Posted by: Meg (
Date: April 24, 2003
I just went to some movie review site. Unlike other sites, you had to type in the movie to get the reviews for it. Underneath the 'typing box'were directions on what to do. They used TLK as an example (Lion King, Liopn King, The)!!!!!

I read a NEWSPAPER review for Spirited Away (eeks), and it said that the movie didn't have 'nonsence' such as singing and dancing warthogs. But-ha! TLK got a 10, and Spirited Away got a 9.

In the TLK IMAX review for TLK (it got a 10, see above), they used an image from SP!!! I was so angery I E-mailed Jck Gadener (the review guy) and told him that the image was from the wrong movie (duhhh).

On a commercail for some credit card, that 'Yo' basketball player walked out of a store with a TLKoB poster in the window!!!

I saw a TLKoB ad while watching a football game.


No E-mails, please, I have a block!!!!!!!!!!!1