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April 14, 2003, 5:58 a.m.



Young Simba e-mail me i would love to hear a word from you

April 14, 2003, 1:11 a.m.

ethel fanuncio


vigan city, philippines

i really like the portray of the movie. daydiay lang...

April 14, 2003, 1:02 a.m.

Ihly Draksa



i support anyone who supports the lion king cos the lion king rocks!

April 13, 2003, 7:04 p.m.

Britt with the website!

wesite is up 'n runnin...more to come!

April 13, 2003, 5:31 p.m.


Okay, don't want to step on anybodies toes with this comment, but Scar is weedy for I lion. But he is still a male lion, how am I suppose to hit him back? Mwah everyone x

April 13, 2003, 5:22 p.m.




I m like trying to get my homepage right but it's like actin' kinda freaky so, yeah.....Hi lion king fans! o BTW: volume 5 of the Lion King news is coming to ya's finished and for anybody out there who had your name placed in it, it will be sent to you ASAP...lata!

April 13, 2003, 5:16 p.m.

aaron studer

April 13, 2003, 5:01 p.m.



.........Is Scar in the next movie? I totally have to see it if he is. He's the best character. I guess I like little Simba and Timon and Pumbaa...and Sarabi. Sarabi is cool....But she really couldv'e hit Scar back ya know. Well...pretty useless comment but...sorryBye

April 13, 2003, 4:47 p.m.


Well thanks, but Scar wasn't always like that lol Only joking still love him to bitsMwah to TLK fans Breath deep, seek piece and be happy ;)

April 13, 2003, 2:04 p.m.


The Lion King is the best movie ever!!!! I especially love the songs. This is a great site for any info about the Lion King that you want to know. Suggestion: Have less downloading required.

April 13, 2003, 1:03 p.m.

Gregg"Simba" DeMattos

Raleigh N.C.


Sarabi any Queen that puts up with getting slapped around by her evil brother-in-law is #1 in my book.

April 13, 2003, 12:36 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Sorry about not spelling your name right Shaina Zie lol. Oh by the way that person who said they were the #1 Fan beat that, Wonder why they aren't coming back? Probably one of those imatures that think they are the only fans out there jeeze thats so stupid lol. I mean ppl that say they are the # 1 fan of TLK really need to get a hobby because I AM A # 1 FAN TO!!!! hehe ;) I LOVEEEEEE SIMBA!! ThATS WHY I SAID I WAS SIMBAS # 1 FAN BUT I KNOW THERE ARE OTHER SIMBA FANS OUT THERE :P I'm not just saying I'm the only #1 fan like ppl are saying ~hint hint~ lol anyways My email addy Simba Rules is~ Talk to you later LK luvas!

April 13, 2003, 10:13 a.m.




Hello, SIMBAROAR would you please email me? hey Brian,this site ROCKS,OH my gosh do i love the lion king,i watch it every day, i draw wonderfull,Simbas Nalas ect. if you want fan art email me id be happy to give you some i will take drawing requests also,(No timon drawing requests please i cant draw him good!)

April 13, 2003, 5:43 a.m.

Kendra Lake

April 13, 2003, 5:24 a.m.


Hay Britt, tried connecting to your home page, just said bad gate way. What's going on?

April 13, 2003, 3:41 a.m.


April 13, 2003, 12:36 a.m.




So, if TLK was based on Hamlet, and TLK II was based on Romeo and Juliet, will TLK I 1/2 be based on The Merchant of Venice?

April 12, 2003, 8:27 p.m.

Britt(da real fan)



Hey everybody..sup? I m just like soo bored nothing to do but like watch my cats or sumthin'...boring! who-hoo! 5 more dayz till lion king on happy....i m kinda of wondering if anyone out there has seen it and has an idea of how much suvenoirs cost...generaly...also does anybody know where they sell the Lion King on Broadway CD? anyone? o, no just remememered...i get to babysit tommorow..whoo-hoo(not) again, hi to all my palsy-walsys out there....Jacey, hang in there, I m coming in a few more days so just hang on! to my ex, stop sending me those stupid e-mails! i don't like u! go away! evil! (hiss)! to my mom, wats up? to my step-dad, i hate your guts, daddy, I miss over me next week, K? by the way, new e-mail address should be ready by tommorow round 9 o clock... c all you dawgs lata on...

