought anyway.

Beerit, your tests are incredible. I look at them and say to myself, "Wow! that's exactly what I do!" At least for most of them that's what I say. I scored a 7 out of 10 on your first one, and a 6 out of 8 on your second one. Keep 'em coming.

And, as long as everyone is talking about (and insulting) Titanic, I'll throw in my two cents. First off, I thought that the entire movie had nothing to do with the boat Titanic, and besides the end when the boat sinks, the movie was pretty boring. Also, not to insult anyone, but I was actually cheering (in silence of course) when Leo drowned. I know it's rotten and wrong, but I just couldn't help it. I also have to agree with Koviara that the only emotional (or near emotional) part of the movie was the death of all those innocent people, and the thought that this really happened.

Well, sorry for getting of the SP topic, but I just had to say something. See ya later.

Sep 1 - 08:39



I was just wondering, did anyone achually hear that there was going to be a tlk 3?cause i mean, cause usually they wouldnt make a triquel unless the second one sucked(look at the aladdin trilagy) if anyone did see that info somewhewre, could you tell me where it is cause id like to see it too, thank you

Sep 1 - 08:20



Well, I got up today at 5:08, and got dressed, and my grandfather and I went to our local Hy-Vee to pick up Titanic. They got in about 1700 copies, and I watched it all morning. The girl working there said at Midnight, they only sold 30 copies.Goodie! TLK is still the best. I can't wait untill LK rereleases! I think I have melted my tape......
Yuck! I have to go to school at 4:30 today to pick up my class schedule, and tomorrow *gulps and shudders with disgust* SCHOOL! I guess 7th grade won't be hard, just as long as I don't tell them all i am still a lion king and am now a LK2 fan cause I don't think no one really likes it like they used to

Sep 1 - 07:42

Angry Scouser
Location: Liverpool, England

Vitaniholic- Okay, you got me there. At least us Brits don't have to put up with hurricanes and everything. By the way, what's the news on that hurricane that battered Carolina recently?

I'm so confused!
That design for Nuka is the ugliest, stupidest, most androgenous thing I have ever seen! It's disgusting! I was rooting for Nuka, I thought he'd be endearingly stupid, btu now he looks to be like Scar...I hope Kovu kicks his *!&"
Secondly, how can Zira order the other lions to make fire?! What is this, "Planet of the Lions"?!
Grr! how are they going to make fire? Rub two sticks together in their paws?

Those drawings in the book were terible, though. Zira was almost unrecognisable.

Sep 1 - 07:33

Still following Sarafina
Location: Finding Simba's pride

I do all but one of those, Beerit...I don't get up in the middle of the night. There ain't no way anyone can get me up...well except maybe Vitani, or Scar.

My last day of summer vacation....9th grade tomorrow...:*( *sniff,sob,sob,sniff,sob* There, I'm in 9th grade. Does that make y'all feel better about SP obsession? want bad weather?? Let me tell you about Minnesota...I'll use my recent trip camping as an example. At home here, it's hot, humid, sticky, 83 degress, etc. I travel about 50 miles north, it's suddenly 58 degress, dry, and windy. You go down a small dip in the road, there's lots of thick, white fog.
OH yeah, and the snow... Last year was a pretty mild, nice winter, thanks to El Nino. But other years.... we've had whole houses buried in snow, reached temperatures of -40 degress, and had cities flooded due to the spring melting. It's common for the sky to turn green and have hailstorms during thunderstorms.
How's that for bad weather??

Surviving in Minnesota and loving it!

Sep 1 - 07:10

Scouse Lion King Fan Supreme
Location: Liverpool, England

Hey, everyone!
You all pretty much ignored my last posting, didn't you?! Except Raksha and Dara, that is!

Raksha- Isn't that poem great?! Do you have any personal favourites or other poems that you like? I've put one of mine (albeit changed a little0 at the bottom of this message...

Dara - Hey, don't worry about me hating my country and all, I was feeling annoyed that day and needed to sound off about something.
And now, i think I'll berate you for complaining about Holland's weather- Holland's a cool place! My older brother is emigrating over there soon!
And by the way, I've just been soaked in cold, bucketing rain, beat that for terrible weather!
i've just received an e-mail from another TLK fan from England, who says that us UK residents use a diferent video format to the Americans! How about that for a country that sucks?!

Jon- Sorry, I don't know your name on the rumour mill, but thanx for your e-mail! I've posted a reply, so go check it now!

Hey, KIARAROSE! I posted a reply on the rumor mill to your Jason Marsden thing on saturday! Did you read it?

TITANIC FANS! Um, somebody wanted to know about the White Star Line, and I said that they were no longer in business. Well, my dad says that White Star Line did shut down, but reappeared some years later as Cunard. Their liners are out there somewhere...

Crystal- everyone, chill. Okay, even if Titanic does become number one best seller, which looks likely, what about future TLK re-releases? Hmm? Then there is the issue of quality over quantity. We all know that TLK is the greatest epic ever, positions on a chart are unimportant.

Leah- To be frank, although I cried at leo's death in Titanic, (for the character, not him) I felt more saddened by the untimely demise of the Irish. I understand your point. Sad Leo groupies don't seem to care about the vast loss of life and the dream that died with the victims. I think some people need a reality check, which beggars the question: If someone less hyped that Leo had taken the leading role, would all these screaming teenage girls go to see it? Would they care about the tragic history?
Don't get me wrong, I like Leonardo, but it sickens me that such a touching matter is trivalised by "Ooh, look at how his raises his eyebrow in this scene!" as compared to, "How dare they treat people like that?!"

Kovu- Your little DIE!!!! TITANIC!!! outburst had me in fits of laughter! You really are the funniest thing! I take it you don't like it, then?

Am I alone in my worrying worship for Simba's Pride and Jason Marsden? Apparently, he's supposed to be a massive TLK fan, so if my idol likes Kiara and co, then I at least feel a little more normal!

Beerit, BEERIT, BEERIT!!!! Beerit- have I finally got your attention?! I'm glad that you like Jason, too! Isn't he just the cutest thing?

Finally, I was leafing through a qoutations book as CYFTLT was on VH1...weird, when I came across a quote, "Heraclitus", and I thought, to add a bit of literature to our insane rantings, that I would change it a bit for The Lion King. Seeing as how lots of you are going on about Sarabi, I've changed it to when Scar comes and tells the lionesses that Simba nd Mufasa are dead. It's her thoughts:

Scar told me, Mufasa, he told me that you were dead
He brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed
I wept as I remembered how often you and I
Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky.

Sweet, huh?

VIVA Simba!
VIVA Simba's Pride!
VIVA Jason Marsden!
VIVA you all!

Hakuna Matata!

Sep 1 - 06:30


Location: preparing for her hunt

I will be gone for a while, I will miss all my new friends, and I hope to return soon.

Vitani Holic - Sherbet and your pony are called Sundae Best Ponies. Mine smells sweet too, but not like sherbet, more like raspberries or something. I live in Minnesota too. on the north Shore. Tell your mom that if she thinks the Sundae Best ponies smell bad, she should smell the perfume puff ponies, they REEK!
I recently got one, and I put her in a plastic bag, so my other ponies wouldnt get stinky.

Crystal - The dragon is called Spike. The baby boy pony is a Peek a Boo Baby. You have to really know what the little brothers look like and what the 2 peek a boo's look like to tell them apart. His name is Whirly Twirl.



Sep 1 - 04:57

The Grasslands
Location: With Kor and Tumai in the Greenlands

No one ever replies to me anymore... ):
Please reply...

Crystal, your story sounds cool.
By the way, how did you like mine's?
Zakiya, you fic sounds cool too.

Test yourself: Are you addicted to the mill???
1. You visit it AT LEAST once a day
2. You can't stop thinking about what you're gonna write when you get in, even on
vacations and at night.
3. You often get out of bed in the middle of the night just couse you had something
cool to post
4. You know everybody here
5. If there is any shred of info on SP, you're the first one to know about it
6. If someone says "this place stinks", you stake it personally
7. The mill is your starting homepage (hmm, good idea!)
8. The mill is first in your bookmark

1-3 hits: You are a normal person with a normal life, that likes SP
4-6 hits: You like this place a lot!
7 hits: What's with you?!

VitaniHolic, the links to the pics are wrong!
Please fix 'em!

Kanagu walked up to them and said angrily "While you were so busy arguing who is
more stupid, Simba went to call Rafiki, so you just sit here and stop annoying us!"
Kanagu, LotGL

To The K Lands

Sep 1 - 04:27

Read below
Location: Rialto

Hello again,

I'm sooooo sorry. The writer of "Sweet Salvation" is Drew Palmer. Sorry.


Sep 1 - 01:03

Official Lebo M Fan Club President (Darn proud of it too)
Location: Rialto
E-mail: or, either works

Hello all!

I am an SP fanatic! Except in place of naming my cat Zira, his name is Kovu because he's dark with a white spot on his chest.

Any Lebo M fans here? We really need members because we only have 7 which includes Brian. our web site is being built and my conference call which is coming next week may include Lebo himself. Speaking of which, he's supposed to email me on something (I really forgot what it was).

I am doing a fanfic, Timon or Rafiki fans can find out about their families.

Crystal, I think you should go to Disney World; Zazu is one of the new managers for the Tiki Room there.

And now a couple of excerpts from my fanfic: "The Courtship of Timon and Pumbaa"

"I want to know where my brother is."
"I'm sorry Rafiki, he died a long time ago. He was just too old."
"Who has taken his place among Kube? It certainly can't be Nefu."
"No--it's his middle son, Sen"
"Sen? I've never met Sen."
"Of course not, Reggie never wanted you involved with him because of the way Woza is. He's a terrible ruler Rafiki. And you're the one to blame!!!!"

Elsewhere in the Fanfic:

"I can't believe that I'm gonna see my family again."
"This must be grat for you Timon. I'm sure me and Nala would like to see your family."
"Simba. I think you would scare them. Just imagine, Me, my dad, mom, Sylvia, and Timmy all one great family again. And the leader will be so happy to see me again too."
"Timon, brother, we've changed colonies."
"What do you mean, Timmy?"

Want more? Email my Juno address for chapter by chapter of "The Courtship of Timon and Pumbaa."


BTW "Sweet Salvation" almost sounds like the plot to Simba's Pride.

Aug 31 - 23:57



I think you'll have a hard time finding a new copy of TLK to buy, unfortunately. They probably won't go on sale again for about 3-4 more years. On another subject: I'm having a little internet trouble with one of my two website addresses. If someone wants to maybe they can check out this address and tell me what happens: I need to know what happens on someone else's computer, so you can post the result here on the rumor mill or (if its embarassing) then e-mail me. Here's the address that I know does work:

Kiara's Sahifa: The Kiara World Wide Web Archive

KH#1 (CMZ)
Aug 31 - 23:23


Location: Houston, TX
E-mail: JFT@LionKing.Org

The Ransom and Lost html files are a joke for a friend. So don't take it the wrong way. :)
As a joke, take the html files and upload them to your web page with a link to
eachother. ;)

P.S. In a few days, I will have several html files explaining what everything is. I got to work till Wednesday and the new schedual, Thursday on is not up yet, so I don't know how soon I can get back to it. Sorry.

Enjoy my little joke.

Aug 31 - 22:34



Well, I just remembered that there was a TLK book that was not made by Gb but by some Disney comp. that had some major mistakes, so there is hope yet. In the illustrated chapter book by Gina Ingola (or somethin like that) that has as a cover (it came in both hard and soft) a pic of Simba & Mufasa on Pride Rock at night, if you notice, both Nala and Sarafina are drawn consistently throughout the entire book w/the light markings on their paws (think Kiara or Simba, or just about anyone else). Now this book was supposedly illustrated by a background artist and an animator of Rafiki from the actual film, yet that big boo-boo was made and Disney let it slide. Sooooo, so far as character design in SP goes, there is still considerable hope.
Also, I personally have no problem with the idea of the characters in the TLK universe knowing how to "control" fire, just so long as it is explained how they got their paws on it and they don't just waltz on the scene with a bunch of fire brands.
As a final note, I forget who said it, but on that Titanic beating out TLK thing, I, too, was thinking that we all should go out and get ourselves a few new copies of TLK as keepsakes. I'm planning on trying to con my mom into it by saying that our current tape is wearing out, and that I'll pay for a third so that I can have an original release that's unopened as be it a collector's item or as insurence should Disney decide not to re-release it anytime soon. How about everybody do that? We could place that finish line just a bit further. BTW, I read that there were 20 million copies of Titanic shipped; mind you, not all of them are for sale, a number of those will have to go on the shelves to rent.
Well, that's it for me, by now.

Aug 31 - 21:33

Grinning like an idiot
Location: Following Sarafina

Raksha... I agree, those Goldenbooks could've been better. But hey, when has Goldenbooks actually got something perfect before? Like in one of their TLK books, at one of the end scenes, where the lions and hyenas are fighting at PR, Simba has a Nala-colored paw sticking out of his elbow (???)
Why do we like Steele? Well, I can't really speak for other Steele fans, but I like his looks and his voice. I didn't care much for him personality-wise at first, but as I watched Balto, I sensed that Steele must've had some emotional problems, as Scar's character hints at. And, at the end, when Steele goes "Wait, guys, come back, please?" (or something like that) for some reason, that part really appeals to me....I dunno. *shrug*

Crystal--Doesn't sound like a bad idea! And please calm down...wait.
Zazu instructs you to calm down!

You can reach my SP page at


Aug 31 - 21:05




Aug 31 - 20:32



vitanaholic can you tell me how to get to your home page

Aug 31 - 20:16

J. Falk

Location: Utica, New York

Can the person who posted under Zira earlier tday with the e-mail address tell me what you have heard about TLK3 please? Thank you.

Aug 31 - 20:08

J. Falk

Location: Utica, New York

Aug 31 - 20:06



I WENT TO BORDERS TODAY AND SAW ALL THE PICTURES OF THE BOOK!!!! there not very good, i only skimmed through the pictures, i still know blank on the story. i went to this store noodle kiddodle(its a kids store) and they had an sp coloring book! it has nothing to do w/ the story, its just a book of the characters. nuka doesnt even look that bad in it!!

Aug 31 - 19:07

Crystal (ZH #1)


Everyone lay off! I was gone for a day of two earlier this week! I had to skim through all the posting, but I'm reading them more thouroughly right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 31 - 18:40

Crystal (ZH #1)


OK everybody! Let's all buy another copy of TLK so that Titanic well fall to 2nd place! Besides, aren't our old copies getting pretty worn out? TLK Must be King of the Video Store!!!!!!!

BTW, My Little Ponies? I own a bazillion of them! My favorite was a hot pink little boy pony with a helicopter on his . . . er. . . butt. My other favorite wasn't even a Pony! It was a cute lil' dragon friend of the MLP's. Unfortunately, it got eaten by the lawnmower when I left him in the back yard :P

Zazu: You are no longer the Prince, Mufasa, but the King!

