Guest Book

We've had hundreds of thousands of visitors over the years. Please sign the book to let us know who you are!

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March 31, 2003, 1:35 p.m.



Windsor Ontario, Canada

WOW, I love the lion king ever since i seen it. I am an actor so i love singing the songsGive us another movieKeep it real Jeff

March 31, 2003, 8:23 a.m.




Interesting. We now have a Simba and a Simba is ROARING! I hope they're not the same people. LOLTLK and its fans RULE!!! Long live TLK!!!

March 31, 2003, 7:40 a.m.



March 31, 2003, 7:36 a.m.


I love you simba thank you for putting on dvd

March 31, 2003, 2:55 a.m.

talita mulitalo


new zealand

lion king was one of the best kids movies i ever watched as a teenager i will never forget it. even today i still watch it with my kids.

March 31, 2003, 1:50 a.m.

Shirley Walsh


Dublin - Ireland

yes i do as a matter of fact. I looooooovvvvveeeee the lion king! in fact im obsessed. i just can't get enough. i love the soundtrack. Let me be in the next one pllllleeeeeeeeeeezzzzze. Shirley.

March 30, 2003, 6:57 p.m.




Yes... It's me, Lionsfan, though now I'm gonna be signin' under a different name. Come on guys!!! Read my fan-fics and e-mail me!!! Even if you don't read my fan-fics, I'd love to disguss anything TLK related!!! I need more than just e-mail spam. PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!!

March 30, 2003, 6:02 p.m.


Nala's playmate


Hi, my name is Nala Lover! i named my doggie after that groooovie lion in this movie. she licks me all the time... it gets me off.

March 30, 2003, 3:47 p.m.


Simba's Dad

Ok, ok...theres my address. Don't mind peeps e-mailing me but if u r a lion king hater, I'll put u on my blocked senders list...u had better be a other e-mails are real_rockin_lioness@earthlink.netLater, Dawgs

March 30, 2003, 3:10 p.m.

Lion Cub



I love the lionking. i love lions and anything to do with them.

March 30, 2003, 9:03 a.m.


Man this site is good! I wish they would update.....

March 30, 2003, 8:20 a.m.

Simba is ROARING!

ah yes, there is peace in the pridelands I agree :o) Okies any Die Hard Lion King fans like me, If you'd like to chat email me but only to discuss about TLK don't be lion king haters and idiots and email me cuz I don't wanna here it! LoL anyways..........- Simba is ~ Still ~ Roaring!

March 30, 2003, 2 a.m.




OY! I keep usin' my real name accidentally! Oh well. I think I'm gonna' start sighnin' as either "Nomad" or "Meric." Whic one do you like better. E-mail me, and let me know!

March 30, 2003, 1:58 a.m.




YAY!!! There's finally peace in the Pride Lands!!!Maybe now people will start coming back, and we can have decent discussions and comments about TLK. Anywho, I haven't gotten much e-mail latley. Has anyone even read my fan-fics? If not, Please do! And send your comment's to me via e-mail at And don't worry Shaina Zie, I won't throw your e-mail away anymore without opening it.

March 29, 2003, 8:31 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Glad that we are getting along......At the beggining when Shania Zea was spazing LoL I thought she was a Lion King Hater and how she was being a meany to me...GRRR! LoL Anyways I'll be willing to chat with Mufasa and other lion king lovers through email if they wanna chat about the lion king! But we need to quit chatting in the guestbook since it is for comments only ~ Opps ~ lol Hugz Simba is ROARING!

March 29, 2003, 7:12 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Pahahaha!!! Yup, we scared everybody away! I have a tendancy to do that. BTW, no hard feelin's 'bout the Aladdin thing. I actually thought it was funny! ^__^ It takes a lot to tweak me. Anyhoo, everything looks like it's back to it's usual, peaceful, normal, boring way. The flamin' wuz fun while it lasted, but it just got so pointless after a while. But I'll tell ya' one thing... I ain't kissin' that Simba is Roarin' gal. ^__^ LOL-Shaina Zie

March 29, 2003, 6:55 p.m.