April 12, 2003, 6:11 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Yo. What's goin' on, everybody? Just checkin' in. Yo, Simba is Roaring, why's you spellin' my name wrong? You used to spell it right. BTW, I apologized 'bout that damn room joke like three times already. I think Rafiki might need to hit you in the head again, to get you to forget about the past. ^__^ An' who's this new guy? There's some new guy who's all, 'no, britt can't say she's the #1 fan cuz I am!!!' Sounds like someone just wants to tweak Simba is Roaring!!! Anyhow, I just wanna' say hi to Britt, an' my other friends. Tootles!-Shaina Zie

April 12, 2003, 1:31 p.m.


Hay I know my e-mail add has changed and so will my user name as of now. It will be sarabi please don't ask why it just will. Anyway back to TLK. Scar... don't panic everyone has their opinion on the lion king and yes some do thing that Scar is nala's dad. Personally I thinks it's Mufasa. Yes there is suppose to be a lion king 3 coming out next year.I don't know if its x rated lol. Zira might of been his past mate we just don't know. It's fun to guess. Although she does pine for him alot in SP, Take care xxxxxxx

April 12, 2003, 1:11 p.m.

Scar can't be Nala's father



my e-mail is

I heard a rumor that Scar is Nala's father! IS IT TRUE!!!! I HEARD THERE IS A LION KING 3!!! IS THAT TRUE!!!! I HEARD THERE WAS GONNA BE....(stuff that makes a movie r-rated) IS THAT TRUE???And is Zira really Scar's former mate? IS THAT TRUE??(I know I've repeated it one too many times but.....I AM A HUGE LION KING PERSON AND I DIDN"T KNOW ANY OF IT!!!!Plus I'm a huge Scar fan...because he's evil. EVIL I TELL YOU!!!Plus he's my uncle.

April 12, 2003, 6:19 a.m.



loong hill

April 12, 2003, 3:15 a.m.



i like the lion king its wicked

April 11, 2003, 8:44 p.m.




I m proud to write my e-mail address up there and for any who don't know, please don't ask. I would like to say hello to my pals Shaina, Dale, Stephanie,Jeni,Kaitlyn,Lisa,Michelle,Jacey(4ever),Kiersten, the other Dale, Ashleigh, Ashley, Carmen, Angelica, Stacey, Emily,Erica,Taylor, Bryan,Keith,Matthew,Laura, Allison, Allycia and Kayla! Oh, yeah Stephanie and Nick forever! Good luck guys! If anyone would like to e-mail me, make it appoporite, please. Lately, I have gotten I whole lotta nasty e-mails from either, non-lionking fans or fans who are just kindda snotty. (not giving out names so don't ask)If i do recieve nasty e-mails, u will be put to my blocked senders list and will not be replyed to. I know your names, enimies so, don't unless it's an apologie.Just trying to be friends, Britt

April 11, 2003, 4:18 p.m.


I'v been trying to, but it just seems like no ones listening. So... somebody start a nice friendly topic where we can ALL AGREE and chat about xxx

April 11, 2003, 12:55 p.m.

Simba is ROARING! ~~

April 11, 2003, 3:28 a.m.


dont got one


dont got one

I lOvE tHe LiOn KiNg!

April 10, 2003, 6:30 p.m.

Simba is Roaring! Simbas #1 Fan!


April 10, 2003, 6:16 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

I so agree with PadFoot! There is no such thing as a #1 fan because we ALL ARE #1 Fans! We all are obsessed with the lion king! I know I am ;) Simba is ROARING!

April 10, 2003, 5:43 p.m.


i adore the lion king, and is there really such a thing as a #1 fan? we all love the lion king alot alot alot, this site is awesome!

