Guest Book

We've had hundreds of thousands of visitors over the years. Please sign the book to let us know who you are!

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Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Sandra Saavedra

Albuquerque, NM


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Kelly Knox

University of Calgary student

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jennifer Magnotta

student at UCDavis

Davis, CA

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Joern Philipp

Student of University Ulm


Greetings to all TLK fans, please mail me if you also are people who love this picture, so we can exchange our expierences to this movie. Tell me how often you have seen it.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Dave Simpson

Cal Poly SLO

Awesome movie (Definitely one of my faves, I must have watched it at least a few dozen times now, but I MISSED IN IN THE THEATER ARRRGHH!!!!) AWESOME web site too; keep it up! D-dave

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

kaitlin kaminski

age:4 &her dad

Ottawa ,Canada


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Marie Ohta

Washintong University/student

St. Louis,MO, USA


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Kris Hermans

student civil engineer


Hello everybody. I'm a big fan of Disney and especcially of Disney. So everyone who has some information, (posters, sounds, anything) please mail. my address: THANKS

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Talonne (Robert Tuffley)

Student/TLK MUCKer

Fullerton College

I'm back. Again...

And I've finished an actual essay for an actual class, instead of just
mucking my time away like before. I'm proud of that.

***TLK Opinion of the Week***

Okay, it's official. I caught last weeks "The Timon and Pumbaa Show", and
I must conclude that the show sucks. I have now officially disavowed it,
and can no longer bring myself to speak of it. I'm sorry, but I gave them
more than enough time to upgrade from "suck" status to "Good" status, and
they just didn't make it.

***Rumor Section***

No, I do not have a life. Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Are
you going to quit bugging me about why I spend an average of 14 hours a
day on TLK MUCK? You know who you are...(sniff.)
I'm ok now...

People have asked, repeatitively for copies of the scene I edited out of
The Longest Walk... However, as many of you may have discovered, my
mailer is 99% incompatible when it comes to file attatchments. Also,
people have asked me to lengthen the scene. I'm flattered, really,
however, I'm not all that good at graphic details when it comes to that
kind of thing...

I've decided to solve two problems at once.
  • 1, I'm going to try to post the scene on various TLK pages with a
    content warning.(How about it Brian?)
  • 2, I'm going to have a friend of mine, who is good at graphic
    details(he makes me shudder sometimes), re-write it while keeping
    it intact. When that is finished I'll see if it is suitable to be posted
    on various TLK pages.(How's that sound, Brian? Ok with you?)

Till then... I'll see you on the MUCK.(If you're there. If not... try it!
Telnet to: port 7675)

Ok, you want to see a real wonder? You want to see HTML coding beyond the
limits of excelence?(Besides this page? `:\) Click here for Matthew
Schell(Kifani from TLK MUCK)'s page. This is truly one of the better
looking pages out there. It's also where I'll be posting my page
relatively soon.(As soon as Me and my team of scientists find out a way to
MIME attatch my file through my 99%uncompatible modem connection...)

Until next time...
Long live the King!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Joao Ricardo Rocha (Grey Wolf)

TLK Fan. Oh, and student, too.

Lisbon, Portugal

Three words: LION KING RULES

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jennifer Michaels



Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Judith Easton


Cheektowaga, NY

I am a very avid fan of The Lion King. It is by far the best movie ever made. Long live the KING !!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jarek Majchrzyk


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jody Porter


Nova Scotia

I think the movie was great!!!!!1

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Ray Cordts



Pumbaa kicks. As a matter of fact I have 3 stuffed animals of him, a mug in th shape of his head, and the movie.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Chaka/Makali/Matt/(insert expletive)


Welwyn Garden City, London, ENGLAND

TLK RULES!Duh? GOh, and check out The Lion's DomainD'you think I overdid it? =)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

nicolas Zegers

Chile, south america


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Raccoon Prince

Raccoon's Rotoscoping

In front of my Macintosh

TLK Rules, and there's no denying that! Busa Simba!Nala's HOT!!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Christine Kemp

Student and Lion King Fanatic :-)

York, Pennsylvania

i love the lion king and am always looking for new and exciting lion king things!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Lisa Harrison


Dayton, OH

Best Movie ever....

