Guest Book

We've had hundreds of thousands of visitors over the years. Please sign the book to let us know who you are!

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March 21, 1996, 11:34 p.m.

Priyan Meewella

Still School!!!


Well this is only a trial run internet thing, but I like it so much that my dad will find it hard to not get the real thing!

March 21, 1996, 6:39 p.m.

Sarah Bogle

Lion King Watcher

March 21, 1996, 2:04 p.m.

Brian Tiemann

Defender of Earth

The bowels of a computer somewhere

Locar--Do you want the Earth to join the mediocrity instilled by the feeling of simply being a part of a thousand sniveling planets that have succumbed to you? We are a prouder planet than that. We draw strength as a race from our heritage and the planet we can prove ourselves worthy of ruling by ourselves. Where will that pride go if we are ruled by an outsider?Take over our world, Locar, and instantly its value to you will drop. More than that, its very value to its inhabitants would become null. Think about that. If you have any compassion, or barring that any intelligence, you will retreat and leave the Earth to spin out its history under its own sovereignty. You cannot deny us that.Brian, defender with reason

March 21, 1996, 1:29 p.m.




Hello! Goodbye!!

March 21, 1996, 1:22 p.m.

LORD Tanga

Defenses "R" Us

Courthouse of the Pride

Hello fans of Scar! It's going to be my turn to testify for Scar any minute now. If you want to listen to the bad!! (sorry) I'll give you the details later. See ya! --Tenga

March 21, 1996, 1:09 p.m.



Courthouse of the Pride

Hello, gang! Tenga and I are in the courthouse now, listening to the prosecution tell its case (oh, please.)! My friend is going to give his case next (yes!!)! I'm going to hold a press conference later on about this case. Hope to see you there!!

March 21, 1996, 12:42 p.m.

Leo Pardeu

Brother of Rita

Right here

Cool page, B. You are supreme!

March 21, 1996, 3:45 a.m.


What does a Leopard do?

Probable Africa, you could always check

One of the bigger fans of TLK, I can't get a web page (due to $), so I'm around others TLK WWW page. This is the best of them all. I've been here an uncountable amount of times, and realised I haven't signed in yet, so here I am. Now getting use to the net, I intend to submit some art work of TLK (probable to Ryan's Lion) to make up for not having a TLK web page. I am at the a.f.l-k daily, and of course [h1]The Lion King is the best movie ever made.[/h1] Well best of wishes to all other TLK fans, and let TLKbaWoL.[h2]HAKUNA MATATA[/h2]Leopard

March 20, 1996, 5:24 p.m.

Brandon JOnes


ETSU Johnson City TN

March 20, 1996, 10:46 a.m.


Squinty-eyed ruler of 1,001 planets (Ha, ha, ha-ha)

Brinstar (that one planet)

Although your planet has put up SOME resistance, other planets are not as dumb. Alzatar has given up the rebellion and Brinstar has succumb to my awesome power. General Brian Tiemann of the Earth resistance, I ask that you lay down your arms and join with me as well. Otherwise, you and your planet will suffer dire consequences!!!

--Locar the Almighty

March 19, 1996, 12:49 p.m.



New York

Hi, gang! I've been fighting Demetri and is he hard!! Anyway, I decieded that I needed a little break, so, here I am!! I just wanted to say that you have a nice homepage Brian. The sound files are great, and the pictures are even better!! Rikou is my next opponent so I'll be seeing you!! Bye!! --Felicia

March 19, 1996, 6:36 a.m.

Karen Shiels


London, UK

Geeeeee,My life was changed COMPLETELY by seeing TLK, I cried all the way through the legend of TLK at WDW.Luv Karen and Monty(my beautiful cat)

March 19, 1996, 12:56 a.m.

Ulrika and Angelica

Vännäs, Sweden

It´s a great story for everyone. See it!

March 18, 1996, 7:01 p.m.

Jeremy Massey


Roseburg, Oregon

March 18, 1996, 6:53 p.m.