April 10, 2003, 4:15 p.m.



i think this website is great.My favourite video is lion king and lion king 2 simbas pride.I like to sing to all the songs in both movies they are really catchy.Thanks alot for makeing this marvelous website.All the best and Good Luck for the future.:)

April 10, 2003, 2:07 p.m.


Glad that's sorted, now... Does anybody know a really good fan fic site coz I'm fed up now of sifting through everything on da net. Its really started to up set me now xxx

April 10, 2003, 2:06 p.m.

Simba is ROARING! ~Forever~

Whatever, Just another imature trying to say they love the lion king more ~sighs~ will ppl ever learn?? Simba is ROARING!

April 10, 2003, 2:05 p.m.

#1 Lion King fan BEAT THAT!

Hello, Right here is the main Lion King fan! So Simba is ROARING I guess Britt cant say she is any more now can she! Cuz I'm the #1 Lion King Fan! The movie Rulz! Oh don't you dare try to say that your the #1 Lion King fan because I dont wanna here it Chow #1 Lion King Fan!!!!!!!

April 10, 2003, 1:52 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Hi again, I know I know, I sounded a bit rude but she emailed me and said ~ We can both be lion king lovers together but I can love it a little more than you ~ I mean come on that was a bit rude! I agree we do all think we love the lion king more than others in our hearts but she shouldn't think SHE'S the ONLY #1 fan thats what got me a bit angry :( Shania Zeia- No what you said b4 made me mad especially when you said ~ Go get a room ~ how was I supposed to take that as a joke? Anyways lets not think about the past. So what if shes a hardcore LK fan SO AM I! I have a website and a group I also have tons of figurines plushies etc. But I'm not going to go into that I could go on and on. I just wish she wouldn't say that shes the #1 Fan do you get where I'm coming from? I used to be this way until ppl bit my head off about me loving Lions and Tigers but It made me stop and think ~ Hey you know what maybe I'm not the only hardcore big cat lover around ~ But I still love big cats with all of my heart OMG I'd do anything for a big cat! Anyways but I'm also a HARDCORE LION KING FAN! So britt could you do me a favor to clear this all up? When you email me or post please don't say your ~ The #1 Lion King fan in the world ~ It does get to a few ppl and I'm sure I'm not the only one, I just wanted to point out something that made me mad. Simba is ROARING!

April 10, 2003, 1:26 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Yo, yo, yo! What's goin' on now!?!? Yeesh, after that whole thing with ME, you'd think everyone'd lay off the flamin' fo' a while! This is what I'm gettin' out of this: Dudes and dudettes come on here an' joke around n' stuff. Like I did. Simba is Roaring, you seem like a nice enough dude, but you's a little sensitive. You take everything just a little to personally, and a little too literally. That's how the whole thing with me started. I made a little joke, and you took it as an insult. Now it's all happenin' again with this Brittany gal. I don't think she meant for you to take it so seriously. And, eep! Why are you two dragging me into this!?!? (BTW, Simba is Roaring, Brittany really does seem like a hardcore TLK fan. You should take her quiz. Yeesh, she knows more about TLK than Disney does!)-Shaina ZieP.S. Yo, I AM the hyena's #1 fan. But I don't mind sharing the title with other #1 fans! ^__^

April 10, 2003, 1:16 p.m.


Hay, me again. I know to some of you this will seem like a stupid question but does anyone know what TLK 1.5 is? Coz I don't have a clue. Simba is ROARING this is to you. Lay off Britt, We are all N1 fans in our own right, don't you agree? There will be something that you love in the firm more that I do and there will be something that I love more than you. But that's what I like about this site, we are different it would be boring if we weren't. I don't want to step on anybody's toes because your one of us and I one of you. You seem like a nice feller its just that there are more haters than lovers and the lovers should stick together. Maybe its just me but there are loads of things to shout and this is not one of them. Sending my love to everyone, I'll be thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxx

April 10, 2003, 12:52 p.m.