Simba's Dad

This guest book iz a MAD HOUSE!!!! Ahhh! Ok, if Shaina's willing to forgive, let's all be forgiving. Kiss and make up, people...(just kiddin!) Anyway, lets all try to get along and be lion king buddies...I have one over in England! Shaina, Simba is ROARING!, Dale and moi, Mufasa have been like the only people who have been on here...think we scared everybody else away? HE HE!!!! I don't really like giving my e-mail adress over the web but if every1 can promise to be friends, I'll give my e-mail address and my screen name out... Sry bout the thing I wrote bout Aladdin earlier...just one of those girl things(The writer of this is really a girl not a guy!) 4 any of the teenage girls out there u know what I'm talking bout so, ahh, sorry 4 bein' rude...forgive? Utoh, Simba's in the graveyard again! Later... ~Mufasa~

March 29, 2003, 3:27 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Alrighty then! *tries desperately not to laugh* So, Simba is Roaring, you're a gal, are you? DO YOU THINK WE CARE!? Pahahaha!!! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Don't get all mad at me again, kay? I just thought that was funny. ^__^Anyhoo, thankies to all the nice dudes and dudettes who forgave me! As for Simba is Roaring, you want a decent apology? You got it. Just quit talkin' 'bout the room thing. It's gettin' old. I didn't mean anything by it anyway. Okay, here goes.I'm sorry that I yelled at you dudes. Maybe I was bein' harsh, but that's just me. I ain't never met nobody as sensitive as you people, so I don't really know how to handle it. Anyway, I'm sorry for tweakin' you, and I'm sorry for makin' fun of Mufasa and Simba is Roaring. That was innapropriate, 'bout the room thing, but I didn't know you'd all get so upset 'bout it. Most of my friends would've just laughed at all the crap I said. I wasn't really serious. Just foolin' around. I didn't expect people to actually LISTEN to me. That's never happened before! ^__^ LOL.I'll try to be nicer, but you dudes gotta' understand that I don't mean half the things I say. Most of the stuff I say is meant to be funny, not offensive. Like the room crack, fo' instance. Anyway, that's enough butt-kissing for one day. I'm outta' here. -Shaina Zie

March 29, 2003, 2:25 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Ok, I'm not going to carry this on and by the way I'm not a dude I'm a gal not a dude so please quit calling me that. Well #1. I wouldnt have gotten involved from the start if you hadnt brought up my name by saying ( Go Get a room ) that really was rude. I'll tell you what......If you make a firm apology to everybody instead of I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, and say why you are sorry then I will accept your apology But PLEASE next time don't come here and spaze out like you did before and say things about others posts when you had nothing to do with them. Simba is ROARING!

March 29, 2003, 12:44 p.m.




By the way Mufasa, That last comment of your's was UNCALLED for. I can understand you being angry, but you were only stooping to the level which Shiana Zie wanted at the time. Let your anger go and GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE!!!

March 29, 2003, 12:39 p.m.




All right guys, Lay off Shaina Zie. She's appoligized. She's tryin' to be nice, and I for one, am willing to give her another chance. After all, I have to admit that I'm partially at fault for some of the fighting. Nobody's perfect, not even the biggest of TLK fans. As long as she tries to get along with us, I see no reason to be angry with Shaina Zie any longer. To Shaina Zie: By me anyway, you're forgiven. I'm willin' to give you another chance.

March 29, 2003, 12:04 p.m.





Ich bin ganz großeer könig der löwen Fan .Mein Hund heißt Nala sie ist ein Goldie!!!!!!Fuck you tritdem

March 29, 2003, 11:51 a.m.


*sigh* Okay, Simba is Roaring, I did what you said. I went back and read all my posts. Right back to the very first one. In that first post, did it look like I was tryin' to flame anybody? Huh? I was just makin' a point, geez! In fact, in the first paragraph, didn't I all-out diss the TLK haters? See? I'm a loyal fan too! I was just sticking up fo' my fav. character, and then Mufasa yells at me. Then some other dudes yell at me. And I yelled back! Then the whole site started yellin' at me, so I yelled back at them too! Then I realized how stupid it was, so I started to apologise, but you wouldn't let me. See, now you're the one keeping the fighting going. All you gotta' do is accept my apology, an' I'll leave ya' alone, an' we can get along. If not, all I got to say is, you're almost as stubborn as me! ^__^ LOL-Shaina Zie, tryin' to be nice

March 29, 2003, 11:33 a.m.