Brian Tiemann

Wild-Eyed Maniac


> Hmm............ I see that you're one not to be intimidated. In > spite of your courage and bravery I will conquer you and your wimpy planet!! Not while this 'wimpy' planet is connected through its all-powerful Web of protection. Now that I know of your location and weaknesses (ahh, yes, server-side includes and CGI scripts are wonderful things), I can alert Earth from my strategic vantage point on the Web, and you will find more resistance and strength than you counted on! Good luck, Locar! (And don't look behind you as you concentrate on Earth-- lest you see MORE of your 999 remaining planets falling from your control!)Brian

March 18, 1996, 4:25 p.m.

LORD Tenga

Scar's defense attorney (again!)


They did it!! I can't believe it!! They're having a retrial of Scar's case!! I have to start the defense anew!! Brian, do SOMETHING!!!!

March 18, 1996, 3:57 p.m.


Just had to get that message through.

March 18, 1996, 3:56 p.m.


Spineless jellyfish never put up much of a fight!!

March 18, 1996, 10:42 a.m.

Timothy Henkel

Rutgers Univeristy

March 18, 1996, 12:04 a.m.

Jeremy Guillory

Student (High School)

Kodiak, Alaska

Well, I was just sitting here with my Lion King music playing, so I thought I would check out some THK sites. I'm sure glad I did! This is a really well done page, the best one I've seen. Lion King is a big thing in my life, It's just so cool! I think I'm addicted to it. And I wonder why I dont have any money!

March 17, 1996, 4:41 p.m.

Jon Ruark

TLK RULES!!!!!!!

March 17, 1996, 3:38 p.m.

Julie the Houn' Dawg


March 16, 1996, 11:12 p.m.

Brianne Nelson

Sophomore at Willits High School

Willits, California 95490

The Lion King is the best Disney animated movie yet. We named our dog Jasmine, and if we ever get a cat, we'll call him Simba. I can't wait for the next Disney movie to come out! Class of 98 rules!

March 16, 1996, 4:03 p.m.

Wei Zheng

UC Berkeley


Really like the page, the best on the web:) thanks...

March 15, 1996, 10:53 p.m.

Stella Tessler

Port Jefferson, NY

Our family found the Lion King to be so inspiring. We lost my father-in-law after a six-month illness during the release of this movie. We truly believe in the "Circle of Life". Love those who are around you. Give what you take. And, always remember that it takes the whole village to raise a child.

I am sorry that I am being so "mushy", but life is so precious. If it takes a movie to make people realize this, then I can't think of a better one than the Lion King.

March 15, 1996, 8:39 p.m.

Tiffany Lyon(Nala)


THE LION KING RULES!!!!I hope Disney comes out with THE LION KING 2!"Slimy yet satisfing."-Simba

March 15, 1996, 8:31 p.m.

Tiffany Lyon


THE LION KING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "slimy yet saatisfing"-Simba

March 14, 1996, 6:18 p.m.

Rebecca Widdison

Uni Student at CSU-Riverina

Wagga Wagga N.S.W. 2650

March 14, 1996, 2:13 p.m.


Ruler of 999 planets (thanks, Brian!)

Alzatar (that one other planet)

I hate you! You have broken the chain of command!! Alzatar is in chaos! A rebellion has started! When I'm finished with you, both you and Starwolf will be destroyed!! If I get dragged to Hades, I'm taking you with me!!!!!

March 14, 1996, 10:23 a.m.

Travis Shendaruk



Dudes and Dudettes I am like one of the biggest LionKing fans on the Planet and I am looking for the sheet music to the movie. If you have it or know where I can get it Could you send me E-MAIL thanx fellow fans.. :)

March 13, 1996, 11:26 p.m.

francisco alcorta III

lazy student

yes, the one the only Texas Timon here! Hi everybody! I am now on TLK Muck as Suri visit my site today!

March 13, 1996, 11:24 p.m.

francisco alcorta III

lazy student

March 13, 1996, 1:59 p.m.

Andy Kellar

Manchester, U.K.