Simba is ROARING! ~Again~

Ok, I am a die hard Lion King fan I mean I LOVE Simba & Mufasa, Sarabi, Nala, Sarafina.....I could go on and on but I'm not trying to pick a fight so listen Britt you really need to open your eyes. You cannot love the lion king more than another Lion King Lover for um example ME! and everybody else on this site! So what is Shania Zai said she loved the hyenas more than anybody that has nothing to do with you at the moment. I guess I should just start saying I'm the worlds #1 Lion King fan but you know what? I'm not imature like that because I know there are others in my path as well that love the movie....So Britt your probably just a kid and you can keep dreaming cuz I'm not going to put up with this anymore its ridiculas. ~ I thought I would bring this to the LK fans since I know that a Lion King fan is simply a LION KING FAN! We Love the Lion King! so Britt cant say she loves it more than us!! ~

April 10, 2003, 12:48 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Um.....I didn't make it public YOU made it public by posting that in all your messages! You think your the #1 Lion King fan? DREAM ON OK?! I Love Lions and therefore am a die hard Simba fan But you know what? THE WHOLE MOVIE IS GREAT! I'm not trying to pick a fight and am not fighting over email it is u who started it and I have to end it........YOUR NOT THE #1 Lion King Fan so get over it all ready will you!? I Love the Lion King more than you because you are misleading others and very rudly saying that you are the worlds #1 Lion King Lover GET REAL OK!

April 10, 2003, 8:50 a.m.



Ok Simba, here...that really did maybe we're having a fight over e-mail but just because of my post, doesn't mean u should go make it public...u love the lion king so be a lion king lover but I am the #1 fan and if peeps would get along with me than maybe i wouldn't be fighting with u so much...look at Shaina..she told me she was the hyenas number 1 fan when I thought I hard feelings, be fans with them..don't try to get everyone on your side because your hust lowering yourself to your old level...please don't make it public...from, The world's #1 lion king fan

April 10, 2003, 8:28 a.m.




ATTENTION ALL TLK FAN-FICTION WRITERS!!! ATTENTION ALL TLK FAN-FICTION WRITERS!!!I am currently working on a new version of the "Unofficial Lion King character encyclopedia." If you have written ANY fan-fiction since march of 1997, please e-mail a copy of it to so that I can be sure to include it as part of the encyclopedia. If you have ANY comments or questions, feel free to e-mail me. The address once again is Thank you

April 10, 2003, 4:57 a.m.

April 10, 2003, 12:28 a.m.

lisa upahua kapere



This web site is really fun.Simba is the best.!!!!

April 9, 2003, 7:34 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Yo Britt, This is to you. You are not the #1 Lion King fan, I'm not saying this to be rude BUT I LOVE THE LION KING TO!!!! I MEAN ALOT!!!! JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU ARE YOUR NOT.........I just read your post and you said " I'm the #1 Lion King fan and if anybody thinks they are a bigger fan than me you got another thing coming at you " GET REAL! Come on now open your eyes hello LION KING FAN RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT SINCE IT CAME OUT! Simba is ROARING! P.S. Doesn't everybody agree!? I mean she's talking about all of us saying that all of us are less fans then her!!

April 9, 2003, 1:40 p.m.


April 9, 2003, 6:33 a.m.

reinier Bouricius

April 9, 2003, 5:16 a.m.


I'm going to get the boxed DVD gift sey when it comes out. But on the quiet, so that my mum doesn't kill me.

April 9, 2003, 2:38 a.m.




April 8, 2003, 8:01 p.m.

Tom gunn


April 8, 2003, 12:58 p.m.


Hay, nobody around me understand my passion for the lion king, so I've been looking for one of these sites where I'm not the only one. But what s goin on? your havin a go at one another for things that have been said ages ago. We are one! please let it go now. Let them be haters, its okay for us to pity them, their the ones missin out, Mwah! xxx To everyone... just Flex!