Aug 31 - 18:38



Hope I didn't sound like I thought YOU forged those Goldenbook pics, it was just that I saw 'em on your site and I was thinking along those lines. If they are real, those illustrators need help.
And the links to your drawings still didn't work!!:(

Aug 31 - 18:36



Actually I have the book and scanned the pics and no they are not fan art. I found it in Borders just as the other posted suggested. I'm not in the habit of making or posting forgeries, thank you very much........

Aug 31 - 18:28



There! My brand spankin new yahoo! address. Now I can check email at school, oh goody.

Crystal - Sorry, I had no intention of ignoring you:) Your fanfic sounds cool, are you going to post more of it?

VitaniHolic - your VitaniHolic page is neat thus far, says I. I'm wondering, like Amphriss said, if those Golden Book thingies are for real. They look even worse than I would've thought=( Anyway, I have the same opinions of Scar as you stated on that page, including the part about Muffy perhaps being abusive. Notice how he just barges on in, "Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba!" sounds real bossy-like to me:) Fact is, no one's perfect -Mufasa might've been the perfect king, but perhaps not the perfect brother. Yes?

Hey um, Balto fans, question here: why do people like Steele? (not trying to be a jerk about it, I am genuinely curious) I often love villains, but not him. Please tell me what it is about him, I'd really like to know! Plleaasee??


Aug 31 - 18:27

Kissing Sarafina's feet
Location: *smooch* *smooch* *smooch*...

Ah, forgot a few things.

Vitani, Sherbet does sound kinda like your pony scented? I'm not sure what mine is supposed to smell like, Ice cream I'm guessing, but she smells nice.
I remember my mother told me that she smelled nasty. She still thinks that. *g*
Raksha, I unnerstand...the 'puters at my school suck too. Oh, and ignore the librarians. What do they know?
Librarians, what a joke!
Well, that's all.

Still kissing Sarafina's feet and trying not to laugh at the *weird* look on her face.

Aug 31 - 18:06

Bowing down to Sarafina
Location: Telling Sarafina that I am not worthy

Laurie, I live in Rockford. (wait, wait, wait.) It's in between Buffalo, Delano, and Medina.
That's about the best way to describe where I am. :P
Crystal, I responded to your post from a few days ago! Please read 'em all! Oh, and the fanfic sounds nice...when will it be up?
has anyone looked at my art? I was thinking about putting a link to my Balto page, but apparently no one cares about what I produce...:*(
*sniff, sob, sob, sniff, sob, cry*
I'm *sniff* okay now. Hey, there's a show on Stonehenge on TV.
Uh-oh, you better run...I feel a rant coming on. ;P
Now, who says that the people that put up stongehenge were less advanced than us? They could have been smarter than us. They could have used cranes and things like that, and just disposed of the building stuff.
And, who says that for other life forms to live on a planet, who says that the planet has to be able to support human life? We couldn't live on, say, Jupiter's atmosphere. So why can't there be life on Jupiter than couldn't live here? And maybe humans are some sort of ape-alien hybrid, an experiment.
And. Why do dogs and cats, etc. have to be dumber than humans? Why couldn't a poodle be smarter than one of us? If we don't know exactly how the brain works, then who are we to judge size?
Another thing...oh, dinner time! Seeya!
*bounces off to eat*

Ranting to her macaroni and cheese

Aug 31 - 17:56



It is official----Walt Disney World is closing Mr. Toad's Wild Ride on September 8. A Winnie the Pooh Ride will replace this classic attraction.

Disney wants to sell you more Winnie the Pooh crap. They have ignored the thousands of requests to leave Mr. Toad alone.

Aug 31 - 17:54
Cynics INC.
Location: Boston

OK guys, does anyone besides Sagonoma actually have this mysterious golden book???

I may be wrong, but I think these pics are very good fan art forgeries!!! I know Golden book art is never completely accurate, but to have Nuka and Vitani OLDER than Kovu does not ring true (The DS merchandise) Other things about the art seem off.....The way they are stylized....Zira is the most convincing- cept for that ear tear....

Sagonoma, I challenge you to scan the COVER (entire cover not just the pictures) --Typography and all.....We'll see if this is for real...

;) Isn't art school fun, Sagonoma?

Aug 31 - 17:33



OKk, i looked up how many copies of TLK on video have been sold and the numbers of copies of Titanic that have been shipped to video stores in US and Canada and this is going to be close. turns out i was wroug TLK is the best selling video animated or live action at 30 million copies. About 20 million copies of Titanic have been shipped everywhere in north ameraca.

From what I have read Paramont is more intereted in topping JP record of 17 million easy and indusry analists are intersted to see if Titanic will Top TLK any time soon.

Aug 31 - 17:26



I was looking through all my videos, and I am proud to say that I own the origional late 80's early 90's video releases such as Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmations, Bambi, Peter Pan, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty.

Oh I think I may cry! =*( The Golden book isn't out anywhere I live. BOO HOO! I wish that Barnes and Noble will hurry up.
In two days, I will be flushed down the toilet those people call school. I don't care.4 all of u that are returning to school recently, LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE!! THE SOONER WE GO BACK TO SCHOOL, THE SOONER SP WILL BE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if 7th grade is hard. I hear my History teacher isn't easy.................

VitaniHolic, which part of Minnesota do you live in?

U should all take my quiz. After doing so, if your case is serious, e mail me, and I will find a cure specialized just for you!!

PS. To all you site owners, I still have that list of quotes u can put on your site!

Aug 31 - 16:55



I have some action figures from TLK, and a simba plushie. also I have the platic like statue of Mufasa sitting next to Sarabi who is laying down with baby Simba between her paws. I got that with TLK movie when i bought it. does anyone have this too?
I really love it, im not sure I'd ever part with it.

I have a pony like the favorite of yours. She is called Sherbet. she is purple with pink hair, and a dish of ice cream on her side. What do you think?

I dont think I've ever done anything like the top 10 list, BUT THANKS FOR THE NEW IDEAS! LOL!


Aug 31 - 16:36

Crystal (Zazuholic)


Something happened to my post, but Zazu is supposed to be flying over Pride Rock and (being the horrible flier he is as a child) he crashes into Muffy and Vungalo.

When Zazu finds out who Muffy is, he gets down and bows and chants, and kisses Muffy's paws.

I hope to have my whole Fan Fic, The Legend of Zazu : The Good-Hearted Bird, up ASAP!

Zazu's father: You will be a wise bird my son, you will be the King's wonderous Secretary!
Zazu: But I'll never be as good as you . . .
ZF: You need flying lessons, thats why.

Aug 31 - 16:11

Crystal (Zazuholic)


Hey, everybody! I WISH SOMEBODY WOULD RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anway, here's a tid bit from my Fan Fic,
The Legend of Zazu: The Good-Hearted Bird

Zazu (with acent): Oh dear! I'm sorry about all that. Dreadfully sorry!
Muffy: Hey! Who's the dork bird with the funky accent!
Zazu: Pardon me, little lion, but I am probably more supirior than you! I have more manors than you and that friend of yours put together! Along with Africa's smelliest Gorillas!

Vungalo: Hey! You better cut that out bird brain! You're slapping YOUR future KING.
Zazu: And Take that and . . . what did you say . . . ?

Muffy: I'd settle for "Your Highness"

Zazu: I'm soooo sorry, Your Highness! I'll do anything to your command!

Yes, my story is a lot jucior than this, but I don't have the time to type it all out!

Aug 31 - 16:05


Location: You know where!! Ngorongoro..

Hi, just wanted to state something:
My little sister weedled ( with my help) almost every LK book/adaption that there was, when all those books were in print. Sadly -- most of the same pictures were used from the Mouseworks book to the bazillion other books -- excpet the golden book. There is still hope that the Mouseworks book will be different ( illustration wise)
I still wanna see the book's pics in full! C'mon ppl!

Aug 31 - 15:30



More comment about the Simba's Pride Golden Book----

I think a mistake was made in the picture of Zira and Young Kovu with Nuka and Vitani in the background.

In this picture, Vitani is a cub, but Nuka is older. From the merchandise, it looks like Nuka DOES appear as a cub in the film. I think the Golden Book artist used the adult design accidently.

Books featuring Disney characters often have mistakes in them. This is especially true when the books are based on projects from Walt Disney Television Animation. For example, the coloring book for the Disney series "TaleSpin" featured two characters from the series, Colonel Spigot and Sgt. Dundor. In the TV series, the characters are wild boars. In the coloring book, they are a lion and a bobcat (I am assuming that in the early planning stages of the show, the characters were going to be a lion and a bobcat, but a book was made before things were finalized). Another coloring book, this time for "Darkwing Duck," featured a character named Dr. Anna Matronic. This character was never used in the TV series, but originally was planned as a major villain.

So, keep in mind that the Golden Books have been know to contain major artistic flaws.

Aug 31 - 15:26



Hey!!!! I was like, wondering where I could get the CYFTLT not re-leased thingy that would make the movie pg...?

Aug 31 - 14:27


Location: Ngorngoro ( Ack! I reatreated from the rim at the sight of thatBOOK!)

Are ALL the pics form the book posted anywhere?
Nuka looks horrible.
Zira's nick is on the WRONG EAR.
Vitani looks like crap.
Geez -- they killed it! ( Looks like Nuka's older than Kovu..)

Aug 31 - 14:13



Just saw the information and pictures from the Simba's Pride Golden Book, and I must say that I'm disappointed in how unoriginal the sequel looks now.

Not that I'm shocked----just really disappointed.

The terrible art in the book doesn't worry me----we've all seen badly drawn Disney books. What bothers me is how everything seems just like the first Lion King. "Simba's Pride's" story is structured almost exactly the same way as The Lion King, with different characters filling in the roles:

Young Simba/Kiara (curious heir to the throne that disobeys parent)
Zazu/Timon and Pumbaa (babysitters)
Scar/Zira (villain trying to kill Simba)
Nuka and Vitani/the Hyenas (I CAN'T BELIEVE how much Nuka looks like a hyena)

I guess the only twist in the Sequel is the presence of Kovu.

Aug 31 - 14:05

at (gasp) school
Location: in school library

Ain't it grand! Sorry, I just found out I have over an hour of free time and I can be on the 'net at school the whole time! Glory! well these comps suck sooo bad, but hey I'm bored and I need somethin to do.

Leah - nice top 10! I had three symptoms of SP obsession:)

Blue Lion -more Egypt info, yay! I for one find it very interesting.

Kasi - loved your parody! This is my first day of school too -Don't it suck? Well I at least don't mind my school. My sympathy goes out to anyone who does.

If anyone were to see me here, hahaha there goes any chance at popularity:) "You like /the lion king/?" This one library staff guy keeps givin me the evil eye. uh oh

VitaniHolic - I'll look at your pics later I promise, once I get home to my good computer. This hunk o junk would take eons to view it...

OK, hope I didn't neglect anything important. I'm really nervous here if ya can't tell...what if they see me at the TLK WWW ARCHIVE?! I'd be ruined! WEll not that I was ever popular anyway but you know....o gods I'm ashamed of my cowardice!!! ::hail Sarabi hail Sarabi:::

See you guys later,

Aug 31 - 13:30




Saw the new sitcom the, the 70's show.. And here's what i think...


Aug 31 - 13:05

Trying to find myself, or something...
Location: The mind

Alas, it is true. I have not found who I am yet but TLK has sent me looking for it. I hope I find myself in time. I'm like the outcast Kovu, punished for something he didn't do. But don't worry, I'll find that Sarabi figurine and those TLK lost six books soon.=)

"...even kings get scared sometimes..."


Aug 31 - 12:40

Smashing into Sarafina!
Location: (oops!)

Heehee, cool list, Leah. Let's see how I rate...
1.Yep, I do that. Doin' it now.
2.I bought the Mulan Singalong just 'cuz of the We Are One. Does that count?
3.I do that...I bow to Kovu, too.. cat is too fat to be Zira. I renamed him Pumbaa.
5.As we minnesotans would say, "Ayup."
6.Heehee...that sounds like me...but it's not all Geocities. I have 2 geocities, one Furnation, one Angelfire, one else..
8.I don't have a treehouse...but I did that to the walls of my room. Seriously.
9.Oh yeah.
10.Haven't done that yet...but I turned my pasture into a savannah. :)

(dramatic Shakesperean voice)Looks like there is no hope for me. Farewell, my friends. I am going to a better place, the holy land of SP...(end of dramatic Shakesperean voice)

Kovu...what do you think of this quote?
"I wish I hope I wonder where where you're at somethimes
Is your back against the wall or just across the line
Have you been standing in the rain reciting nursery ryhmes
Tryin to recall some long-lost peace of mind"
--John Prine

"To ride or not to ride...what a STUPID question!"

Aug 31 - 12:26

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

I love Titanic. It's true, rewind all you want, you sickening Leo fans, he's a goner, and if it weren't for J. Bruce Ismay, the ship wouldn't have sunk! I like Leo because ever since his early days on Growing Pains (my fave show on Disney) he showed true talent. Heck, even my Grandma loves his acting ability! I respect the fact he's a good actor, but I don't drool over him! I hate those stupid Leo fans that cry at the movie (but I cried too the second time) and they're so stupid history-wise that they don't even know that Titanic happened for real in 1912!

Aug 31 - 11:57



It is I. The mighty KOVU.
I was taking a look at those pictures and I was a little disapointed. I thought that Vitani and Nuka were cubs when Kovu was a cub. Why would they come out with stuff that had them as cubs at the same time? I think that the book screwed up because Vitani must be a cub when Kovu is or why else would she be jealious about him liking Kiara (as indicated on the picture frame)? The artist just probably couldn't draw her very well as a cub. But I don't have an explination for Nuka. It looks like he lived on crack for his entire childhood.

I was taking a look at the paper and the headline on the living section is Rewind all you want, folks: Leo's a goner, and the still sinks.
And in the article it talks about interviews with local shops (blockbuster, suncoast, ect) and they say it's the biggest pre-sale in history and that 100's of copies have been bought already!
Okay, I'm getting better.

Here's my quote for today:

Instead of burning a guy at the stake,
what about burning him at the stilts?
It probably last longer, plus it moves around.
- from Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey


p.s. my sisters had a lot of my little ponies that they left here when they moved out. Trade you some if you have a Sarabi figurine...