March 13, 1996, 1:31 p.m.

Nicki lynn Marlette

student at DSU

Madison South Dakota

March 13, 1996, 8:10 a.m.

Kati Mowat

Research Assistant Carleton University

Ottawa, Canada

Well HELLO!!! I absolutely adore the lion king and am a proud owner of the first (and only) Simba fanny pack on my street! (Direct from Orland Florida)Just wanted to say this is an amazing site and I have it pointed to on my homepage and bookmarked.Thank you also for the pictures, they make great wallpaper in Windows95!Love it!Kati

March 12, 1996, 11:53 p.m.

Jade Firkser


March 12, 1996, 11:40 p.m.




March 12, 1996, 1 p.m.



Scottsdale, Arizona

March 12, 1996, 12:59 p.m.

Laura A. Bishop, Zara

Student/Sears Jewler

Fullerton, California

Dear TLK fans, I'm not sure exactly what to say, just know I'm here, and that I've seen this page. (Which I'm told I HAVE to see to be considered a fan of TLK:) I realy like it, It's one of the best Lion King pages I've ever seen!See you on the Pride Lands. With much love, Zara AKA: Laura Bishop

March 12, 1996, 7:52 a.m.

Matti Peltoniemi

Tikkakoski, Finland

There's nothing more to say than "TLK Rules 4ever!" and that's telling all!I Just wonder where I might find TLK wall-poster number 3. I already got 1, 2, and 4.If someone knows, please Email.

March 11, 1996, 8 p.m.

Katie Newberry-Gillin


Milwaukee WI

March 11, 1996, 7:13 p.m.

Mark Abady

Grupo Abady

México D.F.

This page is COOL!!!! Like mexican would say... Esta a toda madre!!!

March 11, 1996, 5:29 p.m.

Sandy Chan

UC Davis


March 11, 1996, 3:04 p.m.

Jarrod "ScarFan" Henry


Who Cares!

Hey all!
I can also be reached at []ScarFan's
email address[/url]. Check out my homepage!! Click here to see my wonderfully
designed, award winning, (bull) home page. Have fun!
[h3]H A K U N A M A T A T A[/h3] (be glad I didn't make it blink too.) Fun with HTML!
Jarrod Henry
aka ScarFan on IRC (which I don't do :) )

March 11, 1996, 2:48 p.m.

Brian Tiemann

Mere sniveling human


Locar--You greatly underestimate me, I'm afraid. I see this as an attempt to add to your empire by intimidating me, but it will not work. You see, inside Webspace I control all text that passes before me, and so I control you as well! My power exceeds yours, Locar, though you may not wish to admit it.This will remain an autonomous web site, fiend, and I will remain free and strong. For I live by the words: Remember Who You Are!I refuse to submit to your intimidation. Live with the taste of defiance in your nostrils! Brian, a puny human

March 11, 1996, 1:33 p.m.


Ruler of 1,000 planets

Earth (a sad place, isn't it?)

Brian Tiemann, you are nothing but a sniveling, miniature, insignificant peice of a worm! Your power is nothing compared to the awsome strength of mine! Brian, you make me sick!!!

March 11, 1996, 1:11 p.m.


Internet browser


It is I, Starwolf, a humble servant of Locar. My quest in this mission is to find the perfect homepage, and now my quest is over. This page is right. My master will be along shortly to announce himself personally. Brian, I will preare you for your fight. Stand strong, he doesn't like that and he will back down.

March 10, 1996, 5:49 p.m.

Denise and Kendra Domotor

Music Teacher and Daughter

Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

This is a fantastic site!! My daughter and I have spent a lot of time here!! It's been fun for two "die-hard" LION KING fans!!!

March 9, 1996, 9:21 p.m.

Ragnar aka matt reed

Wolf Lord 7th great company


i just wish that more people would open their hearts and their minds to the enlightened power of TLK, anyway this is my first real message on this page. firstly the supiror char. on TLK is pumbaa. second disney needs to make a show 'bout WOLVES! thats what i have to say about everything --may russ smile upon you and your kin Ragnar Blackmane, Wolflord

March 9, 1996, 7:36 p.m.