April 8, 2003, 5:54 a.m.


my favorite chracter is Simba he rocks! i can't believe he rocks i am happy of that.

April 8, 2003, 12:48 a.m.

Christian Barrye Stovgaard Jensen

Hey Disney i like the lion king and we se new ses

April 7, 2003, 8:35 p.m.



The Lion King is kewl, And its rather kewl that they put it out in many countries! TTYL (ohh yeah, it irrates me when ppl spell wrong :) **civil war(to a message written b4) :):):)

April 7, 2003, 7:26 p.m.


Simba's Dad

to XXXXXXXXXXXX I m glad your trying to be nice and all but leave Shaina alone, shes aplogized and shes cool now...lets all be Lion King buds 4 evr instead of hating every1.

April 7, 2003, 6:40 p.m.



I really love TLK. It's my favorite movie.

April 7, 2003, 5:41 p.m.


carner loger


i love th lion king

April 7, 2003, 4:58 p.m.



I love the lion king!!!!!!!!It is awsome!I loved the play too!My favorite character is simba.He rocks!I have almost all their songs!I cant wait till the DVD comes out!,it'l be just as great!I hung up so many pics on my bedroom wall.I just love that movie.I hope they make a lion king 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 7, 2003, 3:46 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

I bought TLK Sing Along Songs Circle Of Life on DVD ;) Bought it at K-Mart The Lion King is starting to come back already! I also bought another LK DVD Read Along lol I add anything to my collection hehe ;) Simba is ROARING!

April 7, 2003, 2:54 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Yo, XXXXXXXX, what in the world are you talkin' about? I apologized already, get over it. I'm tryin' to get along with you guys, but people like you won't let me. Geez. Oh and by the way, I wasn't the one who said the president might be on here. Someone else did. I was respondin' to 'em. Pay attention to the posts if you're gonna' be dissin' me like that. I didn't know you was a TLK fan, I thought you was one of them haters. It's so freakin' hard to read what you write, I couldn't even tell. You don't use punctuation or commas or anything, your spelling is horrible, and your wording is all wrong. You sound retarded. Besides, you're the one doin' most of the cussin' 'round here. I just usin' slang. Ain't nothin' wrong with slang. Now, before you start whining that I'm insulting you or whatever you're sayin', I don't want to argue with ya'. Ya' hear me? I don't want to argue. But if you wanna' be all immature and you decide to start flamin' me again, I ain't afraid to go at it with ya'. I don't want to argue... but I can and I will. It's your decision, dude. You wanna' get along, or you wanna' be an idiot, an' start fightin' with me for no good reason?-Shaina Zie

April 7, 2003, 11:38 a.m.

Megan Barnes




April 6, 2003, 7:40 p.m.




I want the line.

April 6, 2003, 5:51 p.m.





April 6, 2003, 5:20 p.m.


Ok so what's the problem with Shaina Zie? is she going MENTAL? She is totaly weird she's physed! she is not allowed to never put nasty letter or comments in guest books! IT's not right this is for her: ok so you think I'm a fo? well look at you'r comments. Parents go to this site and see you'r awful comments and then a fight The person can be 30, 41? but you'r the one that is a fo? do you know your bothering other people making them feel uncomfortable do you know that? nope didn't think so you should know better because you'r old enough to know that you know what you'r writing. so don't cuss when you'r a fan! is't like cilvil war fighting in the same country so I hope you are satisfide or however you spell it. And why would there be a predident of the U.S. be on there? all he cares about is the war So get over cussing Ok? get the pitchure? Do ya do ya well You are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is for the fans: Hi yo fans having fun? I got my friend into liking Tlk you should do that to or if you ran out of friends that you already taught them to. so See ya From the friendly new nice PersonXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

April 6, 2003, 5:17 a.m.


I relly love this film. thank you for it!

April 5, 2003, 10:43 p.m.

Nala yay

i think Nala is cool. in my imagination,Simba is weird, and Nala's like smart, and nice, and all that good stuff. Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what make up Nala...