Aug 31 - 11:35



Sorry I posted a few times. I kept forgetting what I was supposed to put in. =)

Aug 31 - 09:31

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

The top 10 signs you are obsessed with SP:
1. You prowl Rumor Mill for hours, waiting for news.
2. You sing a long to We Are One on your Mulan Singalong tape
3. You bow down to Kiara in the "He Lives in You" footage.
4. You rename your cat Zira.
5. You've melted your May 10th tape of We Are One
6. You've created so many of your own sites, that Geocities is starting to give you huge bills.
7. Neighbors are complaining that you come onto your roof every sunrise, and hold up your Kiara plushie, and expect them to bow down to it.
8. You draw a Rafiki style Simba and little Kiara on the inside walls of your treehouse.
9. You roleplay the dialogue in all of the previews.
10. You make a lifesize sculpture of Pride Rock in your front yard, with miniature characters all around it.

If you have one of these symptoms, there is still hope for you!
If you have 2-4 symptoms, you need to take a break from this place and concentrate on watching those previews!
If you have 4-9 symptoms, you gotta get out more to the Disney store to conquer those SP cravings!
If you have all of these symptoms, I'm afraid there is no hope for you. So get out and treat yourself to some SP merchandise! My friend, you are officially obsessed.
What about me, you ask? Well, I'm afraid there is no hope for me either. I'm proud to be crazy over SP!

Aug 31 - 09:29

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

The top 10 signs you are obsessed with SP:
1. You prowl Rumor Mill for hours, waiting for news.
2. You sing a long to We Are One on your Mulan Singalong tape
3. You bow down to Kiara in the "He Lives in You" footage.
4. You rename your cat Zira.
5. You've melted your May 10th tape of We Are One
6. You've created so many of your own sites, that Geocities is starting to give you huge bills.
7. Neighbors are complaining that you come onto your roof every sunrise, and hold up your Kiara plushie, and expect them to bow down to it.
8. You draw a Rafiki style Simba and little Kiara on the inside walls of your treehouse.
9. You roleplay the dialogue in all of the previews.
10. You make a lifesize sculpture of Pride Rock in your front yard, with miniature characters all around it.

Aug 31 - 09:23

Still running! Somebody help!
Location: Running right into another furry something

Heyas, I'm back already!
Okay...I'll try this again.
here is (hopefully) that second picture of Scar.

Hey...did anybody look at my pics, posted earlier?? Please, please PLEASE tell me what you think!!!
PLEASE!! I really want to know...starving artist here! I _never_ get criticism, so I've been drawing the same style for the last 7 years! Please tell what's wrong with 'em!!
Thank you.

And as long as I'm whining, PLEASE look at my SP page! It's not much, but...oh well.
To VitaniHolic's Savannah!

Aug 31 - 09:22

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

The top 10 signs you are obsessed with SP:
1. You prowl Rumor Mill for hours, waiting for news.
2. You sing a long to We Are One on your Mulan Singalong tape
3. You bow down to Kiara in the "He Lives in You" footage.
4. You rename your cat Zira.
5. You've melted your May 10th tape of We Are One
6. You've created your own sites, that Geocities is starting to give you huge bills.
7. Neighbors are complaining that you come onto your roof every sunrise, and hold up your Kiara plushie, and expect them to bow down to it.
8. You draw a Rafiki style Simba and little Kiara on the inside walls of your treehouse.
9. You roleplay the dialogue in all of the previews.
10. You make a lifesize sculpture of Pride Rock in your front yard, with miniature characters all around it.

Aug 31 - 09:21

Running from a furry buffalo
Location: Dunno, just running

Okay! The SP section here is at
I'm assuming that some of those posts were to have links to it... but the links didn't show up.

Vitani--about trading that pony...hmm, I don't know. Whatcha got to trade? While I'm at it, let me find the rest of my My Little Ponies....
Ergh, only found one other one. Ah well, maybe some of you know how much they're worth? Here's the details on some of my ponies: here's an old, white unicorn. It has mostly magenta hair, with a streak of purple in the mane. The tatoo is a silver glittery moon, surrounded by purple glittery stars.
This is one of my favorites. A pinkish-purple pony with day-glo yellow hair. Her tatoo is an ice cream sundae, but rather than being printed on, it's raised up from her skin. She is also scented, I'm not sure what it is though.
And I found a 'nother one: A lilac pony with a pink heart on her butt. The heart has flowers in side, and she is skinnier than most ponies.

Did I forget anything?


Aug 31 - 08:59



Sorry guys I really don't have time to scan more and type the book out word for word. I only really get to look at the mill after I get off work and by then I'm too tired to type that much.
Also it seems the book is only available at Borders

Aug 31 - 08:19


Location: pridelands

get a grip of course they would draw bad in golden books look in the lionking from golden books everyone relax and also that isn't the complete story there is more of that i mean think of the first lionking in golden books they say bearly nothing about the stampede so i would think there is soooooo much more!


Aug 31 - 07:28



NO ONE IS ANSWERING TO MY CRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please! I beg of you, please tell me where I can find it besides Borders! I don't have a borders bookstore anywhere near where I live! Help a fellow SP fan out, please! I would do the same for any of you! If Borders is the only store that carries it, could someone send me scanned pics of each page, including the text that goes along with it. HELP! I NEED SOMEONE! HELP! JUST NOT ANYONE! HEELP! WHEN I WAS YOUNGER SO MUCH YOUNGER THAN TODAY..............."
-john lennon

Aug 31 - 06:36

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

NO ONE IS ANSWERING ME!! Could someone tell me please where can I find the SP Golden Boook other than Borders?????!!??!?!!! If not, could someone send me pics of every page (including the whole text that goes with the pictures) Please!! Help me!

Aug 31 - 06:30

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

NO ONE IS ANSWERING ME!! Could someone tell me please where can I find the SP Golden Boook other than Borders?????!!??!?!!! If not, could someone send me pics of every page (including the whole text that goes with the pictures) Please!! Help me!

Aug 31 - 06:30

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

NO ONE IS ANSWERING ME!! Could someone tell me please where can I find the SP Golden Boook other than Borders?????!!??!?!!! If not, could someone send me pics of every page (including the whole text that goes with the pictures) Please!! Help me!

Aug 31 - 06:29

Beerit again


Imges is images=Images ARE images

Nuka was ALWAYS brown=Nuka was ALWAYS GREY

That is definatly a stripe on Kovu's nose!
And on Nuka's too!

Someone saw that SP will come out in Mexico!
he saw a comercial that said that!
It did'nt have any new footage, but he said it had new background music!!!!!!
He gave the address of the MP3 file, but it was wrong.
DON'T WORRY, though. I emailed him and told him to fix it!

"Timon: "Hakuna matata,
What a wonderfull phrase!"
Pumba: "Hakuna matata,
ain't no passing craze!"
Timon: "It means no worries,
No concirns,
And no pain,
It's out problem free,
Hakuna Matata!"

"No worries, eh??" Kor became interested.
"Non in the world, kid!" Timon jumped on a rock. "Why..."

Timon: "When I was a young Meerkat!"
Pumba: "When he was a young Meerkaaaaaaaat!"

Timon, Pumba and Kor, LotGL

To The K Lands

Aug 31 - 06:08

The Grasslands
Location: Playing frisby with Kovu

3 DAYS AND ALREADY THIS MILL IS FULL?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!
Ok, let's make an arrangement! Whenever I'm gone for over 2 days, STOP WRITING
until I come back, agreed? *throwing tomatoes at me*
3 days?

I ain't even gonna RENT the damn thing!
Titanic wasn't that good, and the thought about seeing it again is sickening.

Kiara, Kovu's weird look does fade into a smile.
I think Kiara chased that butterfly, then bumped into Kovu. Then he teased her about
(but didn't mean any harm), then they saw the crocs. And theeeeen, kiara and Kovu
got a kick out of the whole
"I'm gonna get eaten by a crocodile" bit, and started laughing. then, and only then,
they introduced themselves.
D'ya think that's it?

Didnt' anyone scan any Kiaras or Simbas or Kovus from the book too!
Imges is images, who cares if we already have millions?!
I want pics of them too!
Please scan some more!

You say nuka hasn't got much hair?
Maybe that's why he looked like a cub in the beanies!
And Vitani doesn't have a mane, so the beanies were probably of the two adults and
Kovu as a cub!
Oh, and Nuka was ALWAYS brown.
But I think he has a bad hair LIFE.

Kasi, I'm putting your Mufasa Kiara talk in my site, ok?
It rules!

One last Jason Marsden HURA call...
He's brilliant!
And while we're at it, Jim Henson rules too!

School tomorrow. *yawn*

I just had the most terrible thought!
What f SP STINKS???????
We will rent the tape and run over an old lady just to get home quickly, but it will suck!!

"Pain and misery will sometimes walk with him, and torment will often
haunt his spirit. This kind of life is no new to you, for a life of a
lion is filled with pain, and yours Simba..." He gazed at the king peacefully.
"Yours were no different. But right from the ashes of pain you rose,
and claimed your rightful place, and now you are where you truly belong."
The messenger, LotGL

To The K Lands

Aug 31 - 05:57


Location: heartland

Vitani it's the simba's pride multimedia section on this site. Just click on the link above.

Margaret would you please make more scans of the book? And maby write the story down word for word?


Aug 31 - 05:54



Kovara, you said:
VitaniHolic: The two pics from the book are here on the in the Simba's Pride section. :)

I couldnt find any Simba's Pride section, do you mean

Aug 31 - 05:30



VitaniHolic, Would you consider selling or trading that pony with wings that flap? they are called Flutter Ponies, and i realy like them!

You can see some pics at the address i posted!


Aug 31 - 05:21



The reason the post right under this post says "Hasi" in the name sloy is because I hit the wrong button.It is my post.Sorry for the just about pointles post
"I dont wanna go to school"

Aug 31 - 04:30



Here is a parody of when Mufasa's ghost talks to Kiara:
Mufasa's Talk with Kiara
This is a parody of Mufasa talking to Kiara when she runs away and Muf is trying to get her to go home.
* Kiara is looking into the sky wondering what to do as two lions form in the clouds. One speaks…*
Mufasa:" Simba…"
Kiara: Huh?
Mufasa:" you have forgotten me."
Kiara: Who are you?
Mufasa: Woopsie! Wrong lines.
Scar: Obviously.
Kiara: Huh?
Mufasa: Well, anyways, You must go home.
Kiara: Why should I? Dad doesn't understand that Kovu is a nice lion.
Scar: Only you and Kovu are the only ones who can stop Simba's Pride and my pride from kicking each other's butts.
Mufasa: Yea, what he said.
Mufasa: I am your grandfather, Mufasa. This is my brother, Taka, also known as Scar.
Kiara: Ain't Taka the lion who killed you grandpa Muf?
Mufasa: Well, yes but-
Kiara: Then why is he sitting on a cloud with you?
Mufasa: Cause he is very sorry and I was mean to him when we were little.
Kiara: Oh. Taka, I thought you had a scar on your eye. Where is it?
Taka: I'm in heaven. God got rid of my scar.
Kiara: Oh.
Mufasa: I forgot what we came to tell you.
Kiara: You were telling me to go home.
Mufasa: Oh yea.
Kiara: OK, I'll go home.
Mufasa: Ok. Buh bye.
Kiara: Bye!
Taka: See ya!
Mufasa: Oh, remember: We are one.
Kiara: Ok.
*Mufasa and Taka fade away into the night sky. * Completed 8/30/98
I would have posted this yesterday,but I didnt have any time to.Whadya think?
"They lives in you"

Aug 31 - 04:27



Nuka looks weird.I think that pic is a teenage pic of Nuka.He looks like a cross between a hyena and a lion(kinda cute though)!Well,the Mouseworks book will be better than the golden book's version.
Well,I must Be Prepared for my first day of 7th grade(NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!).Farewell my freedom.I knew thee well.Now i will be a mizrible half-crazy lioness instead of a happy entierly-crazy lioness.
"I dont wanna go to school!
Why do i have ta go to school?
Their's only principals at school."-one of the songs on the movie "Mr.Nanny".

Aug 31 - 03:19

Christian (KH#1)
Location: BYUH

I think I'm going to have nightmares looking at Nuka. He's probably like the Joker and Darth Vader who both went insane after having face disfiguring accidents. Look at cute little Jake Lloyd playing Annakin Skywalker and then think about that scary looking face that came out from under the helmet at the end of "Return of the Jedi," and realize that they are the same character at different stages in life. I think there's hope for SP yet, and, as others here have observed, we shouldn't place too much weight on the LGB story line.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Aug 31 - 02:44



Nuka doesn't look _too_ bad...just a little too cartoony for Disney. I mean, he looks more like something you should see on Saturday morning, not something in the sequel to the best movie Disney has ever made. :P

I heard something about TLK3! Yeesh...they should make a prequel to TLK...
explain how Scar got that scar. Disney claims it's from a wildebeest or something like IT! Don't just sit there and say that's what happened..prove it.

Just my opinions, that's all.
Buy Titanic?? Why'd I do that?
Oh, and to Snowy--I agree with you, considering how I look in that book, I think Nuka won't be so bad in the movie. I just hope he isn't *gray*...

Aug 30 - 22:53

Oliver & Company
Location: africa and nyc
E-mail: la

What is with those pic's of goldenbooks SP. they are horrible.

I love this dicussion of the 80's. To clear up some confusion of some of the disney show: the Wuzzles premiered sept 14, 1985 (i am impressed with the kid who remembers this series even though he was born in 85')Gummie Bears were released the same day also. Oddly enough these cartoons had movies that were released in europe around 85' 86'.

Can someone tell me where i can find the cut storyboards of CYFTLT.

I'm also impressed by the amount of people who like Oliver & Company.(which is my fav movie)And i don't care what anybody else say this movie was 10000 times better than The Little Mermaid(which i think is so lame)Oliver was TLK of the 80's in my opion.

viva el rey leon

Aug 30 - 22:49



Hmmm. Nuka, who *is* your stylist? ;) Sorry, couldn't contain myself. Thought I'd have a go at tryin' to defend him. If you look at the Goldenbook pics and then the pics from the previews, you might notice things wrong w/Zira in the storybook. Ex1: In the preview pics (pp), her coat color is in the same range as Nala's; in the Goldenbook (Gb), it seems closer to Sarabi's. Ex2: In the pp her ear notch is on the left ear; in the Gb it's on the right. & Ex3: In the pp, her eyes are reddish like Simba's, Kiara's, etc., but in the Gb they appear to be green. Based on that, I'd have to say that there may be hope for Nuka yet.

BTW, I regret having to say that my mom pre-ordered Titanic (dang!). I did like it, but come on, there is no way that I'm gonna sit for 3+ hours to watch the video! (As far as I can tell with that movie, only a Leo fan would) In my oppinion, it is strictly a box office film in the sense that it's not for *home* box office.

That's it, I'm done. Wait! Just thought of somethin'. I noticed that a lot of folks were talkin about that JC episode, but no one got down the name of the "big bad wolf" If I remember correctly, it was Cane, probably a take on Canis lupus, the latin name for the wolf.