What are you doin', tryin' to get revenge or somethin'? You wanna' hear me apologize? Okay, fine! I'm SORRY, okay? I'm sorry for insulting you guys, I'm sorry for bein' disrespectful, I'm sorry for tweaking you, I'm sorry for tweaking the other LK fans, and I'm sorry for telling you to get a room! (Which, by the way, was a joke, not an insult.) I'M SORRY, OKAY!? Happy now? There, I said I was sorry! I said I was sorry, I've been saying I was sorry, and I mean it too! Quit being stubborn, and get over it!-Shaina Zie, MAKIN' PEACE!!!

March 29, 2003, 11:21 a.m.


To Simba is ROARING: Hey, man. I'm tryin' to be nice here. You tellin' me not to be mean, so I'm tryin' my best not to be. An' you dissmissin' me again, man! I'm TRYING TO BE NICE!!! You won't let me, dude!!! As far as I'm concerned, that makes YOU the ignorant one. I'm willin' to start over an' be nice to you dudes, but you gotta' let me, first!!! -SHAINA ZIE IS TRYING TO MAKE PEACE!!!(BTW, I'm not in an insane asylum. But, the rubber walls do look fun! Wheee! ^__^)

March 29, 2003, 11:20 a.m.

Simba is ROARING! ~ Still ~

Peace? Go *(&^%$# read your messages and figure what you said about others, how disrespectful you were and still are and especially telling me to ( Go get a room wiht Mufasa)! Your a very sick individual and um no......I highly doubt you are a true Lion King lover. GET OUT!!! Stay off of this site your making your self look dumber and dumber post another message and every body here will still think you have problems. I'm not replying any more I think its hilarious how dumb struck you are being I mean come on now not even realizing what you are doing and hey......Quit the Oy and Yo crap its sickening as well. Simba is ROARING!

March 29, 2003, 11:14 a.m.


Another thing... why you all callin' me a TLK hater? I luv TLK! Wazzup, I never said I hated TLK! I never tried to get nobody to hate me! It just happened, yo', an' I went with it! I'm just bein' real! What do I gotta' do to get it through yo' heads, I ain't tryin' to get people to hate me! I'm just NOT POLITE! Get it? I can still be cool, just get to know me, yo!-Shaina Zie, still TRYIN' TO MAKE PEACE!!!

March 29, 2003, 11:02 a.m.

Shaina Zie

OY!!! LISTEN TO ME!!! I'M TRYING TO MAKE PEACE HERE!!! For yo' information, the last message I posted wasn't a mean one! In my last post, I was just tryin' to make peace with all you dudes. Go back and re-read it, man. -Shaina Zie

March 29, 2003, 11:02 a.m.

Simba is ROARING!

One last thing to that weird Shania zea or whatever her name is....Your a she? DO YOU THINK WE CARE!? Oh and by the way are you sure your not in an insane asylum? Because you are acting sure like one of the patiants. LK fans are not stupid like you well thats all thats going to be said and your probably going to come right back here and say some other ignorant words go get a life SEROIUSLY go get a job quit sitting here and causing trouble. Why would we want to get along with you? LMBO!! Simba is ROARING!

March 29, 2003, 10:21 a.m.



I love the lion king! it is great! i come on this website a lot and it is so cool! I love you all lion king lovers! Bye

March 29, 2003, 8:47 a.m.


Simba's Dad

2 Shaina~Quit coming here! Nobody likes u! Nobody opens your e-mails and nobody reads your really ****in mean suggestion 2 u, go get a room with Aladdin..he loves u. I heard there's this hotel in Agrabah that looks good...he might want to get it on with u...

March 29, 2003, 7:31 a.m.




P.S. I also have a sample of the new story ready, if anyone is interested, I can send it to you via e-mail.

March 29, 2003, 7:28 a.m.

Dale A.K.A. Lionsfan



Hello to all the TLK fans. Just checking in. Keep an eye on the "Texts and fan-fiction" section as another GREAT story by, well... ME will be comin' out soon. In the mean time, feel free to send ANY feedback, good or bad to me at TLK RULES!!!