April 5, 2003, 10:28 p.m.

Brittany KS

Its me again... I m taking a vote for my newspaper... To the Fnas: How many out there prefer Lion King 1.5? How many out there would prefer a sequel to the second? Please e-mail your vote to me. Also at the moment, I can quote you on the Lion King on Broadway and of course Lion King 3 as I have just written in article for it...please reply back...if you prefer, if I decide to use your quote, I will not place in a name as many prefer not to...please respond ASAP! Thanks!PS-I will send you a copy of the newsletter with your quote or your vote in it!

April 5, 2003, 10:27 p.m.

Brittany J.

Its me again... I m taking a vote for my newspaper... To the Fnas: How many out there prefer Lion King 1.5? How many out there would prefer a sequel to the second? Please e-mail your vote to me. Also at the moment, I can quote you on the Lion King on Broadway and of course Lion King 3 as I have just written in article for it...please reply back...if you prefer, if I decide to use your quote, I will not place in a name as many prefer not to...please respond ASAP! Thanks!PS-I will send you a copy of the newsletter with your quote or your vote in it!

April 5, 2003, 7:30 p.m.


hurry up, guys! i gotta get my newsleter posted by 4/16! hurry!

April 5, 2003, 4:37 p.m.


meant to say Lion's not loon's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 5, 2003, 4:25 p.m.


someone told me I was rude! maybe I was but those Lion king Haters humphhhh! well I'am A lion king fan I am such a fan of Tlk I watch animal planet whenever Loon's are on Fine I will stop the cussing and swearing but how about the Hater's? we just can't let them screw up the site? can someone erase them? I'am very sad that I put that stuff in the guestbook but I just can't help it. So for now on I won't swear and I feel terrible that I said mean stuff to people who I thought to be Lion king hater's some of them weren't So I'e got 1 simba bobble head 1 nala bobble head collecting Tlk cards a golden plate during the "circle of life" 2 timon animals and more... oh and a poster so I am a lion king fan and will be one forever so people I'am a whole new person Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

April 5, 2003, 6:20 a.m.


Works for the Lion King News


Remember...I can quote anybody on anything regarding the Lion King. If you let me use your quote, I will have your name under the quote and will send you a copy of the newsletter...Only 13 more days until Lion King on Broadway! Please tell me what it's like! LOL!Brittany

April 4, 2003, 11:22 p.m.






April 4, 2003, 6:46 p.m.




Has anyone else noticed that the wind in the "Mufasa's ghost" scene sounds an awful lot like Darth Vader's resperator?

April 4, 2003, 2:42 p.m.



Lion king is the best show in the world i am the number 1 fan for it i LOVE lionking i cant wait till The Lion King 111.

April 4, 2003, 12:28 p.m.



Milwaukee, WI USA

April 4, 2003, 10:24 a.m.



Anybody got a warm welcome for a new comer?

April 3, 2003, 8:24 p.m.



Hey! OMIGOSH I love this site! Woop! I've used some of the images to make a new layout on my website *not out yet* and I WILL give you credit, as well as Disney! Yay! Thanks so much for making this site, it is SO .G.R.E.A.T.

April 3, 2003, 5:28 p.m.




aloha! We loooovvvveeeee the lion king! me and my bf always obsess abou it!! We love listening to your songs but we want to download them but we cant. If you know where or how paleeeaaas tells us. WE LOVE YOU! ,<3 Thanx bye! Lion king all the way baby!

April 3, 2003, 3:37 p.m.




Forgot to tell u, lion king 3 iz comin' out next year...i can quote u on that,2!

April 3, 2003, 3:32 p.m.