I think that's it. bye now.

Aug 30 - 21:45

Finding out that the furry thing is...
Location: the furry thing is a buffalo...this doesn't look good.


Ugh...poor, poor Nuka... Why is he _grey_ in the story, when the beanbag shows him as brown? D@mmit, now I have to go recolor all of the fanart of him....
Nah, on second though, I'll leave him brown. Don't care if it's the wrong color. He looks much better, and after seeing those traumatic pics, I _don't_care if he's the wrong colors, he looks better.

Now, If only I had a scanner... *sigh*...
Aw well.

Sounds like a cool idea, Crystal!
Oooooo, I'm not the only one who likes Zazu!

Aug 30 - 21:24



i just have one thing to say.... WHO IN H-E- DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS HAS EVER HEARD OF A GRAY LION!!!!????????!!!!!!!! sorry for yellin, but come on!!!!!!!!

Aug 30 - 20:48

Crystal (ZH #1)
Full time Zazu lover

Hey everybody. How come nobody responds to my posts anymore. I used to feel to loved, but now I feel like dirt! :P

Anyway, I just breezed through today's rumors so forgive me if I repeat anything important.

Nuka, you need help little lion! You're soooo messed up! You were so adorable as a cub but you bit the big one for sure! I hope that Disney does alot better job on you! I'm a little disappointed in the plot of SP, but let's hope that's only Goldenbook's problem.

On another note, it's to bad that Rowan Atkinson will not return to do Zazu's voice, but I hope this other dude can do just as well.

I finnished my Fan Fic the other night. Here's the plot:

It takes place when Mufasa is a young cub. Zazu's father Zinozo (forgive me if I lack creativity on African names) is the secretary and it's about how he teaches his son about being a secretary, but Zazu's afraid that he won't be good enough.

One day Zazu is out learning how to fly when a breeze takes him far away. Unfortunatly Zazu is not strong enough and he lands in the Outlands and a pack of hyenas come . . .

That's the basic outline of the begginning of the Fan Fic. Trust me, it's a lot better than it sounds. (It's NOT based at all on Chronicle of the Pride Lands!)

Zazu kicks A$$!

Bye bye!

Aug 30 - 20:19



Man . . . that Nuka guy and his sidekicks are really deranged, scary looking creatures.

Aug 30 - 20:06

Blue Lion


God I hope Nuka dosen't really look like that in the movie he is so d*** UGLY. He's like a reversed ugly duckling.. cute as a cub but WHAT HAPPENED!!!?? Vitani looked Ok (at least I'm assuming the lioness I looked at was Vitani) but Zira did look a little different to me... makes me hope the ALL do (ugh!) and why do they all loke the same!!?? I kind of hope the ending isn't as hokey as it sounds.. it sounds like Pocahontas! I still want the SP stuff because it's TLK related & all but I'm getting dissapointed, I HOPE the video is better than the book makes it sound.

Jeez the mill is flodded! I caught a couple of things.. about the thing on Ramses (sorry, it's my egyptology obsession) yes it is beleive it was either him or his 15th son and successor Merenptah that was the pharoah of exodus... one of the resaons it is beleived that Ramses was the pharoah of exodus was that the Bible says the Hebrews were forced to build two cities, one of wich is called 'Ramses' in the Bible, and Ramses II is know to have built a new captial called Pi-Ramses early in his reign. His extensive building of the most monuments in history is thought to have been only possible through the use of forced labor by some scholars.. and yes his father's name is Seti. They don't mention it in PoE, but his mother's name is Tuya and his first son is Amenhirkhoshep.. he's in the movie (the preview shows Ramses huddled over his mummified body) but I don't think they use his name.
BTW: Ramses means 'Ra has given him birth'
Seti means 'man of Seth'
Merneptah means 'beloved of Ptah'

Wuzzels... my favorites were Bumblelion and Eleroo.. does anyone rememebr the 'new' Wuzzels as they were called, the ones that came out later? I only remember Tycoon... I think he was the only one shown in the series (part tiger part racoon)
Didn't like the villans in those though...

VitaniHolic, I'll send the Zira pics on Tuesday or Monday... I'm posting from my parents house now & they're at my apartment, so I'll get them when I get home. I could sent them a few at a time to try to prevent any errors:)

Rest assured I WILL NOT BUY TITANIC. Heck I won't even rent it... I'm sorry but I don't like it and have no desire to see it. My 2 cents there. Gotta go... don't want to rack up my parents phone bill any more!

Blue Lion
"Second born, second place!"

Aug 30 - 19:52

Chris Heiden

Location: Ogden, UT

It was just mentioned that there is some new footage in the "He Lives in You" preview of Simba's Pride on the Pocahontas 2 video. I just wanted to elaborate on the changes. The second scenery shot is different. It was originally of Zazu flying and is now a scenery shot. Later, when Kiara goes through her transition from cub to adult, there is a shot of just adult Kiara. Before there was a shot of Nala and Kiara nuzzling. Finally, the scene with Kiara hunting is different. In the new one, you have a much better view of Kiara as she runs and skids around a corner. Overall, the changes seem minimal, but they really make the trailer flow better. I hope you all get a chance to see it. It would be really nice if someone would encode this new version too, for all to see.

Hakuna Matata!

Aug 30 - 19:34

Hiding in a cave in the land of Vitani-ness, very scared
Location: Frightened in a cave

Kovara--Thank you! Looking it up now..

O-MY-GOSH! NUKA YOU POOR THING! JUST...LOOK...AT...YOU! so *cute* on the beanbag *sniff,sob*

Excuse me while I get some Valium....

Aaaah, I'm better now. Well, as if you couldn't tell, I don't care much for Nuka's look. The general design for him doesn't look too bad, if he was just drawn actual TLK-style and not cheap overseas animation style, he might actually be kinda cute.
Well, at least Vitani still looks, shall we say, presentable. Though all the pics of her aren't very good.

Shivering in the cave, cuddling up to something furry...(!!)

Aug 30 - 19:11



VitaniHolic: The two pics from the book are here on the in the Simba's Pride section. :)

Yeah I have the TLK Goldenbooks, and at the end, of Simba, Nala, and Rafiki holding Kiara up, Simba looks like Mufasa! And most of the art was messed up :PP I like the Mouseworks TLK book, the art is BEAUTIFUL. Hopefully the MW SP book is just as beautiful.


Aug 30 - 18:52

Stumbling through the land of Vitani-ness, searching for Vitani herself
Location: See above

Kovara, does that mean some of the book's pics are online? Could you please post the URL?

Oh, and I'll try posting my Scar pics again, for whoever couldn't get that one URL to work. And some extra TLK pics of mine, too. PLEASE tell me what you think!
a pic of Scar as he would look RL (Real Life)
A drawing of a hyena character of mine, Mtenga.
A TLK-style cub, scared/surprised (?)

As (I think) was mentioned before, please criticize. Even if you hate my pics, tell me... just tell _what_ you hate about them so I can fix stuff as needed.

Breyers?? C'mon people!

Aug 30 - 18:45



Hold on a second!!! which one is nuka? i thought it was the one in the forground? but some one said he had grey skin, so is it the one that looks like scar alittle? there both ugly!

Aug 30 - 18:38

Krazy Kat


::Laughs at Nuka:: Hehe, he looks...interesting...I think he looks kinda cute like that! But it looks like someone ripped off half his mane and he's got a "cowlick" on the top of his head!

I can't seen Vitani too well, she doesn't look too bad. I think they messed up by showing N&V as adults with cuns Kovu, since they have merchandise with them as cubs! Even the name tags have pics of them as cubs! Goldenbooks is very careless, people, I don't think they spent too much time with this book..

Oh, thanks for the correctiveness of the quote, Kovu! I havent seen THe Three Amigos in a long time, so I couldnt remember it too well..

~Krazy Kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"This means we'll just have to use our BRAINS.."

Aug 30 - 18:36



Raksha, yeah the bird-like Dinosaucer's name was Teryx. :) I liked the episode where the Dinosaucers find that "lost world" if you wanna call it that, of dinosaurs. :)


Aug 30 - 18:33




Aug 30 - 18:31


UGH!!!! I just saw the pics from the Goldenbooks SP book on the TLK Archives SP section!!!! Nuka looks like a cross between a lion and a hyena!!! With the grey fur, and the 'hump" on his back, and also with black fur all over his body. :PPP Hehe, you think he was a result of Scar and Shenzi having a hot night after their takeover of Pride Rock? ;) Naww, J/K, I don't think Lions and hyenas can mate. The story sounds good, but not as good as TLK...I HOPE the movie is good..


Aug 30 - 18:15

Akela's Mate
Location: Council Rock

Please! I beg of you! I need those pics of Nuka and Vitani!! I need someone with the book to please scan in every page (including the cover) with the text, so when I print it I will have kinda like my own cheap little book of SP. COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME IF THE SP GOLDEN BOOK IS OUT ANYWHERE BESIDES BORDERS???? PLEASE RESPOND! I DON'T WANT TO BUY MY BOOK WHEN THE VIDEO COMES OUT!!!!!!!! PELASE! YOUR KINDNESS WILL BE REMEMBERED!

sorryformyshoutingeveryone! =I

Aug 30 - 18:08



this is the address for Vitani and Nuka's Place. It is NOT
my web page, im just showing it to all of you. Thanks for putting up that description, Margaret, (is it?) The story sounds cool. I look forward to the movie more each day. Wow, Nuka does sound ugly...............



Aug 30 - 16:55

Wandering through the land of Vitani-ness
Location: Picking all the leaves out of my hair from the camping trip

YEESH, talk about posting a lot! *sigh* If anyone posted anything either the evening of the 29th or the morning of the 30th, you might as well repeat it 'cause I only read a few messages, just to kinda get caught up.
So, I'm back from my camping trip. I saw some beavers, some toads, a chipmunk and a pileated woodpecker. And my Grampa stepped in bear poop! :P Don't worry, I didn't forget SP during the trip... I brought my Kovu plush to cuddle with. :) we're into My Little Ponies? I love those...wish I had more though. I have, hmm lesse... A super fuzzy yellow pegasus older looking white unicorn with red and purple hair, a pink/purple one with bright yellow hair that smells like potpourri, a small blue one with large plastic butterfly wings (she has a button in between her wings, when you press on it, the wings flap) and... two of those locket ones...and....can't remember the rest. I'll just look at 'em and post 'em later.

Didn't care much for the movie anyway.
So...anyone have any more pics of Vitani, Zira or Nuka? I read some of the posts about the book... maybe some really really REALLY nice, person... scanned some pics? *really hopeful smile*

Oh, BlueLion, could you please resend the Zira pics? For some reason, my computer freezes up when I try to decode it. I hate Win95.... of course, I hate Macs even more, so... :P
No, I don't hate everything! I just don't care for computers. If it wasn't for TLK and furry fandom, I wouldn't even use this darn thing.

P.S. As long as we're into the subject of older toys (sorta) does anyone have any Breyer horses?? I love those... I bought one for $17 once... and four months later I find out that horse is worth $85. Cool, huh?

Aug 30 - 16:54

I will identify myself soon
I don't really have a job
Location: A boring place
E-mail: Must I tell you everything?

Sorry, I didn't finish what I was writing, so here it is again:
EXECUTIVE#1: Look at those fools at Rumor Mill! It's obious that they've gone batty over our best film and moneymaker of this year!
EXECUTIVE#2: Hercules on video?
EXECUTIVE#1: No you fool, the Lion King 2: Simba's Pride! Here's my plan: We portray posters' names, in particular that Beerit, Krazy Kat, Ducky, Kiara,Kovu, and Leah saying that they saw Simba's Pride on sale at the Disney store today! We'll make total fools out of them! And we'll tease them new footage of Nuka and Vitani! Oohh! This is wonderful! AHHAAAAHAHAAAA!

Aug 30 - 16:27

I will tell my identity later..
I don' t really have a job
Location: That's for me to know and u not to know yet
E-mail: Oh, must I tell everything?

I think this is what the Disney people are saying to each other when they visit Rumor Mill:
EXECUTIVE#1: Look at those fools. They've obviously gone batty over what is our best film and moneymaker of this year!
EXECUTIVE#2: Hercules on video?

Aug 30 - 16:19



I need that book! Can anyone make scans of every page (with pictures) and e mail them to me?? Please! I live in the middle of practically nowhere, and none of the bookstores carry the SP books. I repeat: I need someone to make scans of every page and send them to me! Thank you! =)

Aug 30 - 16:09

Cold Dragon

Location: Maryland, USA.....At college with no internet access till December :(

Did I pick the right day to vistit my parents (and their computer) or what.

It's nice to finally have the SP story. I am disoponted but hopeful about the story.
If you read the TLK goldenbooks they were pretty bad also. There were somethings in the goldenbook I could see expaned on and made into a good movie, so I am going to keep the faith.

I am finaly downloading the He Lives In You preview and have high hopes for it. It sounded good from what everyone wrote about it :)

Here's hopeing I am out of enternet exile soon, untill then .......

Just a few thoughts :)

Aug 30 - 15:35



I see there's a bit of disappointment about the plot as revealed in the Golden book. I'm rather let down as well, but keep in mind those types of books aren't worth much quality-wise:) The TLK one was pretty messed up too.
About lions making fire...they could've gotten it from a grass fire of lightning strike. That's what they did in one of my alltime fave books, Ratha's Creature.
I don't know, the ending of SP according to golden book sounds a bit..well, forced. Don't tell me Kiara wins everyone over with just a lecture=(

Dara - Teddy Ruxpin is majorly frightening! nuff said:)
I have similar internet time restrictions since my parents are too cheap to get another line and I'm already broke as it is. I cheat too, all the time, which is ok cause no one ever calls us anyway.

Bye for now folks
"He's not king, but he's still so proper!":)

Aug 30 - 15:18



Hi all!
Havent posted in a long time- probably cause theres no new info or anything.
But on the preview on the Poca 2 movie (yes I saw it and it was ok) theres the preview for Sp, the same one where they have kovu go 'my names kovu' and kiara goes 'i'm kiara'. Well there was just a little new footage that had adult kiara in it and i wanted to know if maybe somebody can make screengrabs of it. Like i said, its not much but i'd really like to see them! :)
Well, nothin new so i better go.

Aug 30 - 14:10




Raksha, mmmm, I didn't want to go THAT far! Talking 'bout smurfpolitics.... I know one thing... the smurf with the red head is the leader. (clever girl now I'm I?)
I know the 'Thunder cats' too. I guess it was me Beerit, who told you guys I liked He-man.

Amphriss, cool you mentioned Jim Henson's "the Story teller" (if we're talking 'bout the same show, old man with dog telling fairytales).
I thought it was sooooooo cool!!!