Simba Wiltz

Orlando, FL

Living with the name Simba is not the only similarity I have with The Lion King. No....That is just the beginning. When talking about The Lion King, I am not a fan. I AM, The Lion King.

March 9, 1996, 6:37 p.m.

Kate Ihrke

Student Concordia College

Moorhead, Minnesota

everyone..lion king is by far the best all time disney animated!! yeah....go lk freaks!:)

March 9, 1996, 11:09 a.m.



March 9, 1996, 10:52 a.m.

I'm pretty new to this web thing. I've never been one for computers, I mean, I wouldn't know a homepage from a home. Anyway, I love The Lion King

March 9, 1996, 10:10 a.m.

Anna Torstensson

I love The Lion King!

March 9, 1996, 9:56 a.m.


These sound files are the greatest!!!!

March 9, 1996, 8:31 a.m.

Rita De Pardeu

Alley Kat

The Second Plane

This is Rita. Look, we've confiscated Talonspire's laptop and we know his plans. He doesn't want to make you kings, he's just using you to free himself from the plane. Once he is free, he'll destroy you all!! Listen, don't do it!! Don't join up with Talonspire!!

March 9, 1996, 1:16 a.m.




March 8, 1996, 4:31 p.m.

Scott S. Shepherd

S. Sterling Shepherd, Attorney at Law

Dallas, Tx

What an outstanding page. I was able to relive the entire movie all over again. I think i've used up my entire time for the month, but hey... it was worth it. If anyone knows of any similar sites, i.e. Beauty & Beast, 101 dalmations, Lady & Tramp, Little Mermaid, etc... please e-mail me. Thanks and ROAR ON!!

March 7, 1996, 3:39 p.m.

Jarrod Henry



[h1] H a k u n a M a t a t a [/h1]Hey all, welcome to section three of Brian's little guestbook. So, what's up? I got an answer for ya! Sign on to Lionking List, and help write the first team fan fiction for the Lion King. Yes, that's right, we are writing a story called Pride and Prey. Join in the fun, (and the credit). Hope to see you soon.Jarrod Henry ScarFan on EfNET #LionKing

March 6, 1996, 11:30 p.m.

Päivi Juutinen

biology student

university of Jyväskylä, Finland

I'm 21 years old and still I think that The Lion King is the best movie I've seen for ages!!! This page is great, thanx !!!

March 6, 1996, 8:40 p.m.

Sean Rabbitt -- BigSimba

Student/Lion/Pesterer of small meerkats from Caltech

University of Rhode Island

Brian, this boy, he is a raving nutter, trust me. I had to rescue him from
a fate worse than death; having to stay in an MIT frat house for almost a
week! If you enjoy watching Boston and crazy people, I'm sure he could tell
you great stories about our Trolly Ride From Hell (TM).

You can see some of Brian's great artwork (the early years) at my site, the
one that worships just that big fuzzy lion, Simba. Find Brian's pictures in
the Tiemann Galleries section of the page. And be sure to find out all the
information you ever wanted, or didn't want to know, about Disney Videos at
the Disney Video
Availability List.

Brian, you raving nutter, we love ya! Hug that crazy lioness for me, won't

March 5, 1996, 3:17 p.m.

Ofer Reshef


Jerusalem, Israel


March 5, 1996, 3:17 p.m.


I won't tell ('cuz I'M on a vacation!)


Jarrod, Brian, I'm sorry to tell you that this will be my last document on the guest book for some time. The court found Scar not guilty on lack of evidence. So I'm a-takin' me a vacation! See ya cuz! -Tenga

March 5, 1996, 2:23 a.m.

Chettapol Promsatit



March 4, 1996, 4:48 p.m.

Rebecca Lemke


March 4, 1996, 4:16 p.m.



Right here

People of this homepage, I ask you to ban with me and free me from my realm! Anybody who joins with me shall share the spoils of my conquering. -Talonspire

March 2, 1996, 10:50 p.m.