Beach Babe (no, really work for a newspaper:)

Beach (i so wish:)

Hi guyz! Hey JC! can't wait 2 c u! I LOVE Sarabi! Her BIGGEST fan is right here, right now! Has anyone ever seen the Lion King on Broadway? If so, lettme know what it's like cause I m gonna go c it on Broadway on April 18! wow! has any1 seen the lion king @IMAX! I saw it! SOOOOOO awesome!!! he-he..well, anyway, i work for a publishing press in my neighborhood..all lion king, all the time! If u would like me the qoute u on an experince 4 the LKoB or for IMAX..or even how u feel about the DVD, lettme know! e-mail it to me! just include your name, location (state or if your foreign, country) and your subject and your qoute..I'll be glad to quote any LION KING LOVERZ out there...lata!

April 3, 2003, 7:59 a.m.




hello every 1 lion king rulz lol dont diss it because just loves it and if she does then i do lol just u rull

April 3, 2003, 5:40 a.m.

Laura Ruth


'Allo everybody! I love visiting here! I love Sarabi, I love Mufasa, I love Simba, Nala and Sarafina! I love The Lion King and that will never change!*Warm hugs* to everyone.

April 3, 2003, 4:58 a.m.

alison rayner



i love the lion knig and have done sice it 1st came out. im now 15 and still love it more than ever. i went to see it on the big screen at the IMAX with my mum and it was sooooooooooooo great!!!!!!!!!! cant wait till it comes back out on dvd!

April 3, 2003, 4:57 a.m.





omg i love the lion king sooooo much dont you please if u want to tlk to me and have msn or just want to email me my add is feel free

April 2, 2003, 3:57 p.m.

Jacey H.

Student in NYC

New York City the big city!

yo guys rememeber me? Jacey! Even though I m not a lion king fan like my girl Brittney, i think i luv it more everyday...just like Britt! Only 16 more dayz and shes gonna c! of course, shes only comin' 2 NYC 2 c the lion king broadway thingamabobber...then shes comin' 4 me! 2 Britt: I luv u, grl. Your still so beautiful. I've got a surprise 4 u when u come. i can't wait. I would go c tlk with yo but as always sold out...what hotel r u stayin' at? Is it one close to Broadway! It's gonna be a long drive to NYC! but its so cool here, you've seen it before. Huge, crowded yo know. you r the only 1 who knows my e-mail and phone number so call me..thats why i don't give it over the web...2 many chicks would b callin' me! so i c u lata... luv u babe..JaceyS.H

April 2, 2003, 3:56 p.m.


Student in NYC

New York City the big city!

yo guys rememeber me? Jacey! Even though I m not a lion king fan like my girl Brittney, i think i luv it more everyday...just like Britt! Only 16 more dayz and shes gonna c! of course, shes only comin' 2 NYC 2 c the lion king broadway thingamabobber...then shes comin' 4 me! 2 Britt: I luv u, grl. Your still so beautiful. I've got a surprise 4 u when u come. i can't wait. I would go c tlk with yo but as always sold out...what hotel r u stayin' at? Is it one close to Broadway! It's gonna be a long drive to NYC! but its so cool here, you've seen it before. Huge, crowded yo know. you r the only 1 who knows my e-mail and phone number so call me..thats why i don't give it over the web...2 many chicks would b callin' me! so i c u lata... luv u babe..JaceyS.H

April 2, 2003, 3:50 p.m.


April 2, 2003, 3:46 p.m.



April 2, 2003, 2:51 p.m.



Hi This website iks really cool. It helped me and my friend melissa to do our music assignment. Thaks heaps!

April 2, 2003, 1:03 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Yo, what's goin' on? Man, first everybody's all, 'go away, we dun like you!' an' now they all, 'hey, Shaina, where'd ya' go?' Man, this place is confusin'! And, hey, mufasa! You stole my catchphrase! Wassup, yo? Yo, yo, yo is MY catchphrase! Don't you all be copy cats now! Get it? Copy cats? Hahahahaha!!! (I know, I'm not funny, but I try.) Anywayz, I ain't goin' nowhere. I just ain't postin' so much cuz all the fun is over. Besides, it IS a guestbook, y'know. ^__^ Oh well. Just checkin' in, yo. Any of you dudes or dudettes wanna' drop me an e-mail go right ahead.-Shaina Zie

April 2, 2003, 11:48 a.m.