Guys you have my word! I WON'T BUY THE TITANIC!
(the movie wasn't even worth the whole fuss!!...)
and.... I've to confess and I hang my head in shame, my younger sister saw the Titanic 3 TIMES in the cinema!!..... HAIL SARABI!...

Tabi, I can imagine how it feels if you must leave internet... I'm not allowed on internet -before- 10 o'clock in the evening, because some persons (family/friends ya know) might call. But then, I often break my promise, awwww man! But it takes so long till it's 10 o'clock! Dang!

Koviara, I don't know 'bout your national problems in the UK, but I CERTAINLY would love to live in the UK for a year or so! Maybe indeed not Liverpool but more close to London in Kent. I really love it there! You still have sooo much green space and hills and meadows!! Unbelievable! Here it's overpopulated! We don't have that green fields anymore (not without seeing a house or any soul!) sometimes it frightens me. And talking about bad weahter.... ever been in Holland?!?

I also don't know why Disney gave Timon a last name, Berkowitz. That's the most idiot name I've ever heard for a Disney character! And that while he's living in Africa!!!!!

Leah, to download Netscape is free, but you'll have to pay the phonecosts (as you always do when you're on internet...)

please guys, stop talking 'bout Teddy Ruxpin, 'cause he makes me sick!!

'nough talking for today.... the smurfs tell me I'll have to go to bed... awww man! Talking 'bout childhood movies doesn't do any good to me.

See ya!!


p.s. Jicin.... IS THIS THE WHOLE STORY?!
I certainly hope the movie is gonna be 10 times better than the story from the golden book!!!
Lions who know how to make fire! Yeah right!!!
This whole story doesn't make any sense!
I've nothing more to say.....

*sorry, I'm just dissapointed I guess....

Aug 30 - 13:52



Where can you find a pic of Nuka and Vitani?? I need to know!!!!!

Aug 30 - 13:41


Location: heartland

Ahhh, that feels better:)

I think the story is really good. I can't wait till the movie comes out.
But we still don't know what's vitani's part.
Hmm, after i saw the pic's on the beany tags,
i was sure they where good lion's because they where
kinnda cute.

Oh well, Margaret is on her work now and so can't
scan anything yet. But when she comes home she'll
know what to do :)


Aug 30 - 13:36


Location: heartland

Ohhh yes i got the premier!!!!

This was posted by Margaret on the the mailing list.


The story of SP

Simba and Nala give birth to Kiara, and soon find out that Kiara likes to
roam. Simba put T&P in charge of gaurding Kiara without her knowledge and
when she finds this out she gets angry and makes a point of getting away
from them.
On one of these occasions she meets Kovu and the two begin to fight(Kiara
must've been told about the Outlanders) While they're fighting they don't
notice that the log they are standing on is actually a crocodile and a chase
ensuses with the upshot being that Kiara saves Kovu. They then decide to
stop fighting and begin playing together.

Simba finds his daughter with Kovu and protectively snatches the cub away,
Zira shows up and does the same telling Simba that Scar chose Kovu to be his
heir and thet he hasn't seen the last of them.
Simba has a talk with Kiara as they go back to PR, he tells her how she must
be careful for him and the good of the kingdom. In the Outlands Zira scold
Kovu for playing with Kiara and Kovu protests saying he only wanted to be
friends with her. Zira then gets an idea of how she can infiltrate PR.
The two cubs grow up away from each other until one day as Kiara prepares
for her first hunt(apparently a rite of passage for a lioness, sound
familiar?) Zira is not far off and she orders a few of the Outsiders to set
fire to the tall grasses which surround Kiara and the herd she is
hunting(Apparently by the time of SP lions know how to make and use fire:P)

Kiara finds herself surrounded by flames when suddenly from nowhere Kovu
rushes in and rescues her. Simba arrives and seeing what Kovu has done
allows him to join the pride. Everyone gets along great for a while until
one day while Kovu and Simba are patrolling the Pride Lands Zira and her
crew show up(This page has a pic of Nuka who is without a doubt the ugliest,
stupidest and clunkiest character design I've every seen. He's grey, with a
black curled beard on a light muzzle with a mane that only covers the top of
his head and weird tufts sticking out of his shoulders. It's really awful
looking. Also it seems all evil lions look like Scar, maybe Scar then could
be excused for having the "evil gene" or an extra "Y" chromosome or some

Zira thanks Kovu for getting the Lion King alone for them to kill and Simba
is shocked as he thinks Kovu has betrayed him. Kovu is shocked too as he
knew nothing about this. The Outsiders attack Simba who barely escapes
although he is injured. Back at Pride Rock Simba denounces Kovu and throws
him out of the pride. Kiara goes with him as she doesn't think kovu was
responsible. Kovu suggests that maybe they should run off and make their own
pride but Kiara refuses, saying that the prides must unite for all to be

The two return to PR only to find a battle going on between the Outlanders
and Pridelanders. She gets everyone to stop and gives a speech about how
they must all live in peace and that they are all one with the Circle of
Life. Everyone sees the wisdom in this except Zira who makes one last ditch
effort and lunges at Kiara. They both tumble down a ravine. Kiara lives but
Zira is never heard from again(sound familiar?) And they all live happily
ever after.

True this book is geared toward the training pants crowd, but that's pretty
much the outline of the story. The art in the book(by Golden) looks terrible
as if a 12yrold drew it:P


Aug 30 - 13:23



Sorry everyone! I accidentally posted my old e mail address.

Aug 30 - 13:22




(The young wolf takes a gulp up breath.) Oy! did that ever hurt my throat, screaming like that! Sorry for my screaming, I just want my message to be heard, i mean read......

Aug 30 - 13:21

A Big Lion
Location: @ Redwall.
E-mail: Me brain is still on vacation!!

Ooooo, fergot to say this!! ALL REDWALL FANS: Please visit my Redwall club, Holt Broadstream. It needs members!! Please join!

Aug 30 - 12:15

A Big Lion
Location: Um...
E-mail: Gee..I donno..

About Redwall: I donno when it's coming out, but I heard sometime next year! I love all the books! A great Redwall page is at Look for Seabreeze! I'm Seabreeze there!
'n stuff.
This is a TLK board, oops.
About TLK: *Jus' to make it valid* Yay for TLK!! TLK rules!
'n stuff.
~Cheeko, the lion who loves Redwall and TLK!!~

Busa Simba!!

Aug 30 - 12:08



Wow, mouse.
you are really lucky. The male pony is Tex, his Cowboy hat is rare, alot of us cant find it. The only pictures i saw of Vitani and Nuka were of them as cubs.....i think the book is wrong........but who knows?

Aug 30 - 12:05



Hi all! Zinou I read it a really long time ago from the The Unofficial Lion King Character
Encyclopedia, it's here on this site in the Text Files Archive I think, but apperently I misread, KiraRose said Scar got it from a Buffalo. That is the official disney version. Her post should be a little farther down the mill.

Krazy Kat - He, he, he! That was funny, I make my cat do silly things too. Everytime he sees me he gets this look on his face that's like "Oh God, here she comes AGAIN! Doesn't she have anything better to do? I hope she's not going to make me dance again, HELP!!!" But he's to lazy to get up and run away so he just lies there with an annoyed look on his face. (I just know I'm not getting into heaven for this) ;p

I have My Little Ponies too but not nearly as much as you. I only have one male pony but I don't remember his name, he wears a cowboy hat and has a cactus tatoo on his butt.

I also remember the Gummy Bears and the Ghost Busters animated series, but by far my favorite 80's cartoon was Transformers. I loved the movie they made too. The good thing about this show is that it survived to today in the form of Transformers: Beast Wars. The second season is better than the first and the third is supposed to be even better.

The thing I hate about movies and tv series is when they make you wait forever to see it. Sp comes out at the end of October, the new season of Beast Wars starts at the end of November (with only 13 eps. I feel jiped), and PoE only comes out in December. Can't anything start or be released in September?! I need something to get me through the school year!

Well I'm done rambling and ranting for now. Bye!

Do cats think their human or do they think that humas are just really weird cats?

Aug 30 - 12:02



The book doesn't show Nuka or Vitani as cubs. In fact they are adults while Kovu is still shown as a cub? Maybe the merchandise is wrong.

Aug 30 - 11:54



Well I have only seen two pictures of him, from Vitani and Nuka's page, and I tihnk he is cuter then some of the pictures of Vitani, I just like the name Vitani better then Nuka.

Still hate surprises,

Aug 30 - 11:53



Trust me, he's not cute:P I sent Brian a scan of what the character looks like, you can see for yourself, he's butt ugly.

Aug 30 - 11:31



lots of posts on the mill thismorning. I would like the story too if someone has it......
Whoever said they had 124 or so MLP's, maybe I know you, Do you go to Dream Valley's My Little Pony Online chat? I do.
I HATE surprises! I CANNOT wait till October to see the movie, and NUKA is cute!
but i like Kovu better........


Aug 30 - 11:21



Nope, they just look like they are to Zira what the hyenas where to Scar. There's a part mentioning Zira sending someone to do her dirty work and that would probably be them.

Aug 30 - 11:17



sorry about my last post, i had alot of typing errors!!! did it say anything about the role nuka and vitani play? im not gonne read the story cause i want to be surprised, but i do wanna know what part they play in SP, thats all!!!!! ill be happy whenever i know!

Aug 30 - 11:14



Well Kovu, the Golden book is apparently out, but STILL not the Mouseworks one we've been waiting for=(
Laurie - I loved Gummibears and animated Ghostbusters, those shows rocked!
Krazy Kat - I'm off to check out those links!

I'm gonna be back often today, school starts tomorrow and I must take advantage of the last day of summer (yup, by stayin indoors and surfing the net:)

Aug 30 - 11:12



Yes, Nuka and Vitani are in the book. Nuka is the stupidest looking lion I've seen in my life. Whoever designed him should be allowed near a drawing desk again:P Vitani's okay. One thing though, the book shows them as adults while Kovu is still a cub. Guess those beanies where wrong.
The book is at Borders book shops in the new releases section. The art is terrible and it is for very little kids.

Aug 30 - 11:09

Future King
Location: Anywhere I please!

So a book's out, huh? Cool. No Vitani or Nuka though. Bummer.

Awsome Nala picture!

"Well, we're just going to have to use our brains. --
Dammit!" is the correct quote! (sorry, I'm nit-picky)


Aug 30 - 10:53

Krazy Kat


OK, the URLs for those pages are:
(I don't know HTML Tags..sorry)

Toonces The Driving Cat:

80's Stuff:

That should take you to a Strawberry Shortcake page, but it's part of the "80's Chica" pages, there is A LOT of 80's cartoons, just about all of what we've been talking about.
(Care Bears)
(My Little Pony)

Ok, this one takes explaining. It's a little quiz, they give you just names, and you have to guess whether it's the name of a My Little Pony..or..a Porn Star. I got 8 out of 10! =)

I've got more but i don't have the URL's w/ this version of AOL.

~Krazy Kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

"This means we'll just have to use our mind."


Aug 30 - 10:29

Krazy Kat


Hehe, I had a Teddy Ruxpin! My dad used to bring me back the books w/ the audio tapes every time he went up to Conneticut for Business stuff. (They never did sell them around my way..::frown::) About three years ago, my Teddy Ruxpin suffered a horrible death, his eyes fell back i his head. =( I also had Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby Action figures, and this big huge layout play-on map of the land they lived in (Can't remember the name!) I remember the tweedles, those little rainbow things with a beak and no arms/wings/whatever. And there were those things that liked Rock n Roll, the Grundles.

Oh, I've got a bunch of addys to Care Bears, My Little Pony, and other stuff pages. I need to get the URL's and I'll post 'em in a few.

~Krazy Kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

"This means we'll just have to use our minds."
"....Damnit." (~Steve Martin and Martin Short in "The Three Amigos"...)

Busa TLK!
Busa SP!
Busa Toonces!
Busa Care Bears!
Busa 80's!


Aug 30 - 10:15



As good as it gets was ten times better than titanic!!! they should of won more awards(kate lost to helen, HA!!!) im reaslly mad why did the stor say anything about nuka and vintani?! that makes me mad!!!

i remember 80's shows, i didnt like the wuzzles though, they scared me when i was little(dont ask why cause i dont know!!)

Aug 30 - 10:10



Wow, this is thrilling, I remember all these shows- Wuzzles, YCDTOT, etc... remember the Gummi Bears? That show rocked! And Ghostbusters, that animated series, I loved that too when I was little.
Ithabise- that was a cool Nala pic you did.

"Sell crazy somewhere else lady; we're all stocked up here!" -As Good as it Gets, a really good movie

Aug 30 - 09:29

Raksha, again

Sangoma! -looks like you'll have a pretty spiffy page soon:) Thanks for the golden book review, now I know sort of the plot! Doesn't sound like I thought it would be. Still nada on Nuka and Vitani :::sigh::: Sometimes I really do think Disney reads these posts and laughs at how obessessed we are over those two.

Aug 30 - 09:21


Location: Heartland

He no problem Tau.
I believe there are actually 2 early versions on
them. One with Simba and Nala, and one sung by
Timon and Pumbaa. For anyone who could't find it,
it's the Real Media movie. There's only one of
this on his site.

Would the one who bought (sorry i forgot your name) the sp book, please email the story to me?

That's all for now,


Aug 30 - 09:19



Yay, new page! (already fillin up though I see) It finally all loaded! Joy!!

Mouse - bummer bout that Scar-like wolf on JC. I was hoping he'd be charming like Scar:(

Amphriss - I haven't seen Titanic either. No wish to (although I might cave and buy the s/track at least, since James Horner is a musical genious:)

Ithabise - NIIIICE drawing! (it was you who did the Nala drawing, right? I'm losing track of who said what) It catches the mood of the song perfectly. So I'm not the only one who puts Shadowland on repeat...I can listen to that song over and over again for an hour..

Koviara - you still having e-mail problems? Don't worry about that one thing, it was just a chain-type thing I wickedly sent to some 'mill folks. Something about a free trip to Disney world, and I couldn't resist. I found out it was a hoax right after I sent it:(
And I love that poem too "This is the hour of pride and power, talon and rush and claw -O hear the call, Good hunting! all who keep the jungle law":)

Kovara - yes I had a few Definitely Dinos, as well as a mountain of other dino merchandise. And you remember Dinosaucers! Hehee, you're the first person I've talked to who's heard of it! Do you recall the name of what I think was the only female character, a bird-like creature? (archaeopterax I think, spelled wrong) I thought she was so cool!

Childhood shows - Teddy Ruxpin: eeeesh. scared me.
Anyone remember "Glowfriends?" They were shown sometimes w/ the My Little Pony Show. Cute lil' glowly critters with a band of mole-like dudes as their enemies.