Joy Broad

Little Country Town In Australia

March 2, 1996, 7:24 a.m.

Paul Purves


London, Ontario, Canada

Well Done! This is easily the best designed site that I have come across.

March 2, 1996, 12:20 a.m.

Wolf Corlett (AKA Ysengrin)

Wolfhom / SFX and costuming

Terrell, Texas

TLK is the best of the Disney movies - and I re-watch it every couple of weeks!

March 1, 1996, 7:25 p.m.

nicole bartels



this movie is the best!!!

March 1, 1996, 4:04 p.m.



March 1, 1996, 11:48 a.m.

Jennifer DObres


Lion King rules! The music, and all the effects are cool!

Feb. 29, 1996, 3:49 p.m.


Dragon for hire

The second plain

Honorable pagemaster, I thank you for allowing myself to be introduced to the TLK crowd. I have memorized every line from this movie. If for one second you think I'm an evil dragon, you're so right. I agree with Jarrod and that other person. Scar should rule the pride lands. Scar was right, it was the hyenas who tricked him into killing Mufasa! If anybody should pay, It's Simba!! Simba and Nala! Simba for beating Scar and Nala for informing Simba about Scar!! I would rule the pride myself, but I'm stuck in this stupid realm! But for now "Long live the king!!"

Feb. 29, 1996, 1:59 p.m.



Feb. 29, 1996, 1:53 p.m.

Chris Vollentine/Taka


Chalmette, Louisiana

This page ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!(!!!...etc.)(Why doesn't anyone else use Netscape 2.0?)

Feb. 29, 1996, 1:20 p.m.




Feb. 29, 1996, 10:40 a.m.

Melissa Thyne


Illinois State University

The Lion King is my favorite movie. I am a big freak when comes to things that have to do with Disney, especially Mickey Mouse and The Lion King. TLK is one of the greatest movies. I watch the movie all the time.

Feb. 29, 1996, 7:32 a.m.

Sonia Dalton

My children are adored the Lion King movie and they kept watching a movie over and over.Thanks!

Feb. 29, 1996, 6:11 a.m.

Mariano Menor


Pamplona (Spain)

I like Disney movies but I can´t see them in english. I wanna see all this films in english but... By the way I have all CD with disney music in english. My friends think that I´m crazy or stupid I´m 23 years old. E-mail me (in Spanish if you can)

Feb. 28, 1996, 7:22 p.m.

mark heffernan

fox valley montessori


Feb. 28, 1996, 12:48 p.m.

T'Lonya Rhea Grimes

Angelo State University

San Angelo, Texas

Feb. 28, 1996, 12:20 p.m.

Sabrina Paxton


Vancouver, WA

Feb. 27, 1996, 6:34 p.m.

Robert David Peck

I would like to publicly apologize for my post here a couple of days ago. I had no right to say some of the thing I said. Please forgive me.Maintainer's note: Easily done-- not a problem. -BT

Feb. 27, 1996, 1:52 p.m.

Jarrod Henry



Tenga ScarFan is who I am. It is what I have become on the net. There is no way you can have it. It is mine. Now, I believe you misunderstood me. I WANT A COPY OF YOUR DRAWINGS, BECAUSE I CANNOT DRAW TO SAVE MY LIFE!! That is why I asked you to tell me about them. You, my friend, thought I was accusing you of copying my work. No, use it if you want to as a Story LIne. I don't care. I just wanna see it when you are done. Now, point three, I did not know it was you who sent the "Jarrod knows who" message. I believed it was someone from my school. That is my fault for overreacting. No Hard Feelings? The One and Only ScarFan, who thinks you should find a name other than ScarFan.

Feb. 26, 1996, 5:18 p.m.