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Helen Revitt

Student at University of Newcastle

Newcastle upon Tyne - Great Britain

Wow - I couldn't believe how much info was on the internet about the Lion King - I absolutly love this film!!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Amy Lynn Brabeck

college student/French major

Saint Mary's College

Hi, Kevin. I remember that we went to "The Lion King" the first time we met last year and you gave me a dollar because I lost my ticket on the way to the show. Thank you for that! Love, Amy

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Belinda Julie McIntosh

Harvard-Radcliffe College

Cambridge, MA

Hey y'all out there!!! I just want you to know that I love the Lion King 'cuz all the parts were just mad phat. I also want to include that I AM THE BOMB!!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Shelley Thompson




Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Leslie Clatterbuck


Blacksburg, VA

This is one awesome page... keep up the good work

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Stephany Cox


University of Arizona


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Talonne(as known on TLK MUCK. Otherwise...Robert Tuffley)


Fullerton College

Greetings, all.Talonne nods to Jarrod, "Count me in, unless you already got 10 other victims."***TLK Opinion of the Week***
  • (This opinion comes from France...)Last Sunday, while at a comic-book convention, I ran into a woman from France, who loved The Lion King. I probably would never have found out if I hadn't been wearing my TLK movie-preview button. Anyway, she was a bit hard to understand, but she said that it was a really strong movie, and that it was a really good film for kids, because they learn that they can accomplish what they want. "I work with children a lot, you know. And this film, it shows teh children are powerful. They can say I want this, I want that, and they can accomplish that." (Paraphrased...she didn't speak English too well, and it was hard to hear with all the people.)
  • I've stopped watching "The Timon and Pumbaa show", so if anyone out there watches it, let me know if it's gotten better, or if it still sucks.
Long live the King! Talonne

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Shmu-el A. Kahn

Middle of the Middle East, Israel

This is a real froody hip-hoppety, one heck of a page. Keep up the great work. From somewhere in orbit, Me.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Martin Boag

Siemens Nixdorf UK , Software Consultant

Livingston Scotland

Excellent coverage !!!Can any one help , I'm looking for colouring book pages for my daughter Lauren (3) with pictures from The Lion King, similar to Disney's Pocahontas drawing board, you can help e-mail at with page details.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Samantha and Michael


Hamilton, New Zealand

I'm in love with Sam and Sam's in love with Michael.(The Lion King is pretty good too!)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jarrod Henry

Professional Lion King Addict

South of the Pridelands (and a little west)

Hey, what's up?No, seriously, I need some beta testers to test my Interactive Fiction game (yes, it has to do with the Lion King) So, the first ten people who answer will beta test the game when it comes out!Now, who will that be?-=-=-=-Opinion of the moment-=-=-=-= I just got the Classic Disney Volume 1. And, I restate what I said when I got ROtPL. BUY THIS. It is beyond cool. It also has three songs from the Lion King!! But, I am biased. I love everything Disney!Hakuna Matata!Jarrod Henry IRC: ScarFan on #lionking

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Arnaz Amir

I'm still in school! (15 yrs old)


You see these little lions like wallpaper on this screen? There're cute!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Darren Laker

Swinburne Library, Hawthorn

Melbourne, Australia

Good flick, enuff said :)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Virginia Mehrhof

315 East 2nd St., Blue Earth, Mn.

I love your pages and the information you have

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Talonne (Robert Tuffley)


Fullerton College

"Ah, my good friends! How are you?!"I'm back again, and I've got to say that this page keeps getting better and better all the time. I love what you've done to the place. Talonne nods to Brian, Jennifer, and everyone else(if any) who work on the page. Just a quick note this time, but I'm happy to announce that I will have my homepage up soon, after I give it a major overhaul. Long live the King!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Tami Fowler



We don't have any lions up here in Iceland. TLK was good and my fav scene was when Scar jumped through the fire at Mufasa. Chris is right though about Mufasa being both Simba's and Nala's dad. Weird!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Tami Fowler



We have no lions today. besides they can't purr.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jennifer Sarantites

Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems (just kidding)