I went to Target last night, back to school shopping. Joy. Report:
No SP merchandise sighted, but I didn't have time to look hard. Mom wanted to get outta there quick.
Poco II seemed to be playing on the little TV by the kids' clothes. No time to stop and look.
Pooh merchandise pervaded the place! Yrrrgghhh! The pain!!!! Pooh clothes, notebooks, planners, backpacks, little kiddie chairs of all things!! Practically a whole aisle full of Pooh plushies, it's like an epidemic! :::tremble:::

Ok I am goig to leave now. Busa SP!

Aug 30 - 09:06



erk! Sorry for the spam..

(for those who might copy my last note and forget the www.)

lord knows i've done stupider things. ;)

Aug 30 - 08:56



Hey folks. I wrote a quick version of the story, as much as I could remember from last night and posted it at my web page. Best I could
do on short notice, and I didn't want to spoil it for those who want to wait. :)
Check the "Animated Reviews" section and you will find it. :)

let me know what you guys think!

I revise it if I get any more story info..or if anyone else does and tells me. :)

Aug 30 - 08:53

Krazy Kat


::::Flexes her claws and gets ready to type:::::

Yeah, I LOVE Toonces! My cat Merlin looks exactly like Toonces! Hehe, I even made his middle name Toonces and when I get bored I sit him in my lap and make him drive, then I go, "Toonces, Look out!!" Then I act like we're falling off a cliff (They show the same bit every time, it looks like it's from Dukes of Hazzard!)....hehe, Dana Carvey and Victoria Jackson were his 'Parents' if anyone recalls... ;-) They had some really funny bits on there.

I too want to be surprised with SP, I like to see little bit and stuff, like previews, but I'd never look at the book until I've seen the movie. (Unless it's a movie they've made based on a book..the book's always better. ;-)

I have 124 My Little Ponies, plus their house that they got in the movie after Dream Castle was covered in "smooze" favorite's always been one of the rare male ponies, Baby Leaper. I got bored a few months ago, took out my ponies, washed them, trimmed their hair (they give them terrible split ends when they sell them..) and stacked them neatly in boxes. I like to find them at Yard Sales. I too despise how they try to bring them back, they look NOTHING like the originals and they're pretty darn stupid looking too! I don't like it when they try to bring back 80's stuff, it always feels like they're trying to rip off my childhood, I wish Kenner would get more creative...hehe, my favorite My Little Pony cartoon was the first one, where they met the Sea Ponies! =)

I don't know if any of you are on TLK-L, but my friend Shanobi is taping the Care Bears Movie for me. =)!!! I have the second one and the first two cartoons, but I havent seen the first one in a looooooooooong time. Woo! I was stupid and gave all my Care Bears, Popples and Wuzzles to Good Will. >=( Dumb kitty!

~Krazy Kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

"Toonces, look out for that--AHHHH!!!!!!!"
(Cue Toonces Theme song)

Aug 30 - 08:48



"I Must Go On" is a song alleged to have been sung by Kimberly Scott on CBS a few days or a week ago. It was a Kiara song cut out of SP due to story changes. We should have all this substantiated when the "Simba's Favorites" CD comes out in a month. Or maybe someone will make a wav file or quicktime movie. The person who originally mentioned it (and there was only one who said they saw it) only said it was on CBS and not what show or anything else. Anyway, I have the lyrics up on my site unless and until I learn its not a real song.


Aug 30 - 08:45


Location: Philadelphia

Thanks for the CYFTLT address, jicin, I'll download it when I have some free time on my hands.

Ahh, those 80s shows, I remember them. I used to watch all of those Wuzzles, and Care Bears, and Thundercats shows. I basically liked any show with animals as the stars.

Lastly, why do you all want to know the plot to Simba's Pride?????? Don't any of you at least want PART of the movie (especially the ending) to be a surprise? I personally think that watching a movie when you already know the plot and ending is kind of lame. I don't know about all of you, but I'd rather wait two more months and watch the movie without knowing a thing about the plot. Of course, that's only me (and who am I, after all).

Bye for now.

Aug 30 - 07:19




Aug 30 - 06:36




Aug 30 - 06:26


Location: Rim of Ngorongoro

Sorry I haven't posted inna while, guys.

The SP /Golden/ book is out? I thout that wasn't out until october? Whats it /say inside?/ I thought we were all waiting for the Mousworks book.

(from wayyyyyyy down there)
When and where did Disney say that Scar got his Scar from a wildbeest?! ( I still go by the fanfic idea that Sarabi gave it to him. )

Sorry I havent been around in so long --
Don't have nearly as much time as I did in the /summer/. ( Y'know what I mean.) I've also been a lot busier on the MUCKs. Haawwww...

" Why, of all places, the gods' cursed lands?!"

Aug 30 - 06:12

(am i spelling that right?)
Location: oh, ok, thank you.
E-mail: not now!

TO: Christian (KH#1)
What is the song "I Must Go On?" is that TKL2?
Ive got the midi file for "We Are One" but im sure alot of people do too..........


Aug 30 - 05:12

not sure
Location: not sure either
E-mail: not now!

I cant wait to read the Simba's Pride story! I just got a Disney Store where I live, so I go there alot, no books yet, but alot of shirts, straws, purses, frames, ect....
Vitani, Nuka, and Shani, WHO ARE THEY? If anyone has info on them, PLMK.
I remember Wuzzles, I had all of the little posable action figures. And I still collect My Little Ponies, they are very popular. (Except for the dinky new ones they dare to call MLP's) Yeah, there are new ones! If anyone wants to know anything about My Little Ponies, just ask me.

Aug 30 - 04:51



Yeh, spill the info on SP...tell us!!

Aug 29 - 23:31



I sort of remember teddy ruxpn, my best friend had one that talked...I though he was annoying

I don't personally remember GPK. but I do know of one..."Constipated Connie' This is totally wtong subject, but does anyone remeber the very beginning of Beavis and Butthead?
I though seasons 1-3 were good. Whattabout two stupid dogs. Ne1 have info on "The Fluppy Dogs" There were 5 i think, and they had a movie. Anyy of you older ppl remember Space Ghost Action Series? I see clips now and it's sooo dumb. Whattabout hte 60's show "WAit till your father gets home"? It comes on Cartoon Networ at 2:30 am (Louisiana time) on Monday-thursday. Doesnt Chet remind oyu of Trent on Daria...only more 'liberated' and 60'sesque...or is it 70s? I mean, both like to sleep, both are lazy. Both could move out, but don't have a real job, and both have younger siblings. I think they were both the slacker type of their time. Any else seen Bob and Margaret? I've only seen Bobs Birthday, an I loved it..if so, can you gimme info on the show?

Aug 29 - 23:29


Location: Boston

(For Starters.......Sangoma, what is the plot of SP? Vitani and Nuka??? Some details please!)

*oh, and I'm probably the only person on the planet who never saw Titanic...I never cared enough to see it once never mind 10 times.*

I was wondering if anyone wanted to speculate on the small hidden gags that might be in SP.....I would love to see Kovu stumble over and kick aside the famous Coke bottle from the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (In "The Gods Must be Crazy, a Masai teenager sees a Coke bottle fall from the sky, and those around him fight over it. After awhile until they all decide that the gods must want it back and the youngster has to find a way to return the bottle to them..That bottle pops up again and again no matter what the kid tries...It starts off as a decent movie then it gets really really stupid..)

Of course, a Coke bottle would violate the TLK unwritten rule about "no sign of human life/pristine nature only"...But .I just thought it would be a great inside gag.

Aug 29 - 22:25

Location: Wisps back from the 80's to August 29, 1998 at 1:12, in front of her computer, signing the Rumor Mill. :)
E-mail: Like, gag me with a spoon OKAY?! Oh Gawd! Like, I have an email adress! Fer Sure! This rumor mill is like totally rad to the max! (Oh oh, this is one of the side effects of traveling in time to the 80's)

Sangoma, are you serious????? I hope you are!!!!! What is the story about! How does it come out!!! Tell us tell us!!!! We are all dying to know here!!!! I hope to see it when I go shopping on Monday. :)

Yes, I remember Teddy Ruxpin. Hehe, does anyone remember those Garbage Pail Kids cards? They were a spoof of Cabbage patch Dolls :)

19 year old child of the 80's.

Aug 29 - 22:19



Attention: Simba's Pride Golden Books are OUT!
At least they are at Borders book store where I work!
The story is so awsome! It makes me want Oct. to come even quicker.... :)
Hope I was a help...!
Carry on....

Aug 29 - 22:04




Aug 29 - 21:53



Toon Disney...whats that? Also, I don't even have the disney channel. I didn't know the wuzzles still came on. What about the Care Bears or My Little Pony?

Aug 29 - 21:50

Child of the 80's
Location: An hour and a half away from a Disney Store..

First off, I love this discussion on eighties shows! I have two Wuzzles: Eleroo and Bumblelion, although I can't find them.. whaa... and a Firffel (anyone remember those? They were also "hybrid" animals like Wuzzles..) named Fird. (Part fish, part bird. Remind me to tell you my Fird story sometime...) Anyone here remember Teddy Ruxpin, either the toy or the TV show? I'm a proud owner of a working, first release Teddy and Grubby, as well as tons of clothes, twenty-eight books and twenty-nine tapes (one tape didn't come with a book, JSYK), all sixty-five episodes of the show, puppets, action figures... hoo-whee! And I still love my Teddy, dagnabbit. :)

Okay, okay, I'll knock it off with the eighties stuff... how about some Titanic bashing, instead? *grin* I seriously didn't like that movie; the special effects were good, but the plot was trite (and I never will understand why so-called romances nearly always involve some sort of infidelity.. which is why I didn't like "The Horse Whisperer" much; I felt soooo sorry for Robert..), and the characterization was flat. Sure, the ship looked awesome, but that didn't save the movie for me. I didn't want to see it, but my relatives dragged me to it... sigh. It's not something I want to see again, and all the hype makes me ill.

Waitaminute.. this is a TLK/SP board, isn't it? Goodness me, I'd better say something on-topic! :) How about this.. after putting "Shadowland" on repeat, I decided to do a bit of a doodle of Nala... it's a sort of prelim sketch for a painting I'd like to do in the near future. I wanted to see how the dead space would work out, what my background would look like, etc., etc., etc., blah blah blah.. It isn't very good, considering it's been... well... about three years since I've drawn any TLK characters, and I've drawn Nala very few times. But, regardless... lemme know what you guys think, all right?

Since Yerf is still down and I can't upload there, the pic's at, instead. Let's hope that HTML worked; with the way I code, it probably didn't. Sigh.

Anyway, keep a-rumoring! :)


Aug 29 - 21:35

Future king of the Pride Lands
Location: Outlands

I have also seen the Jungle Cubs episode you're all talking about. I didn't like the voice of the female wolf, it made me want to change the channel, but I like watching the show.
Don't you guys ever watch TV? The Wuzzles is on Toon Disney. I just watched an episode the other day. It was about Moosle seeing a dragon thet had a tooth-ache but no-one would believe him.
I saw that Shere Kahn plushie. It's about the size of the Kovu one and he's laying down.

"Bounty target Nampo, it's time to give up!"


Aug 29 - 20:59

all around bum.
Location: in my bum chair

Hello everyone! Thanks alot Krazy Kat! I do feel special, because I Am special; at least that's what everyone tells me. (I can her you all now "you're real special alright Mouse, kooky special")

Bumble Lion is the one I have! Gee, you would've thought that I would've figured out the name by the way he looks, half bumble bee half lion (duh!)

What?!! There's a Shere Khan plushy?! Now I really wish there was a Disney store where I live, there isn't one for miles around and I don't even live in the boonies; I live in a major city! This really bites.

As for the wolf on "Jungle Cubs" that's Scar-like, he does have a scar over his eye like Scar but he's nowhere near as sauve and intelligent(not to mention charming) as Scar. He's more of a bully.

Oh, and I also saw the one where Shere Khan was trying to prove he's mean but ends up doing nice things unitentionally. The best part was the end where Shere Khan really does do nice things for his grandmother.

To Kiara/Leah - My opinion is change your name to Leah, it's a nice name and no one will mistake you for someone else, Kiara being a popular name at the moment. Just my thoughts though, you certainly don't have to if you don't want to.

One more thing to Krazy Kat, you like Toonces the driving cat? I thought he was really funny! I'm laughing just thinking about him right now. He, he, he.

"We're a secret orginization that's so secret, that when we snap our fingers nothing happens!"
Face/Off (Love that movie, in fact I'm watching it right now.)

Aug 29 - 20:27

Location: Pride Rock

Ummm...sorry guys...bummer news on the book. I called and reserved it at my local bookstore, and the guy told me it should be in in under a week. Two weeks later I sent my mom into the store, and the lady said that Mouseworks, had yes, printed the book, but they were holding it until October. OCTOBER, I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG! GRRRR! So what about all of the other SP stuff from B & N that was supposed to come out Sept. 27? Now when's that stuff coming out? Grrrr...annoyed Nala who almost trashed her TLKoB tickets...oppps!


Aug 29 - 19:37

Krazy Kat


I don't have a favorite Beatle, I like 'em all the same, but I thik John was real funny! I recall seeing an old episode of SNL where Dana Carvey was some CNN guy (Augh! I know him and I can't remember his name!) and he was asking all these dumb questions:

Dana: Paris Glendenning, which was the best Beatles?

Chris Farley: Umm..I dunno, P-paul...?

Dana: WRONG! They were All equally fab!

I'm not sure WHY I remember that..I guess it's my bad case of being a Beatles fanatic. Incase anyone's wondering how much of a fan I am exactly, I love the Beatles as much as TLK! I even taped the episode of Oprah where Paul guest starred, despite how much Oprah gets on my nerves...I also taped a very good ep of SNL from '93 when Paul guest starred! Woo! That should give you an idea. ;-)

~Krazy Kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

"He drives around, all over the town, he's Toonces, the driving Cat!!!!" Woo-ha!

"R-r-remember, remember when you were in The Beatles?"
"T-t-that was awesome."
~Chris Farley and Paul McCartney on SNL's "The Chris Farley Show"... ;-)

Aug 29 - 19:11

Nala and Sparky
Queen and a Timonaholic
Location: At good ole Sparky's computer, that happens to have internet access
E-mail: &

Heya everyone! Been a long time, no see here!

Kovara: Thank you thank you thank you! Finally a person who HATES Leo as much as I do, but no one can beat my obbsession with hating the monster. Death to Titanic (and Pooh).

The countdown is now to 59 days, in a couple of hours it will be 58, I do believe, and then in 9 days, I go back to that he**hole they call school. It doesn't give me an education in moviemaking and TLK. Phoohey. I guess that means that I have to finish my english work.

I have my Timonaholic pal here, who doesn't hardly speak a word of TLK, so please accept her for a while. Here she is:

Hello, my name is Sparky and I'm a Timonaholic...

-"Hellllllo Sparky!"

Oy! What I go through for internet usage!