March 29, 2003, 7:04 a.m.

Shaina Zie

Yes, I am immature, inconiderate and rude. Thank you all for your compliments! Hahahahaha! None of you want to hear from me? Too bad for you. I ain't goin' nowhere. I ain't tryin' to piss people off... well, maybe I am, but that's beside the point. The point is, all you dudes here hate me... I ain't got no clue why. Bein' rude and inconsiderate is just part of my personality. Can't ya' all laugh at yo' selves one in a while? Or are ya' all too stuck up to fool aroun' an' have some fun? I just wanna' hang. If ya' all weren't such crybabies, maybe we could get along. Just keepin' it loose. I'm a TLK fan too, ya' know. If ya' give me a chance, I can be pretty nice and easy to get along with, but when people start yellin' at me an' crap, that's when it gets ugly! An' that's exactly what happened. I was just tryin' to make a point, and then some losers start dissin' me cuz I ain't like everybody else here. Well, I ain't gonna take that, so I flamed back, and now the whole site's rallyin' against me. Understand? So, how about we start over? Hi, my name's Shaina Zie, and I'm rude, outspoken and inconsiderate of other people's feelings, but that's my personality, so don't get all tweaked when I voice my opinion, and maybe we can be friends. Oh, and, by the way, I'M A GIRL!!! -Shaina Zie

March 29, 2003, 3:18 a.m.

Rebekah Byars (again)


id just lik 2 say TLK fans....u know that Shan Zei person? just ignore em..... if u get anoyed hell do it evn more..thats wot he wants.... so dont get wound up ....hes just a waste of time.

March 29, 2003, 3:11 a.m.

Rebekah Byars (grrrr)


i know uv probably heard this from me b4... but i hav 2 say..... the lion king rocks! believe it or not it helped me sort out a bad situation in my life. TLK storyline in fantastic..... very moving. every time i hear the music i get a chill up my spine! Its so gr8! well....anyway, peeps... i loove this site its the only 1 i cum 2 so thanks, brian, 4 making it i love it!!!!!!!!!

March 29, 2003, 12:24 a.m.



Hi everybody!!! I want to ask if someone know a page where the german version of and the song are for download? Kisses and hugs Timon

March 28, 2003, 8:26 p.m.


Siddy Tech



March 28, 2003, 6:20 p.m.

Shenzi, Banzai and ED

The 3 Laughing Hyenas

Scar's cave

Hello! If anyone out there would like a quiz or newsletter, please e-mail me re:"QUIZ or NEWSLETTER"If anyone out there has a quiz, newsletter, etc, send it on over...TODDLES!

March 28, 2003, 6:17 p.m.

Shenzi, Banzai and Ed

Hello! If any of the fans out there, would like a newsletter or quiz or both, please e-mail me.If anyone out there has quizes or newsletters, etc, please sned them to me... TOODLES!!!!

March 28, 2003, 5:39 p.m.


Simba's Dad

Simba is ROARING! and Dale r soo rite...don't reply 2 those dumb messages...let Brain take care of it, it's so east 2 track anyone down on the web and that person was stupid enough to to write her e-mail address, even easier...remember, we are lion king fans forever and we don't put up with the haters crap, at least i don't. If u find a bad message written by some body u can copy/paste it to Brian's e-mail...he'll erase it. Meanwhile, if he or she or whatever it is sends u an e-mail, don't open it. this is way it's wise not to write your e-mail address on teh reasons. Good job on not cussing, lk fans...c ya'll later....Mufasa

March 28, 2003, 12:58 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Hey Shaina Zie LoL thats what I'm talking about...people like you greedy self centered rude people like you come to this site and say negative comments do you have a life? Didn't think so.....Go find a book to read or a corner to sit in because we dont want to hear your crap. Thats all I'm saying because I'm not imature like you.....Oh hey you have a problem with me pointing out others errors? I meant by that I like to tell people so they realize that all we Lion King lovers want to do is get along.... If theres an error here its you. Do not come back....Your a sick individual ( Get a room )? How about you get a life? Simba is ROARING ATTENTION LION KING FANS! WE DONT NEED TO PUT UP WITH THIS JERK IGNORE HIM HE'S JUST ANOTHER LION KING HATER! WHO CARES ABOUT THESE PEOPLE? BECAUSE I SURE DONT!