Deep Space Nine

A friendly hello from your neighborhood page co-maintainer, Trekkie, dreamer, star-crossed voyager, college student, ad infinitum...Keep the faith.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Kathinka Leikanger

Student at Høgskolen i Ålesund

Aalesund, NORWAY

Hey Everybody! I finally found out how to use Internett, and I´ve found the best page too! I haven´t got my e-mail address yet, but when I do I´ll put it in on this page. Toodeloo for now, Folks!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Ian Hodgson

British Telecom

Swindon, England

This is an excellent site, that should give all fans of the Lion King, whether adult or child, a great deal of pleasure. This is how the Net should be.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Michael Yu

Decatur, Ga


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.





Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.



pride rock (mel,Australia)


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Bertha Alvarez

Student at Florida International University

Miami, FL

You have great taste. From the second that the african animals bowed down to Simba to when Simba complte's the circle of life, the LION KING is sheer joy to see. I have seen it over 100 times and I don't think I can ever get tired of such a beautiful movie.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Sarah Noseworthy

Delta Secondary School (student)

Hamilton, Ontario

Pumbaa is the best!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Alana Blewitt



Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Les Wright

Dept. of Psychiatry, Queen's U.

Kingston, Ontario, CANADA

This is my second guest book entry. I am a shrink-in-training who sees phallic imagery in everything. "Slimy yet satisfying." Think about it.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Brooke Colley and Faye Lam

Students at AHVS

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

In the jungle, The mighty jungle, Simba rules tonight!In the jungle, The bug-filled jungle, Timon and Pumbaa belch all night!AWEEeeeEEEeee BA PUMBAA BAM BA WAY!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

D. Joseph Creighton

Sr. Programmer, Database Support, University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Hi Jennifer. [b]:-)[/b]

Just thought I'd drop in and say Hi. I must say, the
work you (and your colleagues) have put into this site is quite
impressive considering how new it was when I first visited.


- Joe

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Andre Mazereeuw

West Vancuver B.C.


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Edward Debuse


United Kingdom

The Lion King is the first animated feature to make me cry. 'Nuff said.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Wendy Nixon

School of Music, Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario CANADA

My niece Rylee and I are devout Lion King freaks. We play Lion King; She's Nala, and I'm Simba. I have a Lion King bedroom [not bad for a university student] and watch and listen to the Lion King religiously. Although not so flattering, my boyfriend callsme his little Pumbaa. I don't fart and I don't eat grubs, but he calls me that anyways...just because he likes the sound of the name. Hakuna Matata!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Dr. Les Wright

Dept. of Psychiatry, Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario, CANADA

TLK is the focus of my love life. Wendy, the heart of my heart, is my Pumbaa, my little warthog of passion.Thank you, TLK, for showing me true love!!!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Alvin Lauer

University Student

Melbourne, Australia

Yeah, t'was a great movie, too bad none of friends like to watch cartoons, so its real hard for me to find someone to take along, but so long as I get to watch the Disney movies. its cool :) there the best, and don't you forget it!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Daniel Gutierrez


Clovis, NM

Hi everyone! Anybody got any Lion King ANSI screens? I've gotta BBS called "Pride Rock" and I want to put more direct Lion King screens into it. Just if you're wondering.... My handle is Mufasa.... Ooooooh! That tingles me!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Brian Menzel

Queen's Umiversity

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

I LOVE the music from this movie. In fact, I'm listening to it right now! Thanks for this great web page!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Steven Scott


Soth Africa

Both My girlfriend and myself think that the Lion king is an amazing movie. She is its biggest fan.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Alex Shmelev aka Shmel'


Moscow, Russia

This page is very nice! I was very glad then i've found this place.I love TLK and I can look this great movie every day. I thanx WDC for this great stuff.TLK - Rulez!!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Alana and Daniel Blewitt


cool graphics!we just bought the lion king yesterday and we recon it's the best video ever! we both like 'I just can't wait to be king' and 'the lion sleeps tonight'

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.





Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Bree Goldman

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA

TLK is the best! Come visit me at

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

KDJ The Internet Surfer

KDJ & MORHNAL Unlimited

Madrid (SPAIN)

The Lion King changed my way of life. I don't exagerate if I say that I've watched it more than 40 times... I love all characters, every voice, each song, each bit of music.If someone cares, my favourite scene is the starting of the stampede, when a camera zooms young Simba's terrorized expresion. I also like the scene in where Simba grows up. Doesn't he look like a punk?.And for the end, congratulations for all fans that make up nice alternative stories (A matter of..., Tales of Tanabi, The lost Diary of Scar, etc), especially Robert Tuffley for his wonderful Longest Walk and its "addenda". Robert, I wanna say from this lines that you are really kind, and it's always a pleasure exchanging mail with you.Please, lionmaniacs, mail me any commentary about the picture. I will always answer.Long Live the King!Hakuna Matata!:-) KDJ

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jarrod Henry

Lion King Professional (of his own little world)

South of the Pridelands

Hi All!!!Just stopping by to let you know, I am working on my next short story. Yes, that's right, the idiot behind Scar's Lost Autobiography is doing another story!! But first, I really want to clear things up.Q: Are you crazy? Did you really think Scar was innocent?!?!? A: No. I am not, uhhhhh, crazy, (at least for this question) That was a form of literary style I used to simulate Scar. THIS STORY WAS A DEFENSE!! This was Scar's defense to his crimes. It is _not_ what I believe. PLEASE STOP FLAMING ME! :) Q: Who the heck are you? A: I am a 17 year old student at the Arkansas (no I don't like Bill) school for Mathematics and Sciences. My hobbies include Lion King, chess, and internet. Q: I have other questions, cause I want to pry into your personal life. A: Email me!!Thanks Brian for the space!!!Jarrod aka ScarFan (yes, I do have a life, OK?)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Robin "Stryfe" Rogerio

Student at Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas

The Lion King is by far the best cartoon ever released to the big screen. Brian, you're writing is exceptionally superior to anyone else, except Christine Morgan and Kisasian. All three of ya'll should get together and write the sequel to the Lion King. It would probably be better than the first....if it were possible.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Mary Ann Nalerio

University of Pennsylvania


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Chris Spagnuolo


Fowlerville, MI

I'd like to ASK my fellow TLK fans who Nala's father was? I
mean, the dominant male was Mufasa, so shouldn't Nala be Mufasa's
daughter? I't's just strange.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Rebecca Benaim


Gainesville, FL

this is my FAVORITE movie.. EVER!!!! my boyfriend and i got together after he saw it (with me) for the first time...GREAT page!!! i'd been looking for a new one to link to my homepage cuz the one i had, is no longer there!ASANTASANA SQUASH BANANA!!! (how's that for originality? :) )

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

John Christensen

Rochester, NY

hey all..Lion King was a great movie, and I really enjoyed Hey, if you're ever on TLK MUCK sometime look me up, Thwabi. Just please don't try to eat me..I hate that

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Mike Korte

Shokwave Software

Austin, Texas


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Kimberlie Laubscher

Lewis & Clark College



Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Bronwyn Dixon


can not tell


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Benn Davidson



The liom king goes off. it is funny in an adult manner but is not too close to the mark as it is still a children's film. The best line in the movie was "He looks blue, I'd say a goldish brown." Very funny indeed.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Erik Decker

Normal, IL

I am Ed, that is all you have to know. Come to FDCMuck and say hi to me ;>

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Dave Auyeung

University Student

University Of Waterloo

Of course I'm A devoted Disney Fan or I wouldn't be here. Like most of you I've watched Lion King along with many of Walt Disney's animated movie's hundred's of times. I just hope that the Magic of Disney will reach many people young and old for centuries to come. Stay Young, Dave "Buddha" Auyeung

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Talonne (Robert Tuffley)


Fullerton College

I've returned...for the second time this week. Why? I can't stay away.("Oh, the cat came back...")***My (e)mailer is giving me a hard time, so here's a couple of personal messages:****Jarrod Henry: Have you changed email addresses? I tried to send you a reply, but it didn't go through... I'd love your help on _KStF_, but I don't agree with all of your opinions on Scar... more details when I finally get the mailer working...Go ahead and "codify" _TLW_ if you want, although ther's still info missing...(Look for updates to _TLW_ in the near future!)*Brian Tiemann: I'm not sure if you got my message or not, but I've finished a html version of _TLW_(version 1.00) if you want... Maintainer's note: Feed me! -BTLong live the King!Talonne