Sparky: Yup, I got her nose glued to my a** for internet access. Hehehe! What no comment?

You took the keyboard away from me! Well, before I have to spill blood on the computer monitor, I'm going to remove her from here. Mark my words, she will come back....believe me, you have my pity!

Love always--

Nala and (gulp) Sparky

Aug 29 - 19:11

Christian (KH#1)

Location: Back from the DS

Went to the Disney Store in Hawaii today and, paradoxically, it had the biggest SP display I've seen but the most uninformed employees of any DS I've been to. Bless their hearts, they were nice people, but they needd to know their product better. Two cast members were insisting that the Kiara Hand Puppet was Simba. The puppet doesn't even fit over my hand, therefore you must acquit (ha ha!). What's worse is that the sticker on the back of the Kiara diary said, "Simba Diary." Did pre-order my video and got my lithograph and realized there was some of it you can't see in the scan. Its missing the animals down below Pride Rock. They had a ton of little kids' clothes too. One was really strange with a picture of Nala colored a VERY dark brown, almost black. Some of the stuff was fine though. I borrowed a pen from one of the cast members and wrote down a bunch of the new merchandise I saw and just added it to the list at the bottom of the merchandise section in my site. Some of the stuff just had price tags and no name so I had to guess at the name.

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)

Kiara's Sahifa: The Kiara World Wide Web Archive

Aug 29 - 18:51

Defender of TLk and SP

Yes, I remember Roundhouse! :) I liked that guy in the chair. :) OH!!! Does anyone remember this show called "Get Along Gang"? It's about some teenage anthropomorphic animals, and they hang out in a caboose. There's a moose, who's the leader of the club, um, a rabbit, and some other animals I forgot. I used to love that show. :) And yes, I forgot to mention I had a "Dinosaur phaze" too.. :) I had LOTS of dinosaur stuff...but not nearly as much as I have LK stuff :) Raksha, do you remember those toys, Definitely Dinosaurs? I used to have the whole set of them. :) I don't like 80's hair, but I like the music and the fads from it. :)

OH...anyone watch that show "That 70's Show"? I thought it was kinda boring. I expected it to be wacky like the Brady Bunch Movie. :)

Hehehe sorry no new news on SP... :)


Aug 29 - 18:45



I remember YCDTOTV ---Alanis Morisette was on it!! I like some of the kids shows from the 80s but, I hate the clothes and music...with a few exceptions. Does NE1 remember "Roundhouse" or Welcome Freshmen? I loved those!

"You have pee Daria? You can pee behinf those trees. See those trees? You can pee behind there"--Jesse

Aug 29 - 18:31

Defender of TLK and SP
Location: Sitting in a cave near Pride Rock reminiscing about my childhood. :)

Rasha!!! I remember that show Dinosaucers!!!! I LOVED that show too! Hehe my fave character was Quackpot! (the duck billed Dinosaur) Allo was cool too, and I thought that Rex was a pretty cool villain. :) It was cool how they could "Dino-volve" into real dinosaurs and everything :)
Hehehe, I remember in the 3rd grade I did a Dinosaucer fanfic! :) I thought I was the only one that remembered that show!!! And the Wuzzles! I used to love that show too!!! I liked Hoppo and Bumbelion, and have Hoppo, Bumbelion and Rhinokey plushies!! :) Oh, you guys brought me back to the days of my innocent childhood!!! :*) Hmm, anyone remember the Nickelodeon shows "You Can't Do that on Television" and "Out of Control"? Those shows were COOL!!! I think they should do an updated 90's version of YCDTOT! Using some of the Nickelodeon actors like that girl from All That, Lori Beth Denberg :) I LOVED the 80's that is like my favorite time!!! It was funny I rememberd so much of it, I was real young. :) Anyone know of any cool 80's sites? :)

Ok, back to SP and TLK...:) Hmm...only a few months to wait. :)


Aug 29 - 18:26



i've only seen Jungle Cubs like once, and it happened to be the one ya'll are talking about!! Anyone else here live in the south? The weird thing here is everything is called 'coke' whether its pepsi or sprite, or coke. We also say ya'll(prononuced = yawl) Its too hot here : 112 degrees!!! :( Does anyone else like Madonna's music?

Aug 29 - 18:26

Being a Pest
Location: Just hangin' 'round


Aug 29 - 18:17



The Scar wolf was the evil leader of the pack, and he had a scar over his right eye, which reminded me of Scar. I forgot what his name was, but he wanted Leah to love him more than Akela, which I don't think would be possible, assuming that the wolf cubs's father at the end is Akela...

Aug 29 - 18:07

Akela's mate/Future Queen
Location: Council Rock/Pride Rock

Krazy Kat, I have both the Hard Day's Night and Help! remastered videos, and I love the bonus footage. Who's your fave? I like Ringo the best, John second, Paul third, and George fourth.

I can't keep going on with the Leah/Kiara name. Do you all think I should change my name to Leah, or stay the same? =)

Aug 29 - 18:04

"Foreign Immigrants to the Pridelands" (FITP)
Location: At Pride Rock, taking a Pridelands citizenship test:)

This really bites, all day my stupid comp. won't load all of the mill! Only a few posts are showing up ::cry:::

KiaraRose - oh, so Nala and Sarabi's verse is still in the play. Good! I thought maybe they'd taken in out for some reason, as it wasn't on the s/track

Leah/Kiara - I've never been too fond of Jungle Cubs, but that sounds like a reaaally good episode! I wish I'd seen it - Akela is cool (and Leah sounds cool too) And what's this about an evil wolf with a SCAR over his eye?? Heheheee:D That I would like to see

I remember Wuzzles! I had the stuffed animal of the half moose, half seal guy, and a book about him. I thought that bear w/ the butterfly wings was annoying

Anyone remember a show called 'Dinosaucers' - about dinosaurs from space, circa 1988 or so. I used to love that show, back in my dinosaur craze

Pleeeeze don't buy Titanic. Rent, rent, rent! We mustn't dethrone TLK!

If anyone said anything to me that I didn't respond to here, it's probably because tons of posts aren't showing up. There are huge, blank gaps in the mill. Is it just my messed up computer, or is /anyone/ else having this problem???

Well, live long and prosper

Aug 29 - 17:58



I loved the wuzzles, but never knew when they were on. I was born in 85, so I barely remember them. I liked Butterbear...didn't she like Bumblelion? Which clip of cyftlt do i download with the extra 'pg' material do i download from the site mentioned earlier?

Aug 29 - 17:44

Krazy Kat


Help! and A Hard Day's Night were re-mastered, about two years ago, I think. I own both of them, special editions, Help! having 8 minutes of Bonus footage at the end (Trailers, extra info) and a Hard Day's Night has the same type of thing, only 15 minutes. I don't know where my parents found them (Got them 4 Christmas a few years ago) but I'm sure if you look hard enough you can still find them. "Look harder..." ;-)

~Krazy Kat~

Aug 29 - 17:33

lion king project group
Location: somewhere on earth

well, think this sequel IS gonna be BETTER..
let's hope so..........

'the circle of life continues.........'

Aug 29 - 17:33

Leah (again!)
Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

I forgot to add, does it cost anything at all to download Netscape?

Aug 29 - 16:35

sp fan


I can't wait untill SP!

Aug 29 - 16:24

wild red wolf
Location: woods
E-mail: ain't tellin

Has N E 1 found out who on earth Nuka and Vitani are?!?! I haven't posted a message in about 5 days, so now I have no idea what on earth is going on!!

Here's a Lion King spoof.
The sun rises in Africa. Many animals go purpasefully to Lion Rock. A bird wheels over head to Lion Rock. He is Sazu, the blue parrot.
He bows at King Mifasa's feet. The wise chimpanzee, Rufiki, picks up the young lion cub, Rimba and holds it over the ledge.
Unfortanatley, Rufiki's hands are wet and slippery, so he drops Rimba over Lion Rock.

Aug 29 - 16:15

Akela's mate
Location: Council Rock

Since YS is being redone on video, what about a Hard Day's Night, and Help! Help! was my fave movie, cause it was mainly centered around my fave beatle, and I got the videos in some video catalog for Chrismas in 1996....... I'd like to see those two classics redone again..........

Aug 29 - 16:10

Krazy Kat


Welcome! About TLK being released on DVD, there has been much discussion about this and Simba's Pride on DVD. We've been informed and come to the conclusion that Disney may wait a while to see how popular DVDs become and how much of an average profit they would be making before they invest in it. If DVD seems like they would be making more money for them, (After all, Disney over the years has become a Power and Money Hungry Company/Organization...) then I suppose it will. I 'm not sure that it'll have what the Deluxe LD CAV edition has, but there could very well be. Maybe they'll make one regular version, and a Deluxe Version. (Afterall, they did this w/ the LD.) I hope that whole rambling paragraph made any sense whatsoever and maybe even helped a little, I'm not too good with explaining those kinds of things...

~Krazy kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

Aug 29 - 16:04



Hi guys! I am not a regular here but have a question to ask. I recently have gotten myself a DVD player and want to get into it in a big way. But one of my favorite films is not yet on DVD. Does anybody know if there will be a TLK DVD release anytime soon? Does anyone have any idea if it will include all the 'specials' that I have heard exist on the LD version?
Much obliged for ANY info on this. Tara!

Aug 29 - 15:06

Krazy Kat


Ok, this is very off-topic, but...

Krazy Kat's Lair will be deleted very soon (within the next hour or so) and a new and improved lair will be up sometime this week.

About Wuzzles, I remember them very detailed. I never had any stuffed animals but i saw the cartoons, I also have a cardboard children's book, which I dug up JUST for you, Mouse, so I can tell you those names! You should feel special. ;-)

Ahhem, here's the characters:

Hoppopotamus-Part Hippo, Part Rabbit, has wings, is blue. May sound odd but quite cute!

Bumblelion-Part Lion, part Bumble bee. Says here "I'm the fastest of the Wuzzles. I'm the strongest! Can't you tell?" and he's lifting a barbell.

Moosel-Looks like Part Moose, paer fish. Cute too!

Eleroo-Part Elephant, Part Kangaroo. Also has wings.

Rhinokey-Part Monkey, part Rhino

Butterbear-Part bear, part butterfly.

I Will have Wuzzles stuff in my new 80's Memorbillia sec5 and I think the Wuzzles had been around for about a year, then.

Yeah, YS is gonna be re-released, re-mastered in better video quality (I think when YS was first released on video was around the time VCR's first arrived on the market, it's not been around since then, I'm sure it's in total need of being re-mastered, I own it on a blank tape, and it..looks pretty bad.) and THX surround. =)!!! I'm STILL waiting for "Let it Be" to come on video, that's never been released on video, I believe, and every time I get the Beatles Catalog in the mail it always says It's not available at this time!! Grr...well, it says that for YS, too, but that shall soon be solved. =)

I saw Jungle Cubs twice when i was at the ocean at my Godmother's house, who has the DC there. I saw the Akela and Leah one, it was pretty spiffy! I also saw one where Shere Khan was trying to prove to Hathi that he was bad, but kept accidentally doing good things. I saw Jungle Cubs plushies at my DS not too long ago, and I noticed they spelled Shere Khan's name wrong on the name tag! How lazy can you get? It said, "Baby Shere Kaaan"...hmm...

Oh, I have three Beatles books and I found a pic of the Beatles posing with a guy in a Blue Meanie costume. I also saw a Yellow Submarine float! =) I think it was some kind of premeire thing..

"Come here, Glovey wovey..."

That's all for now!
~Krazy kat~
"What did my brother have that I don't have?"
"Do you want the short list--or the long?"

"It's all in the mind."

Aug 29 - 14:53



Hi all! Sorry for the name mix-up KiaraRose, comepletely my fault. Thanks for the info on "TLK: SNA", I really appriciate it!

Kiara/Leah - Yeah, I saw that episode of "Jungle Cubs" too, it's one of my favorites. Leah's a nice name.

Before I go, someone asked a little while back if anyone remembered "The Wuzzles", I do. I have a stuffed animal of the Lion/Bee, can't remember his name though.
Bye for now!

Aug 29 - 14:35


Location: Boston

Alexander- Thank you for the Kovu-mug sighting! Unfortunately, "Music For a Song" doesn't have a store in this area, as far as I've been able to find! I'll try to see if there is a web site for the store....Thanks again for the the way, is the mug little Kovu or Teenage Kovu?

Kiara ("SP12" not Kiararose or Kiaraholic etc..)-
I have seen the same episode of "Jungle Cubs" with the wolves...Pretty complex for a half hour episode!....I also think it was the best episode of JC that I have seen (usually JC is a little boring which is too bad, the characters are cute)
Leah was a good character...I can't believe I didn't figure out she was pregnant earlier on in the show! ..........Also, on a different subject, me and KrazyKat were talking about Yellow Submarine a few posts back----The blue meanies are super villians, almost cute if it weren't for those temper tantrums. KrazyKat said that they are re-mastering YS and should be re-releasing on it video again soon....I'm going to keep an eye out for it!

Aug 29 - 14:16



Which clip do I dnload of cyftlt??

Aug 29 - 13:11



I do think Titanic will beet TLK. Because, so many people loved it..nut who knows how many times 1 person saw it? Some guy said he seen it 24 times...I saw it 3. I'm a Leo fan. I think he's cute, but also a good actor..look at this boys life. I think he was uglee in that movie, but I still loved it. It was very good. I will buy it. Also, someone said 'why focus on one person on titanic when so many others died?' I think so more people would see it. They put a min two characters so the story would have a 'plot' other than the ship sinking. They could focus more on how one or two people were feeling than a whole lot. The romantic element made it more 'attractible' to teens and Leo lovers. I'll stop rambling before I get yelled at though..later

Aug 29 - 13:04



Caji, thats what i meant when i said max played timon, i just forgot to but broadway. nathan lane only did the first seson of t&p, i dont know you did the rest of his voice or whatever.

i just watched the show "picked fences" and found out who adam wylie(or something ) is, hes the little boy on the show!!! i hate him!!! hes soo anoying!!! well, i hope he does a good job on kovu!! i think im gonna like kovu, i dont know why i just do, i know ill LOVE nuka, cause i love andy dick!! i base alot of my character atraction on the voice of the person. well whatever, i must go, oh and the countdown is 59 i think(not counting today)

Aug 29 - 12:58



Disney had some storyboards, concept art, etc. to put in the CYFTLT scene but had to take some of it out to preserve the G rating. I'm going to go check out those QuickTime movies of CYFTLT at Hubi's site.