March 28, 2003, 10:17 a.m.




to the TRUE TLK fans:Don't respond or reply to any of Shiana Zie's posts. There's no need to sink down to her level. She want's to get into trouble? Let her. After all, we tried to warn her.(At least Mufasa and I.)Anyway, Don't let her get to you.(As a matter of fact, I think it's kind of funny that she's tryin' to keep the fighting going. Oh well. Enjoy the TLK archive! BYE!!! :O) And no Shiana, I didn't open your e-mail.

March 28, 2003, 9:11 a.m.

Shaina Zie

Ahh, and the flaming continues! *evil laughter* Shut up you say? NEVER! In case you didn't notice, MUFASA, I'm an arrogant, rude, inconsiderate troublemaker, and I'm proud of it! I put my e-mail up there so anyone who wants to mess with me can go right ahead. Man, it's easy to tweak you stooges. Heheheh. "Please, just leave us alone!" Hahahahaha! Yeah, right. Like I care if this guestbook gets taken down. Just cuz you fools want me off it, is the only reason why I'm stayin'. Someone's gotta' keep it interestin'. Ain't nothin' more interestin' than havin' big ol' crybaby Mufasa grovelin' at yo' feet! Later, fools!-Shaina Zie

March 28, 2003, 3:22 a.m.




When TLK 1 1/2 comes out, I'll buy it. I haven't decided whether to buy it on VHS, to make a pleasing symetry to the collection, or to get DVD, where it will be better quaity.

March 27, 2003, 7:43 p.m.

Jacey Holeback

Student at PS 117


Wow! Neat-o site. Never seen it before but my girlfriend, Brittney, wanted me to visit it since she's the biggest lion king fan of all. So, I thought I'd tell everyone how much I love this grl...damn, she's beautiful. Cutest chick ever. Britt's gonna visit me happy! I love her to death and no other idiotic boy will stand between me and ever again. So anyway to Britt, I love u baby, girl. Can't wait to see your angelic face shine in my doorway again. I luv u soooo much, don't let anybody else stand between me and you ever again..i love u 2 much 4 tht. love you, babe.

March 27, 2003, 7:16 p.m.


OK, as a bad guy I must say..THIS IS ENUF!!! u peeps need to stop all your cussin'...this is stupid! U don't even know who your talking to..the President could be on this site as one of the guest book dudes..or worse..your mom and dad. Think of what would happen if they found out. Heck if Ahadi found out I was cussin', I'd be long gone. I don't think Mufasa would get it as bad cause he's purrfect. But anywho, bye.~Scar~

March 27, 2003, 7:09 p.m.


Ok guyz thats enough...please do not cuss! there han't been as much of it today but one entry was quite kids pointed it out to me. this needs to stop...

March 27, 2003, 7:04 p.m.


Simba's Dad

To Shania Zie...SHUTUP!!!!!!! nice! Telling sum1 that your glad 4 them fessin' up, is not considered tobe kissing their butt.... Pleaze just leave us alone! Your with us or agiainst us...the guest book is gonna get taken away, okay? Sum of my friends have e-mailed Brian everytime sum1 cusses or something..In one e-mail he said that he's thinking about shutting it down...also...there are ways he can track u down, your server is pretty easy to find and it's not the smartest thing to put your e-mail address. I'm not trying ot sound mean but please stop!

March 27, 2003, 12:53 p.m.