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jarrod Henry

Professional Lion King Fan

Just a little south of the Pridelands

Hey all!!Well, let's get to business. I am working on a text adventure game surrounding the LionKing story line. I am curious if anyone has a story that they would let me "codify" into the game. If you help, you will get a copy of the first release. That is serial number SCAR. (that's what I title all my first releases). My email address is above. Please help me if you want to see _your_ name in a game. (as well as advertising for your fan fiction.)=-=-=-Opinion of the split second-=-=-=-=I saw the French version of LK yesterday. Two words. LEARN ENGLISH. Not that it was _bad_, but come on. The actor doing Simba had to be no older than 8. (young Simba) Old Simba sounded like the Terminator. Oh, well, it was still a cool movie.Jarrod Henry (aka ScarFan)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.


Sweden ,sundsvall


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Peter Roeglin

Berlin-Neukoelln, Germany

Lion King is on video since 12 days in germany and is a highfligher here. Can be, it overruns the jungle book.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Danielle Clarke

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I'm only three years old and I really liked the cool Lion King stuff!!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Sherrie McDonald

University student

Regina, Sask. Canada

The Lion King is the best Disney cartoon that I have seen yet!!! I don't think that they will have another one that will compare to the way that the Lion King was created

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Sara Brown

University of Warwick

TLK is the BEST film ever! Simba is the coolest lion ever! Can anyone with any TLK memorabilia to offload please e-mail me NOW!! Hakuna Matata!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Johannes Overmann

RWTH-Aachen (University of Technology)

Aachen (Germany)

I have seen the Movie over and over again, and I must say: "Nala, I have fallen in love with you! And I am sad to say I'll probably never meet you ..."So, I keep dreaming of Nala, knowing that this is the place, where the Sun never shines ...

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.





Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Anna Wilson

student-Waikato Uni

Hamilton NZ

This thing has real cool pics on it!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Talonne (Robert Tuffley)


Fullerton College (Southern California)

Hello again, fellow TLK fans!

It is I, Talonne again...

Just in case anyone was wondering, I have just completed the HTML
conversion of "_The Longest Walk..._"(A must for posting on homepages!) `;\ )

"_King Scar the First_" should be,(barring me getting overloaded with
schoolwork...) finished soon.(Like say in a month or two... `;\ ) Coming
for both HTML, and Dos Text format.(So you can take it with you! :)

Also coming soon, _Talonne's Homepage_! Will feature: Elton John,
Penn & Teller, About myself, current HATE LIST(s)(A compilation of
companies/employees that have done me wrong that _you_ should know about...
kind of like a "Fight Back" kind of thing...), a fun time will be had by
all. Guaranteed or your money back!

Want to discuss anything? Anything? I'm always up for (email) discussion. Anything TLK related. Or even if it's not. I have no social life outside "the Net", so I'm likely to get back to you quickly.(I usually monitor my mail Mon-Thu, and sometimes on the weekend...)

***Rumor Section***

This week, a few quick answers to FAQ about myslef:
*Yes. Incredibly so.
*Not on Sundays.
*I'd have to say my favorite food is Pop Tarts. They're inexpensive, they
fill you up, You can eat them right out of the box, and I can get them
without leaving campus.(Which makes them perfect for when I'm working on
"The Net" all day and I don't want to go home to eat.)
*Not as much as I used to, my "shrink" says I'm doing much better. But I
still crave it from time to time. Whenever I order steak, I get it

***TLK Opinion of the Week***

I still tape the Timon & Pumbaa show, but I haven't watched it much. It
might have improved since last time, but even so, It's got a long way to go
before it lives up to _my_ standards...

Long live the King!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

The Steinwand Children

Tast Mobile Computer Services

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The king has invaded our house in more ways than one. It was a great excitment for the 3 year old to see the lion king on the puter(Computer). Way to go we really enjoyed your sitee!