Aug 29 - 12:38

Mate to Akela
Location: Near the serengetti

I forgot to ask what's the countdown to SP. I think it's fifty something

Aug 29 - 12:26

Future Queen
Location: Pride Rock

I just saw an episode of Jungle Cubs today, and it was called':The Wolves Come. A teenage Akela and his girlfriend Leah want to leave the pack they are in and start a new life, but their leader (I foget what his name is) looks like Scar, only a wolf, and he has a scar over his right eye! The evil wolf also wants Leah to love him more than Akela, and he corners the two off a cliff, and they jump into the river, and are taken downstream. Akela and Leah want to take refuge in the cub's clubhouse, and Louie, Shere Khan, Baloo and Kaa think that Akela wants to take over their place and fight them, but Akela and Leah only want a place to stay. Hathi leads his troop of cubs to have a showdown with Akela. Akela starts to explain, but the cubs won't listen They left, but minutes later their evil leader finds them with his evil troop of wolves. Akela fights him, and Leah is soo tired she falls to the ground. The cubs take pity on them, so Shere Khan lets them stay.
The cubs then wait around, and Leah comes out of a chamber, carrying one of her newborn cubs. The other wolf cubs follow their mother and father, and their new friends instantly fall in love with them, even Shere Khan. It was a wonderful episode, I think the best one yet. I might change my name to Leah, on the account there are too many Kiara's.

Aug 29 - 12:23


Location: Cleveland

Ummm, Nathan Lane played Timon in both the movie and series. Max is only in the broadway version.
His last name could be an inside joke. In an interview Nathan stated, "Most people assume I'm jewish...." Could this be a connection? Probably not.
Aslo, on the Disny Interactive site, there is a shockwave sample of Timon and Pumbaa's typing program. Just go to and click on software then Lion King.


Aug 29 - 11:44



JIM HENSON IS THE 2ND SMARTEST MEN OF ALL TIME!!(after walt disney) after disney stuff, sesame street and the muppets come next(how do you think i got the name ducky?) anywho, i love the beatles too, but im not that big of a fan, i am a HUGE fan of oldies though:)
like hell im buying titanic!!! im so sick of that stupid movie!!! there making a seguel too, how the hell do you do that? half the cast is dead! i have to say something, nuka has to be a commedic relief caracter, i mean, hes voiced by andy dick!!!
I wonder y they gave timon a name like berkowitz, thats polish(im gonna get kinda technical now) ok, timon is an italian/greek name, and max casella plays timon and he is definatly italian, so y couldnt they give him an italin name( i think im getting mad about this is becasue im italian and timon is my favorite caractor and i want him to be italian!!!)

Aug 29 - 10:54

J. Falk

Location: Utica, New York

Yo Brian, I noticed the hit conuter on the main page and it won't be long now at all until you hit 1,000,000.

Aug 29 - 10:32

Defender of TLK and SP
Location: Pride Rock
E-mail: What ever you do...DON"T by Titanic!!!!

Hi everyone! :)

LOL! Cool SP song parodies Kiara! :) I enjoyed them! I think my mom might by Titanic...It was a great movie but not as great as TLK. And I HATE Leo Dicaprio!! :P He's not even cute! Anyway, I have an idea for getting info about Nuka and Vitani...hear me out...ok, you know the frame? And you know it has Vitani on it? Well, we could go to our local Disney stores and show the frame to an employee and ask about the characters, and ask who "that lioness cub"(Vitani) is. Sound good? :) Hehe I am not sure if they WOULD give us the scoop on Nuka and Vitany though...I beleive they wanna keep us in suspence until the movie comes out. :P I can't wait till the movie comes out, only two mor months!! :)


Aug 29 - 09:24



Hey everyone. I heard about the new Zazu and Rafiki beanies, that sounds cool! This is what they say on the Disney webpage: These two characters watch out for the young Prince of the Pride Lands with a bit of wisdom-and a lot of humor. Does this mean they watch out for Kovu? Well, no new news. I keep seeing advertising for Kiki's Delivery Service. Do you think that will have a new Simba's Pride preview?
Kara (We Are One)
Quote: Space Ghost- We need to be on top of that flake deal.
Zorak-Okey dokey.
Space Ghost- We're going to be bigger than the Lion King.
P.S. In case anyone is at all interested, Simba's Pride in German is Simba's Koenigreich, which means Simba's kingdom, weird huh?

Aug 29 - 08:56


Location: Heartland


If you want you can download this clip at

It's 7 meg big and in RM

It's really worth it. There's also a mp3 of the music somewere.
I think the music and lyrics are better than the cyftlt that they finally used it the movie.

Kiara, where did you get the songtext for ' i must go one?

Aug 29 - 08:40


Location: Philadelphia

Hello again,

Kiara, I watched both of the "We Are One" previews for the branch thing, but I think that both clips are the same. During the part where the camera zooms out and you see Kiara and Simba standing together (when he sings "tears of pain, tears of joy..."), I'm pretty sure that they are on seperate branches the entire time. But the way that the picture is drawn makes it seem like they are on the same branch. At least, that's what I think it is.

Christian, what footage did Disney take out of the CYFTLT scene? I know that there were lots of versions of the song, but I didn't know that anything was done to the actual footage.

Well, Bye all.

Aug 29 - 07:45



Amphriss, the store where I got my Kovu mug is called "Music for a Song." It is located at a number of US Outlet Malls. They carry a large amount of Applause merchandise. Unfortunately, it is an expensive store.

Aug 29 - 07:44


Location: pridelands

I don't want to take the credit but, my best friend Brenda and I were watching all the stuff I taped from SP yesterday and she noticed 3 things

Kiara's verse

When Kiara sings her verse in We Are One on Mulan Sing Along Songs when she sings "the way I am"
when she says "am" she is looking in the water at her reflection and it looks like she is lip singing am could it be? you take a look and tell me what you think!

Kovu's smile

In We Are One on both of the tapes when Kiara and Kovu are sitting by the tall grass and Kiara giggles Kovu looks at her weird right before it fades away he does a slight smile.

The Branches

this part is a comparison on the mulan Simba is singing to Kiara "Tears of Pain Tears of joy" Simba and Kiara are on seperate branches then when Simba sings "We Are One" Simba and Kiara jump off on seperate. now on ABC's We Are One when they zoom out on that same part when Simba's singing "Tears of pain tears of joy one thing nothing can destroy is are pride deep inside" they are standing on the same branch it dosen't show Kiara jumping to the branch that Simba's on could it be a Disney messup?


Aug 29 - 07:25


Location: Liverpool, England

Hey, everyone. It's your fave Brit Lion King fan (I hope)again!

Kiararose-Ditto on the Jason Marsden thing!! I first saw him playing Eddie Munster years ago, and then Dash X in my favourite programme, "Eerie, Indiana" I've been a fan of his for years, and he's my favourite actor. Unfortunately, I haven't yet seen "Step By Step" over here and I'm dying to see it! (I don't care for the quality of the programme, I just think that's he's drop-dead gorgeous and he's my favourite actor!) I agree about his voice, too. It's so young and sexy... a real pleasure to listen to. I was ecstatic when I found out that he was playing Kovu in the sequel to my favourite film! And yeah, I remember "Peter Pan and the Pirates", but I was really shocked when I found out that it was his voice! I thought he sounded quite like Christian Slater in it!
P.S Does anyone know what he's doing now SBS has been cancelled?
P.P.S/ VIVA Jason Marsden! (Sorry for stealing your idea, Beerit)

Dara- to be frankly honest, although I love Liverpool and it's people, I'm not very nationalistic. The huge gap between rich-poor, hunting, royalty, terrible weather isn't really for me. And as for England's Green Hills, well, it seems to be increasingly taken up by cities. Sad but true. I hope to emigrate to America someday, In fact me and my best mate Chris (Hi, Chris!) are looking to work in Camp America next year.

Shenzi- Sure, no problem. Maybe you can repay the favour and send me a copy of SP (i'll pay, of course!)Do you have an e-mail address? i'm a bit nervous about putting my address up on the internet for all to see. If you do, I'll e-mail you with my address in a day or two (i can't use this computer for e-mail, the damn thing keeps crashing and I'll have to send you it via my aunt's computer, but she's away for a day or two, so be patient. But I will e-mail you! I'll also try and get a bit of info off him about the proposed Redwall movie...

Vitaniholic- thanks for your support. Although i'm not nationalistic (As I said above) I don't like being painted as an eccentric stuck in the last century.

Raksha- I got your e-mail, but this stupid computer couldn't open up that graphics file or whatever it was. Oh well, never mind. But thanks for your e-mail, anyway!

Kovu- Of all the wild dogs, foxes are the most numerous and the most versatile animals. They are shy of man (And rightly so after years of persecution, and you do have foxes in the USA! I think they're called American Reds, which are slightly bigger than the British fox. I should know, foxes are my favourite animals and I have done a lot of research on them.

Finally, I thought I'd quote a bit of poetry from one of my favourite books, the Jungle Book, of course:

"Now Chil the kite
brings home the night
That Mang the bat sets free..."

-i love the beginning of that poem, it's so imaginative. The metaphor for the night is like a wild beast.. (Sorry, guys, I'm an English Lit. student!)

Hakuna Matata!
See you all Monday!

Aug 29 - 07:06


Location: U.K

Don'tya hate mums that tell you

'' Get off that Bloody internet NOOWWWWW ''
Thats my mum .
Anyway , the Kubieye fanfic ( Thats what its called ) had a momentarily setback - It was too big for notepad ! So i did it into wordpad and it works now .
My TLK soundtrack should be here and day , but ROTP was sold out , so its being backordered . I'tll behere sometime anyway .
About my fanfic , before I do any posting I have to send it to the bloke who did the COTP series . It has some charictuz from it in it , like Uzuri ( Yeeeeehhhhhaaa ! I think I'm an Uzuriholic ) (( Nice word ! )) But I don't see why not coz its really good if I sayso myself . OK - nother snippit of information - Zira steals Kubieye's cubs - gotcha guessing !


Aug 29 - 06:50



I'm sorry everyone, but my grandparents reserved our copy of Titanic at our local Hy-Vee, and we're dead set on getting that movie, even though I feel kinda guilty (you see, even my grandpa loves it, but to him, TLK is the best and always will be!)

Aug 29 - 05:58



did anyone mention yellow submarine in one of their last posts? I love the Beatles (guess which one's my fave!) and I've been wanting to see yellow submarine for three years now. Is there anyplace I could buy or rent the film? (May u rest in peace, John.)

does anyone know for sure when the CD is out? I've heard it's Sept. 15th, or around there.

Aug 29 - 05:55

Christian (KH#1)
Location: Oahu

Yes, I am Kiara-holic #1. Question is: who's Kiara-holic #2. Someone make a wav file of "I Must Go On" pleeeeeease . . . pretty please with pink sugar on top . . . and how about a scan of the SP backpack from the Disney Catalog?

{imagine Scar's voice} and remembeeer . . . every vote you make for Titanic is a vote against TLK . . . just rent it please . . . RENT . . . RENT

{Back to my voice} Sometimes I fantasize that when TLK gets re-released in theaters that it will have all the footage put back in that was supposed to be in the CYFTLT sequence . . . I don't care if it makes the rating go up to PG . . .

We don't know for sure the name of the Pharaoh at the time of Moses but scholars do think it might have been Ramses so that name wasn't completely pulled out of the thin blue air.

I'm going to do something completely out of character and promote someone else's site (or two). Check out:

Kubo's Lion King Site

The AquaBats!!!

Kiara-holic #1 (CMZ)
Aug 29 - 04:11



Krazy Kat: Thanks for the info on Mufasa's song!

Timin: I have a book that's called "The Top 10 of Everything." It has TLK at the top of a list of Best-selling videos that includes Snow White and Jurassic Park, as well as ID4.

Christian: I remember when TLK had finished it's run in the theaters, reports came out that it made about $740 mil worldwide and was 2nd behind Jurassic Park which was at about $900 mil. Then ID4 came and knocked TLK down to 3rd, and, yes, Titanic knocked them all down one place. TLK is at #6 domestically. Its not my lack of a life, but rather a sort of "Rain Man" gift I have for memorizing facts and statistics w/out even trying.

Raksha: I know about the "Lost Verse" because I saw the show in June. Sarabi was on the ground sobbing in a melodious cry that rang throughout the theater. I've even seen David Sauve talk about it on the TLK-L.

Mouse: called me "Kiara-Holic." I'm "KiaraRose." Christian is Kiara-Holic #1 [KH#1]. That's okay. I knew that there would be a whole mess of people claiming Kiara for a screenname. Rose is my tag to separate me from the others. As for the "Six New Adventures," I haven't read those books in 4 years. They weren't even mine. A friend let me borrow them to read. She said she got a special deal from Grolier because she was a regular customer. But she wouldn't sell them to me, and now she's gone. She moved away and took the books with her. I think Scar was caught in a buffalo stampede [if anyone knows for sure, feel free to correct me] and we hear him declare that he was no longer Taka, but Scar. I did write down the translations of names they had at the beginning of each book. Simba had a son named Kopa which was Swahili for "heart."

Tau: You mentioned that people might be sick of seeing Titanic after about, oh I don't know, 20 viewings in the theater. Maybe if they were dragged each of the 20 times. I saw TLK 5 times in the theater so I could hold on to that Dolby quality. And I loved being surrounded by the built-in laugh-track. Do you wanna guess if I bought the tape or not? Do you think I am sick of TLK? This is all being said in humor. I know its hard to tell without tone and facial expressions. :) But you do pose an interesting question. Titanic made the money it did because people saw the movie 20 times. That may be so, but that doesn't mean they will buy 20 tapes. Maybe, and I'm just going out on a limb here, TLK has a chance at keeping the throne? I did see a local article stating that the "King of the World" was looking to dethrone "The Lion King." Oh well. Since Disney re-releases movies after 8 years, it can re-release the movie in 2002 and sell a THX special-edition version of the video and reclaim the title. Or will the re-release be counted as a separate tape. Tell ya what, I know a lot of you have probably melted your old tape. Don't you think its time to buy a new one?

Aug 29 - 03:35

Lion King Queen!
Location: Where else but here?

Hey Everyone!

Attention: SP backpack in Disney Catalog!!!! It's only a catalog exclusive and it is sooo cute. It has Kovu, Kiara, Timon and Pumbaa on the pockets and lots of little African animals. It comes with school supplies such as a ruler, eraser, memo pad, key chain, 4 markers, 2 pencil, sharpener and 2 stickers. I know that I'll be getting it!!!!

Now my SP fanfic: Be Prepared!

I know that your powers of retention
Are as good as Scar's best side
But thick as you are pay attention
My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your facial expressions
The lights are all on upstairs
But we're talking Kings and successions
That even you will be unaware!

So prepare for your chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for all the great news
A shining new era
is creeping so nearer

Kovu: And what will I cover

Just listen to your mother

I know it sounds out there
But trust me you'll know where
When at last we are given our dues
And injustice will be squared

Be prepared!

More to come!!!!!!!


Aug 29 - 01:07

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