Shaina Zie

Alright, alright, this is makin' me sick! Okay, okay, I won't cuss no mo', I ain't gotta' cuss if ya' don't want me to, but I just gotta' say somethin'. This one's for both Mufasa and Simba is roaring. What's up wit' you two? Look, Simba's stittin' there wit' his big ol' ego, talkin' 'bout, "Yeah, I like to correct people's wrongs and make them realise the error of their ways..." Now, come on! You sound like a fool! I ain't listenin' to you! You think I wanna' be some pansy-ass fairy like you, prancin' aroun' the pridelands? No way! I ain't never 'seeing my wrong acts' man, I'm a juvenile delinquent! Ain't nothin more boring and pathetic than bein' a 'good guy' like you. And you, Mufasa! What you doin' kissin that's fool's butt fo'? "Thanks, Simba is roaring! For fessin' up 2 what you did..." Yeesh, get a room already! Yo' makin' everyone sick! Oh, and I got one last comment fo' XXXXXXXX. What you still doin' on this site fo'? You's annoying everybody, man! People can't even understand what yo' sayin'! Man, you all just a bunch of fools.-Shaina Zie

March 27, 2003, 12:12 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Yes dale, I absolutly have some favorite quotes! :o) From TLK- -Hakuna Matata -Oh yes the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it! -The King....has returned Simba is ROARING!

March 27, 2003, 5 a.m.




Yes. That last post was mine. I accidentally used my real name. Oh well.

March 27, 2003, 4:59 a.m.




It's good to see that people are finally getting along. By the way, does anyone have a favorite quote from TLK or TLK 2? If so, what is it. Also, if you haven't done so already, check out the "texts & fan-fiction" section. Brian has done an AWSOME job there.

March 26, 2003, 3:59 p.m.



March 26, 2003, 1:16 p.m.


Student/ Richmond Hill High.

Richmond Hill

Lion King is one of my favorite movies of all time. I believe that it inspires people's thoughts and feelings. In my opinion, I think that the producer did a great job on this film, and it's trully one of the best movies ever.

March 26, 2003, 11:53 a.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Why I think maybe I made a point! :o) People are not actually cussing today or talking negativly......Yes Mufasa lol I usually like to make others see their wrong acts so they realize what they have done, as well as myself........Angelica is write this is a Privalige the privalige to leave comments about brians awesome site! 2 paws up!Simba will keep up Roaring :o)

March 26, 2003, 11:20 a.m.

mallory church


I reallylike the lion king it's my favorite disney movie.It's my favorite character of all time! I wanted to go see the movie eccept nobody would let me, i'm going to get the dvd for sure though.

March 26, 2003, 9:04 a.m.




March 26, 2003, 8:03 a.m.


school student


Lion King is brilliant! I can't wait for it to be re released on dvd and lk 1.5 hakuna matata to come out!:) Anyone who loves lion king and disney like me and is under 20 then feel free to msn me:P

March 25, 2003, 6:23 p.m.




Do u think yewr a real Lion king fan?! If your ready to bring on the heat, take my quiz! If u e-mail me, I'll send u a copy. Too scred? Your a meerkat....

March 25, 2003, 6:10 p.m.


College Student


OK, good job, not AS much cussing 2day! Remember, the guest book is like a privilage to us...don't get it taken away!

March 25, 2003, 6:08 p.m.


Simba's Dad


Thank you sooo much Simba is ROARING!! 4 fessin' up 2 what u did...good job! U hav guts!!!~Sexy Mufasa~

March 25, 2003, 5:17 p.m.

Hayse Brock


Bay minette, Alabama


The last time I visted this website was somewhere around a month ago. I came back today, I may not come back to this guestbook unless these people quit cussing. PLEASE STOP NOW! Think of the kids who come to this site. I'm 12 and I never said a cuss word in my life, so just think ofthe kids who are 10 to 6 years old! Oh, by the way I love this site and Brain thanks for making this great site! Now the people have one week to stop the cussing. Hayse Brock

March 25, 2003, 2:29 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

I agree with Angelica alot of people have come here and have said some rude and disgusting things. How about everybody just keeps to the Lion King situation and congratulate Brian about how awesome his website truly is!? I'm sorry for some of the things I have said but this was a different issue because of others wrong reading doings. How about everybody that comes to this site does not read others negative feedback and go on to your own nice comments. This site is supposed to be kid safe! You need to knock it off and learn the true meaning of the circle of life and that is simply Love the Lion King and some of you need to quit talking so pervertivly it disgusts me and like Angelica said children come to this site.....If you have disgusting things to say be bannished from these pride lands or Brian will have to himself. Simba is ROARING! Brian, you have a wonderful site and I congratulate you on this........Also the people who wrote a thousand war poems THIS IS A LION KING SITE! STICK TO THE LION KING!!