Guard dog of Hades and Tenga's alter ego

Where Tenga is

It seems that my friend has become my enemy! The mighty lion finally shows his teeth and soon he, like all my opponnents, shall fall and beg for my mercy! Jarrod, you may be better than me in some things, but if there's one postion where I rule, It is drawing. My comics are going to be famous! I shall crush you very small. So, here is my challenge: one picture, TLK or not, as best as you can draw it, details and all!! We will grade each other and reply on this homepage. The price: I win, you relinquish the title of "ScarFan" to me. You win: I will not visit this homepage for some time *and* I will make one note before my temporary exile in which I shall beg for your mercy. Now, will you step down and give the title to me, or rise to the challenge? P.S. #2. Those gourds hold an ointment #3. Zazu's mother's name is Zuzu (I don't make these answers, I pass them along.) #4. I have two answers for this one: Chaka or Kopa #5. Last I heard it was Ahadi #6-7. Grass walls, JelaniMoja-one, Mibli-two, Tatu-three, Wali-wild rice, Kula-to eat, Chewa-he who has a very large mouth (sorta like you!)

Feb. 26, 1996, 3:27 p.m.

Alex Reburn


Cal Poly

Feb. 26, 1996, 9:23 a.m.


Univ. Mogi das Cruzes

mogi das cruzes - S.Paulo- Brazil

I love this page ! send me news and congratulations !

Feb. 25, 1996, 8:37 p.m.

Gil the Great

None, just me.

Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Feb. 25, 1996, 9:11 a.m.

Rolando Rodriguez


Miami, FL

Feb. 25, 1996, 6:30 a.m.

Matthias Nentwich


Dachau (Germany)

I'm a great Lion King fan and in my opinion The Lion King is the best movie ever made. It is a geat pitty that there are so less Lion King fans in Germnay, but thank god that there is the Internet. :-)LONG LIVE THE KING !!!

Feb. 24, 1996, 11:49 p.m.

Frank Alcorta III

Lazy "High" High School Student

Texas Timon's Home Page!

I will get this right....someday! Well fyi, i just got home from a party at a friends house, next thing you know we are watching the lion king! Instead of hearing "take that off" or "babies" I heard "ooh that is my favorite part!" odd. Well nywayz, check out my www site thingie. Let me get the link right this time! please! Texas Timon's Home Page! did it work? -Texas Timon

Feb. 24, 1996, 11:10 p.m.

Frank Alcorta III

Lazy HS student


visit my new page! it is at it has some stuff about Timon (Brian, Nathan, and Quinton are not the only timon's) and me and my contraversial "high" school...hehe To tell you the truth, at first I did not want Timon as a handle, a local sysop at a local bbs gave it with me, then I realized I am like a lifelike timon: rude, friendly, sleek, lazy hehe...well write me at for more info -Timon or try [url=]Timon's Page![/url]

Feb. 24, 1996, 6:43 p.m.

Angela Woodland


ontario, canada

LION KING RULES!!! I"m a big fan and would like to talk to others that feel the same.. :)

Feb. 24, 1996, 6:02 p.m.

Ed Peng

Yup, TLK helped direct my life, and I'm 16:).

Feb. 24, 1996, 2:05 p.m.

Carol McCarty

College student

Penn State Altoona

The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie of all time.

Feb. 24, 1996, 5:48 a.m.

Solomon Tai

Feb. 23, 1996, 10:08 p.m.

Jessica Galanter


Southern California

"The Lion King" is probably one of the best Disney movies made!! It's a romping adventure for "kids" of all ages, like me! (Although, I'm only 15) Lion King Rules Forever!!!!! -Jessica

Feb. 23, 1996, 8:13 p.m.

David A. Morris


Hang on, people! I'm trying to write my own TLK story, so look out! Oh, I just cant wait...for the sequel!

Feb. 23, 1996, 10:49 a.m.

Jessica Sexton

Marian High School

Omaha NE, 68130

I think The Lion King is the best movie ever released. I watch it every day. I print every picture I can find of the Lion King. This by far is my favorite in the whole wide world.

Feb. 23, 1996, 10:41 a.m.

Chris Fullman

Oakland Park (Fort. Lauderdale) Florida

I would like to know if there is going to be Lion King II.
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