Title: What captured me about Nala...
Author: Bruce Porterfield
Date: 12/26/97

    Remember you said I could write what I wanted but to remember others  would read this. I thought that's why Nalaholics Anonymous existed, so we could come forth with our feelings & admit to the world that we love Nala.

    What captured me about Nala is she's so fun loving, she loves to romp & play, she's so in touch with the cub within, but when it comes to hunting or loving she takes her part very serious. Her beauty is beyond reproach, her fur glistens in the sun like waves of gold & is smooth & sleek to the touch. When she strides through the pridelands she walks the walk of knowing her royal lineage yet her airs are those of a common lioness. You look into her eyes, you can see the gentleness & compassion that says,I know who I am, but I also remember who we are. Her eyes are electric, they becken to you saying come walk with me, let's play, or simply touch me, yet tempered with the strength & determination to stand alone & fight for what she believes in. She draws you into herself &you feel what is in her, she makes you willing to lay down your life in her service. I have seen many human females, but they are all pale in comparison to the beauty, dignity, & power that is Nala...

    To be a Nalaholic is to see the strength & beauty that we all see on the outside for Nala is indeed a beautiful creature. But it goes deeper then that, It goes to the ability to feel  the peace that is within her. To see the love in her eyes reaching deep into our souls. Secretly we have these feelings, but now as Nalaholics we know we're not alone in these feelings & that we should embrace these feelings with all our heart. Not just the feelings of desire as expressed in "The Look" but the feeling of understanding why these feelings are brought forth by this very special lioness, The feelings of love, the knowlage that we all are part of the great Circle of Life on a scale grander then we had ever imagined...

    In dreams we run through the savana running & playing sort of a tag game, however in this game being caught isn't such a bad thing because when you get caught you get to nuzzle. As  evening falls Nala heads off across the savana to hunt for food. I watch from the promenade as she heads across the plains her golden fur fading into the tall savanna grass. I wonder to the upper resting area & watch the sun slowly sink below the horizon. As the last rays of the sunlight reach their crimson fingers to the sky Nala returns with a springbok she has caught. As she returns I see the last light glimmering off Nala's coat, I climb down to meet her at the base of priderock. She greets me by sliding her head under mine & purring softly. We eat below priderock as it's great shadow stretches across the savanna, casting an ever spreading shadow until night engulfs the land, we climb up to the royal cave where we rest in peace for the night.