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Jarrod Henry

ASMS, Student

Hot Springs, Arkansas

Hi!!!! (ScarFan has returned)Just thought I'd read the posts on here, and expand on Talonne's opinion. I agree. EJ's version of I just can't wait to be king is much better than the movie version. However, a song that also rocks is Lebo M's and Jimmy Cliff's (I hope that's right) version of 'Hakuna Matata'. It has the same style rock beat, but the whole song is kind of laid back. If you LK fans are interested, or even if you remotely liked the movie, GO OUT AND BUY ROTPL. That's Rhythm of the Pride Lands (for those of you who have not read the faq).My Opinion:How would 'Be Prepared' sound if made out of the movie like the other songs? I think that it would have potential... But, I like everything about Scar anyway!!Hakuna Matata!!!Jarrod (email me and I will write back ) Henry author of "Scar's Lost Autobiography"

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Angelo Bosotti


Milan (Italy)

Hakuna Matata

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Emma Hill



Hi TLK fans! You may realise that I am one of the friends of Harmony, Alice, Anna and Mandy, and I to love TLK. I've now seen it around 5 times, and it gets better the more I watch it! I'm 14 and my friends and I thought my friends and I were nuts because we liked TLK so much, but after looking at this page, I realised that we were perfectly "normal" (so to speak). Write to us all, and don't forget to watch TLK again."...Let an old pro show you how it's done!" -MufasaEmma Hill.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Mandy Horner



Hi eveyone! I'm Mandy Horner and I like TLK soooo much! I'm really glad someone apart from my friend Harmony likes it as much as me. I thought we were the only ones. Well, I haven't got a lot to say really, but it would be great if someone wrote to me and to Alice Eckerman, Anna Booth, Emma Hill and Harmony because they're on the Net as well, and you've probably written to Harmony already.Stay Cool and keep watching."...That's Mister Banana-Beak to you, Fuzzy!" -ZazuMandy Horner

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Andrew Ling

Coquitlam, BC, Canada


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Angela Ling

Coquitlam, B.C. Canada


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.




I like all those pictures and stories,please add some more additional story about'DISNEY'S'.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Alice Eckerman



My name is Alice Eckerman, I'm 14, and I think that TLK is so great! I love it! Pumbaa and Timon are neat, and Zazu is a strange. If you've read the Guest Book before, then you may find out that the Email address I'm using is my friend Harmony's, but that's only because we don't have Internet or Email. I'm also one of Anna Booth, Emma Hill and Mandy Horner's friends. If you also like TLK, write to me and Harmony will pass on the message.Write to me.Alice Eckerman."...A Monkey's Uncle." -Scar

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Anna Booth



My name is Anna Booth and I think TLK is really cool! Pumbaa and Timon are really great, and the rest of the cast couldn't be better! I'm 13 but will be 14 very soon (Gulp!). I'm also one of Harmony Nicholas, Alice Eckerman, Emma Hill and Mandy Horner's friends, and I'm only using Harmony's Email because I don't have one. I don't really know what to say! Write to me if you also like TLK."Oh no! Not the Birdy Boiler!" - ZazuAnna Booth.PS. If you're wondering who my friends are, read the Guest Book.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

paul cannon

tlk fan.. aren't we all?


There's not much more that can be said. Just re-read everything

paul cannon, maint. of the BIGGER Big Cats Info Page (another plug, sorry, I can't help it)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Janis Eastman

U of M student / Social Service Network


When I saw TLK movie on the release date I bought a bucket of popcorn, it came in a TLK plastic pail:) It is one of my most valued possessions.

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

ivan speights

Army - baylor university

San Antonio, TX


Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Emily (Flotsam) Dworkin

This site is definitely not lacking in grooviness! I LOVE it!!! Thanks a bunch to whoever made it! I'm a big Disney fan, and this was like heaven for me. HAKUNA MATATA!! Oh, BTW, I like that little picture of Flit. :)

Nov. 27, 1995, 10 p.m.

Joevy Ismazy



Hey.... Keep in touch..Simba will be back.. hehe... THE LION KING... The Best Cartoon Movie's I ever seen..
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