mwalimu's Lion King Stories
At one time I was quite active in Lion King fandom, which is in fact how I got started writing fiction. Though my interest in TLK faded a few years ago, it was fun while it lasted. At any rate, here are those stories.
- The Enigma (1996, 458K) If Scar hadn't told him, could Simba have figured out what really happened? This novel-length alternate ending to The Lion King was my first serious attempt at any kind of creative writing. Despite some amateur mistakes in the writing style and story structure, I thought it turned out decent.
- All in a Warthog's Day (1996, 6K) Pumbaa gets a scare.
- Just Like Me (1996, 19K) A Simba's exile scenario where he encounters a leopard cub.
- A Safe Place (1997, 144K) A sequel to Josh Templin's The Tales of Tanabi. Simba's cubs are intrigued by a reclusive lion living nearby, as three lionesses from Kisasian's pride come to the Pride Lands.
- Prey Upon the Spirit (1998, 21K) Another Simba's exile scenario, this one about his first encounter with wildebeest since that fateful day in the canyon.
I also wrote numerous bits of Lion King humor. This is only a couple of those bits. If you were around the fandom when I was and remember any of the others you'd like to see here, drop me a line and I'll see what I can dig up from my archives.
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