Avon, CT

I love the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast Rock. Timon and Pumbaa are my favorite. I love u Daivid LAvioe

April 2, 2003, 10:08 a.m.




Hello,I realy love the lion king every time we go shopping on the weekend i look for things,of the lion king, my collection just keeps growing.I am gonna tell how i started to love the lion king,We have an in home day-care and we watched three sisters who brouhgt that movie over every day i begun to hate it,After about three years we opened a store and had to give up the babysitting,the store was unsuccseful,we begun to babysit again.One day my mothers friend brouhgt some old disney CDs that had varios songs,that night i listened in my room,i heard I JUST CANT WAIT TO BE KKING,i played again and again untill it clicked on,I LOVE THE LION KING,so thats the story and ever since then my love for the lion king just keeps growing!

April 1, 2003, 1:05 p.m.

Lexi ( aka. Timon! )

Fernandina beach

Hey! I love the lion king! It is a awesome move that has toched the hearts of millions! Timmon is my Favorite of them all! My friends call me timon I am so much like him. I just wanted to let u know how much I love this site! It has all you need to know about The Lion King Movie! My friends all Love the Lion King Movie. I think that the Lion King is the best animated movie of all times! I love ya'll God Bless *~*~* Lexi *~*~*

April 1, 2003, 11:40 a.m.

Simba is Roaring!

The King Has returned........:o) New EMAIL ADDRESS 4 YOU TO EMAIL ME @- Only LION KING LOVERS are allowed to email me, We shouldn't chat in this guestbook since it is only for comments.....I think Brians getting a little perterbed. Simba is ROARING!

April 1, 2003, 11:29 a.m.

Mufasa da Lion

Simba's Dad

MUFASA IZ BACK, YO, YO, YO!!!! sry but sckool has been like so getting in da way...SHAINA? Simba is ROARING! where r u? come abck guys! i need u! sum1 e-mail me! i keep getting letters from my x! Ahhh! and we broke up like 2 months ago! help!

April 1, 2003, 8:33 a.m.




WOW!!! It's a new month, and none of the regulars have sighned in yet, except me! Mufasa? Simba is ROARING!? Shaina Zie?! WHERE ARE YOU?!!! Please don't tell me that my buds have left the Pride Lands! I'm supposed to be the wanderer here, REMEMBER?! Come back!

April 1, 2003, 7:44 a.m.




March 31, 2003, 2:40 p.m.


March 31, 2003, 2:34 p.m.




LOL. Ok, just wanted to make sure. :D Everyone: If you haven't done so already, visit the "texts and fan-fiction" section and read "The Visitor" and "The Visitor: Snapshots," by Gil "The Great" Ruiz. Very heart-warming stories. Of course, the whole section is great, but here is a list of fan-fics. that I personally recomend.(Though not neccesarily in this order.)-"Pride" by: Khami-"The Chronicler's story- Simba's journey" and "The Chronicler's story 2- The Rift" by: Me, Lionsfan-"The Visitor" and "The Visitor: Snapshots" by: Gil "The Great" Ruiz-"The Akili Files" by: Phil Johnson-"The Lion King 3- Tanabi's Return," "After the Union," "Cracks in the Ice," and "Simba's Pride- The Road Less Traveled" all by: Akril-"The Friend of a King" by: Lionscape NOTE: This was the first fan-fic. I read. Very touching.-"Lion King Outtakes That Got Cut From the Film" and "Simba's Pride Outtakes That Got Cut From the Film." By: Loa-"Kisasian's Son" by: Tessa MannI read more than these, but in MY opinion, those listed here are the best and most tastefully written. I also recomend visiting "Ryan McGinnis' "Lion King Text Archive." Let's keep the AWSOME fan-fics. coming.

March 31, 2003, 2:06 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Um....No I am not Simba duh LoL :P I picked my own name # Simba is ROARING! Because it's unique and what I made up.... Simba is Roaring!
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