March 25, 2003, 2:11 p.m.




Ok, I know this is a TLK guest book, but this needs to be said.To those who are against the war with Iraq,Look, none of us are fond of war, myself included, but there are some things that must be done for the purpose of freedom. Though I have not said it yet, I am a Christian, and I support Pres. Bush. Let me point out 4 qualifications for a JUST war, a necessary war. 1. Seek peace first- I believe that this qualification has been well met. The world has given Iraq over a DECADE to disarm. Even after the dead-line was met, Bush gave Sadaam 48 hours notice to leave Iraq and avoid a war! Don't believe the rumors that he is just trying to take over oil-production in Iraq! If that was his goal, he could have gone to war along time ago!2.Must be in response to an evil- Again, I believe that this qualification has been well met. Though Sadaam(I don't even know if I'm spelling his name right) has not yet done an injustice to the U.S., he had done MANY injustices to his own people. If another 9/11 occurred at the hands of Iraq, who would you blame? You would most likely blame Pres. Bush for knowing of a threat, and not taking steps to deal with it. We are not fighting just for the U.S., we are fighting for the whole world, including Iraq! 3.Take only the steps necessary to control the evil- Once again, this qualification has been well met! What are the targets Bush has ordered the military to strike so far? Has he ordered them to attack civilian housing complexes? NO! Has he ordered them to attack office buildings or national monuments? NO! What has he ordered them to attack?! Bush has ordered the armed forces of America to attack REPUBLICAN GUARD OUTPOSTS, and palaces that were believed to have contained Iraqi leadership, to cut off the head of the cobra, as it were. If the U.S. began attacking un-armed civilians and their work-places, then I would say he's gone to far, but it has not done so! I also want to note that when Iraqi soldiers have surrendered, they have been treated fairly, and many have gone free! Clearly, Pres. Bush is not fighting a war against Iraq, he is fighting a war against Sadaam Huissen4. War must be waged by PROPER AUTORITY- This is the final qualification. God has not given the power of the sword, that is, the power to wage war, to individuals or churches. He has given it to governments like ours! Pres. Bush is perfectly within his rights to go to war with Iraq. The Christian crusades were wrong, because they were waged by the church, not a government! There are other reasons, but this is the main one. The Muslim Jihad is wrong, because it is a war waged by a group of people, not a government. In short, I encourage EVERONE who reads this to support our president, because as Abraham Lincoln said "A house divided by itself cannot stand." This is an issue that has divided our country. It's time that division ended. It's time that we all realized, that there are some things which MUST BE DONE for the God given right of freedom. Thank you.

March 25, 2003, 2:10 p.m.

kuroh dgey wzxrb quroi rhgtru

March 25, 2003, 12:29 p.m.



Just want to say I've just come back from London to see TLK on broadway and its brilliant, so go and see it. Also I adore the ground Mufasa walks on, I don't know what is is about him he's just got sex appeal. Oh and so's Scar. But Mufasa rules. The sites great keep it up xx

March 25, 2003, 5:30 a.m.

Jamie Metzger

calhoun high school



i love the lion king it is great movie. and also like simba he is great love jamie

March 25, 2003, 4:42 a.m.

Cristian Rivas


It`s real that a sequel of the Lion King is been prepare for the christmas 2004? What is The Lion King 1 1/2 "Hakuna Matata" Greetings from "The Lion of alto Bio Bio" Thanks for keep the circle.

March 25, 2003, 4:27 a.m.


Parasite on Society

The World

Who out there likes my fanfics? Well, more accurately, who out there has read them? E-mail me if you've read them. Please. Even if you hated them.And yes, I really am Loa.

March 25, 2003, 3:22 a.m.


MUGU Organization




March 25, 2003, 12:41 a.m.





Has anyone out there read my fanfics? And if you have, please, what do you think of them?I really am Loa...

March 24, 2003, 9:52 p.m.

Mufasa again

Simba's dad


Thanks, Angelina...Ahadi is proud, I'm sitting right next to him with all the other great kings of hte past *sniffle* I strongly agree with your message...I have kids 2!

March 24, 2003, 9:49 p.m.


One more thing....Mufasa rules!!! He's one of the few who can actually behave on this website..congrats, Muffy, Ahadi would be proud of his wittle boy....

March 24, 2003, 9:48 p.m.


U guyz need 2 cut out all your crap...this guest book will probably get shut down if u don't stop...I've noticed "Simba is ROARING" and XXXXXXXXXX have had some VERY rude comments on other people...If some one congratulates you, THANK THEM!!! 4 cryin' out loud, don't insult them...I m only saying this because I have kids who come on this site and commment about what others have said. Notice how it says if you have thoughts or comments to sahre with the follow lion king fans...I m sure Brian didn't mean that as in make the other fans feel bad...stop and think of how you make people feel, If you don't feel bad, don't come back...exhile yourself from and find somewhere else where people put up with your i said I have kids who come here and it's not just mine, its everyones.

March 24, 2003, 9:40 p.m.


Simba's dad


If any one insults me one more'll get ugly! ~Sexy Mufasa~

March 24, 2003, 3:17 p.m.

Maiui Camargo

Batatais, SP, Brazil

March 24, 2003, 1:48 p.m.

Simba is ROARING!

Hello again, Yes I am Lion King Lover the one who copied what that one jerk said about the Lion King and then people didnt know how to read it right but then finally saw that I put a hateful message above and below to that jerk....Also somebody that was named LionKingLover as well told me to keep up the good insults girl.....Just to let you know that wasnt me I'm sticking with Simba is Roaring not Lion King Lover.....QUITE CUSSING!!!!!!!!! SIMBA IS ROARING!

March 24, 2003, 3:28 a.m.


Parasite on Society/Student

Thank the gods that Disney changed that appalling cover. It's a shame that Nala isn't on the cover, but I think the disk pictures make up for that. They're based on the CD cover for 'Return to Pride Rock' if anyone's interested.

March 23, 2003, 11:50 p.m.


March 23, 2003, 2:03 p.m.



I've been coming to this web page for like for than 3 years already. Keep up the good work.

March 23, 2003, 7:13 a.m.

Corinne Randall



Hi! Nice to see a decent web site dedicated to the best Disney Film made! Keep up the good work! How many people can say the film hasn't made them chuckle?!

March 23, 2003, 6:23 a.m.


I am Koreans that place.There is a favorLion King wants to play a game meIs there a LionKing game in this home page?

March 23, 2003, 6:06 a.m.



March 23, 2003, 6:06 a.m.


hahahThat's good

March 22, 2003, 5:09 p.m.



this is my all time favorite movie im like obsessed with it!! how come zazu never gets any credit with out him this movie couldnt go on. o i love him and timon those are my all time favorite charectors. and the music is so great!! go the lion king!!

March 22, 2003, 9:43 a.m.

kiersten nuzum




March 22, 2003, 6:52 a.m.



March 22, 2003, 6:52 a.m.

Elven Youth




March 22, 2003, 3:02 a.m.


hey, what a beatiful site, i love the lion king movies very well. A hope that there on your site more info comes. cu later

March 22, 2003, 2:26 a.m.


March 21, 2003, 5:46 p.m.


The Lion King is my absolute favorite movie!!!!

March 21, 2003, 5:04 p.m.



Hurry up and see the Lion King at IMAX if you haven't goes bye-bye on March 31, 2003! Long Live Lion King on the big screen!!

March 21, 2003, 5:03 p.m.


yo momma

staten island,ny

this is the last time i'll visit this site 3/21/03 i love thata song "i just can't wait 'till be king

March 21, 2003, 12:01 p.m.


March 21, 2003, 9:52 a.m.

Becca Bee

hey does NE1 know if the lion king collection CD is still out? i really luv da music its incredible. email me if u know. thnx!

March 20, 2003, 4:57 p.m.


March 20, 2003, 4:50 p.m.

Britney Spears



This Website Rocks. I loooooove TLK. This Kingdom Rules!

March 20, 2003, 2:11 p.m.


U guys need 2 stop cussing! The guest book is gonna get shut down thanks to u fools! Cut it out! Your messages r gonna get deleted anyways..

March 20, 2003, 11:50 a.m.


merritt island florida

hey gambit this place is cool
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